6.2.1. Visual Inspection before fi tting
• Check if there is visible external damage on the vacuum regulator and
its associated equipments (including product labels and marking). If it
shows sign of external damage, remove the products from service and
identify its status.
• Visually check if the regulator and its associated equipments are
contaminated; if needed, apply the cleaning procedure according to
cleaning procedure here under.
• Check if the service or the disposal time has not been exceeded, using
GCE or owner’s date coding system. If service or disposal time has been
exceeded, remove the product from service & suitably identify its status.
6.2.2. Fitting to medical vacuum pipeline system terminal units
Refer to appendix Nr 1 to get information about quick coupler type on your
Refer to appendix Nr 2 to get information about connecting / disconnecting
For regulator fi tted with a rail clip and a fl exible hose, clip the vacuum
regulator on the rail prior to connect the quick coupler.
6.2.3. Fitting of the safety container
• Turn the container top nut clockwise to connect it to the regulator (do
not apply an excessive torque).
6.2.4. Functional test before use and Leakage test
• After connection to medical pipeline system terminal unit and its
associated equipment, set the vacuum level control knob in mid position.
• Set the vacuum regulator ON by pushing the red button.
• Check that there is a signifi cant vacuum level at patient side inlet by
locking the patient side inlet with your fi nger.
• Set the vacuum regulator OFF by pushing the green button and check
if vacuum level is without change at locked patient side inlet by your
fi nger.
• Set vacuum level control knob at minimum vacuum position by turning
it clockwise.
If any leakage is detected, check connections and repeat leakage test.
If any leakage is detected again, apply the“After use” procedure below
and return the valve to GCE for service or repair.
• Set the vacuum regulator ON by pushing the red button.
• Lock the patient side inlet with your fi nger.
• Set the vacuum level to the needed level for your therapy by turning the
vacuum level in the anti-clockwise direction and checking the vacuum
• The vacuum regulator is ready to be used.