Pottinger EUROHIT 80 AZ, EUROHIT 80 NZ Istruzioni per l'uso

  • Ciao! Ho letto il manuale operativo dei tedder Pöttinger EUROHIT 80 AZ e EUROHIT 80 NZ. Questo manuale offre informazioni dettagliate sull'uso sicuro e corretto del dispositivo, comprese le istruzioni per la consegna, il montaggio, le regolazioni, la guida su strada, il funzionamento, la manutenzione e le precauzioni di sicurezza. Sono pronto a rispondere a tutte le vostre domande.
  • Qual è la velocità massima della presa di forza (P.T.O.)?
    Come si regola l'inclinazione del rotore?
    Dove si trova la targa di identificazione del veicolo?
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ALLG./BA SEITE 2 / 0000-GB
Important information concerning Product
According to the laws governing product liability, the manufacturer and dealer are obliged to hand the
operating manual to the customer at the time of sale, and to instruct them in the recommended operating,
safety, and maintenance regulations. Confirmation is necessary to prove that the machine and operating
manual have been handed over accordingly.
For this purpose,
- document A is to be signed and sent to Pöttinger,
- document B remains with the dealer supplying the machine,
- and the customer receives document C.
In accordance with the laws of product liability, every farmer is an entrepreneur.
According to the laws of product liability, property damage is damage caused by a machine and not to
it. An excess of Euro 500 is provided for such a liabilioty.
In accordance with the laws of product liability, entrepreneurial property damages are excluded from
the liability.
Attention! Should the customer resell the machine at a later date, the operating manual must be given
to the new owner who must then be instructed in the recommended regulations referred to herein.
GB Dear Farmer
You have just made an excellent choice. Naturally we are very happy
and wish to congratulate you for having chosen Pöttinger. As your
agricultural partner, we offer you quality and efficiency combined with
reliable servicing.
In order to assess the spare-parts demand for our agricultural machines
and to take these demands into consideration when developing new
machines, we would ask you to provide us with some details.
Furthermore, we will also be able to inform you of new developments.
Dokument D
GB-0600 Dokum D Anbaugeräte
PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH
Industriegelände 1
A-4710 Grieskirchen
Tel. 07248 / 600 -0
Telefax 07248 / 600-2511
T Machine checked according to delivery note. All attached parts removed. All safety equipment, drive shaft and operating
devices at hand.
T Operation and maintenance of machine and/or implement according to operating instructions explained to the customer.
T Tyres checked re. correct pressure.
T Wheel nuts checked re. tightness.
T Drive shaft cut to correct lenght.
T Fitting to tractor carried out: to three-point linkage
T Trial run carried out and no defects found.
T Functions explained during trial run.
T Pivoting in transporting and operating position explained.
T Information given re. optional extras.
T Absolute need to read the operating manual indicated.
Please check. X
According to the product liability please check the above mentioned items.
In order to prove that the machine and the operating manual have been properly delivered, a confirmation is necessary.
For this purpose please do the following:
- sign the document A and send it to the company Pöttinger or via the internet to www.poettinger.at
- document B stays with the specialist factory delivering the machine.
- document C stays with the customer.
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Observe Safety Hints in the supplement!
CE sign
The CE sign, which is affixed by the
manufacturer, indicates outwardly that
this machine conforms to the engineering
guideline regulations and the other relevant
EU guidelines.
EU Declaration of Conformity
By signing the EU Declaration of Conformity, the manufacturer declares
that the machine being brought into service complies with all relevant
safety and health requirements.
Meaning of warning signs
Never reach into the crushing danger area as long
as parts may move.
Do not enter rotor area while driving motor is
Stay clear of swinging area of implements
Table of contents
CE sign .............................................................................................. 4
Meaning of warning signs ................................................................. 4
Hitching of machines with three point linkage .................................. 5
Hitching of machines with pivoting drawbar ..................................... 5
Connecting hydraulic system to the tractor ......................................6
Release rope ..................................................................................... 6
Distance (X) adjustment 1) ................................................................ 7
Locking of wheel supports 1) ........................................................... 7
Adjustment of rotor inclination .......................................................... 8
Tine inclination ..................................................................................8
Driving on public roads ..................................................................... 9
Conversion from working to transport position ............................... 10
Locking the headstock during use on roads : ................................10
Conversion from transport to working position ............................... 11
Attention! The order of operation must be adhered to ....................11
General guidelines for working with the machine ........................... 12
Beware! implements with three-point-linkage ................................. 12
Operating on slopes ........................................................................12
Adjustment to implements with three-point linkage: ....................... 12
Adjustment to implements with pivoting drawbar: .......................... 12
Setting lower link: .......................................................................... 12
P.t.o. speed ......................................................................................12
Tractor control device (ST) .............................................................. 12
Tine adjustment ............................................................................... 12
Clearing field edges (border tedding) to the left or to the right ....... 13
Anti-vibration braces ....................................................................... 14
Machines with pivoting drawbar .....................................................14
Lowering the rotary tedder .............................................................. 15
Cleaning of machine parts .............................................................. 15
Parking in the open ......................................................................... 15
Winter storage .................................................................................15
Maintenance and servicing ............................................................. 16
Intake transmission ......................................................................... 16
Changing tines ................................................................................ 16
Gas container .................................................................................. 16
Alteration of gas container pressure ...............................................16
Warning plates .................................................................................17
Technical Data .................................................................................19
The defined use of the rotary tedder ............................................... 19
Position of Vehicle Identification Plate ............................................ 19
Fitting optional extras ...................................................................... 28
Montage van extra’s (Meerprijs) ...................................................... 28
Combination of tractor and mounted implement ............................ 29
Important! Additional Information .................................................... 29
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Set lower
hydraulic link (4)
so that implement
cannot swing out
1. Pinning the machine to the three point linkage.
2. Fix the hydraulic lower link (4) in such a way that the
machine cannot swing out sideways.
3. Push in the support foot (5) and secure.
- Before using for the first time, the length of the drive
shaft must be checked and adjusted if necessary (see
also supplement B "Drive shaft adaption").
Locking the headstock during use on roads and when lowering
For transport the headstock (SB) must be locked using
a lock nut.
A = working position
B = transport position
Only reposition the lock pin when the
machine is in the raised position.
Hitching of machines with three point linkage
see supplement-
A1 points 7.), 8a.
- 8h.)
Hitching of machines with pivoting drawbar
1. Attach drawbar to tractor's linkage drawbar (S).
In any case the machine must be linked
via the tractor linkage drawbar.
Any other linkage type (e.g. draw pendulum)
is not permitted, as the danger of tipping
exists when travelling through curves.
2. Fasten securing bolts using linch pin (V).
- The tractor linkage drawbar must be movable (A-
3. Set lower hydraulic link so that implement cannot swing
out sideways.
- Left and right lifting struts must be of equal
4. Raise jackstand (10) and secure with bolts.
5. Adjust tractor's hydraulics to correct height (see chapter
6. Couple drive shaft to implement and tractor.
Before operation, check lengths of drive shafts and
adapt if necessary (see chapter „Adaption of Drive
Shaft“ in supplement B also).
'" !."!5? - 6 -
Hydraulic line L1 is available in every model.
For machines with hydraulic wheel adjusting equipment
it is necessary to have a second simple functioning
hydraulic connection on the tractor. The two-way
stopcock (H2) is connected to this.
• If the tractor only has one hydraulic connection, then
instead of a two-way stopcock (H2), a three-way
stopcock (order no. 445.059) and the plug (order no.
448.051) which goes with it can be fitted.
This means any individual hydraulic circuit
can be selected.
With this connection variation, the backflow choke valve
(D) may not be removed.
Position A: Stopcock closed.
Position E1: Swivelling of outer rotors.
Position E2: Swivelling of wheels.
Connecting hydraulic system to the tractor
Release rope
- Run rope (S) into tractor cabin.
Lowering implement
1. Stopcock opened (position E/E2)
2. Engage servo-valve (ST).
Implement is lowered slowly to the ground.
For reasons of accident prevention the
p.t.o. must be switched off and the rotors
must come to a stand still before raising
the side rotors.
1. Stopcock closed (position A)
2. Connect hydraulic line (60) to tractor.
- Only connect hydraulic system to the tractor when
stopcock is closed (position A).
- 7 -
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Adjust distance (X = 120 mm) by turning threaded
spindle (1).
- The distance (X) between drive shaft and
linkage drawbar should be at least 120 mm
when in working position.
- Working position means that implement is
lowered and trailing wheels (3) are on the
- Distance (X) adjustment is made by turning
threaded spindle (1).
- Correct adjustment is when rotor tines lightly
touch the ground.
Pay attention to rotor inclination also (see chapter
Do not enter rotor area while driving motor
is running.
Both bolts are normally always unpinned (position E).
In so doing, wheel supports are not rigidly bedded and
wheels can adapt to uneven ground.
If wheels are not required e.g. with boundary tedding, then
wheel supports can be pinned in the uppermost position
of pivoting range.
Raise wheel supports.
Pin wheel supports with bolts (position V).
Distance (X) adjustment
All work in the
immediate area
of the rotors may
only be carried
out when the
p.t.o. is switched
Locking of wheel supports
1) only for machines with swivel drawbar
- 8 -
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Adjustment of rotor inclination
Running axles can be adjusted to 5 different settings
at the gearing (A) (1 setting = 1° alteration to rotor
A lot of fodder = greater angle
Not much fodder = smaller angle
4$ 
Tine inclination
It is also important that tine inclination is correct (see
chapter "USE").
'" 4RANSP  - 9a -
Driving on public roads
Safety Precaution!
Changing from working position to transport position
is only to be carried out on even, firm ground.
Only transport the machine in the transport position!
'" 4RANSP  - 10a -
Conversion from working to transport position
For safety reasons, turn off drive shaft and wait for
rotor to stop completely.
- Make sure that swivel
area is free and that
nobody is standing in
the danger area.
- Stopcock opened
(position E)
The order of operation must be adhered to.
1. The implement must stand on the ground on the two centre
2. HIT 69 AZ, HIT 80 AZ
Pull rope (S). The stop function is raised.
3. Outer rotors are swivelled up into transport position by operating
servo-valve (ST).
4. Release rope during swivelling procedure so that locking
hooks can engage.
- Close stopcock (position A).
- Check whether the locking hooks (10) are locked into
position correctly.
Locking the headstock during use on roads :
For transport the headstock (SB) must be locked using a lock nut.
B = transport position
Only reposition the
lock pin when the
machine is in the
raised position.
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- 11 -
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Conversion from transport to working position
Safety Precaution!
Changing from working position to transport position is only to be
carried out on even, firm ground.
- Stopcock opened (position E)
- Make sure that the swivelling area is free
and that no one is in danger.
Attention! The order of operation must be adhered to
When converting to working position (tedding position):
1. Firstly, lower the whole implement to the ground using the tractor's lifting gear. The
implement must stand on the ground on the two centre wheels with the outer rotors
still swivelled up.
2. Only now can the outer rotors be swivelled down into the working position.
Position servo-valve (ST) briefly at "lift" and simultaneously pull on rope (S).
In so doing, mechanical locks are eased.
3. Position tractor's servo-valve (ST) at "lower". The rotor is swivelled down to working
4. Pin the bolts on the slewing headstock (SB) into position A.
Only reposition bolts when the machine is in the raised position.
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- 12 -
Adjustment to implements with
three-point linkage:
- Adjust length of upper link
(9) so that rotors are inclined
forward and spring tines
lightly touch the ground
(see chapter "Adjustment
of rotor inclination" also).
Check upper link (9)
adjustment regularly during
work operation.
Adjustment to implements
with pivoting drawbar:
- Adjust implement using tractor's hydraulics so that spring
tines lightly touch the ground (see chapter "Adjustment of rotor
inclination" also).
Setting lower
- Tractor's lower link
must be set so that
there is no sideways
play in order to prevent
tedder from swinging
back and forth.
P.t.o. speed
- P.t.o. speed max. = 540 rpm
The most favourable p.t.o. rpm is about 450 rpm.
Tractor control device (ST)
- Put tractor control device (ST) into "free gear" (floating position
or "lower").
In this way the rotors adapt to uneven
General guidelines for working with the machine
All work in the immediate area of the rotors may only be carried
out when the p.t.o. is switched off.
Do not enter rotor area while driving motor is
- All work in the immediate area of the rotors may only be carried
out when the p.t.o. is switched off.
- Choose the speed of travel so that all crops are picked up
- In cases of overloading, shift down one gear.
- Lift three point follower machine before going around sharp bends
and when reversing.
Beware! implements with three-point-linkage
Machine swings automatically back to central position
when lifted and is locked into position. Take care that the
swinging machine does not endanger anybody and does
not hit solid obstacles. When lowering the machine the
locking devise is automatically lifted.
Operating on slopes
Take note! implements with three-point-linkage
If the implement is being raised
by the lifting gear whilst travelling
in a curve, the implement
swings automatically into the
central position. If working
on slopes this can lead to
dangerous situations, partly
due to the balance weight of the
The function of the shock
absorbtion struts is to allow
the swinging procedure to
be executed slowly and
continuously, not in jerks and jolts.
(see page 11).
4$ 
Tine adjustment
Tine position can be altered by
turning the tine carrier (80).
Position "S1"
Standard position (ex factory)
• Position "S2"
For use under difficult conditions, e. g. with
very dense, awkward forage. This tine position
increases the strewing action.
Direction of rotation "R"
Be aware of this when installing tines.
'" %).3!4: 
- 13 -
Clearing field edges (border tedding) to the left or to the right
Clearing field edges can be carried out by swinging the runner wheel.
1.) Swinging of a single runner wheel on machines without central adjusting
- Press down the adjusting lever (7).
- Swing the wheels to the right or to the left.
- Lock the adjusting lever into the desired position.
2.) Swinging the runner wheel hydraulically on machines
with central adjusting equipment
- Open stopcock (position E with two-way stopcock).
Position E1 when using a three-way stopcock (see also chapter
- Operate servo-valve on the tractor.
To swing the runner wheel left move servo-valve to "lift" position.
To swing runner wheel right move servo-valve to "lower" position.
3.) Swinging the runner wheel mechanically on machines
with central adjusting equipment
- Release locking bolts by pulling the rope (S).
- Turn the tractor wheels in the direction of the field edge and
drive forward at the same time. The machine's runner wheels
swing in the opposite direction.
- Let go of the rope (S) and make sure that the locking bolts are
correctly engaged.
The slanting axles make border tedding possible with the three point machines. In this
working position the swivel area (9) is used to its full extent.
When driving around bends away from the edge of the field or at the end of the field,
the machine must therefore be lifted.
The machine swings back into the central position.
'" %).3!4: 
- 14 -
Anti-vibration braces
Anti-vibration braces bring about quiet machine running during operation.
Remedy for noisy machine running
Spring washer tension and friction element (R) pressure on the pressure can be altered by
turning hexagonal nut (SK).
Turning manoeuvre in working position
Implement with three-point-linkage:
- Raise implement using tractor's hydraulics.
Hydrolift (optional fitting for machines with three-point-linkage)
If implement cannot be lifted high enough using tractor's hydraulics (position H1) then optional fitting Hydrolift
can be fitted. Outer rotors can then be swivelled up to stop position (H2) using the servo-valve (ST).
Attention! The order of operation must be adhered to.
When converting to transport position (manœuvring on the field):
- Firstly, using the servo-valve (ST) swivel
the outer rotors up until they stop (H2).
The implement must now be standing on
the ground on the two centre wheels.
- Only now can the whole implement be
raised using the tractor's lifting gear.
When converting to working position (tedding position):
- Firstly, lower the whole implement to the
ground using the tractor's lifting gear.
The implement must stand on the ground
on the two centre wheels with the outer
rotors still swivelled up (H2).
- Only now can the outer rotors be swivelled
down into the working position using the
servo-valve (ST).
Machines with pivoting drawbar
- Operate servo-valve (ST).
Outer rotors are raised only to stop position (H2). Pivoting drawbar is simultaneously activated
through hydraulic cylinder, both middle rotors are then raised and through this, the load is taken
off the wheels.
- Implement's weight rests only on chassis's wheels.
- 15 -
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Cleaning of machine parts
Attention! Do not use high-pressure washers for the cleaning
of bearing- and hydraulic parts.
- Danger of rust!
- After cleaning, grease the machine according to the lubrication
chart and carry out a short test run.
- Cleaning with too high pressure may do damage to varnish.
Parking in the open
When parking for longer periods in
the open, clean plunger rods and
then coat with grease.
Check when parking
So that rain water can run off unhindered,
the holes " W" must not be blocked.
Winter storage
- Thoroughly clean machine before storage.
- Put up protection against weather.
- Protect exposed parts from rust.
- Lubricate all greasing points according to lubrication chart.
- Park machine with liftet rotors, which will protect plunger from
Lowering the rotary tedder
The machine can be lowered both from the working position and
from the transport position.
Danger of tipping
Park the machine on firm, level ground. If the ground
is soft then the area where the support foot is to stand
must be appropriately increased using a suitable aid
(e.g. wooden board).
- Unpin bolt on the slewing headstock (SB) in position B.
Only reposition bolts when the machine is in the raised
- Lower the machine with the tractor hydraulic system and place
on support foot.
- Pull off drive shaft and rest on support.
Do not rest drive shaft on safety chain!
- Close stopcock (position A).
- Unhitch machine from tractor.
- Remove hydraulic cables.
Maintenance and servicing
In order to keep the machine in good condition even after a longer
period of operation, please observe the following notes:
- After the first hours of operation, tighten all
In particular the tine connections (12 kpm), the tine bar connections
(9 kpm) and the slewing headstock connections should be
- Always keep the stipulated air pressure in the tyres.
- Grease the lubrication points in accordance with the regulation (see
lubrication schedule).
Grease the lubrication nipples with universal grease after every 20
hours of operation.
- Before leaving the machine over winter, oil all the joints well and
grease all bearings.
Intake transmission
The intake transmission runs in oil which must
be renewed or added to after every year of
- Pour gear lubricant oil into
the intake transmission (see
enclosure on fuel regulation).
Changing tines
- Remove broken tine after loosening the hexagonal nut and fit new
- For correct fitting observe the direction of the rotors!
- Tighten hexagonal screw with 12 daNm (= 12 kpm).
- Bj. 2001: Fit the safety shackle correctly (longer side (6) outside)!
Gas container
No welding, soldering or mechanical works of any kind
may be carried out on the container.
According to manufacturer's
information all gas
containers have a slight
pressure drop after a certain
amount of time.
The gas loss (nitrogen)
amounts to 2-3 % per
After 4-5 years it is
recommended that
container pressure be
checked and if necessary
Alteration of gas container pressure
This work may only be carried
out by customer service or a
In order to reduce or increase
the pressure in the gas container
a special filling and checking
device is necessary.
Pressure in the gas container: 80 bar Nitrogen (N).
4$ 
direction of rotation
 KPM
+ Bj. 2002 - Bj. 2001
- 16 -
'" 7ARTUNG?
Tableau de signalisation
Warning plates
siehe Ersatzteilliste.
Pièces détachée voir liste des pièces de re-
For single parts see spare parts list.
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- 19 -
HIT 80 N (Type ZK 210) HIT 80 A (Type ZK 210)
Number of rotors 6 6
Working width 7,45 m 7,45 m
Machine width in working position 7,85 m 7,85 m
Transport width - folded up 2,96 m 3 m
Working length 1,9 m 3,25 m
Transport length 1,9 m 3,02 m
Maximum height 3,35 m 3,35 m
Required power from 22 kW from 22 kW
Weight with drive shaft kg 790 835
P.t.o. speed max. rpm 540 540
Tyres at the rotors 15x6,00-5 4 Ply rating 1,5 bar
Tyres at the chassis unit 18,5x8,5-8 6 Ply rating 1,5 bar
Highest permitted speed 30 km/h 30 km/h
Permanent Sound Emmission Level <70 dB(A) <70 dB(A)
Necessary connections
• 1 double-action hydraulic connection
pressure min.: 80 bar 80 bar
pressure max.: 180 bar 180 bar
• 1 single-action hyfraulic connection
pressure min.: 80 bar 80 bar
pressure max.: 180 bar 180 bar
• 7-pole electric connection for lighting (12 Volt)
All data subject to revision.
Position of Vehicle Identification Plate
The factory number is imprinted on the accompanying Vehicle Identification
Plate (as shown) and on the frame. Guarantee issues and further inquiries
cannot be processed without the factory number being stated.
Please enter the number onto the front page of the operating manual
immediately after taking delivery of the vehicle/implement.
The defined use of the rotary tedder
The „HIT 80“ rotary tedder is intended solely for normal use in agricultural work.
For the tedding, turning and raking of green and raw fodder and silage.
Any other uses outside of these are regarded as undefined.
The manufacturer takes no responsibility for any resulting damage which occurs henceforth. The risk is carried by the user alone.
The keeping of operating, service and maintenance requirements layed down by the manufacturer also come under the heading of „defined
Optional equipment HIT 80 N (Type ZK 210)
Tyres at the rotors 16x6,5-8 4 Ply rating 1,5 bar
Optional equipment HIT 80 A (Type ZK 210)
Tyres at the rotors 16x6,5-8 4 Ply rating 1,5 bar
Technical Data
A. Pöttinger Maschinenfabrik Ges. m. b. H. A-4710 Grieskirchen Oberösterreich
GB-Anhang Titelblatt _BA-Allgemein