Division of BETA UTENSILI SPA, Via Volta, 18 - 20845 SOVICO (MB) ITALY Tel. +39.(0)39.20771-Fax + 39.(0)39.2010742
The weight of the load to lift should be lower than or equal to the working load limit (WLL)
recommended for the shackle being considered, as printed on the product and shown in Table “A”.
Make sure that the connecting part suits the load capacity of the shackle, is thick enough, has a proper
chemical composition and an adequate mechanical resistance to traction forces.
The permissible operating temperature should range between –20 °C and +200 °C.
The working load limit will not be guaranteed outside this range.
The following loads should not be handled:
• any load exceeding the working load limit in weight;
• any load whose frame is not resistant enough to traction forces;
• any load whose temperature does not lie within the permissible range;
• any load classified as hazardous (e.g. melted metal, flammable, corrosive, fissile,
explosive materials etc.);
• any load that may change its static configuration and/or centre of gravity or chemical and
physical state;
• any load immersed in acid solutions or exposed to acid vapours.
Before the accessories are operated and/or assembled, they should be tested by a suitably trained person.
• Check the state of the accessory; in particular make sure that it is free from cuts,
bends, indentations, abrasions, cracks, irregular threads, corrosions, sharp burrs, wear
or defects resulting from improper storage.
• Measure and record the dimensions according to Table “A”.
• Check the state of all the parts of the markings, in both the body and the pin; in
particular make sure that the capacity and material degree requirements are met, so
that the accessory can be accurately identified according to the working load.
• Make sure that the body and pin and the threads fit.
During the installation of the accessory please use adequate Personal Protective Equipment: gloves,
safety shoes, helmet, etc.
The shackle can be used as both a connecting part in static situations and a lifting accessory. Shackles
with screw collar pin are normally used for removable, non-lasting connections, when the pin cannot
rotate and possibly be unscrewed. In case the shackle is to be left in place for a prolonged period or
where the pin can rotate and unscrew, the use of shackles with safety bolt is recommended; if this is not
possible, secure the screw collar pin to the body of the shackle.
Unscrew the pin and remove it from the body; connect the shackle to the part to lift.
Tighten the pin, making sure that it is locked to the body, avoiding overpulling the threads or causing
flexure towards the inner part of the shackle.
A pin incorrectly supported by the body may be the result of a bent pin, overtight or damaged thread or
misaligned body holes. Do not use the shackle under such conditions.
Replace shackle pins only with pins sharing the same size, material degree, type and construction; other
pins may be unfit for the loads.