D. Practical use of the Media Player / FM Tuner
To get familiar with the media player / FM tuner part of this unit, prepare a solid state media of 16GB
or less memory size, formatted in FAT32, and loaded with the following content:
A Number of folders which are generated on the media in the sequence they are supposed to be
listed on the unit later, with folder names not longer than 10 digits
MP3 files stored in each folder with file names possibly not longer than 30 digits and sufficient dif-
ferences in the first 8 digits if concise sorting is required.
A specific folder named “Jingles” with up to three jingle files inside, named “j1_01.mp3”,
“j2_02.mp3” and “j3_03.mp3”.
Put the unit into operation by powering it up via the power switch (38), and set the media playewr
volume to a suitable level (29). Turn the first and second stereo main outputs to a low output volume
(controls 32 and 35 - these can be adjusted later to the desired volume). Choose the desired opera-
tion mode for the media player/tuner (FM or Media play) via the button (48). If you select Media play,
the unit will show “No Media”. Insert the prepared solid state media, and the unit will show “READ” and
count down while loading the file directory structure. Once done, the available folders will be shown for
selection. Select the desired folder via the dial (41) and confirm by pressing the dial; the unit will now
show the MP3 files available in the chosen folder. Scroll with the dial (41) and confirm by pressing the
dial and the chosen MP3 track will start to play. Replay can be paused or stopped via the button (43),
and the play mode and play sequence can be set by the buttons (44/45). The time display can be set
to remaining or elapsed via button (46). You can choose the next song according to the selected play
sequence by the dial (41), simply turn for scrolling and press for confirmation. To change the folder,
press the folder level button (42) and the unit will show the folder directory; turn the dial (41) to scroll
for choices and press the dial to choose a new folder. Inside the folder, the track selection follows the
above description.
To change to FM mode, press the source selection button (48). The unit will change to FM reception
and you will show either the current tuning frequency or the current station preset. To change
between station preset display and tuning frequency display, press the dial (41) once. Turning the dial
then either tunes to a new frequency or changes the station preset in a sequential manner. Store a
new station preset by selecting the tuning frequency display via pressing (41), then tune to the
frequency to be stored, then press the FolderLevel/Store button (42) and select the preset number
to be stored by scrolling with the dial (41). Press the FolderLevel/Store button (42) again to confirm
storage. The newly stored preset is now available. Note that the FM tuner will show the station name
instead of a frequency if the station broadcasts a RDS PS data set; only PS (station name) data will be
displayed, all other RDS data will be ignored.
To insert a jingle on-the -spot into the running program material (regardless of whether Media play or
FM mode), simply press one of the three Jingle buttons and the corresponding jingle in the JINGLES
folder will be played immediately and once, while the program progresses in the background. To
activate scheduled jingle replay, press the J1 (jingle 1) button longer than 2 seconds, until the LED
(50) is lit. The jingles will now be played in a 1-2-3 sequence and then loop, with every jingle being
followed by a number of minutes of background music as determined by the jingle files’ name (stated
in minutes xx in the jingle files _xx file name section). If less than 3 jingles are stored in the JINGLES
folder on the solid state memory media, the loop is expedited after the last available jingle. If you want
to leave scheduled jingle replay, press the J1 button again for more than 2 seconds.
Technical Specifications
Signal/Noise............................................. 82dB (Line)
Crosstalk Damping.................................... 65dB (Line)
THD...................................................... 0.05% (Line)
Frequency response.................................20Hz – 20 kHz
AC IN (EU version)..........................AC220-250V~ 50Hz
AC IN (US version)..........................AC110-120V~ 60Hz
Power consumption.......................................max. 18W
(parentheses = without rack ears)