Lince 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN, 9583-GOLD-MST-EN Istruzioni per l'uso

  • Ciao! Ho analizzato il manuale utente per i pannelli di controllo LINCE GOLD 869 9583-GOLD-MST-EN e 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN. Questo documento descrive le caratteristiche di questi sistemi di sicurezza, inclusa la comunicazione wireless bidirezionale, gli ingressi, la portata e le funzioni di sicurezza come DES e SLEEP. Sono pronto a rispondere a qualsiasi domanda tu possa avere sui dispositivi e il loro funzionamento.
  • Quanti ingressi wireless supporta il pannello di controllo?
    Qual è la portata della comunicazione wireless?
    Cosa fa la funzione DES?
Installation, operation and maintenance manual
The CE declaration of this item is available on
The installation of the products listed in this manual must be
performed by specialized personnel with the necessary technical
knowledge; the products have been designed for use in domestic
and civil contexts.
1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 PACKAGE CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
2 GOLD 869 SYSTEM .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND COMPONENTS .............................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Programming devices ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Wireless devices of the GOLD 869 series ...................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Devices on BUS ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
2.1.4 GSM-GPRS dialer .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3 INTERNAL PARTS DESCRITPION .....................................................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3.1 Components of the 9583-GOLD-MST-EN control panel .............................................................................................................................................................7
2.3.2 9583-GOLD-MST-EN Power supply ............................................................................................................................................................................................8
2.3.3 Components of the 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN control panel ..........................................................................................................................................................8
2.3.4 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN power supply ........................................................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.5 Mother board ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.6. Description of the terminal blocks (inputs and outputs) .............................................................................................................................................................10
2.3.7. Anti-tear and anti-opening microswitch .....................................................................................................................................................................................11
2.3.8. Battery .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
2.3.9. Ground connection ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
2.3.10. Collegamento alla rete terra ......................................................................................................................................................................................................11
2.3.11. Antenna installation ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
2.3.12. Expansion card slides ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................11
3 INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
3.1 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 SOFTWARE UPDATE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
3.3 FIRST CONNECTION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
4 CONFIGURATION AND PROGRAMMING ..................................................................................................................................................................................................14
4.1 SYSTEM ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
4.2 PERSONAL DATA ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
4.3 CONTROL PANEL STATUS ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................15
4.4 WIRED INPUTS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
4.4.1 Input type setting .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
4.4.2 Times and maximum number of alarms ....................................................................................................................................................................................16
4.4.3 Options ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
4.5 BUS DEVICES ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17
4.5.1 Devices storage on BUS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................17
4.5.2 Partial cancellation of BUS devices ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17
4.5.3 BUS devices total cancellation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................18
4.6 OUTPUTS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................18
4.7 ADD NEW WIRELESS DEVICE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................18
4.7.1 Storage of magnetic contact ......................................................................................................................................................................................................19
4.7.2 Storage of window sensor .........................................................................................................................................................................................................20
4.7.3 Storing wireless sirens ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................21
4.7.4 Double technology motion detector storage ..............................................................................................................................................................................22
4.7.5 BABY detector storage ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................23
4.7.6 Outdoor BOBBY detector storage .............................................................................................................................................................................................24
4.7.7 Radio control storage ................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
4.7.8 Radio output storage .................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
4.7.9 Fogging storage ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
4.7.10 Flood detector storage ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................28
4.7.11 Smoke detector storage ............................................................................................................................................................................................................29
4.8 SELECTIVE ERASURE OF RADIO DEVICES ................................................................................................................................................................................29
4.9 TOTAL ERASURE OF RADIO DEVICES..........................................................................................................................................................................................29
4.10 TIMES ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................30
5 SYSTEM SETTINGS......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................30
5.1 OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................30
5.2 SUPERKEYS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................32
5.3 CLOCK.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................32
5.4 AUTO-ACTIVATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................33
5.5 ACCESS CONTROLS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................33
5.5.1 Keys storage .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................33
5.5.2 Codes storage ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
5.5.3 Change parameters Keys and codes and delete (administrator) ..............................................................................................................................................35
6 GSM DIALER CONFIGURATION (IF PRESENT) .......................................................................................................................................................................................36
6.1 GSM OPTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................36
6.2 PHONE NUMBERS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................36
7 SYSTEM STATUS ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................37
7.1 WIRED INPUTS STATUS...................................................................................................................................................................................................................37
7.2 WIRELESS INPUTS STATUS...........................................................................................................................................................................................................37
7.3 BUS CONTROLLERS STATUS .........................................................................................................................................................................................................38
7.4 KEY/CODES STATUS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................38
7.5 GSM STATUS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38
7.6 EVENTS LOG .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38
7.7 WIRELESS DEVICE TEST ................................................................................................................................................................................................................39
8 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................39
8.1 RF TURN OFF ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................39
8.2 SYSTEM INITIALIZATION .................................................................................................................................................................................................................40
8.3 SERVICE STATUS..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................40
8.4 ALARM MEMORY ERASURE ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................40
9 MENU BAR .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................41
9.1 GOLDSOFT MENU .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................41
9.1.1 Info menù ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................42
9.2 SYSTEM MENÙ ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................42
4.3 SYSTEM DATABASE MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................................................................42
9.3.1 Online mode (connection between control panel and software) ...............................................................................................................................................42
9.3.2 Off-line mode (no connection between control panel and software) .........................................................................................................................................42
9.3.3 System list management and con guration exchange...............................................................................................................................................................42
10 COMPATIBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS .....................................................................................................................................................................................................45
11 DTMF TONES ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................45
12 MAINTENANCE AND PERIODIC INSPECTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................................45
13 DISPOSAL AND SCRAPPING ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................45
14 CONFIGURATION AND REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF THE SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................................................47
15 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................48
The information in this manual has been issued with care, but LINCE ITALIA S.r.l. will not be responsible for any errors or omissions. LINCE ITALIA
S.r.l. reserves the right to improve or modify the products described in this manual at any time and without advance notice.Terms and conditions
regarding assistance and the product warranty can be found at Lince Italia’s website LINCE ITALIA S.r.l. makes it a priority to respect
the environment. All products and production processes are designed to be eco-friendly and sustainable.
This product has been Made in Italy.
• ThecompanyhasacertiedsystemofqualitymanagementaccordingtoISO9001:2015(n°4796-A)standard.
• ThecompanyhasacertiedsystemofenvironmentalmanagementaccordingtoISO14001:2015(n°4796-E)standard.
• ThecompanyhasacertiedsystemofhealthandworksecuritymanagementaccordingtoISO45001:2018(n°4796-I)standard.
Fig. 1
Below is reported the package contents
Table 1
Item Parts description
BManuale di programmazione
Bustina con tasselli, microswitch anti-
sabotaggio, tassello microswitch, resi-
sotri di bilanciamento da 10 kΩ, cavo di
terra, cavi con faston per antisabotag-
gio, antenna (da avvitare)
DCavo GoldSOFT
EProlunga USB
2.1.1 Programming devices
2.1.2 Wireless devices of the GOLD 869 series
Below is a list of wireless devices compatible with the MST GOLD control panel:
The system offers the option to store bidirectional wireless devices on LINCE proprietary BUS and the option of installing a GSM
dialer card directly on the board of the control panel, inside its own case.
The GOLD 869 system has several useful solutions to resolve the most demanding installation requirements: outdoor, indoor and
curtain motion detectors, magnetic contacts, sirens and remote controls to easily arm/disarm the system.
Control panel with 64 wireless inputs and 5 wired inputs, expandable to 30, with. Compatible with all devices of the GOLD series,
indoor and outdoor detectors, magnetic contacts, sirens and remote controllers. The fully bidirectional communication protocol
is digital and operates on frequencies from 868.00 to 869.65 MHz; the wireless range from the control panel to the peripherals is up
to 1,500 m in free air. The safety and reliability of the wireless communication is guaranteed by FH (Frequency Hopping), by TDMA
(Time Division Multiple Access) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). The system is equipped with the DES (Detection Event
Stored) function: in the event of a lack of communication between the detector and the control panel (eg., attempts to jamming or
environmental disturbances), the detector keeps alarms in memory and communicates them to the control panel when communication
is restored. The continuous dialogue between the control panel and the peripherals also eliminates the danger related to attempts
to disturb the frequencies (jammer). The 869 control panel is also equipped with a SLEEP function: this option allows the system to
place the wireless devices in a sleepy state (in which they do not transmit and detect) at low power consumption if the control panel
is removed or switched off for eventual maintenance. The system is also able to detect and signal interferences when the noise level
is high enough to degrade the correct transmission between the devices. The long life of the peripheral batteries is guaranteed by a
sophisticated software that modulates the output power of the transmissions between the control panel and peripherals, according
to their distance. Being a latest generation bidirectional system, peripherals know the system status (on/off); when the system is
disarmed, the peripherals are in standby mode, with the exception of tampering, so contributing to batteries saving. Whwn the system
is armed, the detectors are not inhibited after the rst detection, but continue to detect the intruder, becoming safe as a wired system.
Adding the GSM board tothe the control panel it is possible a complete remote management via SMS, through LinceGSM APP. The
system can be programmed with the appropriate software item 9580-GOLD-SOFT-EN, from computer. The WiFi IP board will allow
to manage the control panel wirelessly over IP using the GoldSOFT. The GOLD-MST is compliant with EN 50131-1, grade 2. Housed
in a metal box, able to contain a battery up to 18 Ah (not supplied), it is provided with a 3 A switching power supply. For exibility of
use, the control panel is supplied without control devices. Dimensions: 400 x 250 x 100 mm. The system can also be connected
via Wi-Fi to the internet and managed remotely via the LINCE cloud and LINCE Home APP.
The detector, consisting of 2 PIRs and 1 x 24 GHz microwave, has been designed to deliver maximum outdoor
performance in terms of detection, immunity to false alarms and to the wireless transmission distance. With internal
adjustments and settings, the detection stage allows a protection area of 12 m with a triple AND set 85° opening and
can actually be considered as PET IMMUNITY. Different settings make it safe and exible; security is also ensured by
the double optical anti-masking, one for each PIR.
Made entirely of UV-resistant polycarbonate, it is equipped with a Fresnel lens made in U.S.A. and
a stainless steel wall mounting bracket.
It is also available in dual PIR version with anti-mask code and 9553-GOLD-BOBBY-AM-E. Also available in curtain
versions 9554-GOLD-BOBBY-AM-T double technology with anti-mask and 9555-GOLD-BOBBY-AM-T-E dual PIR
with anti-mask.
Multiplatform programming SW based on JAVA (Windows, Mac OS). Programming, complete management
(local and remote via APP) and system update via Wi-Fi connection. Also available in version with USB
connection 9580-GOLD-SOFT-EN for programming only.
Same features as the 9507-GOLD-TP but with a range of up to 1.5 km in free air.
Also available in brown with code 9529-GOLD-TP-L/M.
Its design is based on a new concept to facilitate installation and maintenance. The siren is made entirely of
polycarbonate, resistant to impact and UV rays; its unconventional aesthetics distinguish it among many. Powered
by a non-rechargeable lithium battery (art. 001515/00251AA, not supplied) it is also equipped with a WIN (Wired
Interface Network) power supply system that allows the siren to be powered in three different modes: non-
rechargeable lithium (not supplied) - non-rechargeable lithium with mains power supply via 12 Vdc adapter (not
supplied) - lead battery 12 V 2.2 Ah (not supplied) with mains power supply via 12 Vdc adapter (not supplied). The
sound frequency is 1,800 Hz and the sound pressure - volume, adjustable from the control panel - is 115 dB @ 1
m if battery powered and 119 dB @ 1 m if powered by win. Maximum continuous acoustic alarm time of 3 min if
battery powered and 5 min if powered by win. The siren is protected from being opened, tampered with and wall
removed by means of a micro switch. Optical signalling occurs by means of a high efciency LED. The electronic
board has been designed and epoxy treated for outdoor installations. Monitoring optical message ashlighting
every 60 s (only in win mode). Complies with EN50131-4, environmental class IV, IP43 protection rating, operating
temperature: -25°C ÷ + 60°C. Dimensions: 277 x 251 x 72 mm. Available in two versions: 9510-GOLD-OBLO and
9518-GOLD-OBLO/L with anti-foam, anti-ame, WIN supply.
Indoor wireless magnetic contact for signals when doors and windows are opened. Designed to provide maximum
performance in terms of detection, immunity to false alarms and wireless transmission distance. Additional input
for another magnetic contact or rope detector for window blinds or inertial contact with impulse discrimination that
can be selected from the control panel. Range up to 600 m in free air
Also available in brown with code 9508-GOLD-TP/M.
Wired contact for window blinds and roller shutters with a wireless section. The detector has been designed to deliver
maximum semi-outdoor performance in terms of detection, immunity to false alarms and wireless transmission
distance. Impulses are set directly from the control panel. Placed inside the box, with the wire secured at the bottom
of the shutter protects it from being opened, cut and broken, thereby allowing the alarm to be triggered even with
the shutter is not fully closed. ABS body with lateral appendices for slides to be applied (optional) art. 1829-LESW/
ST which facilitate their fastening. Patented internal leverage system to prevent the micro switch stall position.
The indoor detector wireless double technology for ceiling installations consists of 1 PIR and 1 x 24 GHz microwave
with anti-mask. Designed to provide maximum performance in difcult environments in terms of detection, immunity
to false alarms and wireless transmission distance. Circular detection with a maximum diameter of 11.4 m if installed
at a height of 4 m.Three signal LEDs for PIR, MW and alarm. Also available in the DT without anti-mask version
9536-GOLD-DTE/Z and only infrared without anti-mask 9526-GOLD-IR/T
The indoor detector wireless double technology consists of 1 PIR and 1 x 24 GHz microwave with anti-mask.
Designed to provide maximum performance in difcult environments in terms of detection, immunity to false alarms
and wireless transmission distance. Fitted with a bracket with a metal lock that can be wall mounted - at an ideal
height of 2.1 m and detects up to a maximum of 12 m with a 90° opening. Three signal LEDs for PIR, MW and
alarm. Also available in the curtain version (with 8° opening) 9505-GOLD-DT/T; 9525-GOLD-IR volumetric infrared
without anti-mask; 9526-GOLD-IR/T curtain infrared without anti-mask; 9531-GOLD-DTE double technology
without anti-mask; 9532-GOLD-DTE/T curtain double technology without anti-mask.
The curtain detector for doors and windows consists of 2 PIRs and 1 x 24 GHz microwave and has been designed
to deliver maximum outdoor performance in terms of detection, immunity to false alarms and to the wireless
transmission distance. The detection stage allows the crossing direction to be recognised and the precise microwave
setting enables PET IMMUNITY if set to triple AND and tted with double anti-masking, one for each PIR. Made of
polycarbonate, it is equipped with Fresnel lenses made in U.S.A. that are particularly resistant to UV rays.
It is also available in dual PIR version with code 9515-GOLD-BABY/E.
Flooding detector for signaling environments invaded by water
Wireless remote control for control panel management. All combinations related to arming, sectioning, choice
of programs and disarming can be implemented with just two buttons. The three signal LEDs allow you to
make selections (program type), using the rst button, and conrm the choice made, using the second button.
Aesthetically pleasing and ergonomic in use. Completely bidirectional, it receives the command execution response
from the control panel. It allows you to view the system state, open input and alarm memory. Also available in anti-
panic versions art. 9584-GOLD-AP (like 9511-GOLD-RC but with red buttons and LEDs) and anti-panic button
9593-GOLD-AP-T equipped with a single visible button, useful for immediate alarm signals in the event of a
Outdoor wireless siren with optical and acoustic signals, protected against opening and wall removal. Made of
ABS, it is powered by a 6 V battery that conforms to EN50131-4, environmental class IV, IP43 protection rating,
operating temperature: -25°C ÷ + 60°C.
2.1.3 Devices on BUS
Below is a list of BUS devices compatible with the Tosca GOLD control panel:
The wireless output module extends the functions of the GOLD system and has a relay output that can be
piloted from the control panel or dialer for applications, such as: activate camera recording (videoverication),
control an electric lock, perform automated tasks, such as turn an electrical appliance on and off (together with
an external relay, not supplied). The wireless output can be associated with a detector to be activated when an
intrusion is detected. It also has the AND mode to be activated only when the intrusion has been detected by
at least two detectors. The wireless output module also has a usable input, for example, to verify that the load
has been activated.
A modern and practical wired keypad with LCD touch display which can be connected via BUS to all GOLD 869
Series control panels. All operations, such as queries, enabling-disabling, sectioning, events log display and
system management can be implemented, excluding programming. Favourite program combinations can also
be set for rapid arming; the "emergency lamp" function is available. Available in black (art. 9574-GOLD-TCH-
EN-B) or white (art. 9573-GOLD-TCH-EN). Dimensions: 142 x 79 x 17 mm.
The expansion board is connected to the BUS and allows the number of wired inputs of the control panel to be
extended to a maximum of 7.
The contactless keyreader allows the programs to be enabled and disabled without having to press selection
buttons. Compatible with 4008TKC as well as the new LINCE customised RFID tags (4133RFIDCARD and
4135ROUND-KEYFOB). The keyreader is available in four versions: art. 4132CONTACTLESS/M (black) and
4137CONTACTLESS-B/M (white) which allow for arming/disarming according to the programming of the keys
(“master keyreader” function); art. 4131CONTACTLESS (black) and 4136CONTACTLESS-B (white) which
also allow the keyreader to be sectioned by assigning it the programs that can be enabled/disabled (“slave
keyreader” function). For the keyreaders to be installed correctly in the positions of boxes 503, they require an
RJ45 keystone adapter (not supplied), depending on the domestic range used.
The transponder keyreader allows the system to be switched by using the key art. 4008TKC. It has 3 system
display LEDs and a button to change the state and allows up to 7 arming combinations. Front-mounted adapters,
available in the catalogue, must be used to install it in the various domestic ranges. Standard protection is
recommended for outdoor installations. Is also available the keyreader 4157EUROPLUS-INS which can be
sectioned by assigning it the programs that can be enabled/disabled (“slave keyreader” function)
The 9551-GOLD-FOG radio fog is suitable for protecting small / medium areas. Thanks to an innovative
formulation of the dispensed uid, containing a high percentage of glycol, it guarantees a dense fog, totally
impenetrable to the eye. The perfect thermal insulation allows very low consumption and therefore an energy
saving compared to other fog systems. An exclusive patented anti-sabotage system automatically detects if the
nozzle has been blocked, sending a signal in case of tampering. The foggy liquid is tested and absolutely safe
(toxicological certication). and leaves no residue. White color.
2.1.4 GSM-GPRS Dialer
Photoelectric smoke detector for domestic use. These types of detectors are generally more effective in detecting
both slow res that burn for hours and res that quickly consume combustible materials and spread quickly.
The 9579-GOLD-GPRS dialer can be housed directly inside the
control panel and allows remote management in terms of arming,
disarming, programming and event management via SMS, voice
call or smartphone app. It allows the control of four open collector
outputs and one relay. Manageable through LinceGSM and
LinceHOME applications available on Play Store and App Store.
Power supply 230 Vac
Battery compartment max 12 V 18 Ah (Lince item 476LI18-12 not supplied) max 12 V 7,2 Ah (Lince item 1112LI7,2-12 not supplied)
Power supply 13,8 Vcc 3 A (Lince item 1699LMQ35) 13,8 Vcc; 2 A (Lince item 001505/00052AB-AC)
Transmission frequencies 869.40 MHz-869.65 MHz 1 channel, 868.00 MHz-868.60 MHz 4 channels
FH Frequency Hopping
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
Range up to 1.5 km in free air (the range depends on the type and the combined device)
Display Optional
Total wireless devices up to 64 (between detectors, radio controls, etc.) up to 32 (between detectors, radio controls, etc.)
Wireless areas up to 64 up to 32
Wired areas 5 expandable up to 30 2 expandable up to 15
Wireless sirens up to 64 up to 32
Wireless controls up to 64 up to 32
NC area 24 h 1 input
Alarm output relay 8 Dual exchange
Arming programs 3
Sectioning 7 different combinations
Open collector outputs 4 programmable (max 100 mA)
Non-volatile events log 512 events
Users 32
Access level Admin, user, installer
Dimensions: 400x250x100 mm 202x85x357mm
Working temperature 5°C ÷ 40°C
+A +N +NC +C +NA 04 03 V+ D OFF 02 01 W AUX L2 L1 AS ASE CH BA 12V
L5 L4 L3 AUX
Fig. 2
2.3.1 Components of the 9583-GOLD-MST-EN
This brief description can be useful in order to identify all the
main parts of the control panel if, for maintenance interventions,
it is necessary to open it.
Table 2
Item Parts description
AMother board
BPower Supply
CBattery compartment (not supplied) max 18 Ah
DCable passage
EWall xing holes
FTubolar vial
GFixing holes for expansion cards
HGround connection with the cover
IPlate for tamper proof
+A +N +NC +C +NA 04 03 V+ D OFF 02 01 W AUX L2 L1 AS ASE CH BA 12V
L5 L4 L3 AUX
Fig. 3
2.3.3 Components of the 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN
control panel
This brief description can be useful in order to identify all the
main parts of the control panel if, for maintenance interventions,
it is necessary to open it.
Table 3
Item Parts description
AMother board
BPower Supply
CBattery compartment (not supplied) max 18 Ah
DCable passage
EWall xing holes
FFixing holes for expansion cards
GGround connection with the cover
HPlate for tamper proof
ITerminal block for mains connection
LCables for battery connection
The power supply is switching type and supplies power to both the motherboard and the entire system. To access it, it is necessary
to disconnect the control panel from the mains supply paying the utmost attention to the danger of electric shock and
unscrew the screw that secures the power supply to the bottom of the control unit to remove the power supply from its seat. Unscrew
screws A and B to remove the metal protection grid. Inside there are two fuses C (2.5 A, 250 V) and D (6.3 A, 250 V), which are used
respectively for protection against overvoltages (coming from the mains supply) and from the inversion of battery polarity
An auxiliary output F is available on the power supply side, connect any load respecting the polarity indicated on the sticker above the
terminal board; on the other side it is possible to connect the mains supply E, paying the utmost attention to the indicated direction
also in this case.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Table 4
Item Parts description
AInput/Output terminal blocks
BConnector for power supply
CService Jumper
DAntenna connector
EConnectors for GSM module installation
FConnector for PC programming (requires the supplied 9580-GOLD-SOFT-EN or 9581-GOLD-SOFT-W-EN)
GFuse 2 A 250 V (delayed) for 12 V output protection
Green LED:
Switched ON: indicates that all instant inputs are closed and therefore it is possible to arm the system.
Switched OFF: indicates that one or more instant inputs are open, therefore the arming is subject to the closing or exclusion of the open
Yellow LED:
Switched ON: with a message on the display indicates faults such as broken fuses, mains failure, dead batteries and sabotage in pro-
gress; without message on the display it indicates alarm memories.
Switched OFF: Indicates that there are no anomalies in the system
Blinking: Indicates that at least one event is present in memory and will continue to ash until a memory a reset is performed.
2.3.5 Mother board
2.3.4 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN power supply
The power supply is switching type and supplies power to
both the motherboard and the entire system. To access it,
it is necessary to disconnect the control panel from the
mains supply paying the utmost attention to the danger
of electric shock and unscrew the lateral screws that x the
cover and remove the feeder itself from its seat. Inside there
is a fuse (6.3 A 250 V), used to protect and from the inversion
of battery polarity. An auxiliary output is available on the
side of the power supply F, connect any load respecting the
polarity indicated on the sticker on the terminal board.
+A +N +NC +C +NA 04 03 V+ D OFF 02 01 W AUX L2 L1 AS ASE CH BA 12V
G3 G2 G1 L5 L4 L3 AUX
2.3.6 Description of the terminal blocks (inputs and outputs)
Below is a detailed description of the terminal blocks on the exposed side of the control panel. Tkeep in mind that the numbering of
the terminals goes from top to bottom and from left to right (refer to the previous drawing).
Table 5
Stand-by: No voltage (oating terminal block)
Alarm: Positive present max. 0.8 A continuous
The relay programming follows; connect a non self-powered siren to this terminal block, which can be used as a
load with SMS command.
Stand-by: Positive present max. 0.8 A continuous
Alarm: No voltage (oating terminal block)
The relay programming follows; connect a self-powered siren to this terminal block, which can be used as a load
with SMS command.
NA; C; NC Free relay exchange 10 A programmable via the keypad; can be used as a load with SMS command.
04, 03 Default negative programmable open collector output is associated with the state of alarm K.
The piloting capacity of this output is 80 mA. Can be used as a load with SMS command.
Reference mass, negative power supply (all the masses are common)
V+ BUS power supply
DBUS data
OFF The OFF output is a positive present with the control panel disabled, whereas a mass is present when the system
is enabled. The piloting capacity of this output is 80 mA. The polarity can be inverted.
02, 01 Default negative programmable open collector output is associated with the state of alarm K.
The piloting capacity of this output is 80 mA. Can be used as a load with SMS command.
WNegative output in case of fault, fuse, low battery or power cut; the latter can be programmed
from the keypad as immediate after the failure or 20 minutes after the power cut
Reference mass, negative power supply (all the masses are common)
AUX Positive always present for powering external devices (detectors, etc.) protected by a fuse that can be reset
Reference mass, negative power supply (all the masses are common)
L2, L1 Freely programmable line inputs and freely connectable to the arming programs
AS Control panel tamper input line
ASE AS input to connect external device sabotage
CH Impulse type input referred to the mass to simultaneously enter programs 1, 2 and 3
BA Preset self-powered siren battery control input. (Check the presence of the terminal block on the siren). When there
is a mass on this terminal block, the W output is activated
Reference mass, negative power supply (all the masses are common)
12 V Positive always present for powering external devices (detectors, etc.)
AUX Positivo sempre presente per l’alimentazione di dispositivi esterni (rilevatori, ecc) protetto da fusibile ripristinabile
Reference mass, negative power supply (all the masses are common)
L3 Freely programmable line inputs and freely connectable to the arming programs
Reference mass, negative power supply (all the masses are common)
L4 Freely programmable line inputs and freely connectable to the arming programs
Reference mass, negative power supply (all the masses are common)
L5 Freely programmable line inputs and freely connectable to the arming programs
G1 Impulse type input referred to the mass to arm programs 1
G2 Impulse type input referred to the mass to arm programs 2
G3 Impulse type input referred to the mass to arm programs 3
2.3.7 Anti-tear and anti-opening microswitch
The 9583-GOLD-MST-EN control unit is supplied with a kit that includes a microswitch and a tear-proof plate. To guarantee the anti-
tear function, follow the next steps:
connect the wires with black fastons to the “AS” terminals and the control panel ground;
connect the fastons cables to the COM and NO terminals of the microswitch as shown in the gure;
x the anti-tear plate in the relative seat on the bottom of the control panel using a plug;
t the microswitch with the cables on the previously xed support.
The images below show the connection modes of the fastons to the microswitch and its position in the two 9583-GOLD-MST-EN
control panel (Fig. 7) and 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN (g. 8).
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
2.3.10 Mains connection
In the 9583-GOLD-MST-EN control panel, on the power supply side, there is the terminal block E for connecting the 230 VAC 50 Hz
mains power supply +/- 10%; it is only necessary to connect phase, neutral and earth to the respective terminals. For the 9582-GOLD-
MST-E-EN control panel there is a terminal board (I g. 3) on which it is possible to connect the mains power supply.
2.3.12 Expansion card slides
The slides can be used to place any expansion boards directly in the control panel enclosure. Inside there are already 3 plastic
supports that can be screwed (using the parker screws supplied) into the space provided, depending on the size of the board it will be
tted with. The spaces are designed to accommodate the cards (without the respective plastic containers) of the following products:
• 4005EUROPLUS/IN: inputs expansions;
• 1608SHUNI: universal pulse counter card;
If it is necessary to install a higher number of cards, it is possible to buy the 1893-EUROSLIT kit containing 9 additional card supports
separately. To install them, both those supplied with the control unit and those that can be purchased separately, simply screw them
into the appropriate spaces, positioning them according to the type of board they are to be tted with.
Each guide is able to accommodate two cards so for example for two expansion cards, it is sufcient to use three supports;
the 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN unit has only one space available to connect an additional board.19
2.3.8 Battery
The control unit can house a 12 V lead battery from 7.2 Ah to 18 Ah (not supplied, Lince codes: 1112LI7,2-12 for the 7.2 Ah and
476LI18-12 for the 18 Ah), which is used for supply power to the system independently of the mains supply. The battery must be
chosen based on the size of the system and on the basis of the autonomy time you wish to have: for a correct sizing of the system
refer to the relative section. Connect it to the cables with red and black fastons that come out of the control panel paying attention to
the polarity of the connections.
2.3.9 Ground connection
Inside the bag there is a yellow-green cable with two fastons needed to connect the cover to the ground through the short tab on the
cover and one of the two on the bottom (g.2 Item H for 9583-GOLD-MST-EN and g .3 Item G for 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN)
Fig. 8
2.3.11 Antenna installation
Per la centrale 9583-GOLD-MST-EN è sufciente avvitare l’antenna in dotazione sul connettore dorato presente sulla parte alta della
centrale.Per la centrale 9582-GOLD-MST-E-EN ssare il connettore dorato (già cablato sulla scheda) nel foro presente sulla parte
alta della centrale; successivamente avvitare sopra l’antenna in dotazione.
To proceed to a correct installation of the control panel, follow the instructions below:
unscrew the four cover closing screws;
x the control panel to the wall using the holes present and using appropriate plugs and place it in a vertical position using the
tubolar vial on the bottom;
remove the adhesive tape and screw the antenna on the top of the control panel;
connect the mains power supply to the power supply terminal board, respecting the direction indicated on the terminal board
Avoid excessive tightening of the plugs if the wall where the unit is being xed does not appear to be perfectly smooth (the bottom
could be deformed with consequent difculty in closing).
After connecting the cable to the computer and to the control panel, carry out the following
install the GoldSOFT cable drivers on your computer by downloading them from the
vcp-drivers always paying attention to the operating system used on the computer
Download the latest version of the GoldSOFT program from the LINCE website https:// after logging in;
open the GoldSOFT folder and inside it, click on the GoldSOFT.jar le;
enter the default “lince” password that can be changed later
Fig. 9
With the PC connected to the Internet, the software automatically checks the availability of updates on the LINCE site for the Wi-Fi
card, the GoldSOFT and the rmware of the control panel itself. If new software is available, the following message will be displayed:
Then follow the information on the computer screen to complete the update.
Otherwise, if you do not have an internet connection, you can check for new software in the section on the LINCE website www.lince.
net. Download the relevant le and select “System” -> “Updating FW control panel” (g. 10), then select the * .bin le downloaded
(Fig. 9) concerning the last update available for the control unit in your possession.
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
In both cases, at the rst alert message conrm that you want to proceed with the update and then click OK to end the update process.
At the end of the procedure, remove the service jumper.
Fig. 13
Insert the service jumper before start the updating process
Fig. 14 Fig. 15
Enter an administrator code (default code 456) or installer code (default code 123)
to download the conguration present in the control panel.
456 Administrator
123 Installer
Fig. 16
Select the “Choose communication channel”, click on the menu bar under “System” -> “New” to set the proper serial port. On the rst
screen there is an example of a port choice with Macintosh system, while in the second case with a Windows system.
Fig. 17
At this point, it is possible to proceed with the connection with the control panel referring to what is reported in the following manual.
In the screen that appears as soon as you are logged in at the bottom right, it is possible to read informations about the access
privileges and the type of connection is shown. In the example shown, an installer has connected via cable.
Connection to the card via cable
Connection to the card via Wi-Fi
Access with installer privileges
Access with administrator privileges
The control panel is in service status
Depending on the type of access (administrator or installer) some sections will not be accessible.
Installer [INST]
Click on the icon for “System” -> “New” to download the conguration of the connected control panel. Then enter the information
related to the system registry and click on “Save” giving a different name to the one proposed by default.
Fig. 18
After clicking on “New” a waiting window appears, in this phase the system queries the control panel to check if it is connected in the
cloud and the presence of the service status; in this case a warning window is displayed (shown above) in order to use the software
it is therefore necessary to disconnect the control unit from the cloud referring to the relative section.
If, on the other hand, the control unit is in “Service”, the software automatically downloads the conguration, otherwise an administrator
or installer code must be entered.
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
In this screen you can set the name of the system, the customer data and any notes. The assigned name then appears in the list
on “System” -> “list”. The “Control Panel id” item is a unique identier required when registering the control panel on the Cloud, so it
will be the APP itself that will request to enter it at the appropriate time. To view it, click on the relevant item. Note that, as indicated
by the software, the control panel is disconnected from the software. It is therefore necessary to connect again to continue with the
The “Control panel status” section allows you to view the current situation of the control panel, the rmware currently installed and any
faults and alarm memories. The “system voltage” indicates the voltage with which the system is powered, while the “System current”
indicates the total current absorbed.
At the bottom right, the image of the control unit to which the software is connected is displayed, in the example a TOSCA-GOLD 64
inputs control panel is displayed.
By accessing this screen with “Administrator” privileges it is also possible to arm / disarm the system and display its status. If at the
time of activation there are any open entrances, the problem is signaled and you are asked whether to force the entry or check the
status of the inputs in question.
Fig. 23
In the section on setting the row inputs, you can congure the name, programs and other attributes to be assigned to all row inputs.
The inputs can be selected from the “input selection” drop-down menu and, in order for the changes made to take effect, the “Apply”
button must be pressed. In this screen it is also possible to view which expansion the input is connected to. A user with Administrator
privileges can change description and exclude them and view their status
Fig. 24
4.4.1 Input type setting
Wired devices can be connected to the control panel using three
connection modes. The choice must be made based on the level of the
system and the different needs that the passage of cables requires. If, for
example, you are obliged to pass visible cables, you must protect them
as well as against cutting, even against short-circuits.Therefore refer to
the following modes.
• N.C:
the control panel only reads the opening and closing of the zones
set with this parameter and only protects the connection against the
cable being cut and not against short circuit.
• Single balancing:
the control panel does not only read the opening and closing of the
zones but also a voltage value. The voltage value can be obtained
by placing a resistive load (in this case 10 kOhm) on the line that
goes from the zone terminal blocks of the control panel to the
detector. This allows it to be protected from both cable cutting and
short circuits.
• Double balancing:
the operating principle is the same as for single balancing, but differs
in the ability to detect two levels of voltage at the control panel. In
this way, with a single connection, it is possible to read both the
opening of the zone and the tamper of the detector. The diagram at
the side shows this connection.
Place resistive loads inside
of the devices.
4.4.2 Times and maximum number of alarms
The trigger time indicates the minimum duration of the entrance opening so that it can be seen on the control panel as an actual
violation, from the drop-down menu you can choose between 300 and 500 ms.
The entry and exit times indicate the time that may elapse between the violation of the zone and the actual alarm signaling both before
disarming the system (entry time) and after entering it (exit time).
The maximum number of alarms indicates after how many alarm cycles (settable from 1 to 15 or innite) the device is excluded until
the next disarming of the system.
Table 6 - Options
Option Description
Excluded The input is excluded or excluded
Silent If the input is violated, the alarm output is not activated but remains in memory.
Test The control panel emits a sound whenever the entry is violated
Patrol With the system enabled, it excludes the input when a key is entered (including a code or remote control) for a certain period
of time. This time can be set in the "times" section.
Double impulse The second impulse must take place within 30 s of the rst
Delayed It allows you to set a period of time from the detection within which the system has to be disabled.
Path If associated with an input, it is only activated if another input with R enabled detects a presence and it follows the same
Sectioning The device can be freely associated with the three programs of the control panel
24h The attribute transforms the input into a 24 hour zone
A alarm If active, when the zone is violated, the control panel switches relay A
K alarm If active, when the zone is violated, the control panel will activate the K output following its programming.
Fire To be assigned to the input if it is associated with a re sensor
Bell The control panel emits a sound when the input is violated, but only when the system is disarmed
Electric lock If the input is violated, the output with this attribute will be activated for a time set in the time section
4.4.3 Options
The options allow you to congure different aspects of input operation that are explained below and can be set simply by selecting
Then press the “Apply” button to make the changes effective before switching to the next entry.
Clicking on the “input selection” item, the list of inputs currently connected to the control panel is displayed, if one or more (maximum
5) expansions are available, 4005EUROPLUS / IN will also show all the other available inputs.
Place resistive loads inside
of the devices.
Fig. 25
4.5.2 Partial cancellation of BUS devices
To delete the devices on the BUS individually, from the “BUS controllers” section, select the item to be delete from the drop-down
menu and press “Delete” to conrm. In this screen it is also possible to replace the device name, and check the status of the single
pererica. press “Apply” to conrm.
Fig. 26
4.5.1 Devices storage on BUS
To manage the devices on the BUS, click on the “commands” item and press the “Add new BUS device” button which allows you to
acquire the wired devices that communicate on the BUS such as for example key readers and input expansions. When the message
below appears, open the sabotage of the device you want to store. Then enter the name in the next screen and press “Apply” to
4.5.3 BUS devices total cancellation
To delete all the devices on the BUS, press the “Erase BUS devices” button from the “Commands” section, then press “YES” to
conrm the operation. This operation can only be performed by a user with “installer” privileges.
Fig. 28
Fig. 27
In the “Outputs” section it is possible to set the options related to the normal operation of the outputs, for example, if they are activated
in relation to logic inputs with silent parameters, electric lock, etc. The GSM option is exclusive to the others and allows to command
output only with the dialer. Press “Apply” to make the changes effective. This operation can only be performed by a user with “installer”
Table 7 - Output attributes
Options Function
Unused The output doesn’t have attributes
Alarm A The output is activated in the event of an alarm (generated by an input with attribute A, a sabotage, problems with the BUS, etc.); the
alarm time can be set in the time section. When the output is activated, the control panel alarm LED lights up.
Alarm K The active output in the event of an alarm (generated by an input with attribute K); the alarm time 2 is equal to the intrusion alarm time.
Fire The output is enabled after a re event (generated by an input with attribute F); the re alarm time can be set in the times section.
When the output is activated it is associated with the control panel alarm LED going on.
Silent The output is enabled after a silent alarm event (generated by an input with attribute S); the silence ala. time can be set in the
times section.
DoorBell the output is enabled in case of a bell (an input with attribute C is opened); the bell time can be set in the times section.
Electric lock The output is enabled if the electric lock is opened (an input with attribute E is opened); the electric lock time can be set in the
times section..
Prog. G1 - Prog.3 If enabled, the output activates when the related program switches
Radio Jammer active output in case a jamming attempt is detected
Remote Output can be driven exclusively by GSM network (therefore no other selection is possible)
Act.Deact State Output active in case of switching of one or more programs
Fault Output active in the event of a system fault, it is activated in the same way as terminal block W
Timer 1 The output switches according to the programming of the timer 1 settable via software
Timer 2 The output switches according to the programming of the timer 2 settable via software
Flooding The device follows the status of any ooding detecors
The following table reports the function of each attribute that can be assigned exclusively to each wired output of the control panel.
The subsequent screens show the settable parameters of the radio devices. The different screens are offered according to the device
to be stored. A user with “Administrator” privileges can only exclude the inputs and view their status.
Fig. 29
The “Add New Wireless Device” button allows you to acquire the radio devices. To proceed, press the anti-tamper button when
prompted as indicated on the respective device manuals.
Fig. 30
4.7.1 Storage of magnetic contact
The magnetic contact screen allows you to activate or not the magnetic reed, activate the external “AUX” contact, the association of
the latter to one of the three programs or to all three, the operating parameters, the times and the various attributes whose detail is
shown in the next table.
To set the number of pulses after which the alarm signal is to be triggered on the auxiliary input, from the “AUX” drop-down menu
select a value between NC (normally closed), 2, 4, or 8 pulses.
Table 8 - Magnetic contact options
Option Descritpion
Excluded The input is excluded or excluded
Test The control panel emits a sound whenever the entry is violated
Partializable The device can be freely associated with the three programs of the control panel
Fire To be assigned to the input if it is associated with a re sensor
Bell The control panel emits a sound when the input is violated, but only when the system is disarmed
Electrolock If the input is violated, the output with this attribute will be activated for a time set in the time section
Patrol With the system enabled, it excludes the input when a key is entered (including a code or remote control) for a certain
period of time. This time can be set in the "times" section.
Input time Allows to set the time within which it is necessary to disarm once the device has detected a presence
Output time Allows to set the time for which the detector remains inhibited after arming
Programs G1 G2 G3 Allows to select which activation programs the device should be associated
Silent If the input is violated, the alarm output is not activated but remains in memory.
Delayed It allows to set a period of time from the detection within which the system has to be disabled.
Path If enabled, it is activated only if another input that has the active delay option, detects a presence and follows the
same time duration
24h The attribute transforms the input into a 24 hour zone
A alarm If active, when the zone is violated, the control panel switches relay A
K alarm If active, when the zone is violated, the control panel will activate the K output following its programming.
Monitoring Enables the device to send the monitoring signals
LED ON The detector LEDs remain ON during operation
Maximum number of alarms It allows to set after how many alarm signals the peripheral must be self-excluding
Reed It allows to activate and deactivate the REED relay
AUX It allows to activate and deactivate the auxiliary input
Associazione AUX It allows to select which program the auxiliary input should be associated with