Mpow Flame2 Manuale utente

Auricolari per cellulari
Manuale utente

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We are appreciate for purchasing our Mpow Flame2. This
guide contains instructions for setting up and using your
Mpow Flame2 easily.
Package List
How To Pair
Setting Bluetooth
Mpow Flame2
Setting Bluetooth
Now discoverable as “iPhone”
< 1m
1. Turn on the Bluetooth function on your phone.
2. Power it on, then it will enter the pairing mode automatically. Red
and blue lights will start flashing alternately with the voice “Pairing”
3. Search for the Bluetooth devices and select "Mpow Flame2"(Enter
the code "0000" if needed).
4. When pairing is successful, the blue light will start flashing slowly. You
will also hear the voice “Connected”.
1. In the state of shut-down, press and hold on the MFB button for 5-7
seconds or so. Do not release it until the red and blue lights start
flashing alternately with the voice “Pairing”.
2. The rest goes the same as above.
First use
Pair to another device
1. Schalten Sie die Bluetooth-Funktion Ihres Handys ein.
2. Schalten Sie sich ein und wechseln Sie automatisch in den
Paarung-Modus. Nach dem Loslassen der Taste muss die
Kontrolllampe Rot und Blau abwechselnd blinken mit der Stimme
3. Suchen Sie die Bluetooth-Geräte und wählen Sie "Mpow Flame2"
(Geben Sie ggf. den Passworts "0000" ein).
4. Wenn die Kopplung erfolgreich ist, beginnt das Blau Kontrolllampe
langsam zu blinken. Sie hören auch die Stimme "Connected".
Erste Verwendung
1. Schalten Sie den gekoppelten Gerät aus, und dann drücken Sie die
MFB ca. 5-7 Sekunden lang , bis die Roten und Blauen
Kontrolllampe abwechselnd mit der Stimme "Pairing" blinken, um
mit einem anderen Gerät zu koppeln.
2. Der Rest geht genauso wie oben.
Koppeln mit einem anderen Gerät
1. Activer la fonction Bluetooth sur votre téléphone.
2. Allumez, il passera automatiquement en mode de couplage. Vous
pouvez voir les lumières rouge et bleu commencer à clignoter en
alternance avec la voix "Pairing".
3. Recherchez les appareils Bluetooth et sélectionnez "Mpow Flame2"
(entrez le code "0000" si nécessaire).
4. Si l’appariement est réussi, la lumière bleu commence à clignoter
lentement. Vous entendrez également la voix "Connected".
Première utilisation
1. État éteint, maintenez le bouton MFB enfoncé pendant environ 5-7
secondes jusqu'à ce que les voyants rouge et bleu se mettent à
clignoter en alternance avec la voix "Pairing".
2. Le reste va comme ci-dessus.
Appairer à un autre appareil
Primer uso
1. Encienda la función Bluetooth en su teléfono.
2. Encienda y entrará automáticamente en el modo de emparejamiento.
Puede ver que las luces naranja y blanca comienzan a parpadear
alternativamente con la voz "Pairing".
3. Busque los dispositivos Bluetooth y seleccione "Mpow Flame2" (ingrese
el código "0000" si es necesario).
4. Si la sincronización es exitosa, la luz blanca comienza a parpadear
lentamente. También escucharás la voz "Connected".
1. En el estado de apagado, mantenga presionado el botón MFB
durante aproximadamente 5 a 7 segundos. No lo suelte hasta que las
luces rojas y azules comiencen a parpadear alternativamente con la
voz "Pairing".
2. El resto va igual que el anterior.
Emparejar a otro dispositivo
1. Attivare la funzione Bluetooth sul telefono.
2. Accendere poi entrerà automaticamente in modalità di collegare.
Potrebbe vedere l'indicatore rosso e blu che iniziano a lampeggiare
alternativamente con la voce "Pairing".
3. Cercare i dispositivi Bluetooth e seleziona "Mpow Flame2" (inserisci il
codice "0000" se necessario) .
4. Se il collegamento ha avuto successo, l'indicatore blu inizia a
lampeggiare lentamente. Sentirai anche la voce "Connected".
Primo utilizzo
Power on
Power off
Power ON / OFF
1. Spegnere gli auricolari, tenere premuto il tasto MFB per circa
5-7 secondi fino a quando l'indicatore rosso e blu iniziano a
lampeggiare alternativamente con la voce "Pairing".
2. Il resto va come sopra.
Collegare ad un altro dispositivo
Play / Pause / Answer / Hang Up / Reject
Spielen / Pause / Antworten / Auflegen / Ablehnen
Play / Pause / Réponse / Raccrocher / Rejeter
Reproducir / Pausa / Contestar / Colgar / Rechazar
Riproduzione / Pausa / Risposta / Riaggancia / Rifiuta
Click Once
Hold on (1-2s)
Double click
Lautstärkeregler / Musiksteuerung
Contrôle de Volume / Contrôle de la Musique
Control de Volume / Control de la Musica
Controllo del Volume / Controllo della Musica
Volume Control / Music Control
Click Once
Click Once
Hold on (1-2s)
Hold on (1-2s)
Charge Battery
(Waste Electrical& Electronic Equipment)
This Marking shown on the product or its literature, indicate
that it should not be disposed with other household wastes at
the end of its working life.
To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from
uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this from other types of
wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of
material resources.
Household user should contact either the retailer where they
purchased this product, or their local government oce, for details of
where and how they can take this item for environmentally safe
Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and
conditions of the purchase contact. This product should not be mixed
with other commercial wastes for disposal.
Correct Disposal of This Product
Operation is subject to the following three conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
(3) This device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure
requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition
without restriction.
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Please fully charge it if it was going to lay idle for a long time
and place it in a cool and dry place. Please recharge it each 2
months for storage.
Please fully charge it for the first use.
Wenn Kopfhörer für lange Zeit nicht verwendet wird, laden Sie
bitte es voll auf und bewahren Sie es an einem kühlen und
trockenen Platz. Bitte laden Sie es alle 2 Monate zur Lagerung auf.
Bitte laden Sie es für den ersten Gebrauch auf.
Por favor, cárguelo por completo si va a estar inactivo durante
mucho tiempo y colóquelo en un lugar fresco y seco. Por
favor recárguela cada 2 meses para su almacenamiento.
Por favor, cárguelo completamente para el primer uso.
Si prega di caricarlo completamente se stava per essere rimasto
inattivo per lungo tempo e metterlo in un luogo fresco e asciutto.
Si prega di ricarica ogni 2 mesi per l'archiviazione.
Si prega di caricarlo completamente per il primo utilizzo.
Veuillez le charger complètement s'il allait rester inactif
pendant un certain temps et le placer dans un endroit frais et
sec. Veuillez le recharger tous les 2 mois pour le stockage.
Chargez-le complètement lorsque vous l'utilisez pour la
première fois.
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Mpow Flame2 Manuale utente

Auricolari per cellulari
Manuale utente
Questo manuale è adatto anche per