en Home Connect
Remote start button }
Re mot e st ar t but t on
When the dishwasher is connected to
the home network, activate the
dishwasher remote control by pressing
the remote start button })".
If the dishwasher has still not logged
into Home Connect, access the Home
Connect settings by pressing the
remote start button })".
Observe the supplied Home Connect
■ When the login process is complete,
the remote start button } )" goes
■ To activate the remote control, press
the remote start button } )".
■ If the Home Connect Assistant was
aborted during start-up, press the
remote start button } )" again.
■ If the connection to the router fails,
the WLAN X display flashes on
the display.
■ Opening the door deactivates
remote control.
Wi-Fi without a connection to
the Home Connect server †
Wi-Fi wi t hout a connec t i on to the Ho me Connect ser ver
You can use the Home Connect app
to disconnect from the Home Connect
The appliance is then locally connected
to your mobile device without however
any connection to the Home Connect
Note: If you did not deactivate the
connection to the Home Connect
server, check your Internet connection.
Software update *
Sof t war e updat e
You can update your dishwasher
software using the software update
function (for example optimisation,
troubleshooting, safety-relevant
updates). The prerequisites are that you
are a registered Home Connect user,
have installed the app on your mobile
device and are connected to the Home
Connect server.
As soon as a software update is
available, you will be informed via the
Home Connect app and will be able to
start downloading the software update
using the app. Once download is
successful, the following text is
indicated on the display: “Install
software update?“.
You can opt to install it on your
dishwasher using the setting button +
` or do this later on. If you are within
your local network, you can also start
installation using the Home Connect
Once installation is successful, the
following text is indicated on the display:
“Software update was successfully
■ You can continue to operate your
dishwasher when downloading the
software update.
■ During installation you cannot
operate your dishwasher.
■ Installation may take a few minutes.
Some buttons flash during this
■ Depending on the personal settings
in the app, a software update can
also be set to download
■ We recommend that you install
security updates as soon as
* depending on the features of your