SCOTT 2023 SOLACE eRIDE Manuale utente

  • Ho letto il manuale utente per HPR Range Extender V01 160 Wh e sono pronto a rispondere a tutte le tue domande. Il manuale fornisce informazioni dettagliate sulla sicurezza, l'installazione e le specifiche tecniche del dispositivo. Include anche le istruzioni su come montare il Range Extender con il sistema FIDLOCK®, il collegamento del cavo e il processo di ricarica. Sono qui per aiutarti a capire meglio il tuo dispositivo.
  • Il Range Extender può essere utilizzato per altri scopi?
    Chi può installare il Range Extender HPR?
    Come devo caricare il Range Extender HPR?
HPR Range Extender V01 160 Wh
User Manual
EN – 2
1 Safety
These instruction contains information that you must observe for
your personal safety and to prevent personal injury and damage
to property. They are highlighted by warning triangles and shown
below according to the degree of danger.
Read the instructions completely before start-up and use. This will help
you to avoid hazards and errors.
Keep the manual for future reference. This user manual is an integral part
of the product and must be handed over to third parties in case of resale.
Also observe the additional documentation for the other components of the
HPR50 drive system as well as the documentation enclosed with the e-bike.
1.1 Hazard classification
The signal word indicates a hazard with a high degree of risk which will
result in death or serious injury if not avoided.
The signal word indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which will
result in death or serious injury if not avoided.
The signal word indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which could result
in a minor or moderate injury if not avoided.
A note in the sense of this instruction is important information about the
product or the respective part of the instruction to which special attention
is to be drawn.
EN – 3
1.2 Intended Use
The HPR Range Extender is intended exclusively for supplying power to the
HPR50 drive system and must not be used for any other purpose.
Any other use or use that goes beyond this is considered improper and will
result in the loss of the warranty. In case of non-intended use, TQ-Systems
GmbH assumes no liability for any damage that may occur and no warranty
for proper and functional operation of the product.
Intended use also includes observing these instructions and all the information
contained therein as well as the information on intended use in the supple-
mentary documents enclosed with the e-bike.
Faultless and safe operation of the product requires proper transport, storage,
installation and operation.
1.3 Safety instructions for the HPR Range Extender
The installation of the HPR Range Extender may only be carried out by
authorised dealers. The persons must be qualified accordingly, e.g. by
training as a two-wheel mechatronics technician. They must be able to
recognise possible dangers during installation. Otherwise, there is a risk
that the Range Extender or other lithium-ion batteries on the e-bike will
be damaged or that the Range Extender comes off during the ride due to
incorrect mounting.
Explosion and fire hazard with damaged Range Extender housing
If the Range Extender housing is damaged, make sure to have it
replaced by a TQ authorised bicycle dealer, even if the Range Extender
is still functional.
Do not make any repair attempts under any circumstances.
Explosion and fire hazard when short-circuiting the Range Extender terminals
Keep the Range Extender away from metallic objects as there is a risk
of short circuits. Do not allow nails, screws or other small, sharp and/
or metallic objects to come into contact with the Range Extender
(charging/discharging socket).
Risk of explosion and fire in case of high heat, fire or contact with water
Protect the battery from fire, high heat and also from extended direct
exposure to sunlight.
Never immerse the battery in water.
Danger of poisoning by gases from a smoking or burning Range Extender
in case of damaged Range Extender or improper use.
Be careful not to breathe in the highly toxic gases from a smoking or
burning Range Extender.
EN – 4
Ensure good ventilation and consult a doctor if you notice any unde-
sirable effects on the respiratory organs. The vapors may irritate the
respiratory organs.
Liquid may leak from the battery if used improperly. Avoid any contact
with this liquid. Wash it off with water if you do come into contact with the
liquid. Also seek medical attention if the liquid has come into contact with
your eyes. Liquid leaking from the Range Extender can cause irritation or
Never subject the Range Extender to mechanical shocks to prevent
damage to the Range Extender.
Only adults are allowed to handle the Range Extender. Keep the battery
away from children.
Never open the Range Extender case or attempt to disassemble the Range
Never break or puncture the Range Extender.
Only charge the Range Extender in well ventilated rooms.
Only use the intended TQ charger to charge the Range Extender.
Use only original HPR Range Extenders to supply power to the drive
EN – 5
2 Technical data
Nominal voltage 50.4 V
Nominal capacity 2.8 Ah
Nominal energy 160 Wh
Discharge logic When operating the e-bike, the Range Extender
is discharged first afterwards the battery.
Dimensions 76 mm, length 185 mm / 3”, length 7.3”
Protection class IP66
Charging temperature
Operating temperature
Storage temperature
0 °C bis 40 °C / 32 °F bis 104 °F
-10 °C bis 60 °C / 14 °F bis 140 °F
10 °C bis 20 °C / 50 °F bis 68 °F
Weight approx. 950 g / 2.1 lbs
(without frame fastening like FIDLOCK®)
Tab. 1: Technical data – HPR Range Extender
EN – 6
3 Operation
3.1 Installing the Range Extender on the e-bike
The design of the mounting system for the Range Extender on the e-bike
depends on the manufacturer. This section shows how to mount the Range
Extender on the down tube of the e-bike using the FIDLOCK® system.
Make sure especially in case of retrofit that
no components of the e-bike such as the
battery or wiring harness are damaged when
installing the Range Extender.
Pay special attention to the following points:
The assembly of the HPR Range Extender
may only be carried out by authorised
dealers. The personnel must be appropriately qualified, e.g. through
training as a two-wheel mechatronics technician. They must be able to
recognise possible dangers during assembly. Otherwise, there is a risk
that the Range Extender or other lithium-ion batteries on the e-bike will be
damaged or that the Range Extender comes loose during the ride due to
insufficient fastening.
Selection of the correct screw heads and screw lengths.
Selection of the positions recommended by the bicycle manufacturer for
the attachment.
3.1.1 Fitting the FIDLOCK® Bike Base to the e-bike
Fire hazard due to damage to the battery inside the e-bike frame caused
by using screws that are too long.
Only use the screws provided by the bicycle manufacturer or the
ISO 7380–1 M5 × 10 A2 button head screws included in the scope of
delivery to attach the FIDLOCK® Bike Base.
Using screws that are too long can damage the battery inside the e-bike
EN – 7
Risk of accident due to release of the Range Extender from the locking
Only use the screws provided by the bicycle manufacturer or the
ISO 7380–1 M5 × 10 A2 button head screws included in the scope of
delivery to attach the FIDLOCK® Bike Base.
Screws with a higher head mean that the FIDLOCK® Force Connector on the
Range Extender is not firmly connected to the FIDLOCK® Bike Base and will
come loose while riding.
Fasten the FIDLOCK® Bike Base
(Pos. 1 in Fig. 1) with the two
button head screws (Pos. 2 in
Fig. 1) in the threads provided for
this purpose (Pos. 3 in Fig. 1, follow
the specifications of the bicycle
manufacturer) inside the e-bike
Tighten the two button head bolts
with a torque of 2 Nm or to the
max. torque values specified by
the bicycle manufacturer.
Observe the inscription
engraved “upside>>” when
mounting on the FIDLOCK®
Bike Base (Pos. 1 in Fig. 2). The
upper edge of the FIDLOCK®
logo (Pos. 2 in Fig. 2) on the
FIDLOCK® Force Connector
must point in the direction of
the arrow from “upside >>”.
Fig. 1: Fasten the FIDLOCK® Bike Base
to the e-bike
Fig. 2: Orientation of FIDLOCK® Bike
Base and FIDLOCK® Force
EN – 8
3.1.2 Fasten FIDLOCK® Force Connector to Range Extender
Fire hazard due to damage to the Range Extender by using screws that are
too long
Only use the screws provided by the bicycle manufacturer or the
ISO 4762 M4 × 16 A2 cylinder screws included in the scope of delivery to
fasten the FIDLOCK® Force Connector.
Using screws that are too long can damage the battery in the Range
Fasten the FIDLOCK® Force
Connector (Pos. 1 in Fig. 3) in the
threads (Pos. 3 in Fig. 3) in the
Range Extender using the four
M4 × 16 cylinder screws supplied
(Pos. 2 in Fig. 3).
Tighten the four cylinder screws
with a torque of 1.0 Nm.
3.1.3 Insert and lock the
Range Extender on the
FIDLOCK® Bike Base
Place the Range Extender (Pos. 1 in
Fig. 4) with the fastened FIDLOCK®
Force Connector (Pos. 2 in Fig. 4)
diagonally onto the FIDLOCK®
Bike Base (Pos. 3 in Fig. 4). The pin
(Pos. 4 in Fig. 4) on the FIDLOCK®
Bike Base must slide into the
corresponding socket in the
FIDLOCK® Force Connector when
it is put on. The magnets support
the attachment and the Range
Extender should automatically lock
into place with an audible click.
Fig. 3: Fasten FIDLOCK® Force
Connector to Range Extender
Fig. 4: Insert Range Extender
EN – 9
3.1.4 Locking the Range Extender into the FIDLOCK® Bike
Fig. 5: FIDLOCK® system unlocked
Fig. 6: FIDLOCK® system locked
The FIDLOCK® system is still unlocked after inserting the Range Extender. This
condition is indicated by the red field (Pos. 1 in Fig. 5) on the locking tab.
Push the locking tab in as far as it will go (see Pos. 1 in Fig. 6), to fix the
Range Extender firmly in place.
Risk of accident due to unlocked Range Extender
Always lock the Range Extender with the locking tab in the FIDLOCK®
system before go riding.
Otherwise there is a risk that the Range Extender will come loose while
riding, which can lead to a crash.
Check the FIDLOCK® Bike Base and the FIDLOCK® Force Connector for
dirt and damage before every ride.
For more information on the FIDLOCK® TWIST system and compatible acces-
sories, please visit
EN – 10
3.1.5 Connect the connection cable to the Range Extender
Connect the plug (Pos. 1 in Fig. 7)
of the connection cable to the
socket (Pos. 2 in Fig. 7) in the
Range Extender.
Fasten the connector to the Range
Extender with the M3 × 8 socket
head screw (Pos. 3 in Fig. 7)
included in the scope of delivery
of the cable, with a torque of 1 Nm.
Never use a longer screw. Other-
wise there is a risk of damaging
the electronics in the Range
Connecting cables are available in various versions with different cable
lengths and connector orientations to meet the requirements of the respec-
tive installation situation.
Enquire at the e-bike manufacturer about the connection cable you
3.1.6 Connect the connection cable to the charging port of
the e-bike
Unfold the cover (Pos. 1 in Fig. 8)
of the charging port (Pos. 2 in
Fig. 8) on the e-bike frame.
Check that the terminals in the
charging port are free of dirt and
clean them if necessary.
Align the connector (Pos. 3 in
Fig. 8) of the connection cable so
that the connector coding of the
plug and charging port match.
Insert the plug into the charging
port and secure the plug with the
cover (Pos. 1 in Fig. 8).
Fig. 7: Fasten the connection cable to
the Range Extender
Fig. 8: Connect the connection cable
to the charging port
EN – 11
Risk of accident due to free hanging connection cable on the Range Ex-
Always connect the Range Extender to the charging port of the battery
in the bicycle frame when you have installed the Range Extender on the
Otherwise there is a risk that the free hanging connection cable on the
Range Extender will get caught in the pedals while riding and so leads to
3.2 Range Extender charging
Fire or electric shock hazard due to damage to battery, Range Extender,
charger, cable and plug.
Never charge the Range Extender if you notice any damage to the
battery, Range Extender, charger, cables or connectors.
Only perform the charging process in a place where there are no flam-
mable materials in surrounding.
Never leave the charging process unattended.
The drive system detects whether the Range Extender is connected
to the charging port of the battery in the bicycle frame. In this case
the drive system is deactivated during the charging process for safety
The charging system detects whether the Range Extender is connected
to the charging port of the battery in the bicycle frame. In this case both
are charged, first the battery and afterwards the Range Extender.
EN – 12
Risk of accident due to activated drive system during the charging pro-
Always connect the Range Extender to the charging port of the battery
in the bicycle frame when you have installed the Range Extender on the
This is the only way to ensure that the drive system is deactivated during
charging. Otherwise there is a risk that you can start the drive system during
charging and that the plugged-in charging cable will cause damage or leads
to a crash.
Connect the charger to the power supply.
Unfold the cover (Pos. 1 in Fig. 9)
on the charging port of the Range
Check that the terminals in the
charging port (Pos. 2 in Fig. 9)
are free of dirt and clean them if
Insert the charging plug (Pos. 3
in Fig. 9) of the charger into
the charging port of the Range
Pull the charger plug of the
charger out of the charging port of
the Range Extender when charging is complete.
Close the cover on the charging port when charging is complete.
Disconnect the charger from the power supply.
Fig. 9: Range Extender charging
EN – 13
3.3 Notes on Charging
The temperature of the Range Extender must be within the permissible
charging temperature range (0 °C to 40 °C / 32 °F to 104 °F). Otherwise the
charging process will not start.
The Range Extender can be charged directly on the e-bike or separately.
The drive system is deactivated during charging when the Range Extender
is connected to the battery charging port in the bicycle frame.
The charging status of the Range Extender can be read on the display and
on the 5 LEDs on the side of the Range Extender. Briefly cover the light
sensor to the left of the LEDs with a finger to activate this display.
New Range Extenders have a state of charge of 20% to 30% due to trans-
port regulations and must be recharged within less than 6 months after
The Range Extender should be recharged immediately after it has been
completely discharged (state of charge <5 %).
1 charge cycle can consist of a full charge of the Range Extender capacity
(0% to 100%) or several partial charges that add up to 100% of the charge
The Range Extender capacity should be at least 60 % after 500 charging
EN – 14
4 Transport
The transport of lithium batteries is subject to country-specific laws and
regulations. Inform yourself about the respective regional regulations and
observe them during transport.
For transport observe the special requirements for packaging and labeling
that apply in your country.
Contact a TQ authorised bicycle dealer for information on transporting the
Range Extender and suitable transport packaging. For transport outside
the bicycle frame, we recommend a certified transport box.
5 Storage
Store the Range Extender at room temperature (approx. 10 °C to 20 °C /
50 °F to 68 °F) and do not expose it to direct sunlight.
Do not store the Range Extender near heat sources or other easily flam-
mable materials.
Store the Range Extender in dry rooms (humidity below 70 %) and protect
it from rain and moisture.
Store the Range Extender only in rooms equipped with smoke detectors.
Charge the Range Extender to approx. 30 % to 60 % before storage.
Check the Range Extender every 6 months and recharge it to approx. 30 %
to 60 %.
Fully charge the Range Extender before use.
Do not store the Range Extender with the charger plugged in.
6 Cleaning
Never immerse the Range Extender in water to clean it.
Never clean the Range Extender with a water jet.
Only clean the Range Extender with a soft, damp cloth.
Please contact a TQ authorised bicycle dealer, if the Range Extender is no
longer functional.
EN – 15
7 Maintenance and Service
All service, repair or maintenance work performed by a TQ authorized bicycle
dealer. Your bicycle dealer can also help you with questions about bicycle use,
service, repair or maintenance.
8 Environmentally friendly disposal
The components of the drive system and the batteries must not be
disposed of in the residual waste garbage can.
Dispose of metal and plastic components in accordance with
country-specific regulations.
Dispose of electrical components in accordance with country-specific
regulations. In EU countries, for example, observe the national imple-
mentations of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive
2012/19/EU (WEEE).
Dispose of batteries and rechargeable batteries in accordance with the
country-specific regulations. In EU countries, for example, observe the
national implementations of the Waste Battery Directive 2006/66/EC in
conjunction with Directives 2008/68/EC and (EU) 2020/1833.
Observe addtitonally the regulations and laws of your country for disposal.
In addition you can return components of the drive system that are no longer
required to a bicycle dealer authorized by TQ.
We have checked the contents of this publication for conformity with the product
described. However, deviations cannot be ruled out so that we cannot accept any
liability for complete conformity and correctness.
The information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections
are included in subsequent editions.
All trademarks mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright © TQ-Systems GmbH
TQ-Systems GmbH Art.-No.: HPR50-RE01-UM
Gut Delling l Mühlstraße 2 l 82229 Seefeld l Germany Rev0104 2022/08
Phone.: +49 8153 9308–308 l
For more information and TQ product manuals in various language, please
visit or scan this QR-Code.
HPR Range Extender V01 160 Wh
DE – 2
1 Sicherheit
Diese Anleitung enthält Hinweise, die Sie zu Ihrer persönlichen
Sicherheit sowie zur Vermeidung von Personen- und Sachschäden
beachten müssen. Sie sind durch Warndreiecke hervorgehoben
und je nach Gefährdungsgrad im Folgenden dargestellt.
Lesen Sie vor der Inbetriebnahme und Gebrauch die Anleitung vollständig
durch. Sie vermeiden dadurch Gefährdungen und Fehler.
Bewahren Sie die Anleitung zum späteren Nachschlagen auf. Dieses Benut-
zerhandbuch ist integraler Bestandteil des Produkts und muss bei Weiter-
gabe oder Verkauf an Dritte mitgegeben werden.
Beachten Sie auch die zusätzliche Dokumentation für die weiteren Kompo-
nenten des Antriebssystems sowie die Dokumentation, die Ihrem E-Bike
1.1 Gefahrenklassifizierung
Das Signalwort bezeichnet eine Gefährdung mit einem hohen Risikograd,
die, wenn sie nicht vermieden wird, den Tod oder eine schwere Verletzung
zur Folge hat.
Das Signalwort bezeichnet eine Gefährdung mit einem mittleren Risikograd,
die, wenn sie nicht vermieden wird, den Tod oder eine schwere Verletzung
zur Folge hat.
Das Signalwort bezeichnet eine Gefährdung mit einem niedrigen Risikograd,
die, wenn sie nicht vermieden wird, eine geringfügige oder mäßige Verlet-
zung zur Folge haben könnte.
Ein Hinweis im Sinne dieser Anleitung ist eine wichtige Information über
das Produkt oder den jeweiligen Teil der Anleitung, auf die besonders
aufmerksam gemacht werden soll.
DE – 3
1.2 Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch
Der HPR Range Extender ist ausschließlich für die Stromversorgung des
Antriebssystems HPR50 vorgesehen und darf nicht für andere Zwecke
verwendet werden.
Eine andere oder darüber hinaus gehende Benutzung gilt als nicht bestim-
mungsgemäß und hat den Verlust der Gewährleistung zur Folge. Bei nicht
bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch übernimmt die TQ-Systems GmbH keine
Haftung für eventuell auftretende Schäden und keine Gewährleistung für
einwandfreies und funktionsgemäßes Arbeiten des Produkts.
Zum bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch gehört auch das Beachten dieser
Anleitung und aller darin enthaltenen Hinweise sowie der Informationen zum
bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch in den ergänzenden Dokumenten, die dem
E-Bike beiliegen.
Der einwandfreie und sichere Betrieb des Produkts setzt sachgemäßen Trans-
port, sachgemäße Lagerung, Montage und Inbetriebnahme voraus.
1.3 Sicherheitshinweise zum HPR Range Extender
Die Montage des HPR Range Extender darf nur von autorisierten Händlern
durchgeführt werden. Das Personal muss entsprechend qualifiziert sein,
z.B. durch eine Ausbildung zum Zweiradmechatroniker. Es muss in der
Lage sein, mögliche Gefahren bei der Montage erkennen zu können. Ande-
renfalls besteht das Risiko, dass der Range Extender bzw. andere Lithium-
Ionen-Akkus am E-Bike beschädigt werden oder sich der Range Extender
aufgrund unzureichender Befestigung während der Fahrt löst.
Explosions- und Brandgefahr bei beschädigtem Range-Extender-Gehäuse
Lassen Sie den Range Extender bei beschädigtem Gehäuse unbedingt
von einem durch TQ autorisierten Fahrradhändler tauschen, auch wenn
der Range Extender noch funktionsfähig ist.
Unternehmen Sie keinesfalls Reparaturversuche.
Explosions- und Brandgefahr bei Kurzschließen der Range-Extender-Pole
Halten Sie den Range Extender von metallischen Gegenständen fern,
da Kurzschlussgefahr besteht. Lassen Sie keine Nägel, Schrauben oder
andere kleine, scharfe und/oder metallische Gegenstände in Berüh-
rung mit dem Range Extender (Ladebuchse/Entladebuchse) kommen.
Explosions- und Brandgefahr bei großer Hitze, Feuer oder Kontakt mit
Vermeiden Sie die Einwirkung großer Hitze auf den Range Extender,
z. B. durch längere direkte Sonneneinstrahlung.
Tauchen Sie den Range Extender niemals in Wasser.