Patent Information
This unit has been produced in terms of the following licences held by QUALCOMM Inc.
(other licences in progress):
4,901,307 5,487,175 5,603,096
5,056,109 5,490,165 5,604,730
5,099,204 5,497,395 5,617,060
5,101,501 5,499,280 5,621,784
5,103,459 5,504,773 5,621,853
5,107,225 5,506,865 5,625,876
5,109,390 5,509,015 5,627,857
5,228,054 5,511,067 5,629,955
5,257,283 5,511,073 5,629,975
5,265,119 5,528,593 5,633,881
5,267,261 5,544,196 5,638,412
5,267,262 5,546,459 5,640,414
5,283,536 5,561,618 5,642,398
5,289,527 5,566,000 5,644,591
5,307,405 5,566,206 5,644,596
5,309,474 5,566,357 5,646,991
5,339,046 5,568,483 5,652,599
5,341,456 5,572,172 5,654,979
5,373,259 5,574,773 5,655,220
5,383,219 5,576,662 5,657,420
5,392,287 5,577,022 5,666,122
5,396,516 5,577,025 5,673,259
5,408,697 5,581,575 5,675,644
5,414,796 5,588,043 5,687,229
5,416,797 5,590,069 5,689,557
5,426,392 5,590,406 5,691,974
5,442,627 5,590,408 5,692,006
5,452,473 5,592,481
5,461,639 5,592,548
5,469,115 5,594,718
5,475,870 5,596,570
5,479,475 5,600,754
5,485,486 5,602,833
SAT600 User's Guide 1110...
pagina 4
Mercoledì 11 Ottobre 2000 17.07