Capitolo 4 Visualizzazione dell'anteprima in remoto
4.1 Visualizzazione dell'anteprima in remoto
Dopo aver eseguito l'accesso viene visualizzata la seguente nestra.
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Descrizione delle icone sull'interfaccia di visualizzazione dell'anteprima in remoto:
Icona Descrizione Icona Descrizione
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Icona dell'allarme movimento
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Icona dell'allarme sensore
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Fix size (Ridimensiona)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Start/Stop record (Avvia/Interrompi
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Actual size (Grandezza reale)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Playback (Riproduzione)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Zoom in (Zoom avanti)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Snap (Istantanea)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Zoom out (Zoom indietro)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Talk (Chat)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Full screen (Schermo intero)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Open/close audio (Apri/Chiudi audio)
to rotate the dome upwardsͺ to rotate the dome downwards;
to rotate the dome towards left; to rotate the dome towards
to rotate the dome diagonally up -left;ͺ to rotate the
dome diagonally up-right;
to rotate the dome diagonally down -
to rotate the dome diagonally down -right; to stop
Focus button. Click
button to have long focus and click to
have short focus so that you can adjust the image clearly.
Zoom button. Click
to zoom in the image; click to zoom out
the image.
Iris button. Click
to increase light of the dome; click to
decrease light of the dome.
Spostare il cursore per visualizzare l'immagine live in tutte le direzioni dopo aver fatto clic sul pul-
sante. Trascinare con il pulsante sinistro del mouse per eseguire lo zoom avanti sull'immagine live.
Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse per visualizzare un elenco a discesa:
Stream (Flusso): come opzione sono disponibili quattro ussi.
Turn off the live (Disattiva live): fare clic su questo elemento per chiudere l'anteprima live corrente.
Enable audio (Attiva audio): attiva la trasmissione audio in remoto.