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Tuo Wi-Fi Batteria Chronothermostat User Manual
Device configuration with remote control (for Android)
To configure the device after the first power up or after a factory reset using an Android
smartphone, proceed as follows:
1. While the screen shown is displayed in the figure
on the side, press the keys and to choose
NET ON and press the key to confirm
(a lack of choice within 30 seconds is equivalent
to choosing NET ON).
2. Make sure the device displays “ Conf nEt”.
If not, press the keys and simultaneously for a long time
until the display shows “ Conf nEt” and the icon starts flashing
(wait for it to become steady before proceeding with the next point).
3. Start the app, choose “New Thermostat”, select the TUO BATTERIA model
among those available and press "Next".
4. Select the network “iwm...” to connect to the network generated by the device.
Wait for the device display to show the icon to indicate the successful connection
between the app and the device.
5. Now choose the Wi-Fi network to connect the device to and enter the password,
be careful to digit faithfully all characters (uppercase, lowercase, spaces, digits)
that compose them. Confirm to continue.
Important: before proceeding make sure that the icon on the device display is
still on. Otherwise, access the Wi-Fi settings of the smartphone to manually
reconnect to the "iwm ..." network
6. The device restarts: wait for the icon on the device to become steady and the
icon to start flashing.
7. Enter a name that identifies the Tuo Wi-Fi Batteria, and choose an icon to help to
identify the device from those proposed and confirm.
8. The configuration procedure is finished. Now:
the app displays the list of devices associated with your account among which also
the newly associated device must appear..
The Tuo Wi-Fi Batteria displays the main screen. Check that the icon is steady
and the time shown at the top left is correct.
NOTE: If the configuration is not successful, the message "Err" followed by a number
may appear on the device display. Repeat the configuration procedure be careful to
digit faithfully all characters (uppercase, lowercase, spaces, digits).