Version 23.04.2018 V4-NTG5
3. Installation
Switch off ignition and disconnect the vehicle’s battery! The interface needs a permanent
12V source. If according to factory rules disconnecting the battery is to be avoided, it is
usually sufficient to put the vehicle is sleep-mode. In case the sleep-mode does not show
success, disconnect the battery with a resistor lead.
If power source is not taken directly from the battery, the connection has to be checked
for being start-up proven and permanent.
Prior to wire and device installation we suggest to connect and test correct function of all
after-market and factory infotainment equipment!
The interface is installed on the backside of the factory monitor and on the backside of the
navigation computer.
3.1. Connecting interface-box and harnesses
Connect female 18pin Micro-Fit connector of harness V4C-MBN5 to the male 18pin
Micro-Fit connector (POWER) on the front of the interface-box V4C-M625.
Connect female 14pin Micro-Fit connector of the video-harness V4C-VIDEO to the
male 14pin Micro-Fit connector (VIDEO) on the rear of the interface-box V4C-M625.
Connect female 16pin Micro-Fit connector of the audio-harness V4C-AUDIO to the
male 16pin Micro-Fit connector (AUDIO) on the rear of the interface-box V4C-M625.
Connect female 8pin Micro-Fit connector of harness V4C-MBN5 to the male 8pin
Micro-Fit connector on the interface-box TV-500.
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