BMW IDC23H Manuale utente

  • Ciao! Ho esaminato il manuale utente relativo al sistema di infotainment IDC23H prodotto da BMW. Questo documento include informazioni tecniche dettagliate, dichiarazioni di conformità e specifiche per vari mercati globali. Sono a tua disposizione per rispondere a qualsiasi domanda tu possa avere sul dispositivo e sul suo utilizzo.
  • Qual è il modello del dispositivo descritto in questo manuale?
    Chi è il produttore del sistema di infotainment IDC23H?
    Quali sono le principali bande di frequenza utilizzate da questo dispositivo?
    Il dispositivo è conforme alle normative europee?
    Dove posso trovare la Dichiarazione di Conformità completa per questo dispositivo?
Inputs for User Manual IDC23H
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User Instruction Manual
(from homologation requirements)
Infotainment System
Model name: IDC23H
Brand: BMW
Version: 3.4
Date: 2023-01-18
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Technical Information
1.1 General Hint
It is highly recommended to provide the user’s manual for the different target markets in the national
official language/languages. To avoid any problems in customs or during market surveillance
process. It is also recommended to have the same product identification in the product label, the
packaging, the user’s manual and the type approval certificate.
1.2 Materials
IDC23H infotainment system está em conformidade com os mais recentes lançamentos
de directivas RoHS (2002/95/EC) e ELV (2000/53/EC), e também o regulamento REACH
(CE) No. 1907/2006. Marcação de polímero partes acc. a VDA 260, respectivamente EN
ISO 1043.Declaration of Conformity to RED regulation
1.3 Declaration of Conformity to RED regulation 2014/53/EU
Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
Hereby, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH declares that the radio equipment type
IDC23H is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is
available at the following internet Address: (*1)
С настоящото Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH декларира, че този тип
радиосъоръжение IDC23H е в съответствие с Директива 2014/53/ ЕС. Цялостният текст на
ЕС декларацията за съответствие може да се намери на следния интернет адрес: (*1)
Por la presente, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH declara que el tipo de equipo
radioeléctrico IDC23H es conforme con la Directiva 2014/53/UE. El texto completo de la
declaración UE de conformidad está disponible en la dirección Internet siguiente: (*1)
Tímto Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH prohlašuje, že typ rádiového zařízení
IDC23H je v souladu se směrnicí 2014/53/EU. Úplné znění EU prohlášení o shodě je k dispozici
na této internetové adrese: (*1)
Hermed erklærer Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, at radioudstyrstypen
IDC23H er i overensstemmelse med direktiv 2014/53/EU. EU- overensstemmelseserklæringens fulde
tekst kan findes på følgende internetadresse: (*1)
Hiermit erklärt Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, dass das Gerät mit Funkfunktion
IDC23H der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU entspricht. Der vollständige Text der EU- Konformitätserklärung ist
unter der folgenden Internetadresse verfügbar: (*1)
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Käesolevaga deklareerib Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, et käesolev raadioseadme
tüüp IDC23H vastab direktiivi 2014/53/EL nõuetele. ELi vastavusdeklaratsiooni täielik tekst on
kättesaadav järgmisel internetiaadressil: (*1)
Με την παρούσα ο/η Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, δηλώνει ότι ο ραδιοεξοπλισμός
IDC23H πληροί την οδηγία 2014/53/ΕΕ. Το πλήρες κείμενο της δήλωσης συμμόρφωσης ΕΕ
διατίθεται στην ακόλουθη ιστοσελίδα στο διαδίκτυο: (*1)
Le soussigné, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, déclare que l'équipement
radioélectrique du type IDC23H est conforme à la directive 2014/53/UE. Le texte complet de la
déclaration UE de conformité est disponible à l'adresse internet suivante: (*1)
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH ovime izjavljuje da je radijska oprema tipa
IDC23H u skladu s Direktivom 2014/53/EU. Cjeloviti tekst EU izjave o sukladnosti dostupan je na
sljedećoj internetskoj adresi: (*1)
Il fabbricante, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, dichiara che il tipo di apparecchiatura
radio IDC23H è conforme alla direttiva 2014/53/UE. Il testo completo della dichiarazione di
conformità UE è disponibile al seguente indirizzo Internet: (*1)
Ar šo Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH deklarē, ka radioiekārta IDC23H atbilst Direktīvai
2014/53/ES. Pilns ES atbilstības deklarācijas teksts ir pieejams šādā interneta vietnē: (*1)
Aš, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, patvirtinu, kad radijo įrenginių tipas
IDC23H atitinka Direktyvą 2014/53/ES. Visas ES atitikties deklaracijos tekstas prieinamas šiuo
interneto adresu: (*1)
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH igazolja, hogy a
IDC23H típusú rádióberendezés megfelel a 2014/53/EU irányelvnek. Az EU-megfelelőségi
nyilatkozat teljes szövege elérhető a következő internetes címen: (*1)
B'dan, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, niddikjara li dan it-tip ta' tagħmir tar-radju
IDC23H huwa konformi mad-Direttiva 2014/53/UE. It-test kollu tad- dikjarazzjoni ta' konformità tal-
UE huwa disponibbli f'dan l-indirizz tal-Internet li ġej: (*1)
Hierbij verklaar ik, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, dat het type radioapparatuur
IDC23H conform is met Richtlijn 2014/53/EU. De volledige tekst van de EU- conformiteitsverklaring
kan worden geraadpleegd op het volgende internetadres: (*1)
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH niniejszym oświadcza, że typ urządzenia radiowego
IDC23H jest zgodny z dyrektywą 2014/53/UE. Pełny tekst deklaracji zgodności UE jest dostępny
pod następującym adresem internetowym: (*1)
O(a) abaixo assinado(a) Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH declara que o presente tipo de
equipamento de rádio IDC23H está em conformidade com a Diretiva 2014/53/UE. O texto integral
da declaração de conformidade está disponível no seguinte endereço de Internet: (*1)
Inputs for User Manual IDC23H
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Prin prezenta, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH declară tipul de echipamente radio
IDC23H este în conformitate cu Directiva 2014/53/UE. Textul integral al declarației UE de
conformitate este disponibil la următoarea adresă internet: (*1)
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH týmto vyhlasuje, že rádiové zariadenie typu IDC23H
je v súlade so smernicou 2014/53/EÚ. Úplné EÚ vyhlásenie o zhode je k dispozícii na tejto
internetovej adrese: (*1)
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH potrjuje, da je tip radijske opreme IDC23H skladen z
Direktivo 2014/53/EU. Celotno besedilo izjave EU o skladnosti je na voljo na naslednjem spletnem
naslovu: (*1)
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH vakuuttaa, että radiolaitetyyppi IDC23H on direktiivin
2014/53/EU mukainen. EU-vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutuksen täysimittainen teksti on saatavilla
seuraavassa internetosoitteessa: (*1)
Härmed försäkrar Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH att denna typ av radioutrustning
IDC23H överensstämmer med direktiv 2014/53/EU. Den fullständiga texten till EU-försäkran om
överensstämmelse finns på följande webbadress: (*1)
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH işbu, radyo işlevli IDC23H cihazı 2014/53 / AB-
Direktifi ile uyumlu olduğunu beyan eder. AB-uygunluk beyanın tam metnisi aşağıdaki İnternet
adresinde mevcuttur: (*1)
Inputs for User Manual IDC23H
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1.4 Used Frequency spectrum & Maximum radio-frequency power transmitted
Bluetooth: 24002483.5 MHz <10dBm
WLAN 2,4 GHz: 2400 2483.5 MHz <20dBm
WLAN 5 GHz 5.1: 5170 5250 MHz <20dBm
WLAN 5 GHz 5.8*: 5735 5835 MHz <20dBm
GNSS: 15591610 MHz (Receiving only) ------------
*For Used Frequency spectrum & Maximum radio-frequency power transmitted in Country INDONESIA,
please see specific subchapter INDONESIA
1.5 Manufacturer
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH
Becker-Goering-Strasse 16
76307 Karlsbad,
1.6 SAR
Note SAR exemption was assessed at 5.17 cm
1.7 Dimensions
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1.8 Weight
800 gr.
1.9 FCC/ISED statements (North America)
Model: IDC23H
IC: 6434A-IDC23H
Modification statement:
The party responsible for the compliance has not approved any changes or modifications to this device by the
user. Any changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Le responsable de l’homologation de ce produit n’approuve aucune modification apportée à l’appareil par
l’utilisateur, quelle qu’en soit la nature. Tout changement ou modification peuvent annuler le droit d’utilisation de
l’appareil par l’utilisateur.
Wireless notice:
This device complies with FCC/ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and
meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines and RSS102 of the ISED radio frequency (RF)
Exposure rules. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
This device will be installed into specific carlines with an antenna configuration that as worst case will be at a
minor distance of 5.17 cm from the end user.
Le présent appareil est conforme à l'exposition aux radiations FCC / ISED définies pour un environnement non
contrôlé et répond aux directives d'exposition de la fréquence de la FCC radiofréquence (RF) et RSS102 de
la fréquence radio (RF) ISED règles d'exposition. L'émetteur ne doit pas être colocalisé ni fonctionner
conjointement avec à autre antenne ou autre émetteur.
Ce produit doit être installé de façon à garantir une distance minimale de séparation de 20 cm ou plus de tout
corps humain
CAN ICES-3 (B) / NMB-3 (B)
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme à la norme canadienne ICES-003.
FCC Class B digital device notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
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which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Interference statement
This device contains license-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science
and Economic Development Canada’s license-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference.
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Cet appareil contient un ou plusieurs émetteurs/récepteurs exempts de licence qui sont conformes
au(x) RSS exempts de licence d'Innovation, Science et Développement économique de Canada.
Le fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes :
1. l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
2. l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
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1.10 Argentina
1.11 Brazil
“Este produto está homologado pela ANATEL de acordo com os procedimentos regulamentados para avaliação da conformidade de
produtos para telecomunicações e atende aos requisitos técnicos aplicados, incluindo os limites de exposição da Taxa de Absorção
Específica referente a campos elétricos, magnéticos e eletromagnéticos de radiofrequência. O máximo valor medido da Taxa de
Absorção Específica referente à exposição localizada na cabeça foi de 0.060 W/kg e no tronco foi de 0.060 W/kg.
Para maiores informações, consulte o site da ANATEL"
(Translation: This product is approved by ANATEL in accordance with the regulatory procedures for conformity assessment of
telecommunications products and meets the technical requirements applied, including the limits of exposure of the Specific Absorption
Rate for electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields of radiofrequency. The maximum measured value of the Specific Absorption Rate
for the exposure located in the head was 0.060 W / kg and in the trunk was 0.060 W / kg. For more information, see the ANATEL website
- ".)
INFO: Electronic manual available on the internet (Manufacturer’s or Applicant’s website). However, this option is conditional on the
presence, in the manual accompanying the product, clear guidelines on how the obtain the electronic version of the manual.
1.12 Belarus
HARMAN info: country is under sanctions which means -certification is not done and on hold!
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1.13 Canada
This device complies with ISED Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause interference; and
(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of
the device.
1.14 China
China Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances (China RoHS)
Part name
Toxic and hazardous substances and elements
Bottom Chassis,
Chassis Top, Rear
Cover, Screws,
Labels, Gapfiller, etc
This table was developed according to the provisions of SJ/T 11364.
O: The content of such hazardous substance in all homogeneous materials of such
component is below the limit required by GB/T 26572
X: the content of such hazardous substance in a certain homogeneous material of such
component is beyond the limit required by GB/T 26572
(Enterprises may further explain the technical reasons for ticking X” in the table above
according to their actual situation herein.
Pollution control label
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1.15 Eurasian Economic Union (Kyrgystan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russian Federation)
HARMAN info: country/region is under sanctions which means -certification is not done and
on hold!
1.16 Mexico declaration:
Modelo: IDC23H
Marca: BMW
La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) es posible que este equipo o
dispositivo no cause interferencia perjudicial y (2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier
interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar su operación no deseada”
1.17 Indonesia:
Used Frequency spectrum & Maximum radio-frequency power transmitted in country INDONESIA:
Bluetooth: 24002483.5 MHz <10dBm
WLAN 2,4 GHz: 2400 2483.5 MHz <20dBm
WLAN 5 GHz 5.1: 5170 5250 MHz <20dBm
WLAN 5 GHz 5.8: 5725 5825 MHz <20dBm
GNSS: 15591610 MHz (Receiving only) ------------
Model / Product
Cert.-Label info
U/M info, QR code
U/M alert sign
production: Hungary
production: China
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The warning sign must be included for devices that are not short range devices.
All MGU products are not considered short range devices, because they support BT & WLAN.
In articles 16 and 17 it says that the warning and the QR must be placed in the packaging; but since the
devices are integrated in the cars at the time of importing and they do not have boxes, the authority accepts to
be placed in the UM.
1.18 Israel
רפסמ רושיא י ט ו ח ל א לש דרשמ תרושקתה א ו ה 51-85671 (Israeli model: IDC23H-IL)
INFO: The translation to English is the following:
"Wireless approval signed by the Ministry of Communication no. #ID Certificate"
1.19 Jamaica
This product has been Type Approved by Jamaica: SMA 'Equipment Identifier'' which is the model name, since there is no
Certificate ID.
(Certificate ID = IDC23H)
1.20 Japan MIC declaration
In order to prevent without any approval this note has to be granted:
This product cannot be connected directly to the telecommunications lines (or public wireless
LANs) of any telecommunication carriers (e.g., mobile communications carriers, fixed
communications carriers, or internet providers). in the case of connecting this product to the
internet, be sure to connect it via a router
1.21 Mauretania
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1.22 Senegal
1.23 Singapore
Dealer´s no.: XXXXXX
1.24 Taiwan
following information has to be included in the user’s manual:
1. Product name
2. Model name
3. Trade mark or applicant name
4. For BSMI safety, rating (voltage and current) and operation temperature.
5. NCC caution statement. The following warning statement should be written in Chinese:
1. 中文名稱:信息娛樂系統
2. Model : IDC23H
3. Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH
4. 12V DC, 12A, -20°C 55°C
5. “Without permission granted by the NCC, any company, enterprise, or user is not allowed to change frequency,
enhance transmitting power or alter original characteristic as well as performance to a approved low power radio-
frequency devices. The low power radio-frequency devices shall not influence aircraft security and interfere legal
communications; If found, the user shall cease operating immediately until no interference is achieved. The said
legal communications means radio communications is operated in compliance with the Telecommunications
Management Act.The low power radio-frequency devices must be susceptible with the interference from legal
communications or ISM radio wave radiated devices.”
In Chinese language, the warning would be:
「取得審驗證明之低功率射頻器材,非經核准,公司、商號或使 用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之
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/ Declaration of the Presence Condition of the Restricted Substances
/ Importer -
/ Importer address
Pan German Motors Ltd.
No. 5, Apple Road, Yangmei Dist.,
Taoyuan, 32612, Taiwan
Tel: +886 3 4827111 Ext. 267
Fax: +886 3 4816979
If required in Taiwanese:
First line is name, second the address.
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1.25 Thailand
Supplier may provide compliance wording but it is not mandatory, using the following text:
' .'
(Specific Absorption Rate - SAR)  0,06 W/kg
 
1.26 United Arabian Emirates
following information has to be included in the user’s manual:
1.27 United Kingdom (for UK - Systems needed)
United Kingdom: Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH declares that the radio equipment IDC23H is in compliance
with Radio Equipment Regulation SI 2017 No. 1206. The full text of the UK declaration of conformity is available
at the following internet Address:
Overview of the technical radio values:
Bluetooth: 24002483.5 MHz <10dBm
WLAN 2,4 GHz: 2400 2483.5 MHz <20dBm
WLAN 5 GHz 5.1: 5170 5250 MHz <20dBm
WLAN 5 GHz 5.8: 5735 5835 MHz <20dBm
GNSS: 15591610 MHz (Receiving only) ------------
Harman Becker Automotive Systems GmbH
Becker-Goering-Strasse 16
76307 Karlsbad,
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Importer from BMW:
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Labeling on Headunit
Not needed to be shown in User Manual!