XPOtool 62739 Manuale utente

  • Ciao! Sono un assistente virtuale che ha letto il manuale operativo per i generatori eolici 62739 e 62740. Sono pronto a rispondere a tutte le tue domande relative alle istruzioni di sicurezza, installazione, specifiche tecniche e funzionalità di questi dispositivi. So che questo manuale descrive generatori eolici con pale in fibra di nylon, potenza fino a 500W, con funzionamento a 12V/24V e sistema di controllo solenoide.
  • Qual è la velocità massima del vento che questo generatore può sopportare?
    Di che materiale sono fatte le pale del rotore?
    Come si collega questo generatore eolico alla batteria?
    È necessario un regolatore per questo generatore eolico?
    Qual è la potenza massima di questo generatore eolico?
Operation Manual
Wind Generator 12 V/24 V, 4200 W
62739, 62740
  
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Safety instructions
Attention! A rotor in movement is very dangerous.
 
 
 
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 
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 
Technical specifications
Starting speed
Nominal speed
Max. speed
Rotor blades
Type of current
Control system
Speed regulator
Working temperature
Output voltage
Parts list
 
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 
 
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 
Installing the flange
Connecting to the command
  
 
Regulations for waste disposal
            
       
  
 
1 EG-Konformitätserklärung
EC Declaration of Conformity
We hereby declare that the device and its design, as well as the version we have brought on the market,
comply with the basic safety and health requirements of the following EU directive(s). If the device is
changed without our agreement, this declaration becomes invalid.
3 gemäß der EU-Richtlinie(n) 2006/42/EG (Maschinenrichtlinie),
according to the EU directive(s) 2006/42/EC (machine directive),
4 Hersteller: WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Manufacturer: 
5 Bevollmächtigter: 
Representative 
6 Die alleinige Verantwortung für die Ausstellung der Konformitätserklärung trägt der Hersteller.
The manufacturer is solely responsible for the publishing of the declaration of conformity.
7 Beschreibung des Gerätes: Windkraftanlage
Description of the device: Wind generator
8 TypName: ZL-300
Type ZL-300 9
9 Seriennummer: 62739 und 62740
Serial number 62739 and 62740
10 Baureihe: –
Series: –
11 Gegenstand der Erklärung: Windkraftanlage
Object of the declaration: Wind generator
12 Es wird die Übereinstimmung mit weiteren, ebenfalls für das Produkt geltenden EG-Richtlinien
Further conformity according to European Community directives for the product declares:
13 Harmonisierte Normen, die zugrunde gelegt wurden, einschließlich des Datums der Norm:
Harmonised standards, which were applied, including the date of the standard:
EN-60204–1:2006/AC:2010; EN ISO 12100:2010
EN ISO 13857:2008; EN 953:1977+A1:2009;
EN 349:1993+A1:2008; EN 6100–6–4:2007+A1:2011
EN 6100–6–2:2005; EN 61400–2:2014
14 Weitere angewandte Spezifikationen:
Further specifications applied: –
15 Ort und Datum: Eschweiler,
Place and date Eschweiler,
16 Name des Unterzeichners: Bernd Wildanger……
Name: Bernd Wildanger
17 Funktion des Unterzeichners: Geschäftsführer
Position: director
18 Unterschrift
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 
Déclaration de con-
formité de l’UE
Dichiarazione di
conformità CE
  
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Représentant auto-
Rappresentante au-
Le fabricant est seul
responsable de la
délivrance de la dé-
claration de confor-
Il produttore è
l’unico responsa-
bile del rilascio
della dichiarazione
di conformità
  
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