Ravelli RBC 8010 Use and Maintenance Manual

  • Ho letto attentamente il manuale d'uso e manutenzione per le stufe a pellet RBC 8010 e RBC 8012 del marchio Ravelli. Le stufe utilizzano pellet di legno per il riscaldamento radiante e convettivo. Il manuale include dettagli su installazione, utilizzo, manutenzione e misure di sicurezza. Sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande su queste stufe e sul loro funzionamento.
  • Quale tipo di combustibile è consentito?
    È necessario eseguire la manutenzione periodica?
    Dove trovo le istruzioni di sicurezza?
RBC 8010
RBC 8012
Dichiarazione di conformità UE
EU Declaration of Conformity
Declaration de Conformite UE
Il costruttore
The manufacturer
Le fabricant
Aico S.p.A.
Via A. Kupfer, 31
25036 Palazzolo s/O (Bs) Italy
ph: +39 030 74 02 939, e-mail:info@ravelligroup.it
DICHIARA che la dichiarazione viene rilasciata sotto la propria responsabilità e si riferisce al seguente
DECLARES that the DoC is issued under our sole responsibility and belongs to the following product:
DÉCLARE que la declaration est délivré sous notre seule responsanilité et elle se refère au suivant produit:
Tipo di prodotto
Product type
Type de produit
Stufa a pellet
Pellet stove
Poêle à granulés de bois
RBC 8010 - RBC 8012
L'oggetto della dichiarazione di cui sopra è conforme alla pertinente normativa di armonizzazione
The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonisation
L'objet de la déclaration décrit ci-dessus est conforme à l'harmonisation de l'Union concernant la
législation la directive:
2014/53/EU, RED
2011/65/EU, 2015/863/EU, RoHS
2009/125/EC Ecodesign
Sono state applicate le seguenti norme armonizzate e/o specifiche tecniche:
The following harmonised standards and/or technical specifications have been applied:
Les normes et les spécifications techniques harmonisées suivantes ont été appliquées:
EN 55014-1
EN 55014-2
EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-3
EN 60335-1
EN 60335-2-102
EN 62233 EN 50581 (EU) 2015/1185 ETSI EN 300220-1
Palazzolo Sull'Oglio (BS), ITALY
Declaration of performance according to Regulation (EU) 305/2011
n. : 211CPR13.07
1. Unique identification code of the product type:
60007FR00, residential space heating appliance fired by wood pellets
EN 14785:2006
2. Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the construction product as required under Art. 11(4):
RBC 8010
3. Intended use or uses of the construction product, in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specification, as foreseen by the manufacturer:
Residential space heating appliance fired by wood pellets
4. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required by Art. 11 (5):
Aico S.p.A.
Via A. Kupfer, 31
25036 Palazzolo s/O (Bs) Italia
5. Where applicable, name and contact address of the authorised representative whose mandate covers the tasks specified in Article 12(2):
6. System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product as set out in Annex V:
System 3, System 4
7. In case of the declaration of performance concerning a construction product covered by a harmonised standard:
The notified laboratory IMQ (NB 0051) performed the determination of the product type on the basis of type testing under system 3 and issued
test report CS19-0039962-01
8. Declared performances:
Harmonized technical specification:
EN 14785:2006
Essential characteristics
Fire safety
Reaction to fire
Distance to combustible materials
Minimum distances (mm):
rear = 220
sides = 190
front = 1000
ceiling = --
floor = 300
Risk of burning fuel falling out
Emission of combustion products
(at 13% of O2)
Nominal heat output
CO 0,004 %
NOx 84 mg/Nm3
OGC 2 mg/Nm3
PM 14,6 mg/Nm3
Reduced heat output
CO 0,021 %
OGC 4 mg/Nm
Surface temperature
Electrical safety
Maximum operating pressure
Flue gas temperature at nominal heat output
157 °C
Mechanical resistance(to carry a chimney/flue)
Nominal heat output
9,0 kW
Room heating output
9,0 kW
Water heating output
Efficiency Ƞ
88 % Nominal heat output
93,1 % Reduced heat output
9. The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the declared performance in point 8. This declaration of performance
is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer identified in point 4.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer Claudio Mezzalira, Operation Manager
Place Palazzolo sull'Oglio Date 21/06/2019 Sign _______________
Declaration of performance according to Regulation (EU) 305/2011
n. : 212CPR13.07
1. Unique identification code of the product type:
60008HR00, residential space heating appliance fired by wood pellets
EN 14785:2006
2. Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the construction product as required under Art. 11(4):
RBC 8012
3. Intended use or uses of the construction product, in accordance with the applicable harmonised technical specification, as foreseen by the manufacturer:
Residential space heating appliance fired by wood pellets
4. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required by Art. 11 (5):
Aico S.p.A.
Via A. Kupfer, 31
25036 Palazzolo s/O (Bs) Italia
5. Where applicable, name and contact address of the authorised representative whose mandate covers the tasks specified in Article 12(2):
6. System or systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the construction product as set out in Annex V:
System 3, System 4
7. In case of the declaration of performance concerning a construction product covered by a harmonised standard:
The notified laboratory IMQ (NB 0051) performed the determination of the product type on the basis of type testing under system 3 and issued
test report CS19-0039962-01
8. Declared performances:
Harmonized technical specification:
EN 14785:2006
Essential characteristics
Fire safety
Reaction to fire
Distance to combustible materials
Minimum distances (mm):
rear = 220
sides = 190
front = 1000
ceiling = --
floor = 300
Risk of burning fuel falling out
Emission of combustion products
(at 13% of O2)
Nominal heat output
CO 0,004 %
NOx 76 mg/Nm3
OGC 2 mg/Nm3
PM 11,1 mg/Nm3
Reduced heat output
CO 0,021 %
OGC 4 mg/Nm
Surface temperature
Electrical safety
Maximum operating pressure
Flue gas temperature at nominal heat output
181 °C
Mechanical resistance(to carry a chimney/flue)
Nominal heat output
10,2 kW
Room heating output
10,2 kW
Water heating output
Efficiency Ƞ
88 % Nominal heat output
93,1 % Reduced heat output
9. The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the declared performance in point 8. This declaration of performance
is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer identified in point 4.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer Claudio Mezzalira, Operation Manager
Place Palazzolo sull'Oglio Date 21/06/2019 Sign _______________
EU 2015/1186
Marca / Trademark / Marque / Merk / Marke / Marca Ravelli
Modello / Model / Modèle / Model / Modell / Modelo RBC 8010
Classe di efficienza energetica / Energy Efficiency class /Classe d’Efficacité Énergétique /
Energie-efficiëntieklasse / Energieeffizienzklasse / Clase de eficiencia energética A+
Potenza termica diretta / Direct thermal power / Puissance thermique directe / Directe
warmteafgifte / Direkte Wärmeleistung / Potencia calorífica directa 9,0 kW
Potenza termica indiretta / Indirect thermal power / Puissance thermique indirecte /
Indirecte warmteafgifte / Indirekte Wärmeleistung / Potencia calorífica indirecta --
Indice di efficienza energetica /Energy Efficiency Index / Indice de eficiencia energética /
Energie-efficiëntie-index / Energieeffizienzindex / Índice de eficiencia energética 123
Efficienza utile (Potenza nominale) / Useful efficiency (Nominal power) / Rendement utile
(puissance nominale) / Nuttig rendement (bij nominale) / Brennstoff-Energieeffizienz
(Nennwärmeleistung) / Eficiencia energética útil (potencia nominal)
88 %
Efficienza utile (Potenza ridotta) / Useful efficiency (Reduced power) / Rendement utile
(puissance minimale) / Nuttig rendement (bij minimale) / Brennstoff-Energieeffizienz
(Mindestlast) / Eficiencia energética útil (potencia minima)
93,1 %
Rispettare le avvertenze e le indicazioni di installazione e manutenzione periodica riportate nel manuale di
istruzioni. / Comply with the warnings and instructions concerning installation and routine maintenance provided in
the instruction manual. / Respecter les avertissements et les indications sur l’installation et l’entretien périodique
fournis dans le manuel d’instructions. / Neem de waarschuwingen en instructies voor installatie en periodiek
onderhoud in acht zoals aangegeven in de hoofdstukken van de gebruiksaanwijzing. / Beachten Sie die Warnungen
und Hinweise betreffend die Installation und regelmäßige Wartung in der Bedienungsanleitung. / Respete las
advertencias y las indicaciones de instalación y mantenimiento periódico, detalladas en los capítulos del manual de
RBC 8010
EU 2015/1186
Marca / Trademark / Marque / Merk / Marke / Marca Ravelli
Modello / Model / Modèle / Model / Modell / Modelo RBC 8012
Classe di efficienza energetica / Energy Efficiency class /Classe d’Efficacité Énergétique /
Energie-efficiëntieklasse / Energieeffizienzklasse / Clase de eficiencia energética A+
Potenza termica diretta / Direct thermal power / Puissance thermique directe / Directe
warmteafgifte / Direkte Wärmeleistung / Potencia calorífica directa 10,2 kW
Potenza termica indiretta / Indirect thermal power / Puissance thermique indirecte /
Indirecte warmteafgifte / Indirekte Wärmeleistung / Potencia calorífica indirecta --
Indice di efficienza energetica /Energy Efficiency Index / Indice de eficiencia energética /
Energie-efficiëntie-index / Energieeffizienzindex / Índice de eficiencia energética 123
Efficienza utile (Potenza nominale) / Useful efficiency (Nominal power) / Rendement utile
(puissance nominale) / Nuttig rendement (bij nominale) / Brennstoff-Energieeffizienz
(Nennwärmeleistung) / Eficiencia energética útil (potencia nominal)
88 %
Efficienza utile (Potenza ridotta) / Useful efficiency (Reduced power) / Rendement utile
(puissance minimale) / Nuttig rendement (bij minimale) / Brennstoff-Energieeffizienz
(Mindestlast) / Eficiencia energética útil (potencia minima)
93,1 %
Rispettare le avvertenze e le indicazioni di installazione e manutenzione periodica riportate nel manuale di
istruzioni. / Comply with the warnings and instructions concerning installation and routine maintenance provided in
the instruction manual. / Respecter les avertissements et les indications sur l’installation et l’entretien périodique
fournis dans le manuel d’instructions. / Neem de waarschuwingen en instructies voor installatie en periodiek
onderhoud in acht zoals aangegeven in de hoofdstukken van de gebruiksaanwijzing. / Beachten Sie die Warnungen
und Hinweise betreffend die Installation und regelmäßige Wartung in der Bedienungsanleitung. / Respete las
advertencias y las indicaciones de instalación y mantenimiento periódico, detalladas en los capítulos del manual de
RBC 8012
Dear Customer, We would like to thank you for choosing one of our stoves.
We invite you to read this manual carefully, before starting installation and use, so that you are able to benet from all of its
characteristics better and in full safety. It contains all necessary information for correct installation, start-up, operation, cleaning,
maintenance, etc.
Keep this manual in a suitable location, do not discard it without reading it.
Incorrect installation, maintenance and improper use of the product relieve the Manufacturer of all liability deriving from use of the
For further information and requirements contact your Ravelli-authorised Technical Assistance Centre.
All rights reserved. No part of this instructions manual can be reproduced or transmitted through any electronic or mechanical means,
including photocopies, recordings or any other storage system, for other purposes that are not exclusively use by the buyer’s staff,
without the express written consent of the Manufacturer.
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................................................7
IDENTIFICATION ..........................................................................................................................................9
Stove identication .......................................................................................................................................................................9
Manufacturer identication ..........................................................................................................................................................9
Reference standards .....................................................................................................................................................................9
WARRANTY .................................................................................................................................................10
Certicate of warranty .................................................................................................................................................................10
Warranty conditions ....................................................................................................................................................................10
Registration of warranty .............................................................................................................................................................10
Info and problems .......................................................................................................................................................................10
GENERAL INFORMATION ...........................................................................................................................11
Supply and safe-keeping ...........................................................................................................................................................11
Language .....................................................................................................................................................................................11
Symbols used in the manual .....................................................................................................................................................11
SAFETY MEASURES ..............................................................................................................................................................11
General safety warnings ............................................................................................................................................................11
Residual risks .............................................................................................................................................................................12
DESCRIPTION OF THE STOVE ....................................................................................................................12
Intended use ...............................................................................................................................................................................12
Reasonably foreseeable incorrect use .....................................................................................................................................13
Obligations and forbidden actions ...........................................................................................................................................13
Obligations ...................................................................................................................................................................................13
Forbidden actions ......................................................................................................................................................................13
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................14
Characteristics of the fuel .........................................................................................................................................................14
Non-permitted fuels .....................................................................................................................................................................15
Measurements ............................................................................................................................................................................16
RBC 8010 - RBC 8012 technical diagram .................................................................................................................................16
SHIPPING AND INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................17
Safety warnings for transportation and installation ...............................................................................................................17
Packaging ....................................................................................................................................................................................17
Set-ups for the smoke evacuation system ...............................................................................................................................18
Chimney ......................................................................................................................................................................................18
Chimney pot ................................................................................................................................................................................18
Requirements for the installation premises .............................................................................................................................19
CONNECTIONS ...........................................................................................................................................23
Testing and commissioning ......................................................................................................................................................23
Electric scheme ..........................................................................................................................................................................24
Controls and use .........................................................................................................................................................................25
Description of the display ..........................................................................................................................................................26
The display is subdivided into three parts: ..............................................................................................................................27
Time and date setting .................................................................................................................................................................27
PROCEDURES FOR USE .......................................................................................................................................................28
Checks prior to start-up .............................................................................................................................................................28
MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................................................................38
Safety warnings for maintenance .............................................................................................................................................38
Cleaning ......................................................................................................................................................................................38
Glass cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................................38
Cleaning the ash drawer ............................................................................................................................................................39
Smoke conduit cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................39
Smoke conduit cleaning ............................................................................................................................................................40
STORAGE AND DISPOSAL ...................................................................................................................................................41
Disposal .......................................................................................................................................................................................41
The stove does not work ............................................................................................................................................................41
Difcult lighting ...........................................................................................................................................................................41
Smoke leakage .............................................................................................................................................................................41
The glass gets dirty easily ..........................................................................................................................................................41
Downtime (end of season) .........................................................................................................................................................41
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
Stove identification
Type of product PELLET STOVE
Model RBC 8010
RBC 8012
Manufacturer identification
Aico S.p.A.
Via Consorzio Agrario, 3/D - 25032
Chiari (BS) - Italy
T. + 39 030 7402939
Reference standards
The RBC 8010- RBC 8012 stoves that this manual refers to are compliant with the regulation:
And observe the following harmonised standard:
EN 14785; EN 55014-1; EN 55014-2; EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3; EN 60335-1; EN 60335-2-102; EN 62233; EN 50581; ETSI
EN 300220-1
All local laws, including national and European standards, must be followed for the installation of the appliance.
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
Certicate of warranty
Ravelli thanks you for the trust granted with the purchase of one of its products and invites the purchaser to:
read the installation, use and maintenance instructions for the product;
read the warranty conditions contained below.
Warranty conditions
The warranty for the Customer is acknowledged by the Dealer under the terms of law.
The Dealer acknowledges the warranty only if the product has not been tampered with and only if it has been installed in accordance with
the Manufacturer’s instructions.
The limited warranty covers manufacturing material defects, as long as the product has not broken sue to an incorrect use, negligence,
incorrect connection, tampering, installation errors.
The warranty becomes null and void even if only one requirement in this manual is not complied with.
The following are not covered by warranty:
the combustion chamber refractory stones;
the door glass;
the gaskets;
the paint job;
the stainless steel or cast iron combustion grille;
the resistance;
the Majolica cladding;
the aesthetic parts;
any damages caused by unsuitable installation and/or use of the product and/or shortcomings on the part of the customer.
The use of poor quality pellet or any other unauthorised fuel may damage the product’s components, cause its warranty to be voided and
as a result eliminate the connected manufacturer liability.
It is therefore recommended to use good quality pellet that fulfils the requirements listed in the dedicated chapter.
All damages caused by transportation are not recognised, for this reason it is recommended to carefully check goods upon receipt,
immediately warning the reseller of any damage.
Registration of warranty
To activate the warranty, it is necessary to register the product on the Guarantee Portal on the website
www.ravelligroup.it, by entering your data and the purchase receipt.
Info and problems
Dealers authorised by Ravelli use a trained Technical Service Centre network to meet the Customer’s requirements. For any information
or request for assistance, please contact your Dealer or the Technical Service Centre.
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
Supply and safe-keeping
The manual is supplied in printed format.
Keep this manual safe, with the stove, so that the user can consult it easily.
The manual is an integral part, for safety reasons, therefore:
it must be kept intact (in full). If it gets lost or ruined it is necessary to immediately ask for a new copy:
it must be kept with the stove until demolition (including relocation, sale, rental, lease, etc....).
The Manufacturer will not be held liable for improper use of the stove and/or damage caused by operations that are not set forth in
the technical documentation.
The original manual was written in Italian.
Any translations into additional languages must be carried out based on the original instructions.
The Manufacturer is liable for the information contained in the original instructions; the translations into different languages cannot be
fully veried therefore if any inconsistency arises it will be necessary to follow the text in the original language or contact our Technical
Documentation Ofce.
Symbols used in the manual
symbol denition
! IMPORTANT This symbol is used to identify particularly important information in the manual. This
information also concerns the safety of users involved in using the stove.
General safety warnings
! IMPORTANT Read this instructions manual carefully
before stove installation and use. Failure to
observe the instructions set forth herein can
void the warranty and/or cause damage to
property and/or people.
Stove installation, system verification, operation
verification and initial calibration must be carried out
exclusively by qualied and authorised staff.
The stove needs to be connected to a single chimney that
guarantees the draught declared by the Manufacturer
and observes the installation regulations that apply to
the installation site.
The room where the stove is installed must have an air
The stove must not be used as an incinerator or differently
from its purpose
Do not use any fuel other than re pellet. It is strictly
forbidden to use liquid fuels.
It is prohibited to use the stove with the door or ash
drawer open or the glass broken.
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
Do not touch the hot surfaces of the stove without suitable
protective equipment, to avoid getting burned. When it is
running, the outer surfaces reach hot temperatures to
the touch.
It is forbidden to make unauthorised changes to the
Before using the stove it is necessary to know the position
and function of the controls.
If the chimney catches re you must call the re brigade.
Only use original spare parts. Any tampering and/or
replacements that have not been authorised by Ravelli
can pose a danger to the users safety.
In the event of particularly adverse weather conditions,
the safety systems could intervene and switch off the
stove. In any case, doe not disable the safety systems.
Residual risks
The stove was designed so as to guarantee the user’s essential
safety requirements.
Safety was integrated into the stove’s design and construction as
much as possible.
For every residual risk there is a description of the risk and the zone
or part that is applies to (unless the risk applies to the entire stove
overall). Procedure-related information is also provided on how to
avoid the risk and on the correct use of the personal protective
equipment required by and made compulsory by the Manufacturer.
Intended use
The appliance in question is intended for:
operation allowed fuel forbidden setting
Radiant and
heating, by
pellet Any fuel
other than
the permitted
Residential or
The stove is designed and built to work safely if:
it is installed by qualied staff according to the specic standards;
it is used within the limits declared in the contract and herein;
the operating manual procedures are followed;
routine maintenance is carried out according to the times and
methods set forth;
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
extraordinary maintenance is promptly carried out when needed;
safety devices are not removed and/or bypassed.
! IMPORTANT This stove must be intended for the use it was specically designed for.
Reasonably foreseeable incorrect use
Reasonably foreseeable incorrect use is listed below:
using the stove as an incinerator;
using the stove with fuel other than pellet;
using the stove with liquid fuels;
using the stove with the door open and the ash drawer out.
Any use of the appliance other than intended must be preventively
authorised in writing by the Manufacturer. Without said written
authorisation, the use is considered “improper”. Any contractual
and non-contractual liability of the manufacturer is excluded for
damages to persons, animals or property due to installation and
maintenance adjustment errors and improper use.
Obligations and forbidden actions
The user must:
read this instructions manual before performing any operation
on the stove;
the appliance must not be used by children under the age of 8 or
by people with reduced physical, sensorial or mental capacities
or without experience or without the necessary knowledge, and
always with supervision;
do not use the stove improperly, i.e. for uses other than those
described in the “INTENDED USE” paragraph;
it is strictly forbidden to use liquid fuels;
keep objects that are not heat and/or ame-resistant at a safe
only and exclusively load the stove with pellet with the
characteristics described herein;
connect the stove to a regulation chimney;
connect the stove to the extraction system by a pipe or outdoor
air intake;
always perform maintenance with the stove off and cold;
perform cleaning activities at the frequency stated herein;
use original parts recommended by the Manufacturer.
Forbidden actions
The user must never:
remove or change the safety devices without authorisation;
perform operations or manoeuvres of his/her own initiative that
are not part of his/her job description, meaning that he/she might
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
jeopardise his/her own safety and that of others;
use fuels other than pellet and those allowed for lighting;
use the stove as an incinerator;
use ammable or explosive substances near the stove during
use the stove with the door open and/or with the glass ruined or
close the combustion air and smoke outlet openings, whatsoever;
use the stove to dry laundry;
replace or change some of the stove parts.
RBC 8010 RBC 8012 U
smoke outlet pipe Ø 80 80 mm
Max. heating volume* 215 - 255 240 - 290 m3
Heating input reduced - nominal 3,2 - 10,2 3,2 - 11,6 kW
Heating output reduced - nominal 3,0 - 9,0 3,0 - 10,2 kW
Electrical consumption during nominal heat output* 0,68 - 2,15 0,68 - 2,45 W
Electrical connection 420 420 V - Hz
Hopper capacity 50 - 230 50 - 230 kg
Hourly consumption 20 20 Kg/h
Loading interval 9 - 30 8 - 30 h
Red. - Nom. Yield 93,1 - 88 93,1 - 88,0 %
CO at 13% of O20,021 - 0,004 0,021 - 0,004 %
Smoke ow 4,1 - 7,4 4,1 - 8 g/s
Minimum draft 10 - 0,1 10-0,1 Pa - mbar
Smoke temperature 71 - 157 71 - 181 °C
The data shown here is provided as a guideline and is not binding, and may change based on what type and quality of wood is used.
Ravelli reserves the right to make any changes in order to improve product performance.
* Heatable volume based on the requested power equal to 35 W/m³ and 55 W/m³
Characteristics of the fuel
Wood pellet is a fuel made of pressed wood sawdust, often recovered from processing scraps of carpentries. The material used
cannot contain any extraneous substance such as, for example, glue, lacquer or synthetic substances.
The sawdust, once it has been dried and cleaned from impurities, is pressed using a die with holes: as a result of high pressure, the
sawdust heats up by activating the natural wood binders; this way the pellet maintains its shape even without adding articial
Wood pellet density varies based on the type of wood and can exceed that of natural wood by 1.5 - 2 times.
The cylinders have a diameter of 6 mm and a variable length between 10 and 40 mm.
Their density is equal to approximately 650 kg/m3. Due to their low water content (< 10%) they have a high energy content.
The UNI EN ISO 17225-2:2014 standard (that replaces the EN PLUS standard) denes pellet quality by specifying three classes: A1,
A2 and B. Maintain fuels and other ammables at a suitable distance.
Ravelli recommends using wood pellet classied A1 and A2 according to the EN ISO 17225-2:2014 standard, or certied DIN PLUS
(more restrictive than the A1 class) or ONORM M 7135.
Pellet may be light or dark coloured, it is normally bagged into bags that show the name of the producer, the main characteristics
and classication according to standards.
Pellets must be transported and stored in a dry area. Upon contact with humidity they
swell and become unusable: it is therefore necessary to protect them from humidity, both
during transport and during storage.
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
Non-permitted fuels
We recommend not using the following materials as fuel:
treated wood (painted, lacquered, glued wood etc.);
sawdust or chips
liquid fuel
coal or other fossil fuels
plastic and derivatives
treated paper and cardboard
fuels that release toxic or polluting substances
Using these fuels, on top of being forbidden due to the emission of polluting and harmful substances, causes the stove to deteriorate
more rapidly and debris to accumulate in the stove and in the smoke evacuation system, thereby reducing performance and safety.
The gases produced by these fuels are dangerous for the environment and for your health!
Using fuel that is not compliant with the above will void the warranty.
! IMPORTANT The stove installation site must be chosen so that the generated heat can spread evenly
throughout the rooms that you wish to heat.
The stove needs to be connected to a single chimney that guarantees the draught declared by the Manufacturer
and observes the installation regulations that apply to the installation site.
The room where the stove is installed must have an air intake.
The Manufacturer will not be held liable for installation that is not compliant with the laws in force, incorrect air circulation in the rooms
and inappropriate use of the appliance.
In particular, it is necessary:
that the appliance be connected to a smoke evacuation system duly sized to guarantee the draught declared by the Manufacturer,
that is tight and observes the distances from ammable materials;
that there is a suitable combustion air intake in compliance with the type of installed product;
that other installed combustion appliances or devices do not create a vacuum in the room where the stove is installed;
that the safety distances from ammable materials are observed.
Verication of system compatibility has a priority over any other assembly or installation operation.
! IMPORTANT Local administrative regulations and particular requirements of the authorities pertaining
to the installation of combustion appliances, the air intake and the smoke evacuation
system, may vary based on region or nation. Check with your local authorities if there are
stricter laws than set forth herein.
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
RBC 8010 - RBC 8012
technical diagram
The data shown below is provided as a guideline and is not binding, and may change based on what type of pellet is used. Ravelli reserves the right to make any changes
in order to improve product performance.
RBC 8010 RBC 8012 Unit of measurement
Height 704 704 mm
Width 885 885 mm
Depth 986 986 mm
Empty weight 130 130 kg
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
Safety warnings for transportation and installation
! IMPORTANT The stove must be installed by a qualied technician, who must issue a declaration of
conformity of the system to the purchaser, taking full responsibility for stove installation
and correct operation.
! IMPORTANT The stove installation site must be chosen so that the generated heat can spread evenly
throughout the rooms that you wish to heat.
The stove needs to be connected to a single chimney that guarantees the draught declared by the Manufacturer
and observes the installation regulations that apply to the installation site.
The room where the stove is installed must have an air intake.
The air vent must be installed in such a way that it can not be blocked.
The Manufacturer will not be held liable for installation that is not compliant with the laws in force, incorrect air circulation in the rooms
and inappropriate use of the appliance.
In particular, it is necessary:
that the appliance be connected to a smoke evacuation system duly sized to guarantee the draught declared by the Manufacturer,
that is tight and observes the distances from ammable materials;
that there is a suitable combustion air intake in compliance with the type of installed product;
that other installed combustion appliances or devices do not create a vacuum in the room where the stove is installed;
that the safety distances from ammable materials are observed.
Verication of system compatibility has a priority over any other assembly or installation operation.
! IMPORTANT Local administrative regulations and particular requirements of the authorities pertaining
to the installation of combustion appliances, the air intake and the smoke evacuation
system, may vary based on region or nation. Check with your local authorities if there are
stricter laws than set forth herein.
When the stove arrives, check:
that it is the model you ordered;
that it has not been damaged during shipping.
Any complaints must be reported to the deliveryman (also on the delivery note) upon receival.
Check the capacity of the oor before handling and positioning the stove.
To handle the stove in its packaging, follow the procedure below:
1 Position the pallet truck forks in the slots under the wooden pallet.
2 Lift slowly.
3 Place the stove near the chosen location for installation.
The stove always needs to be handled vertically. Take extra care to protect the door and its glass against
mechanical impact that could jeopardise their integrity
To unpack the stove, follow the procedure described below:
1 Cut the straps and remove the wooden reinforcement frame resting on the box
2 Slowly lift the cardboard box
3 Remove any bubble-wrap or similar
4 Remove the stove from the pallet and position the appliance in the chosen location, ensuring that it is compliant with
the directions.
! IMPORTANT The end user is responsible for disposing of the packaging in accordance with the laws in
force in the country of installation.
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
Set-ups for the smoke evacuation system
Be careful when building the smoke evacuation system and observe the regulations in force in the country where
the stove is installed.
! IMPORTANT The Manufacturer will not be held liable for incorrectly sized and non-regulation smoke
evacuation systems.
Smoke ducts and ttings
The term smoke duct indicates all ducts that connect the combustion equipment to the chimney.
The following requirements need to be applied:
observe product standard EN 1856-2;
the horizontal sections must have a minimum slope of 3% upwards;
the length of the horizontal section must be as minimum as possible, and its projection on the horizontal plane must not exceed
2 metres;
changes in direction must not have an angle of more than 90° (45° bends are recommended);
the number of direction changes, including the one necessary for insertion into the chimney, must not exceed 3;
the cross section must have a constant diameter, the same from where it exits the rebox up to the tting into the chimney;
it is forbidden to use exible metal and bre cement pipes;
smoke ducts must not cross rooms where the installation of combustion equipment is prohibited.
In any case, the smoke ducts must be sealed against combustion products and condensation, as well as insulated if they lead outside
of the installation room.
Installing manual draught adjustment devices is not allowed.
! IMPORTANT Creating an initial straight vertical smoke duct section of at least 1 m to ensure proper
smoke ejection is mandatory.
The chimney is a particularly important element for correct stove operation.
The chimney must be sized so as to guarantee the draught declared by the Manufacturer.
Do not connect the stove to a collective chimney.
The chimney must be built applying the following regulations:
it must observe product standard EN 1856-1;
it must be made of materials that are suitable to guarantee resistance against normal mechanical, chemical and thermal stress
and be correctly thermally insulated to limit the formation of condensation;
it must be mainly vertical and not feature any bottlenecks along its entire length;
it must be correctly spaced with an air gap and insulated from ammable materials;
there must be a maximum of 2 changes in direction and angles must not exceed 45°;
the chimney inside the home, however, must be insulated and can be inserted into a skylight shaft, as long as it respects
standards regarding placing inside a tube;
the smoke conduit must be connected to the chimney using a "T" tting with an inspection collection chamber for combustion
residue and especially for collecting condensation.
! IMPORTANT It is necessary to check the safety distances that need to be observed when there are
flammable materials and the type of insulating material that needs to be used is on the
chimney data plate.
Use watertight pipes with silicone seals.
It is forbidden to use the discharge mounted directly on the wall or directed towards indoor spaces and any other
type of discharge that is not set forth by the regulation in force in the country of installation (Note: in Italy only
roof-discharge is allowed).
Chimney pot
The chimney pot, i.e. the top end of the chimney, must full the following characteristics:
the cross-section of the smoke outlet must be at least twice the internal cross-section of the chimney;
it must stop water or snow from getting in;
make sure the smoke is taken away even when there is wind (wind resistant chimney pot);
the outlet height must be outside of the reux zone (refer to national and local regulations to calculate the reux zone);
it must always be built at a distance from antennas or dishes, it must never be used as support.
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
For appliance installation and use it is necessary to observe all of the local, national and European laws and
Stove installation and the preparation of the building work must observe the regulation in force in the country of
installation (ITALY = UNI 10683).
! IMPORTANT The installation activities must be carried out by a technician that is qualied and/or
authorised by the Manufacturer. The staff in charge of installation must issue a declaration
of conformity of the system to the buyer, whereby they take full responsibility for the nal
installation and good operation of the installed product.
Ravelli shall not be held liable if these precautions are not followed.
Requirements for the installation premises
The stove installation room must be sufciently ventilated. To full this requisite it is necessary to equip the room with an air intake
connected to the outdoors.
! IMPORTANT The installation room must have an air intake with a free cross-section of at least 100
! IMPORTANT For installation in the presence of other combustion appliances or VMC system it is
necessary to check the appliance for correct operation.
The stove must be placed inside living quarters. It must never be installed outdoors and in explosive rooms. The volume of the
room where it is installed must be suitable for the power of the appliance and, in any case, greater than 15 m3.
When extraction fans (example: extraction hoods) are used in the same room or space as the stove, this can
cause problems to stove operation.
The stove must be installed on a floor with suitable load capacity. If the existing position does not fulfil this
requirement, it is necessary to take due measures (for example, using a load distribution plate).
provide due insulation if the surface is made of flammable material.
If the side walls adjacent to the stove are made of a ammable material, it will be necessary to position the stove at least 30 cm from
Minimum clearances from combustible materials
If the oor that the stove is standing on is ammable, we recommend duly insulating it. Objects and parts that are heat-sensitive or
Flue connection
Inspection door on
Antiwind grille
Use and maintenance manual RBC 8010 - 8012
Rev.1 17/06/2021
ammable cannot be stored near the stove; in any case keep these objects at a minimum frontal distance of 100 cm from the most
external point of the appliance’s footprint.
Stove installation must guarantee easy access to clean the appliance, the exhaust ducts and the chimney.
Hot air OUTLET min. 450 cm²
Cold air INLET min.
500 cm²
Combustion air inlet
min. 100 cm²
The unit can be installed in an existing replace or in a special compartment built to measure and covered with plasterboard; in any
case the optional insert support can be requested.
If the compartment is accessible from the outside (a), position the insert with the base resting on the reference surface of the
compartment, pull out the monoblock, making sure it does not tip over, and secure the base with 8 anchors to the existing support
surface; if a support surface is not available (b), the height-adjustable insert support KIT, to be xed to the oor, is available on request.
Optional insert
support KIT
To avoid overheating of the unit, air recirculation with one or more
openings must be created in the upper and lower part of the cladding
inside the fireplace structure covering the entire insert.
The following dimensions must be respected:
- bottom inlet for cold air drawn from the room, total minimum area
500 cm²
- top outlet for natural convection of hot air, total minimum area 450