Karu 16

Ooni Karu 16 Manuale utente

  • Ciao! Ho letto il manuale di montaggio del forno per pizza Ooni Karu 16 e sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande. Questo manuale fornisce informazioni dettagliate sul montaggio, l'uso e le caratteristiche del forno, che include un termometro digitale e la possibilità di utilizzare diversi combustibili.
  • Quali combustibili posso usare con questo forno?
    C'è un termometro incluso?
    Qual è la temperatura di esercizio di questo forno?
Karu 16
Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven
Assembly Manual
Ooni Karu 16 Pizza Oven
Ooni Karu 16
Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven
EN ............................................................ 2
DA .......................................................... 18
DE ......................................................... 34
ES .......................................................... 50
FI ........................................................... 66
FR.......................................................... 82
IT ........................................................... 98
NL ........................................................ 114
NO ...................................................... 130
PT ....................................................... 146
SE ........................................................ 162
HE ........................................................178
JP ........................................................ 194
RU ....................................................... 210
CH ...................................................... 226
Safety Legal Disclaimer – must be read in full, prior to use
1. Ooni is designed for outdoor use only. Ooni must always be placed outdoors, away from structures and never inside a
building or a garage or in proximity to any enclosed area. The clearances around the oven to any combustible surfaces
should be at least 1m from the sides and rear, and 3m from the front and above the oven. Place your Ooni on a sturdy, level,
stable and non-flammable surface and keep it clear and free from flammable or combustible materials, gasoline and other
flammable vapors and liquids.
2. Be aware of any local laws or regulations that may specify a required distance between outdoor cookers and any structures,
or that may limit outdoor flame of any type during drought or hazardous periods.
3. Do not install or use your Ooni in or on boats or recreational vehicles.
4. Do not use your Ooni in high or gusty winds.
5. Your Ooni is not intended to, and should never be used as a heater.
6. Toxic fumes can accumulate and may cause asphyxiation.
7. Your Ooni Karu 16 is a live fire device. Live fire will naturally go towards any air source, therefore, at times you will see fire
coming out of the oven:
a. at the back where the fire is;
b. from the top of the hatch when the lid is opened;
c. from the front of the oven when you open the door; or
d. from the top of the chimney.
We recommend you wear gloves when operating your Ooni Karu 16, to avoid any risk of burning.
8. Please keep away from the Ooni’s openings and warn others around you.
9. Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance of your Ooni may cause injury or property damage.
Therefore, do not use your Ooni unless it is completely assembled and all parts are securely fastened and tightened.
10. Your Ooni should be inspected on a regular basis.
11. When using the charcoal/wood burner: Add the kindling gradually to reach an optimum temperature. Adding too much
kindling will enlarge the fire,risking damage to you or your Ooni.
12. When using the gas burner: If the flame goes out, turn o the gas supply, remove door and hatch and wait 5 minutes before
13. When using your Ooni, there is a risk for your hands to suer burns. Protective heat-resistant gloves should be worn at all
times to avoid burns and you should never set hot items on or near combustible surfaces. DO NOT touch any metal parts
when your Ooni is operating. Only touch the plastic handles to open the door and lift the fuel hatch.
14. Never leave your Ooni unattended. Do not leave your Ooni unattended with the lid open while lit. Be aware of hazards (dry
leaves, decking and other combustible materials) that may be in proximity to the Ooni while it is in use as they may present a
fire hazard if any sparks are allowed to come into contact.
15. Keep all electrical cords away from your Ooni.
16. Ooni is to be used by responsible adults only.
17. Keep children, pets, and combustible items away from your Ooni at all times.
18. Do not attempt to remove any parts or move your Ooni when it is hot or while cooking.
19. DO NOT leave any hazardous objects such as lighters or barbecue lighting fluid next to your Ooni. Indeed, Ooni radiates
heat to all directions.
20. Ooni remains hot even after visible flames have died down. Allow a minimum of 2 hours for it to cool down once you are
done using your Ooni. DO NOT cover the Ooni immediately after it has been used and make sure all the fire and glowing
embers have disappeared from the burner before storing it.
21. The approximate temperature of your Ooni (when being used) ranges from 250°F (120°C) to 1000°F (550°C).
22. Ooni is safe and hazard-free when used as intended and according to safety guidelines, and will provide years of trouble-
free use and enjoyment. It is the users’ responsibility to maintain safe operation of the Ooni and to exercise reasonable
standards of care at all times.
WARNING! This barbecue will become very hot, do not move it during operation
Do not use indoors!
WARNING! Do not use spirit or petrol for lighting or re-lighting! Use only firelighters complying to EN 1860-3!
WARNING! Keep children and pets away
Do not use the barbecue in a confined and/or habitable space e.g. houses, tents, caravans, motor homes, boats.
Danger of carbon monoxide poisoning fatality.
Do not cook before the fuel has a coating of ash.
Areas where fire may appear outside the oven.
Lighting & extinguishing – wood or charcoal
Ooni Karu 16 comes with a wood and charcoal burner as a standard. Only use charcoal that is suitable for
cooking and do not cook food until the fuel has a coating of ash. When cooking with wood, use pieces of dry,
non-treated hardwood (up to 23 cm / 9” long and 7.5 cm / 3”) in diameter in the burner. Add no more than
0.5kg of fuel at one time and ensure there is no more than 1.3kg in the tray at one time.
To light your Ooni Karu 16 with either wood or charcoal:
Remove the chimney cap, open the chimney bae, and ceiling vent and attach the door.
Remove the hatch and place a layer of charcoal or a small stack of wood in the charcoal/wood burner.
Use a gas blowtorch or a natural fire-lighter to light the wood.
Once there is a fire going, slowly add more fuel. Replace the hatch and let Ooni Karu 16 to preheat for 30
minutes. Add more fuel as needed. The barbecue shall be heated up and the fuel kept red hot for at least
30 minutes prior to the first cooking.
Do not use spirit or petrol for lighting or re-lighting. Use only fire-lighters complying to EN 1860-3.
To extinguish
Let the fire burn down naturally and leave Ooni Karu 16 to cool. Do not remove ashes until Ooni Karu 16
has cooled completely.
Power to the device
3 x Supplied 1.5V AAA batteries are used to power the Pizza Oven Digital Thermometer
Remove the four screws on the back panel of the Pizza Oven Digital Thermometer to access battery
Thermometer instructions
Ooni Karu 16 comes with a battery powered Pizza Oven Digital Thermometer as standard.
Use the front mounted Pizza Oven Digital Thermometer for accurate and immediate temperature readings in
Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).
Power on
Press the Ooni button until ‘888’ appears on screen
Power o
Press and hold the Ooni button until the display goes blank/o.
The thermometer will automatically power o after 3.14 hours.
Change unit of measure
Single press the Ooni button to cycle between Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F).
The temperature will be displayed in the unit of measurement you selected.
Max temperature
Maximum internal temperature reached, open Karu 16 door to reduce the
temperature within the oven.
This will display if the thermometer cable has not been connected to the
Jack Bracket
Ooni button
A (x2) B (x1) C (x2) D (x2) E (x2)
12 13
Exploded view and parts list
Parts list
1. Main body
2. Door
3. Cordierite stone baking boards
4. Digital Thermometer
5. Chimney
6. Chimney cap
7. Fuel grate and fuel tray
8. Fuel hatch
9. Draft defender plate
10. Thermometer bracket
11. Jack bracket
12. Allen key
13. Phillips head screwdriver
A. Thermometer bracket screw
B. Thermometer thumb nut
C. Door hinge screw
D. Draft defender plate screw
E. Washer
Step by step
Step 1 - Unfold the legs
Step 2 - Attach the thermometer bracket to the floor
Step 3 - Insert the batteries into the Digital Thermometer
Remove 4x Phillips head screws counter-clockwise from the battery cover
Insert 3x AAA batteries provided and reinsert 4x Phillips heads screws clockwise.
Secure but do not over-tighten
Step 4a - Attach the Digital Thermometer
Step 4b - Attach the Digital Thermometer
Step 5 - Insert Cordierite stone baking boards
Step 6 -Insert fuel tray and fuel grate
The Ooni logo on the grate must face towards the front of the oven
Step 7a - Attach door
Ensure door hook is correctly
positioned over the door pins in
the oven body.
Step 7b - Attach door Tools required:
Allen key
Secure but do not over-tighten
Step 8 - Attach chimney and fuel hatch
Step 9 - Attach draft defender plate
Secure but do not over-tighten
Tools required:
Allen key
Step 10 - Open ceiling vent and chimney baffle before lightning
Chimney bae should be vertical.
Ceiling vent should be to the right.
Juridisk ansvarsfraskrivelse – skal læses i sin helhed inden brug
1. Ooni er kun designet til udendørs brug. Ooni skal altid placeres udendørs, med god afstand til strukturer og aldrig inde i en
bygning eller en garage eller i nærheden af et aflukket område. Afstanden omkring ovnen til enhver brændbar overflade skal
være mindst 1 m fra siderne og bagfra og 3 m fra fronten og over ovnen. Placer din Ooni på en solid, plan, stabil og ikke-
brændbar overflade, og hold den klar af og fri for brandbare materialer, benzin og andre brandfarlige dampe og væsker.
2. Vær opmærksom på lokale love eller regler, der kan angive en påkrævet afstand mellem udendørs komfurer og eventuelle
strukturer, eller som kan begrænse udendørs flammer af enhver art under tørke eller farlige perioder.
3. Installer eller brug ikke din Ooni i eller på både eller fritidskøretøjer.
4. Brug ikke din Ooni ved kraftig vind eller vindstød.
5. Din Ooni er ikke beregnet til og bør aldrig bruges som varmeapparat.
6. Giftige dampe kan ophobes og forårsage kvælning.
7. Din Ooni Karu 16 er en enhed med levende ild. Levende ild vil naturligvis bevæge sig hen mod enhver luftkilde, derfor vil du
til tider se flammer komme ud af ovnen:
a. bagest hvor ilden befinder sig;
b. fra toppen af lugen, når låget åbnes;
c. fra fronten på ovnen, når du åbner døren; eller
d. fra toppen af skorstenen.
Vi anbefaler, at du bruger handsker, når du betjener din Ooni Karu 16 for at undgå enhver risiko for forbrænding.
8. Hold dig væk fra Ooni'ens åbninger, og advar andre omkring dig om at gøre det samme.
9. Ukorrekt installation, justering, ændring, service eller vedligeholdelse af din Ooni kan forårsage personskade eller materielle
skader. Brug derfor ikke din Ooni, medmindre den er helt samlet, og alle dele er sikkert fastgjort og strammet.
10. Din Ooni skal inspiceres regelmæssigt.
11. Ved anvendelse af trækul/træbrænderen: tilsæt tændvæsken gradvist for at nå en optimal temperatur. Hvis du tilsætter for
meget tændvæske, forøges ilden, og du risikerer at skade dig selv eller din Ooni.
12. Ved brug af gasbrænderen: Hvis flammen slukkes, skal du slukke for gastilførslen, erne døren og lugen og vente 5 minutter,
før du tænder igen.
13. Når du bruger din Ooni, er der en risiko for at forbrænde dine hænder. Beskyttende, varmebestandige handsker bør altid
bæres for at undgå forbrændinger, og du bør aldrig placere varme genstande på eller i nærheden af brandbare overflader.
Berør IKKE metaldelene, når din Ooni er i drift. Berør kun plasthåndtagene for at åbne døren og løfte brændselslugen.
14. Efterlad aldrig din Ooni uden opsyn. Efterlad ikke din Ooni uden opsyn med åben låge, mens der er tændt op i den. Vær
opmærksom på farer (tørre blade, terrasseborde og andre brandbare materialer), der kan være i nærheden af Ooni'en, mens
den er i brug, da de kan udgøre en brandfare, hvis de får kontakt med gnister.
15. Hold alle elektriske ledninger væk fra din Ooni.
16. Ooni må kun bruges af ansvarlige voksne.
17. Hold altid børn, kæledyr og brandbare genstande i god afstand fra din Ooni.
18. Forsøg ikke at erne nogen dele eller flytte din Ooni, når den er varm eller under madlavning.
19. Efterlad IKKE farlige genstande såsom lightere eller grilloptændingsvæske ved siden af din Ooni. Faktisk udstråler Ooni varme
i alle retninger.
20. Ooni forbliver varm, selv efter synlige flammer er gået ned. Tillad mindst 2 timer, til at den køler af, når du er færdig med
at bruge din Ooni. DÆK IKKE Ooni'en til straks efter brug, og sørg for, at al ild og gløder er væk fra brænderen, før den
21. Den omtrentlige temperatur i din Ooni (når den bruges) varierer fra 250°F (120°C) til 1000°F (550°C).
22. Ooni er sikker og farefri, når den bruges som beregnet og i henhold til sikkerhedsretningslinjerne, og vil give mange års
problemfri brug og glæde. Det er brugernes ansvar at opretholde en sikker drift af Ooni'en og til enhver tid udvise rimelige
standarder for vedligeholdelse.