Micro Explorer S Manuale utente

  • Ciao, sono un assistente AI e ho letto il manuale utente per il monopattino elettrico Explorer S. Questo manuale include istruzioni dettagliate sulla sicurezza, l'uso, la manutenzione e le funzioni del dispositivo, come le diverse modalità di guida e il display. Sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande su questo monopattino.
  • Qual è il peso massimo supportato dal monopattino?
    Qual è la velocità massima del monopattino?
    Come si carica la batteria del monopattino?
    Qual è l'autonomia della batteria?
User Manual
Vertaling van de oorspronkeli-
jke gebruiksaanwijzing
Русский язык
Оригинальное руководство
Translation of the original
Traducción del manual
Traduction de la notice orig-
Traduzione delle istruzioni
원래 지침의 번역
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Before using for the rst time ..............................................................................................15
Before each trip ...................................................................................................................... 16
Translation of the original instructions ................................................................................ 5
Explanation of terms and symbols ....................................................................................... 6
Unit identication ................................................................................................................... 11
Wear and tear .......................................................................................................................... 11
Battery instructions for use ................................................................................................. 12
Protection against the ....................................................................................................... 12
Transporting the electric scooter ........................................................................................ 12
Storage ..................................................................................................................................... 12
What to do aer a fall or accident ....................................................................................... 13
Cleaning ................................................................................................................................... 13
Repair ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Instructions for disposal ....................................................................................................... 14
8 – 10
Initial setup
Intended Use
General information
Instructions for use
Safety Instructions
Unfolding .................................................................................................................................. 17
Folding ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Foldable handles ................................................................................................................... 19
Turning the light on and o ...................................................................................................19
Charging the battery ............................................................................................................. 20
Brakes ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Operating the foot brake ...................................................................................................... 21
Scope of warranty services .................................................................................................. 28
Declaration of conformity
Battery maintenance .......................................................................................................... 25
Technical data
Warranty conditions
Service record
Operating the regenerative brake ....................................................................................... 22
Riding with the electric scooter ...........................................................................................22
Operating the hand brake ..................................................................................................... 22
Twist throttle acceleration ................................................................................................... 23
Cruise control ......................................................................................................................... 23
Riding programs ..................................................................................................................... 23
Setting the riding programs ................................................................................................. 24
Display functionality explained .......................................................................................... 24
Clamping lever
Steering column
Hand grip
Hand brake
User Manual
Before you begin using the electric scooter, please take the time to read the user
manual carefully, especially the safety instructions. Please observe the road
regulations for driving electric scooters which are also applicable in other countries
and which may dier. Please keep this user manual for future reference. If you pass the
electric scooter to a third party, please be sure to pass on this user manual.
Explanation of terms and symbols
The purpose of the security symbols is to draw your attention to possible dangers. Read
the explanations carefully and make sure you understand the security symbols. Failure
to follow the safety instructions can lead to personal injury or injury to third parties as
well as damage to property.
The following symbols and signal words are used in this original user manual, on the
electric scooter, or on the packaging:
Indicates a potential low-risk hazard, which may result in minor or
moderate personal injury if not observed. This signal word is not used for
risks that involve purely material damage.
Indicates practical information and tips, which facilitate optimal use
of the electric scooter.
Indicates a potential medium-risk hazard, which may result in serious or
fatal physical injury if not observed. This signal word is not used for risks
that involve purely material damage.
The electric scooter is intended exclusively for use as a scooter on dened roads and
The electric scooter is intended for the transport of one person.
The electric scooter is designed for persons with a maximum weight of 100 kg, and a
maximum height of 190 cm.
Please ensure you have read and understood the road trac regulations of your
country before you use the electric scooter.
The electric scooter is not suitable for transporting luggage or children.
The electric scooter is for private use only and not for commercial purposes.
The electric scooter is suitable for persons over the age of 16.
The intended use also includes compliance with the information in the chapters
‘Notes on use’ and ‘Maintenance’.
Use the electric scooter only as described in the original user manual. Any other
type of use is considered to be non-compliant and may lead to accidents, personal
injury or damage to property.
The motor power is 450W. The maximum total power accepted from the battery
during acceleration is 500W.
for using the electric scooter
Do not use the electric scooter if you are not entirely familiar with its operation and
The scooter must not be used by persons with limited physical, sensory or mental
capacity, or lack of experience and expertise.
Children may not use, clean or maintain the electric scooter.
The additional electronic brake assistance (motor brake) may lead to a shorter
braking distance. Please be aware that the motor brake is not supported if...
• the battery is discharged and you are riding with body power alone.
Avoid riding at dusk or in poorly lit conditions.
For optimum visibility and safety always ride with the lights switched on.
Always wear suitable protective equipment.
Make sure to wear an approved, tted bike helmet, even if there is no statutory
Always wear shoes.
Avoid steep descents as they may lead to falls.
Always pay attention to other road users. The misconduct of others may result in
accidents and injuries.
Always ride gently and pay particular attention to the condition of the road.
Unpredictable road conditions, such as slipperiness or foliage, may lead to an
increased risk of skidding.
Do not jump with the scooter and always make sure to avoid potholes, kerbs and
other obstacles.
Do not touch the brake aer prolonged braking; it may be hot.
If the electric scooter is exposed to wetness due to wet weather or cleaning, the
moisture may eect the responsiveness of the braking system. Ride the scooter in a
safe place to dry the brakes aer cleaning.
Never store the electric scooter in living areas or near ammable objects.
Always hold the handlebars with both hands and both feet on the board in a stable
and comfortable position.
When using the rear brake pedal, use only one foot and leave the other foot on the
board to maintain proper balance when handling the scooter.
Beware of possible entrapment of ngers and other body parts when folding and
unfolding the scooter and when folding and unfolding the handles of the scooter.
The power to the scooter must be switched o before any maintenance or
adjustment work is carried out.
for attachments and modications
Do not modify the electric scooter or install incorrect accessories as this will put
your safety at risk.
The use of unauthorized accessories may result in serious injury or damage to the
electric scooter.
‘Customization' or ’Tuning' of the electric scooter is forbidden.
Do not hang items such as bags on the handlebar, as this will have an adverse eect
on the handling characteristics.
Make sure only to charge the battery with the enclosed charger and only at
temperatures between 5° and 25° Celsius.
Follow the safety instructions on the battery.
Never charge the battery unattended.
When charging the battery, ensure proper plug connection, adequate ventilation
and a dry environment.
Never bring the charger, the mains and connection cables into contact with water
as this may cause an electric shock. Do not touch the battery and charger with wet
Check the connecting plug and charger at regular intervals. If there is any damage,
have them replaced.
Always store the battery at temperatures between 5° and 25° Celsius.
Keep the battery out of reach of children and animals at all times.
Any repairs and maintenance of the battery or charger must be carried out by a
for using the battery
for setup, maintenance and repair
Incorrect tightening of screws may lead to material fatigue. Screws become so
when they are subjected to excessive stress and may tear. This increases the risk of
accidents and injuries. Always use a torque spanner to tighten the screws.
Always consult a specialist for repairs to the drive system.
Unit identication
The serial number is found on the front right side of the deck.
More information about your scooter can be found on the adhesive label axed to
the scooter.
Wear and tear
Use of the electric scooter results in a natural wear and tear process. To ensure safe
riding at all times, please read the chapter ‘Maintenance’, observe the maintenance
intervals and have them recorded in the service record by an authorized service centre.
Furthermore, follow the instructions in the 'Before each trip' section, each time you
start up your electric scooter.
Battery instructions for use
Protection against the
Transporting the electric scooter
The built-in lithium-ion battery is a high-tech product which provides excellent
performance with correct handling and maintenance. Please read and follow the
section ‘Charging the battery’ in the chapter ‘Operation’ and the instructions for
‘Battery maintenance’ in the chapter ‘Maintenance’.
Ensure that you never leave your electric scooter unattended, and always protect it
from the with a suitable lock. Use a commercially available bicycle lock to secure the
electric scooter in the area of the rear wheel.
The batteries are subject to legislation for hazardous goods. Special packaging and
labelling requirements apply to transport by third parties (e.g. air freight or parcel
service). In the case of shipment, please contact an expert for hazardous goods. Do not
transport or ship damaged batteries.
Travel requirements: Please inquire your airline company and refer to the local laws.
Do not leave your scooter in direct sunlight or cold weather for extended periods of
time. The ideal storage temperature for your scooter and battery is between 15° to 20°
Celsius. Do not store your electric scooter in living areas, but in the garage.
What to do aer a fall or accident
Aer a fall or accident, bring your electric scooter to an authorised service centre and
have it checked for any damage.
Have all repairs performed by an authorized dealer or an authorized service centre. Do
not carry out any repairs on electrical components yourself. Only a specialist may open
enclosures with built-in electrical components.
To prevent corrosion of the screws and unnecessary wear and tear, it is advisable to
thoroughly clean and dry the unit every three months and aer every ride in the rain.
Aer cleaning, rinse the scooter with clean water to remove any traces of the cleaning
agent used. Then dry the scooter with a cloth.
Use device-specic cleaning agents and care
products as well as a so sponge. Never use
solvents for cleaning and avoid cleaning the
scooter directly under running water.
Instructions for disposal
Pay attention to the environment during disposal and observe the following
Only dispose of the electric scooter and associated components (e.g. battery) at an
approved disposal company or via the community disposal facility.
Observe the current regulations. If in doubt, consult your disposal facility for
environmentally sound disposal. Batteries and electrical appliances must not be
disposed of with domestic waste!
Before using for the rst time
Check the scope of delivery:
Scooter, Charger & Power cabel, User Manual
The end of this user manual contains the micro-Pass. Fill out the micro-Pass
completely and store it together with the purchase receipt. The micro-Pass enables
a smooth processing of repairs and warranty issues.
The battery is only partially charged upon delivery. Before using for the rst time,
fully charge the battery using the charger provided.
Before each trip
The electric scooter must be checked for its roadworthiness before each trip. The
vehicle is delivered by the manufacturer fully ready for use. Because defects potentially
impairing the function of the vehicle may occur during transport as well as during any
periods o the road, please always pay attention to the following points before using
for the rst time and before each trip:
Test item Test content
Lights Are the lights turned on?
General condition Are all screws tightened rmly and all components secured?
Brakes Are the brakes set correctly and fully functional?
Folding mechanism Has the folding mechanism clicked into place properly and is
the clamping lever closed and tightened rmly?
Battery charge status Is the battery suciently charged?
Current riding mode Which driving mode is currently set?
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Before each use, it is imperative to check the wear of the tyres and the tightness of the
Your electric scooter is delivered folded up. In a few simple steps, it is unfolded and
ready to ride. The following explains how to unfold the scooter.
1. Press down the rear brake pedal in order to release the front tube hook.
2. Pull up the front tube until you hear a click. The bolt on the folding block is now
correctly positioned in place.
1. To fold your scooter, push the blue lever down with your foot while applying
pressure on the handlebar in direction of riding.
2. This scooter has a sidestand. You can either use the sidestand or let the scooter
stand by folding it partly.
3. Click the hook on the vertical tube into the rear brake pedal.
Foldable Handles
You can fold the scooters handles in order to store it compactly. To do so, just pull
out the handles horizontally and fold them down. To unfold them, just push them up
slightly and they will automatically click into position.
Turning the light on and o
To switch the light on/o press shortly the light button (second button from the
right side of the display).