Google+™ .............................................. 60
Getting Started With Google+ ................. 60
Changing Google+ Settings ..................... 60
Browser .................................................. 61
Opening the Browser .................................. 61
Working With an Opened Page ............... 62
Using Multiple Browser Tabs .................... 62
Downloading Files ....................................... 63
Using Bookmarks .......................................... 63
Viewing Your Browsing History ............... 64
Changing Browser Settings ...................... 64
Google Maps™ .................................... 65
Activating Location Services .................... 65
Getting Your Location ................................. 65
Searching for a Location ............................ 65
Getting Directions to Your Destination 66
Searching for Local Places ......................... 66
Google Now™ and Search ............. 67
Enabling Google Now ................................. 67
Searching With Text ..................................... 67
Searching by Speaking ............................... 67
Changing Search and Voice
Search Settings.............................................. 67
People ..................................................... 41
Checking Contact Details .......................... 41
Adding a New Contact ............................... 41
Setting Up Your Own Prole ..................... 41
Importing, Exporting, and
Sharing Contacts .......................................... 42
Working With Favorite Contacts ............. 43
Working With Groups .................................. 43
Searching for a Contact .............................. 44
Editing Contacts ........................................... 44
Accounts ................................................ 47
Adding or Removing Accounts ............... 47
Conguring Account Sync ........................ 47
Email ........................................................ 49
Setting Up the First Email Account ........ 49
Checking Your Emails .................................. 49
Responding to an Email ............................. 49
Writing and Sending an Email ................. 50
Adding a Signature to Your Emails ......... 50
Adding and Editing Email
Accounts .......................................................... 51
Changing General Email Settings ........... 51
Table of ContentsTable of Contents
Gmail™ .................................................... 52
Opening Your Gmail Inbox ........................ 52
Switching Accounts ..................................... 52
Writing and Sending a Message ............. 52
Adding a Signature to Your
Gmail Messages ............................................ 53
Replying to, Forwarding, or Printing
a Message ........................................................ 53
Working With Received
Attachments ................................................... 53
Working With Labels ................................... 54
Changing Gmail Settings ........................... 54
Messaging ............................................ 55
Opening the Messaging Screen .............. 55
Sending a Text Message ............................. 55
Replying to a Message ................................ 56
Forwarding a Message ............................... 56
Deleting Messages or Threads ................. 56
Changing Message Settings ..................... 57
Calendar ................................................ 58
Viewing Your Calendars and Events ...... 58
Creating an Event ......................................... 59
Editing or Deleting an Event .................... 59
Changing Calendar Settings .................... 59
Camera ................................................... 68
Capturing a Photo ........................................ 68
Using Manual Camera Mode .................... 69
Recording a Video ........................................ 69
Customizing Camera Settings ................. 70
Gallery .................................................... 71
Opening the Gallery .................................... 71
Working With Albums ................................. 71
Working With Pictures ................................ 72
Playing Videos ............................................... 73
Music ....................................................... 74
Copying Music Files to Your Phone ........ 74
Viewing Your Music Library....................... 75
Playing Music ................................................. 76
Managing Playlists ....................................... 77
Play Music ............................................. 78
Playing Your Music ....................................... 78
Managing Playlists ....................................... 80
Video Player ......................................... 81
Opening the Video Library ........................ 81
Playing and Controlling Videos ............... 81
Managing Video Files .................................. 81
Sound Recorder ................................. 83
Recording a Voice Memo ........................... 83
Playing a Voice Memo ................................. 83