Yamaha Commercial Audio
Live Recording with M7CL or PM5D via Dante
A Nuendo or Cubase template is a file which contains all relevant set up data
for a project. When opened, it allows the user to instantly start working on a
suitable project without having to configure a long list of settings from different
menus and windows.
A number of templates have been created to accompany this document, for
live recording using Nuendo 4 or Cubase 4 / 5 and the Dante Virtual
Soundcard. (They are free to download from
http://www.yamahaproaudio.com/training/self_training/index.html). There are
templates for 48-track and 64-track recording. Each one will record 48kHz 24-
bit “Wave 64” files. (The “Wave 64” format is able to cope with recording over
long periods of time, creating large file sizes). This audio file type is easy to
transfer between Cubase and Nuendo projects. The file format may need to
be changed to allow compatibility with other audio editing software. More
details are included in the Appendix.
A method for creating a new template is outlined in the Appendix. Here
follows the procedure for opening an existing template:
Paste the required Nuendo 4 templates to the following folder,
depending on your operating system:
a. Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application
Data\Steinberg\Nuendo 4\templates
b. Windows Vista:
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Nuendo
c. Apple Mac OSX:
Users/<user name>/Library/Preferences/Nuendo 4/templates
There is a shortcut to access these folders, as Windows keeps them
hidden by default: open the “Start” menu, open the “programs” list,
open the “Steinberg Nuendo 4” list, and select “Nuendo Application
Data Folder”.
The Cubase 4 templates should be pasted to a similar location, but in
the “Cubase 4\Templates” folder instead. And Cubase 5 templates in
the “Cubase 5\Templates” folder. The same shortcut to access these
folders is available via the “Start” menu.
To open a template in Cubase 4 or Nuendo 4, open the File menu and select
“New Project”. Then select the required template from the list. Easy!
17 www.yamahaproaudio.com