Mobility AL EXT Electric Scooter Manuale utente

  • Ciao, sono il tuo assistente virtuale. Ho letto il manuale d'uso per il monopattino elettrico AL EXT e sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande. Il manuale copre tutti gli aspetti importanti, dalla sicurezza e l'assemblaggio alle funzioni dell'app e alla manutenzione. Ricorda di leggere attentamente tutte le istruzioni prima di iniziare a usare per la prima volta il tuo monopattino.
  • Qual è l'età minima per utilizzare il monopattino elettrico?
    Qual è il peso massimo supportato dal monopattino?
    Quanto tempo impiega la batteria a caricarsi completamente?
    Dove posso trovare maggiori informazioni sulla garanzia del prodotto?
English ..................................................................................02
Italiano ..................................................................................24
Français ................................................................................ 68
Deutsch ................................................................................90
Polski .................................................................................. 112
................................................................................ 134
.......................................................................... 156
 ............................................................................. 178
........................................................................ 200
Nederlands ......................................................................... 222
Srpski.................................................................................. 244
 ......................................................................... 266
Türkçe ................................................................................. 288
 ...................................................................................... 310
User manual
Instructions translated from the original Italian
Thank you for choosing this product.
For information, technical support, assistance and to consult the general terms of the warranty,
contact your dealer or visit
This manual refers to the following electric scooter:
1. Safety instructions
2. Package contents and assembly
3. Product overview
4. Command information / Control panel
5. Quick guide
6. Folding and carrying
7. Range and performance
8. Storage, maintenance and cleaning
9. App configuration
10. Technical data sheet
11. Troubleshooting
12. Liability and general terms of warranty
IMPORTANT! Read and follow the instructions carefully before using the item. Keep this manual for future reference
or new users.
Take the time to learn the basics of the procedure to avoid severe accidents that may occur in the initial months.
Contact your dealer for advice on how to use the bike correctly or indications on contacting a suitable training
The company assumes no direct or indirect responsibility arising from misuse of the item, non-compliance with both the
highway code and the instructions in the manual, accidents or disputes caused by non-compliance or illegal activity.
This product is to be used for recreational purposes, by one person only and without passengers, therefore it cannot be
used by more than one person at a time.
Do not modify the intended use of the vehicle in any way. The item is not suitable for stunts, competitions, transporting
objects, towing other vehicles or trailers.
The electric scooter must be used carefully, always respecting the rules imposed by the Highway Code of the country
where it is used, in order to avoid dangerous situations and to take the utmost care of yourself and others.
Illustrative vehicle design requirements:
Electric scooter model AL EXT Green AL EXT Bronze
Product code with indicators included
LA-MO-210001 AR-MO-210004
LA-MO-220002 LA-MO-210002
MIN weight (Kg) 30 30
MAX weight (Kg) 120 120
MIN age * 14 14
MAX age * 65 65
MIN height (cm) 120 120
MAX height (cm) 200 200
* Before using the product, check and follow local regulations regarding the minimum age of the rider, restrictions
on the type of riders who can use the product and on the use of the product itself.
The A-weighted emission sound pressure level (noise) at the rider’s ear is less than 70 dB(A).
Symbols identifying safety warnings
The following visual symbols are used to identify safety messages in this manual. They draw the focus of attention of
the reader/user to the proper, safe use of the item.
Pay attention
Highlights the rules to follow to prevent damage to the item and/or prevent hazardous situations from arising.
Residual risks
Highlights the presence of hazards that generate residual risks to which the user must pay attention to avoid injury or
material damage.
General warnings
It is important to bear in mind that when out in a public space or on the road, even when the instructions in the manual
are observed down to the letter, the rider is not immune to injury caused by infractions or inappropriate actions taken
towards other vehicles, obstacles or persons. Misuse of the item or non-compliance with the instructions provided in this
manual may cause severe injury.
This product is an electric vehicle. The faster you ride, the longer the braking distance. Emergency braking on slippery,
muddy, wet or icy roads may result in wheel spin and loss of balance. Adequate speeds and safety distances from other
vehicles or pedestrians must be adhered to. Take extra care when riding on unfamiliar roads. Do not open the kickstand
when using the item, risk of severe personal injury and damage to item.
On wet roads, the braking distance increases and the grip decreases compared to dry roads! Drive more carefully, keep
a safe distance!
For personal safety, wear a helmet, and knee and elbow pads to protect against falls and injuries while riding the item.
When allowing others to use the item, ensure that the rider wears the safety equipment and explain the operation of the
vehicle. To avoid injury, do not allow other persons to use the item if they do not know how to use it. Wear shoes before
using the item.
Children must not play with the electric scooter or its parts, nor should they be allowed to clean it or perform
maintenance operations.
When riding, take special care to not frighten children or pedestrians. When overtaking behind them, warn them by
sounding the horn and slow down using the minimum speed of 6km/h.
Instructions and warnings on rider behaviour
Conditions Appropriate/intended use Improper use
Riders One More than one person, with children
or animals
Safety equipment Helmet, knee pads, elbow pads,
reflective vest
No safety equipment
Pre-riding check
Prior to each use, check brakes and
any wear, check tyre pressure (see
side of tyre for recommended value),
wheel wear, throttle, indicators, lights
and charge status of battery.
Never checking the item prior to use
If any unusual noises or faults are
detected, do not use the item and
contact your dealer or the Authorised
Technical Support Department
Using the item when noise or faults
are present
Walking while pushing
the item
Not accelerating Depressing the throttle
Pushing while walking across
pedestrian crossings
Riding the vehicle on pedestrian
In pedestrian areas when not in
pedestrian mode (6 km/h)
Riding the vehicle in pedestrian areas
when not in pedestrian mode (6 km/h)
In overcrowded areas Riding the vehicle in overcrowded areas
The person riding the item must be
able to easily place both feet on the
ground while holding the handlebars
at the correct height
Not being able to keep the item
stationary and balanced
Sitting on the item while it is running or
Conditions Appropriate/intended use Improper use
Riding under normal
No objects hanging from handlebars Objects hanging from handlebars
result in instability and may impede
Riding with both hands on the
One-handed or hand-free riding
Not using devices such as phones,
smartwatches, music players, or
Using devices such as phones,
smartwatches, music players, or
Riding with both feet on the footrest
comfortably and safely
Riding with one or more feet off the
It is prohibited to place or amass weight
on the rear mudguard.
Riding with helmet and protective
Riding without helmet and protective
Riding on easily accessible, smooth
compact roads, avoiding heavily
trafficked or overcrowded areas:
e.g. dedicated cycle paths, smooth
paved surfaces
Riding on motorways, long-distance
Riding on busy roads
Riding on pavements
Riding in overcrowded areas
Riding on very rough roads
Riding near: ravines, escarpments,
harbours, sea, lakes or rivers
Complying with local regulations and
the highway code
Failure to comply with regulations and
the highway code
Looking ahead and watching out
for obstacles, vehicles or nearby
Becoming distracted while riding
Changing direction, making sure to be
seen, moderating speed
Changing direction abruptly at high
speed without making sure that you
have been seen
Anticipating the route and
moderating speed while observing
the highway code and those that are
the most vulnerable
Braking and cornering at the same time
makes the vehicle unstable
Using direction indicators, if included
on the item
Not using direction indicators
Slowing down when pedestrians are
Accelerating or maintaining a constant
speed when pedestrians are present
Using pedestrian mode in pedestrian
areas (6 km/h)
Warning others of your presence by
using the bell
Riding without using pedestrian mode in
pedestrian areas (6 km/h)
Not warning others of your presence by
using the bell
Uneven road conditions:
speed bumps/steps/rough
road surfaces
Riding at moderate speeds High-speed riding
Bend knees slightly for better shock
absorption when traversing uneven
Accelerating over bumps or ditches,
going down steps, jumping over
obstacles, climbing pavements, riding
Conditions Appropriate/intended use Improper use
Behaviour: around bends,
down slopes, in the presence
of nearby obstacles, vehicles
and pedestrians
Keeping at a safe distance Not observing safety distances
Ceasing to accelerate
Braking and slowing down
Riding at moderate speed and
braking safely
Riding at high speed, braking suddenly
Paying attention to doors and other
high obstacles
Traversing beneath high obstacles
Visibility conditions
Only ride if there is enough light
to ride safely. When riding in
unfavourable lighting conditions
(from half an hour following sunset,
throughout the entire period of
darkness and even during the day,
if weather conditions preclude road
visibility, when driving through
tunnels), remember to switch on the
item’s lights and wear a reflective
vest, belts or bands.
Riding in unfavourable lighting
conditions with lights off and without
using a reflective vest, belts or bands.
Weather conditions
Driving in optimal conditions (no rain) Driving in adverse conditions:
in the rain, in case of snowfall, in the
presence of ice or mud on the road, in
case of strong wind and fog.
In designated areas without impeding
movement of vehicles or pedestrians
Everywhere, impeding movement of
vehicles or pedestrians
On smooth surfaces, ensuring
stability is maintained
On uneven surfaces and without
ensuring stability
Switching off the item and using an
anti-theft device
Using the kickstand provided
Leaving the item switched on,
unattended with no anti-theft device
Engaging in extreme sports/
NO YES, improper use:
Riding near: ravines, escarpments,
harbours, sea, lakes or rivers
Riding through puddles
Racing with other vehicles
Subjecting the item to
forceful impact
NO YES, improper use:
Jumping over object or persons, jumping
off steps or from high places
What to do after a fall:
Check that the throttle lever works properly. To do this, accelerate and decelerate several times.
Check that the brakes work properly. To do this, get off the item, push it forward and brake to ensure it responds to the
Check that all vehicle components are in place and securely fastened.
Check tyre wear and pressure (see side of tyre for recommended value).
Check the wear of the brakes and cables.
The brakes may become hot during use. Do not touch after use.
Assembled item, the handlebar must be installed using the special screws contained in the package.
Model Reference picture In the package Handlebar assembly
- Allen keys
- #4 bolts for
- #2 bolts for stand
- Stand
- Charger
Take the item out of its packaging.
Open the handlebar stem and secure it by closing the lever on the closing mechanism.
Connect the display power cable to the main wiring (if necessary).
Fit the handlebar onto the stem (do not crush the cables).
Insert and tighten the bolts on the stem using the supplied spanner.
Fit the stand (if necessary).
Adjust the locking mechanism on the stem* (if necessary).
Model Reference picture * Adjusting the stem locking
There is a hex screw inside the
If the handlebar stem is not very stable
after closing, adjust the screw in the
mechanism, by tightening or loosening
it as required to increase the stability of
the stem.
Assemble the item correctly. If, during assembly, any factory defects, unclear steps or difficulties with assembly or
adjustments are encountered, do not ride the vehicle and contact your dealer or visit
for technical support.
Do not use accessories and/or additional parts that are not approved by the manufacturer.
Keep children away from plastic items (including packaging materials) and small parts that may result in suffocation.
It is forbidden to modify or transform the item or any its parts in any way, as this may impair efficiency, reduce
structural integrity and cause damage. If any factory defects, unusual noises or faults are encountered, do not ride the
vehicle and contact your dealer or visit for technical support.
In the interest of technological development, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify the item with no prior
notice and this manual will not be automatically updated.
For information and to view updates of this manual, visit
1. Front headlight
2. Brake lever
3. Hook
4. Locking mechanism
5. Front wheel
6. Stand
7. Charging port
8. Footrest
9. Fastening clip
10. Rear light
11. Rear mudguard
12. Rear drive wheel
13. Brake caliper
14. Bell
15. Display
16. Throttle
17. ON/OFF button
18. Light Switch
19. USB port
3. PRODUCT OVERVIEW Battery charging
Prior to using the item for the first time, charge to 100%. Ensure the item, charger, and charging port are dry.
-Open the kickstand
-Switch off the item
Model Reference picture INSTRUCTIONS
Only use the supplied magazine.
Connect the charger first to the wall
socket and only then to the charging
Do not switch on the electric scooter
while it is charging.
The red light on the charger will turn green
when charging is complete.
To recharge the item, use the battery charger supplied ONLY
Model Battery charger model Output voltage Charging time
AL EXT FCA136-546020 54.6V, 2A 7 hours
Using another type of charger may damage the scooter or entail other potential risks.
Never leave the item unsupervised while it is charging. Do not switch the product on while it is charging.
After each use, fully recharge the battery to extend its useful life. Do not recharge the item immediately after use. Allow
the scooter to cool for an hour before recharging.
The item should not be charging for extended periods. Overcharging reduces battery life and poses additional potential
Allow the vehicle to discharge completely to prevent damage to the battery.
Damage caused by the battery being left uncharged for a long period is irreversible and is not covered by the limited
warranty. Once the damage has occurred, the battery cannot be recharged (the battery must not be dismantled by
unqualified personnel, as this could lead to electric shocks, short circuits or even major safety incidents). If the owner
is away, e.g. on holiday, and the device is entrusted to a third party, leave it in a partial charge state (20-50% charge),
not fully charged.
Carry out regular visual inspection of the charger and charger cables. If the battery charger cable is clearly damaged,
do not use it to avoid further damage and/or risks; please contact us for a replacement.
Battery warnings
The battery consists of lithium-ion cells and chemical elements that are hazardous to health and the environment. Do
not use the item if it emits odours, substances or excessive amounts of heat. Do not dispose of the item or the battery
with household waste. The end user is responsible for the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment and batteries
in compliance with all applicable regulations.
Avoid used, defective and/or non-original batteries of other models or brands.
Do not leave the battery near fire or heat sources. Fire and explosion hazard.
Do not open the battery or take it apart. Do not strike, throw, or puncture the battery or attach objects onto it.
Do not touch any substances leaking from the battery, as they are deemed hazardous. Do not allow children or pets to
touch the battery.
Do not overcharge or short-circuit the battery. Fire and explosion hazard.
Do not immerse or expose the battery to water, rain or other liquids. Do not expose the battery to direct sunlight,
excessive heat or cold (for example, do not leave the item or battery in a car in direct sunlight for extended periods of
time), or environments containing explosive gases or flames.
Do not carry or store the battery with metal objects such as hairpins, necklaces, etc. Contact between metal objects and
battery contacts may cause a short circuit resulting in physical injury or death.
Throttle (A): press down to accelerate.
Power button (B): long press to switch the
electric scooter on or off.
Lights (C): Long press the button to switch the
lights on or off.
Brake lever (F and D2): squeeze the lever to
Direction indicators (E): Push the switch to the
right or left to activate and/or deactivate.
Speed mode (C): press the button momentarily to
change the speed level.
Bell (D): press the lever once to operate.
ODO/TRIP odometer: press button (B) momentarily
three times to switch between ODO and TRIP.
USB charging port (G): Lift up the rubber cover to
access the socket (5V, 0.5A)
1. Battery level: status of the remaining charge.
2. Autonomy: estimation of remaining mileage.
3. Speed mode (LED bar):
• Level 1 - green.
• Level 2 - orange.
• Level 3 - red.
4. Bluetooth: Smartphone connection available.
5. Speedometer: instantaneous speed of the
electric scooter (km/h and mph).
6. ODO/TRIP odometer: total distance travelled
and single session distance.
7. AVG Speed: average speed.
8. Pedestrian mode: assistance in pushing the
vehicle (6 km/h) with flashing rear light.
9. Cruise control: speed control.
It is activated after the same speed has been
maintained for a few seconds.
10. Lights indicator light.
Direction indicators
Direction indicators are positioned at the ends of the handlebars (left and right sides).
The direction indicators are required to provide early warning of any change in direction while
Drive control: CAUTION
Before each use of the product, check
the correct operation of the direction
Prior to using the item for the first time, charge to 100%.
Check tyre pressure (see side of tyre for recommended value). If the item does not reach at least 60% of the
declared kms, or the maximum speed within the first 3 months of use, it is likely that the wheels have deflated once
more. In this case, restore pressure as indicated.
Check and adjust the brakes.
Switch on the display.
Place the item onto a flat surface.
Hold the handlebars firmly using both hands. Step onto the footrest with one foot and use the other to give yourself
a gentle push and accelerate.
Zero Start Function: the throttle is activated once the forward speed exceeds 3 km/h.
For safety reasons, the item is initially set up to avoid standing starts.
When riding the item, tilt body in the riding direction during a turn and slowly turn the handlebars.
Stop the item, release the throttle and pull the brake lever.
To get off, first stop the vehicle. Getting off the moving electrical scooter may cause damage.
Prior to each use, check brakes and any wear, check tyre pressure (see side of tyre for recommended value), wheel
wear, throttle and charge status of battery.
Adjusting the position of the brake levers
The position of the brake lever
can be adjusted if required using
point A.
(see figure)
Brake adjustment
Adjusting the brake calliper
If the brake is too tight or too loose, use the hex wrench to
loosen screw (A), then adjust the brake wire (shorten the
brake wire from the top end if it is too tight. If the wire is
too loose, pull it from the bottom end), then tighten screw
(A) again.
If the wire is too loose or too tight even after following the
first step, it may be necessary to adjust the (fixed) brake
pad by means of the wheel located on the opposite side. Use
the hex wrench to move away (counter-clockwise) or closer
(clockwise) the brake pad (B) (see picture). Check the correct
alignment between the brake caliper and the disc. Use screws
C and D to adjust the position / alignment on the disc, if
For the rear brake calliper, unscrew and remove bolts C and D,
then remove the brake calliper from the disc.
Make sure the electric scooter is turned off. Hold the handlebar stem with your hand, pull the lever, fold the stem
towards the footrest and fasten it.
Releasing the handlebar stem: move the handlebar
release clip outwards, raise the handlebar stem as far
as it will go and secure it by pushing the lever inwards.
Switch on the electric scooter.
Switch off the electric scooter, pull the safety hook
upwards and pull the lever outwards, guide the
handlebar stem inwards, insert the clip into the hook and
ensure that it is securely locked.
After folding, lift it by holding the handlebar stem with one or both hands.
Make sure to secure the item during transportation. If the item cannot be lifted, do not transport with the item raised. If
dropped, the item may cause severe injury and damage.
The maximum range and performance of the vehicle depends on a number of variables:
Terrain: riding on smooth roads provides greater range and performance than riding on rough roads and climbs.
Weight of user: the greater the weight, the lower the range and performance of the vehicle.
Temperature: riding the electric scooter in very cold or hot conditions affects range and performance.
Speed and riding style: riding smoothly and at a constant speed extends the range. Continuous acceleration,
deceleration and manoeuvring greatly reduce the range. A lower speed extends the range.
Maintenance: prompt recharging, proper maintenance and regular checking of tyre pressure (see reference value in
section 10) increase range and ensure consistent performance over time.
The level of battery charge affects performance – the lower the level, the lower the speed, especially on climbs.
If there are stains on the body of the scooter, wipe with a damp cloth. If the stains persist, apply neutral soap, brush
out with a toothbrush, then wipe with a damp cloth. If there are scratches on the plastic components, use sandpaper
or other abrasive material to remove them. Do not clean the items with alcohol, petrol, paraffin or other corrosive
or volatile chemical solvents to prevent severe damage. Do not wash the item using high-pressure water jets. When
cleaning the scooter, make sure that it is switched off, that the charging cable is disconnected, and the rubber cap is
closed, as a water leak may cause an electric shock or other serious problems. Water seeping into the battery may
cause damage to internal circuits and risk of fire or explosion. Should you suspect that water may have entered the
battery, stop using the battery immediately and return it to your dealer’s after-sales service for checking.
When the item is not in use, store it indoors in a cool, dry place. Do not store outdoors or inside cars for extended
periods of time. Excessive sunlight, overheating, and excessive cold accelerate tyre ageing and jeopardize the life of
both the item and the battery. Do not expose it to rain or water or immerse it in water to wash it.
Regularly check the tightness of the bolted parts, in particular wheel axles, the folding and transportation system, the
steering system, the braking system, the state of the frame, the forks and the suspension. Nuts and all other self-locking
fasteners may lose their effectiveness. Periodically check and tighten these components.
Like all mechanical components, the item is subject to wear and tear. Different materials and components may react
to wear or stress fatigue in a variety of ways. If the service life of a component is exceeded, it may break suddenly,
resulting in injury to the rider. Any cracks, scratches or changes in colour in areas subject to high levels of stress
indicate that the life of the component has been reached and must be replaced.
Check the condition of the tyres: there must be no cuts, cracks, foreign bodies, abnormal swelling, missing parts or
other damage. For tyre pressure, refer to the value indicated in section 10 in this instruction manual.
Do not attempt to disassemble or repair the scooter yourself. Replacement of all electric scooter components should be
carried out by an authorised technical service department. For further information, contact your dealer or visit:
Products that are equipped with Bluetooth and can be paired with the AL e-Mobility app are listed below: AL EXT.
The App allows you to control the item directly from your Smartphone.
Scan the QR CODE to download and install the App. If the App is not found, search for it on your reference App store.
Open the App and follow the instructions provided.
The App may require various permissions required for the use and operation of the App itself.
The App version may have been updated by your App store. It is advisable to constantly check whether any updates
are available for the App in order to be able to use the new features and always install the latest version of the App on
your device.
Do not use your device while riding.
Open the App and follow the instructions given.
The App may require various permissions required for the use and operation of the App itself.
The app version may have been updated by your app store. It is advisable to constantly check whether any updates are
available for the App in order to be able to use the new features and always install the latest version of the App on your
Do not use your device while riding.