Product Name: X-Micro X-VDO MP4 F510
Model Name: XMP3T-F512, XMP3T-F1G, XMP3T-F2G, XMP3T-F4G
his device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful
interference,and (2) this device must accpt any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired
operation. Conforms to the following EMC Product Testing
Specifications FCC part 15.109, Class B-Residential
Emissions at 3 meters. Testing was performed in a FCC
Listed 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber. FCC Part 15.107,
Class B-Residential Emissions at shield Room. Testing was
performed in a FCC Listed shield Room.
The referred test report(s) show that the product
complies with standard(s) recognized as giving
presumption of compliance with the essential
requirement in the above listed EU Directive(s). Other
relevant Directives have to be observed.