The Digi tal Player DP4100-(xxx) is inten ded for instal la ti on in air craft. It is a re pro du cer
unit for audio fi les in con juncti on with the public address amplifier or any other exter
The Digi tal Player DP4100-(xxx) is the suc cessor of the Tape Play er TP3100 in
form and fit. The DP4100-(xxx) data stora ge is ac complished on car riers
ea si ly alte ra ble and accessa ble from the front pa nel.
The Di gital Player is a monoblock unit in accordance with ARINC stan dard for
con trol units, and secured by four DZUS fa ste ners.
The Digi tal Player opera tes from the 27.5V air craft po wer supply sys tem. A
25pin D-Sub male con nec tor is provi ded for the inter fa ce to the power suppl y
sys tem, to the audio system, etc.
The li quid crys tal display on the front pa nel is a 86 x 37 dot matrix display.
The display has LED back-light.
The Di gi tal Player is a play back unit for au dio fi les. Several tracks can be play ed
back au to ma ti cal ly, like a CD-player. The audio fi les are sto red on a PCMCIA-ATA-
flashcard (or Compact Flashcard 2 GB with ATA-Adapter) in MPEG2-layer3 (MP3)
The hu man in terface depends on the data-structure of the PCMCIA-ATA- flashcard
(or Compact Flashcard 2 GB with ATA-Adapter). The card can be con figured as a
simp le Audio-Card; in this case the human in ter fa ce is like a CD-player. The track
to be played back can be selec ted by Se lect- buttons or Da- ta- knob. After
pressing the Play/Pause/Stop-but ton, the play back will be started at the current
track. Af ter this, the fol lowing tracks will be play ed aut oma ti cal ly. Stop will set the
If the card is con fi gu red as an Announcement-Card , two menus are avai la ble. In
the 1
s t
menu, a missi on can be se lected, the 2
n d
menu defines a langua ge list.
The current announcement will be play ed in the selec ted langua ge, after
that, the play back will be stopped auto ma ti cal ly, and the next an nouncement is
Play /Pause/Stop -button. The volu me can be ad justed during play back, if this
functi on is enab led.
The softwa re of the device (firmwa re) is sto red in a built-in Flash-ROM.
Two test-variants are im plemented in the soft ware: Power-On-Built- In -Test
(PBIT) and Continuous-Built- I n-T est (CBIT).
The cardsetup softwa re pa ckage (CD-ROM with order number 0546.763-909)
is re quired for the data compilation of m u sic or announ ce ments ATA-flashcards
(or Compact Flashcard 2 GB with ATA-Adapter).
Only the ATA-flashcards (or Compact Flashcard 2 GB with ATA-Adapter) may be used
(order number see page 1-2).