* ENVELOPE Amount of detune (Loud signals=max detune, soft=none)
ECHO FX LVL Echo output level
MOD FX LVL Stereo envelope detune output
FEEDBACK 1 Fixed feedback gain for ECHO 1 and ECHO 2
FEEDBACK 2 Fixed cross-feed gain for ECHO 1 and ECHO 2
RATE 1 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 feedback AM rate
DEPTH 1 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 feedback AM depth
RESONANCE 1 Resonance gain for left detune
RATE 2 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 cross-feed AM rate
DEPTH 2 ECHO 1 and ECHO 2 cross-feed AM depth
RESONANCE 2 Resonance gain for right detune
B is configured as two parallel effects. One has stereo
envelope detune, and the other has a unique echo configura-
tion with feedback AM.
ENVELOPE controls the amount of detune, so that louder signals
increase detuning. The output of the detuner is controlled by MOD
FX LVL. If this control is turned down to 1, it completely shuts down
the detune effect. Likewise, the output of the bounce echo is
controlled by ECHO FX LVL. If this control is turned down to 1, it
completely shuts down the echo effect.
The echoes are arranged in series. ECHO 1 feeds the left ouput,
while ECHO 2 feeds the right. This generates echoes that bounce
between left and right. FEEDBACK 1 controls the amount of feed-
back for both echoes. FEEDBACK 2 controls the amount of cross-
feedback for both echoes. RATE 1 and DEPTH 1 control amplitude
modulation of the feedback for both echoes. RATE 2 and DEPTH 2
control the amplitude modulation of the cross-feedback for both
echoes. Turning up DEPTH 1 and/or DEPTH 2 modulates feedback
(or cross-feed) levels. At low rates, this produces a tremolo-like
effect. At faster rates, this produces "ring modulator" effects.
The Preset uses ENVELOPE to produce a slight flange on note
attacks. The amount of feedback and cross-feed is slowly changed
by RATE 1 and RATE 2.
Rate 1
Depth 1
Res 1
Res 2
Fx Lvl
Fx Lvl
Fx Lvl
Fx Lvl
Fbk 1
Fbk 2
Fbk 1
Rate 1
Depth 1
Rate 2
Depth 2