
Kodak E1000-S2000 Istruzioni per l'uso

  • Ho letto il manuale per gli accessori Stacking Deflector Accessory e Tilt Stand Legs per modelli di scanner Kodak E1000, E1030, E1040, S2000 e S2000w. Questo documento descrive come installare e utilizzare questi accessori per migliorare l'impilamento della carta e l'uscita di fogli lunghi. Sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande.
  • Come si installa l'accessorio deflettore impilabile?
    Come si usa l'accessorio deflettore impilabile con carta di lunghezze miste?
    Come si installano le gambe del supporto inclinabile?
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Kodak E1000/S2000 Series
Stacking Deflector Accessory
Translation of these instructions is available at the
on-line support page for your scanner model, for
La traduction de ces instructions est disponibles sur la
page de support en ligne pour votre modèle de
scanner, par exemple :
Eine Übersetzung dieser Anweisungen ist auf der
Online-Supportseite zu Ihrem Scannermodell
verfügbar, wie zum Beispiel:
Una traduzione di queste istruzioni è disponibile presso
la nostra pagina di assistenza online per i modelli di
해당 스캐너 모델의 온라인 지원에서 지침의 번역
용을 확인할 있습니다 . :
A tradução dessas instruções está disponível na
página de suporte on-line para o seu modelo de
scanner, por exemplo:
Перевод настоящего руководства доступен на
странице онлайн-поддержки для вашей модели
сканера, например:
La traducción de estas instrucciones está disponible en
la página de asistencia en línea específica para su
modelo de escáner, por ejemplo:
Bu talimatların çevirilerine tarayıcınızın modelinin
çevrimiçi destek sayfasından ulaşabilirsiniz, örneğin:
Contents of the kit:
This kit contains:
One Stacking Deflector Accessory for the
E1000, E1030, E1040, S2000 and S2000w
model scanners.
Two Tilt Stand Legs for the E1000, E1030,
E1040, S2000 and S2000w model scanners.
Expected use of stacking
The stacking deflector accessory attaches to the
front lower edge of the scanner cover. It helps
paper exiting the scanner to remain in order and to
stack correctly.
How to install
1. Turn the locking knob to vertical.
2. Hold the stacking deflector slightly in front of
and lower than the front lower edge of the
scanner cover, with the legs pointing away
from the scanner.
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3. The deflector bracket has four tabs. These tabs
need to line up with four slots in the lower edge
of the scanner cover.
4. When the tabs are lined up, squeeze on the
small touch points to left and right of the
locking knob. Squeeze, and then push the four
tabs into the slots. Stop squeezing once the
stacking deflector is seated against the lower
edge of the scanner cover.
5. Turn the locking knob horizontal into its locked
position. The stacking deflector is now held in
place on the scanner. When the deflector is
installed correctly, they will touch the partially
extended output tray.
How to use
Scanning paper of mixed lengths
1. The stacking deflector legs are down for use.
2. The leg length is adjustable. Hold the stacking
deflector at the touch points on the central hub
when you want to change their length. Always
adjust the legs to the same length before
3. When scanning pages of different lengths
(such as a form accompanied by a check),
adjust the stacking deflector accessory legs so
they will trap the shorter page. The longer
pages will push under the deflector legs, but
shorter pages will stay close to the scanner.
4. If scanning pages of several different lengths
(for example 3 inches, 5 inches, and 11 inches
long), adjust the deflector legs so they will trap
all the shorter pages. In this example, adjust to
trap the 5 inch pages. The shorter pages will
stay near the scanner, and the longer pages
will push beyond the stacking deflector legs.
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Normal jobs
If your jobs stack nicely without the stacking
deflector accessory, you can flip it up so the
stacking deflector rests on the scanner cover.
Flip the stacking deflector down again when
needed. The stacking deflector is not
recommended for lightweight pages longer than
150 mm (5.9 inches).
Expected use of tilt stand
The tilt stand legs attach to the underside of the
scanner. When extended, they enable raising the
front edge of the scanner which assists the output
of long pages.
How to install
1. Turn scanner upside down, grasp one tilt stand
leg with the foot pad facing the rear of the
2. Tilt the leg slightly and insert it into one of the
slots on the underside of the scanner. Align
one of the pins on the side of the tilt stand leg
with one of the openings at the front edge of
the slot, and twist into place.
Repeat for the other leg.
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