Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
drop they produce. This drop in voltage can affect the performance of the welder.
If you need to use an extension cord it must be a #12 gauge cord at the smallest.
-Do not use an extension cord over 25 ft. in length.
3. Setting up the work piece
3.1 Welding positions
There are two basic positions, for welding: Flat and Horizontal. Flat welding is
generally easier, faster, and allows for better penetration. If possible, the work
piece should be posit
ioned so that the bead will run on a flat surface.
3.2 Preparing the Joint
Before welding, the surface of work piece needs to be free of dirt, rust, scale, oil
or paint. Or it will create brittle and porous weld. If the base metal pieces to be
joined are thick or heavy, it may be necessary to bevel the edges with a metal
grinder. The correct bevel should be around 60 degrees.
See following picture:
Based on different welding position, there are d
ifferent welding joint, see following
images for more information