Edimax EW-7611UCB Manuale utente

  • Ciao, ho letto il manuale utente per l'adattatore USB EW-7611UCB. Il documento fornisce informazioni dettagliate sull'installazione e l'utilizzo del dispositivo, sia in ambiente Windows che macOS, con istruzioni passo-passo per la configurazione Wi-Fi e Bluetooth, comprese le funzioni WPS. Sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande in merito, non esitare a chiedere.
  • Perché l'icona Wi-Fi non viene visualizzata sulla barra delle applicazioni di Windows?
    Come disabilitare il dispositivo Bluetooth esistente?
    Dopo aver installato il driver, perché l'icona Wi-Fi non viene visualizzata sulla barra delle applicazioni di Windows?
    Perché l'icona Bluetooth non viene visualizzata sulla barra delle applicazioni di Windows?
User Manual
08-2022 / V1.0
I. Product Information ..................................... 1
I-1. Package Contents ................................................ 1
I-2. Hardware Overview ............................................. 1
I-3. LED Status ............................................................ 1
I-4. Supported System ............................................... 1
II. Windows Plug-and-Play Installation ............. 2
II-1. Wi-Fi Installation.................................................. 2
II-1-1. Insert the USB Adapter ................................................... 2
II-1-2. Wi-Fi Plug-and-Play ......................................................... 2
II-1-3. Select & Connect to the Wi-Fi Network .......................... 3
II-2. Bluetooth Installation .......................................... 5
II-2-1. Insert the USB Adapter ................................................... 5
II-2-2. Bluetooth Plug-and-Play ................................................. 5
II-2-3. Pair with Bluetooth Device ............................................. 6
III. Windows Driver Installation.......................... 7
III-1. Insert the USB Adapter ........................................ 7
III-2. Download the Driver ........................................... 7
III-3. Connect or Pair .................................................... 9
III-3-1. Wi-Fi Connection............................................................. 9
III-3-2. Bluetooth Pairing .......................................................... 12
IV. macOS Driver Installation ............................15
IV-1. Insert the USB Adapter ......................................15
IV-2. Download & Install the Driver ...........................15
IV-3. Connect to a Wi-Fi Network ..............................20
V. Advanced Feature ........................................22
V-1. Software WPS ....................................................22
V-2. Hardware WPS ...................................................23
VI. Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) ................24
VII. More Information ........................................25
VIII. Safety Instructions .......................................26
IX. Simplified EU Declaration of Conformity ......26
I. Product Information
I-1. Package Contents
I-2. Hardware Overview
I-3. LED Status
LED Color
LED Status
Bluetooth function ON.
Bluetooth function Off.
Slow Flash
Wireless is not connected.
Quick Flash
Wireless is connected.
The green LED is only visible if Bluetooth feature is off (blue LED off).
I-4. Supported System
- Windows 7 / 8.x / 10 / 11
- macOS 10.9 ~ 10.15 (Wi-Fi Only)
- Linux (Wi-Fi Only)
* Additional version information may be announced on the EDIMAX website.
Quick Installation Guide
USB Adapter
Dual Color LED
WPS Button
USB 2.0 Type A
II. Windows Plug-and-Play Installation
II-1. Wi-Fi Installation
II-1-1. Insert the USB Adapter
1. Insert the USB adapter into your computer and
then switch on your computer.
Never use force to insert the USB adapter.
II-1-2. Wi-Fi Plug-and-Play
1. The Network icon will be displayed on the bottom-right corner of the
Windows taskbar if Plug-and-Play is supported. (If the Network icon
doesn’t display, please refer to VI. FAQ -> Q1)
Notice that the Network icon might be different depending on the version
of your Operating System.
If your Operating System does not recognize the USB adapter, you will
need to install an additional driver on your computer. Please refer to
“Section III”.
II-1-3. Select & Connect to the Wi-Fi Network
Select your Wi-Fi Network (SSID), click Connect and enter the password if it
is required.
1. For Windows 11 users, click the Network icon and then click the
right-arrow icon to show the existing Wi-Fi Network (SSID) and select
the one you want to connect. Move to step 3 if a password is required.
2. For Windows 10 users, click the Network icon to show the existing
Wi-Fi Network (SSID) and select the one you want to connect.
3. Enter the password if it is required.
4. Establish the Wi-Fi connection and you can access Internet when you see
the Wi-Fi icon on the bottom-right corner of the Windows taskbar.
II-2. Bluetooth Installation
II-2-1. Insert the USB Adapter
Insert the USB adapter into your computer and then
switch on your computer.
Never use force to insert the USB adapter.
Please disable all the existing Bluetooth devices
before inserting the device into your computer.
(Refer to VI. FAQ -> Q2)
II-2-2. Bluetooth Plug-and-Play
If your Windows OS supports Plug-and-Play, the Bluetooth icon will be
displayed on the bottom-right taskbar. (If Bluetooth icon doesn’t display,
please refer to VI. FAQ -> Q4)
Notice that if the Bluetooth icon does not show up,
continue to click the arrow-up icon.
If your Operating System does not recognize the USB
adapter, you need to install an additional driver on
your computer. Please refer to “Section III”.
Insert Plug-and-Play Pair
II-2-3. Pair with Bluetooth Device
1. Click “Add a Bluetooth Device”.
2. Select existing Bluetooth devices from the list or click “Bluetooth & other
devices” to add an new Bluetooth device.
3. Select the Bluetooth device in “Paired” status you want to pair with and
click “Connect”.
4. Once the status is “Connected”, the connection is established.
III. Windows Driver Installation
III-1. Insert the USB Adapter
Insert the USB adapter into your computer and then
switch on your computer.
Never use force to insert the USB adapter.
Please disable all the existing Bluetooth devices
before inserting the device into your computer.
(Refer to VI. FAQ -> Q2)
III-2. Download the Driver
1. You can find the USB adapter driver from the Edimax website.
If your computer can not access the Internet directly, please use an
Internet-Enabled device to download the driver instead.
2. Enter the model number and click to continue.
Insert Download Connect or Pair
3. Click on the model number.
Ensure the model number corresponds with your USB adapter.
4. Scroll down the web page and select the correct OS version. Move the
cursor to the “Download icon and save the driver on the computer
desktop or a location you prefer.
Ensure you download the correct version.
Copy the driver to the USB flash drive first if you downloaded the driver on
another Internet-Enabled device and insert the USB flash drive to the
computer you will use the Wi-Fi USB adapter
5. Move the cursor to the driver you just downloaded and extract the file.
III-3. Connect or Pair
III-3-1. Wi-Fi Connection
III-3-1-1. Wi-Fi Driver Installation
1. To install the Wi-Fi, once it’s uncompressed fully, access the folder “WiFi
and click “Setup.exe” to continue.
Notice that the both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth drivers are in
the same filename but in different folders.
2. Once the installation process starts, click “Next” to continue.
3. When the installation is completed, you will be asked to select whether you
wish to restart your computer now or later. Select Yes” and click “Finish
to continue.
4. Please make sure your computer has been restarted before you go to next
III-3-1-2. Connect to a Wi-Fi Network
1. After you restart your computer, the Network icon will be displayed
on the bottom-right corner of the Windows taskbar. (Refer to VI. FAQ->Q3 )
Notice that the Wi-Fi icon might be different depending on your
Operating System version.
2. For Windows 11 users, click the Network icon and then click the
right-arrow icon to show the existing Wi-Fi Network (SSID) and select
one you want to connect. Move to step 4 if a password is required.
3. For Windows 10 users, click the Network icon to show the existing
Wi-Fi Network (SSID) and select the one you want to connect.
4. Enter the password if it is required.
5. Establish the Wi-Fi connection and you can access the Internet when you
see the Wi-Fi icon on the bottom-right corner of the Windows taskbar.
III-3-2. Bluetooth Pairing
III-3-2-1. Buetooth Driver Installation
1. To install the Bluetooth, once it’s uncompressed fully, access the folder
Bluetooth” and click “Setup.exe” to continue.
Notice that both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth drivers are in the same filename but
in different folders.
2. Click ick “Next to continue and follow the instructions on-screen until
installation is completed.
3. When the installation is completed, you will be asked to select whether you
wish to restart your computer now or later. Select Yes” and click “Finish
to continue.
III-3-2-2. Pair with the Bluetooth Devices
1. Click the Bluetooth icon displayed on the bottom-right taskbar to pop
up the menu. (If Bluetooth icon is not displayed, please refer to VI. FAQ ->
Notice that if the Bluetooth icon does not show up, click the arrow-up
2. Click “Add a Bluetooth Device”.
3. Select the existing Bluetooth devices from the list or click “Bluetooth &
other devices to add new Bluetooth devices.
4. Select the Bluetooth device in “Paired” status you want to pair with and
click “Connect”.
5. Once the status is ”Connected, the connection is established.
Insert Download & Install Driver Connect
IV. macOS Driver Installation
IV-1. Insert the USB Adapter
1. Insert the USB adapter into the USB port and
then switch on your computer.
Never use force to insert the USB adapter.
IV-2. Download & Install the Driver
1. You can find the driver from the Edimax website.
If your MAC can not access the Internet directly, please use an
Internet-Enabled device instead.
2. Enter the model number and then click to continue.
3. Click on the model number.
Ensure the model number corresponds with the USB adapter.
4. Scroll down the web page and select the right OS version. Move the cursor
to the “Download icon and save the driver on the computer desktop
or a location you prefer.
Ensure you select the correct file for your version of Mac OS. To
check your version of Mac OS, click the Apple logo in the top left
corner of your desktop and go to “About This Mac”.
5. Click “Download Linked File As…” and select “Desktop” and click “Save
to store the driver on the computer desktop.
6. Move the cursor to the file you downloaded and double click to extract it.
Copy the driver to the USB adapter first if you downloaded the
driver on another Internet-Enabled device then insert the USB flash
drive to the computer you will use the Wi-Fi USB adapter.
7. Once the driver is uncompressed, you will see a new folder.