2. Serial Mode: Use this mode if you want to use each of the 4 looper tracks as a different section
of a song (e.g., verse, chorus, bridge, and outro). In this mode:
• You can record, overdub, or play on only one looper track at a time.
• All looper tracks can be different lengths.
• When you set a currently playing track to overdub, it will happen immediately.
• When you set a currently stopped track to play or record/overdub, it will happen as soon as
the currently playing track reaches its end and stops. When a track is armed for playback or
recording/overdubbing while another track is playing back, the corresponding LED will flash
green or red, respectively.
3. Sync Mode: Use this mode if you want 4 looper tracks with different lengths that always stay in
sync. In this mode:
• You can record or play multiple tracks simultaneously.
• You must record a master track first.
• After the master track has been recorded, all other looper tracks must be the same length, or
a multiple of its length.
• If new tracks are shorter or longer than the master track, Looperboard will automatically
quantize them to keep them in sync with the master track.
• When you set a track to record, overdub, or play, it will begin doing so when the playhead
has reached the end of the loop and starts at the beginning again.
4. Serial-Sync Mode: This mode is similar to Serial Mode, but it enables you to keep 1 master
looper track (e.g., a drum or percussion track) playing at all times while switching between
different song sections on looper tracks 2, 3 and 4 (e.g., verse, chorus, and bridge). In this mode:
• The master track and only one other looper track can be playing, recording, or overdubbing
at the same time.
• You must record track a master track first.
• After the master track has been recorded, all other looper tracks must be the same length, or
a multiple of its length.
• Looperboard will auto-trim (or extend) the endpoints of the other looper tracks to always
keep them in sync.
• When you set a currently playing track to overdub, it will happen immediately.
• When you set a currently stopped track to play or record/overdub, it will happen as soon as
the currently playing track reaches its end and stops. When a track is armed for playback or
recording/overdubbing while another track is playing back, the corresponding LED will flash
green or red, respectively.
5. Free Mode: This mode is useful for creating ambient soundscapes or for musicians who just like
to break the rules! In this mode:
• You can record, overdub, or play all looper tracks simultaneously.
• All looper tr
acks can be different lengths.
• When you set a track to record, overdub, or play, it will happen immediately.