Olimpia Splendid B0855 Bi2 Ventil Radiators or Fan Coils Electronic Kit Manuale utente

  • Ciao, sono il tuo assistente per questo documento. Ho letto il manuale utente per i ventilradiatori Olimpia Splendid Bi2 B0828 e B0855. Questo manuale fornisce informazioni dettagliate sull'installazione, la configurazione e l'uso di questi dispositivi, incluse le loro capacità di riscaldamento e raffreddamento. Sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande relative alle caratteristiche, alle funzioni speciali e alla risoluzione dei problemi descritti nel manuale.
  • Come si seleziona la modalità silenziosa?
    Come si attiva la modalità notturna?
    Qual è la procedura per pulire il filtro dell'aria in caso di errore FI?
    Cosa indica il lampeggio dei LED rosso e blu?
B0828 - B0855
This manual is an integral part of the installation and use manual provided with
OLIMPIA SPLENDID series Bi2 terminals. Both manuals must be stored carefully
and ALWAYS stay with the appliance, even if it is sold to another owner or user, or
moved to another system. If it is damaged or lost, request another from your local
OLIMPIA SPLENDID Service Technician.
Kit B0855 must be used in conjunction with appliances with alternate current fan
motor, while kit B0828 must be used solely on appliances with DC inverter fan motor.
For all other general information and warnings to be complied with during installation
and use of kits B0855 and B0828, consult the instruction booklet provided with
OLIMPIA SPLENDID series Bi2 terminals.
OLIMPIA SPLENDID Bi2 ventil radiators/fan coils equipped with the B0828 - B0855
electronic kit comply with European Directives:
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC.
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EC
This symbol on the product or its packaging indicates that the appliance
cannot be treated as normal domestic trash, but must be handed in at a
collection point for recycling electric and electronic
appliances. Your contribution to the correct disposal of this product protects the
environment and the health of your fellow men. Health and the environment are
endangered by incorrect disposal.
Further information about the recycling of this product can be obtained from your
local town hall, your refuse collection service, or in the store at which you bought
the product.
This regulation is valid only in EU member states.
Dismount the upper grill (g. 1 ref. A) by unscrewing the two xing screws (g.
1 ref. B).
Open the side inspection ap (g. 1 ref. C).
On the left-hand side, unscrew the screw (g. 1 ref. F) fastening the left panel
(g. 1 ref. G), then move it slightly to the left and lift it out.
Unscrew the screw fastening the panel on the opposite side (g. 1 ref. L).
Move the side panel slightly to the right and lift it out (g. 1 ref. P).
The electronic board of kit B0828 - B0855 must be congured according to the
model of Bi2 ventil radiator/fan coil on which it is installed and based on determined
machine operating preferences. The three selectors J1, J2 and J3 indicated in g.
6 must be set as follows:
J1 = ON (for appliances with radiant plate, such as SLR or SLR+): in night-time
mode and with ambient temperature close to that required, rooms are heated by
radiation and natural convection, as with traditional radiators (in these conditions
ventilation is inhibited for maximum acoustic comfort);
J1 = OFF (for appliances without radiant plate, such as SL, SL+ or SLN): heating
always takes place by forced convection, with ventilation active also in night-time
mode (at reduced speed).
• J2 = ON: in cooling mode the fan remains powered even when the required
ambient temperature is reached;
J2 = OFF: in cooling mode the fan deactivates on reaching the set temperature.
J3 = ON (appliances to be installed in 2-pipe systems): the board is set to manage
a single water valve for summer (cooling) and winter (heating) mode. Use this
setting also when using kit B0828 - B0855 on appliances with movable air suction
panels (Full Flat models).
J3 = OFF (appliances to be installed in 4-pipe systems): the board is set to manage
2 water valves, one for summer (cooling) and one for winter (heating) mode.
The three selectors can be positioned in all possible combinations, as the
adegua automaticamente il funzionamento dell’apparecchio al variare delle
condizioni ambientali. In particolare, la regolazione della velocità del ventilatore è
completamente automatica tra in valore minimo ed un valore massimo, secondo
le necessità di riscaldamento o raffrescamento dell’ambiente.
Negli apparecchi dotati di piastra radiante e in modalità riscaldamento, quando la
temperatura ambiente si avvicina al valore desiderato, il ventilatore viene disattivato
e il sistema continua a mantenere il controllo della temperatura ambiente mediante
il solo effetto radiante e convettivo naturale.
Per selezionare questa modalità, premere il tasto (g. 6 rif. H) no all’attivazione
dell’indicatore (g. 6, rif. D). Con questa modalità si ottiene immediatamente
il massimo della potenza erogabile sia in raffrescamento che in riscaldamento (il
motore ventilatore viene sempre attivato alla massima velocità). Una volta raggiunta
la temperatura ambiente desiderata, si suggerisce di passare ad un altro tipo di
funzionamento per ottenere un miglior confort termico ed acustico.
Per selezionare questa modalità, premere il tasto (g. 6 rif. H) no all’attivazione
dell’indicatore (g. 6, rif. F). In questa modalità la velocità di ventilazione è sempre
impostata al minimo valore possibile per ottenere il massimo comfort acustico
dell’apparecchio in qualsiasi condizione di funzionamento.
Per selezionare questa modalità, premere il tasto (g. 6 rif. H) no all’attivazione
dell’indicatore (g. 6, rif. G). In questa modalità viene limitata la velocità di
ventilazione ad un valore molto contenuto, e la temperatura impostata viene
modicata automaticamente come segue:
• diminuita di 1°C dopo un’ora e un ulteriore grado dopo 2 ore nella funzione
aumentata di 1°C dopo un’ora e un ulteriore grado dopo 2 ore nella funzione
Sui modelli provvisti di piastra radiante la funzione notturno in modalità riscaldamento
viene svolta con ventilatore disattivato in modo da riscaldare gli ambienti mediante
irraggiamento e convezione naturale, come avviene nei radiatori tradizionali.
I LED rosso e blu (fig. 6 rif. C) indicano l’attivazione del funzionamento in
riscaldamento o raffrescamento. Quando i LED sono spenti, l’apparecchio è
impostato in modalità ventilazione (entrambe le eventuali valvole acqua calda e
fredda non vengono attivate). Il lampeggio di uno dei due LED indica che la richiesta
di acqua (calda o fredda) non è soddisfatta e comporta l’arresto del ventilatore
nché la temperatura dell’acqua non raggiunge un valore adeguato a soddisfare
la richiesta. L’accensione alternata dei LED rosso e blu (g. 6 rif. C) indica che
è attiva la modalità raffrescamento/riscaldamento automatica.
I 4 LED , , e (g. 6) indicano la modalità di funzionamento impostata,
tutti spenti in corrispondenza della modalità Stand-by. Ciascuno di questi LED è
attivato in modo lampeggiante (soft-blinking) se in riscaldamento o raffrescamento
(LED rosso o blu accesi) la temperatura impostata è rispettivamente inferiore o
superiore alla temperatura ambiente rilevata dall’apparecchio.
Per aumentare il comfort nelle ore notturne, la luminosità dei LED sul pannello
elettronico viene diminuita dopo 15 secondi di inattività sui tasti o sul selettore di
FI: Il ventilradiatore/ventilconvettore necessita di manutenzione, selezionare il
programma stand-by, pulire il ltro aria come descritto sul manuale di manutenzione
della macchina, e alla successiva riaccensione tenere premuto per 5 secondi i tasti
(g. 6 rif. B e H) no al ripristino del funzionamento normale.
E2: indica la presenza di un guasto della sonda di temperatura ambiente.
E3 è associato al guasto della sonda acqua.
E4 indica un guasto al motore o al sensore di velocità. In quest’ultimo caso
l’apparecchio funziona regolarmente ma viene inibita la funzione di modulazione
della velocità di ventilazione; premendo i tasti (g. 6 rif. B e H) per 10
secondi la segnalazione di allarme viene cancellata.
In caso di spegnimenti stagionali o per vacanze procedere come segue:
disattivare l’apparecchio
posizionare l’interruttore generale impianto su Spento’
La funzione antigelo non è attiva.
respective functions are independent of one another.
To install the connection box:
- open the box (g. 2 ref. B);
- insert the lower lug into the special slot (g. 2 ref. C) on the side of the appliance;
- hook the upper part of the box to the side (g. 2 ref. D);
- x it with the two supplied screws (g. 2 ref. E);
- x the earth wire to the cooler-convector/cooler-radiator structure using the screws
supplied (the minimum force of about 4N must be used when screwing-up);
- make the electrical connections, as described in par. 2.4.
- close the box and secure it with the 4 screws (g. 2 ref. F);
- t the control with the 2 screws provided as shown in g. 3.
If the control is to be installed on the left-hand side of the machine, proceed in
the same way taking care to move the support as shown in g. 3B.
Before connecting the ventil radiator/fan coil to the mains, ensure that:
The voltage and power frequency values match those specied on the appliance
plate data) (230Vac +/-15%, 50Hz);
The power line is equipped with an effective earth connection and is correctly
sized for maximum power consumption of the appliance
indicated on the plate data (minimum section of power cables equal to 1.5 mm2).
An omnipolar disconnect device and adequate protection against overloads
short-circuits must be added in compliance with national installation regulations.
It is essential to ensure that the appliance is NOT connected to the
mains before making any electrical connections or carrying out
Fasten the earth cable to the appliance structure using the screw and washer
supplied (the minimum screwing force that must be exerted is about 4N) (see
g.3 ref. A;
For the B0855 kit, connect the motor connector to the 3 pole connector and to
the X5 input on the electronic circuit board.
For the B0828 kit, connect the motor connector to the X10 output on the
electronic circuit board.
Connect the water probe connector on the fan coil unit to input X4. Make sure
the probe is correctly seated in its relative housing on the water battery.
Connect the 2-pole connectors to the respective solenoid valve
cables (if present). On appliances for 2-pipe systems, connect only the connector
with red cable to the single water solenoid valve, while for appliances for 4-pipe
systems, connect the connector with red cable to the hot water solenoid valve
and the connector with green cable to the cold water solenoid valve.
For kit B0828 and only on some models, connect the grill opening microswitch
cable to inlet X6 on the electronic board (eliminating any jumper);
connect the power cable to the terminal board and fasten it with
the cable grip. Use cables with a minimum section of 1.5 mm2.
Connect the display board connector to input X9 on the electronic circuit board.
To position the temperature probe (g. 4 ref. A):
pass the probe through the hole on the shoulder (g. 4 ref. B)
insert the probe in the lower hole (g. 4 ref. C)
x the probe in the special hook (g. 4 ref. D).
The free contact (not powered) of a presence sensor (not supplied) can be connected
to terminals A and B (g. 5), upon closure of which the selected ambient temperature
is automatically increased (in cooling) or decreased (in heating) by 2.5°C. When set
to 0°C, when the contact closes the appliance deactivates (stand-by).
This value can be changed in the factory or by an authorised service centre at the
request of the customer.
The input cannot be connected in parallel to one of another
electronic board (use separate contacts).
To connect the presence sensor, use double insulated cable with minimum
section of 2x0.5 mm2 and maximum length 20 m (keep this connection
separate from the appliance's main power line).
Air sampling: in heating or cooling mode and with ambient temperature
above or below the required value respectively, the fan is powered for 1
minute at minimum speed and at intervals that can be set to between 1
and 60 minutes. In this way, the system is able to control the temperature
of the surrounding environment and reactivate more quickly if necessary.
Ambient temperature offset: in particular situations (e.g.: ceiling installed
appliances) it may be necessary to offset the difference between the
temperature acquired by the electronic board and the actual temperature
of the room in which the appliance is installed (offset can be set between
+5°C and -5°C).
Both of the above functions can be activated at the factory or by an
authorised service centre at prior customer request.
Control blocking: to block the keys hold down the
together for 5 seconds. Repeat the operation to release.
• Remote control via thermostat B0736 (optional kit):
To enable communication with thermostat B0736, hold down
and for 10 seconds. The thermostat must be connected
as described in the appropriate section. If the function is active, each
time a key is pressed, the letters "re" appear for a few seconds on the
To select a function, the "remote control" must be disabled.
When the connection is active, the remote control is disabled.
The ap cannot be controlled using the remote control.
• Move the connector on connection X8 to connector X7.
the CP window contact will be controlled from the wall-mounted
control B0736
• Connect the cables from connection AB of the B0736 controller to
connector AB on the control (being careful to observe the polarity, see
g.5) ending the furthest unit with the 120 Ohm resistance.
• Enable the connection by pressing keys and for 10 seconds.
To disable the connection press keys and for 10 seconds
• The commands in g.6 will be disabled and the
display will show the wording "rE" each time they are activated.
• The indicators will show the operating mode and the
fan speed set.
• For the functions and settings see the instructions for the B0736 controller.
Once the connection and any conguration operations are complete, close
the electrical panel again (g.3) using the screws removed previously.
Ret the front panel back making sure to connect the display connector.
Secure the front panel with the 2 screws g.1. The machine can now be
powered up.
Mount the aesthetic side panel on the ventil radiator/fan coil;
tighten the top screw fastening the side panel (g. 1 ref. L or ref. F);
ret the air outlet safety grill (g. 1 ref. A).
Position the screw cap provided in the housing on the control panel (g. 1 ref. H).
2.9 WIRING DIAGRAM(g.6)
H2 water temperature probe
AIR air temperature probe
M1 fan motor
S1 suction grill safety microswitch (only on some models)
Y1 hot water solenoid valve (230V-50Hz, max 10W)
Y2 cold water solenoid valve (230V-50Hz, max 10W) (*).
FF movable suction panel servodrives (only on some models)
S2 presence sensor contact (not supplied)
(*) Only on appliances for 4-pipe systems.
Setting this type of adjustment enables the control to automatically select cooling
or heating mode, excluding normal manual selection. This adjustment is particularly
suitable for 4-pipe appliances, and can be activated solely by a qualied and
authorised installer. To activate this function, hold down the cooling/heating
selection key (g. 7 ref. B) for 10 seconds until the blue and red symbols light up
simultaneously (g. 7 ref. C and D). This setting is also maintained in the event
of a power failure.
To deactivate the automatic cooling/heating function, press the cooling/heating
selection key again for 10 seconds. Then check that each time the key is pressed it
is possible to cycle through cooling only (blue indicator g. 7 ref. C on), heating only
(red indicator g. 7 ref. D on) or ventilation mode (blue and red indicators both off).
The command makes the temperature regulation completely autonomous through
the AUTO, SILENT, NIGHT and MAX programmes, with a probe positioned in the
lower part of the ventil radiator/fan coil, and guarantees anti-freeze security even
when in stand-by.
Control panel description (g. 6)
A Ambient temperature selector (15°C-30°C)
B Key for selecting cooling/heating mode
C Indicator light for cooling/heating mode
D Maximum speed operation indicator light
E Automatic operation indicator light
F Silent operation indicator light
G Night time operation indicator light
H ON/Stand-by and fan selector key
If there is a master switch on the mains power supply then it must be switched on.
To switch on the fan coil unit, press key (g. 6 ref. H) for 2 seconds.
To switch off the appliance hold down key (g. 6 ref. H) for around 2 seconds.
No light signal means the unit is in ‘stand-by’ mode (not running).
When the control is in this operating mode, protection against freezing is guaranteed.
If the ambient temperature drops below 5°C the hot water solenoid is activated and
the fan motor runs at minimum speed (AF).
Press key ((g. 6 ref. B) for 2 seconds to select the cooling (blue LED), heating
(red LED) or ventilation (red LED and blue LED off) modes in sequence.
In ventilation mode both the hot water and the cold water solenoid valves remain
disabled, while the fan activates at the set speed.
Manual cooling/heating/ventilation mode selection is not available if the automatic
cooling/heating mode has already been set by the installer. This function is signalled
by the blue and red LEDs coming on alternately each time the key is pressed
(g. 6 ref. B).
The capacity of the appliance to operate in cooling or heating mode is always
subject to the temperature of the water circulating inside the circuit. If the water
temperature does not reach a suitable value for the mode set (i.e. if the water is
too hot in cooling mode or too cold in heating mode), the fan motor stays off and
the current indicator light - blue for the cooling mode, or red for the heating mode
(g. 6 ref. C) – will blink.
The ambient temperature required can be set using the relevant selector (g. 6
ref. A). The minimum temperature that can be set is 15°C, while the maximum
temperature that can be set is 30°C.
To select this mode, press key (g. 6 ref. H) until the indicator light comes
on (g. 6 ref. E). In this mode the microprocessor system automatically adapts
the operation of the unit to the changes in the room conditions. In particular, the
fan speeds adjusts automatically between the minimum and maximum values,
depending on the heating or cooling requirements of the room.
In appliances tted with radiant plate and in heating mode, when the ambient
temperature comes close to the required value, the fan deactivates and the
system controls the ambient temperature using only the radiant effect and natural
To select this mode, press key until the indicator light comes on (g. 6, rif.
D). This mode immediately gives the maximum power available in both cooling and
heating modes (the fan motor always runs at maximum power). Once the required
ambient temperature has been reached, a different operating mode should be
selected to obtain the optimum setting in terms of heat and noise.
To select this mode, press key ) (g. 6 ref. H) until the indicator light comes
on (g. 6, ref. F). In this mode the fan speed is always set to the minimum value to
provide the most silent running in any operating mode.
To select this mode, press key (g. 6 ref. H) until the indicator light
comes on (g. 6, ref. G). In this mode the fan speed is kept at a low value, and the
temperature is automatically set as follows:
reduced by 1°C after one hour and by a further degree after 2 hours in heating
increased by 1°C after one hour and by a further degree after 2 hours in
cooling mode.
On models equipped with radiant plate, the night-time function in heating mode
is carried out with the fan deactivated to heat rooms using radiation and natural
convection, as happens with traditional radiators.
The red and blue LEDs (g. 6 ref. C) indicate whether the unit is running in heating
or cooling mode. When the LEDs are off, the appliance is set in ventilation mode
(both hot and cold water valves are not activated). If either of the two LEDs ashes,
this means that the water demand (hot or cold) is not satised and so the fan shuts
down until the water temperature reaches a suitable value to satisfy the demand.
When the red and blue LEDs (g. 6 ref. C) come on alternately, this indicates
that the automatic cooling/heating mode is on.
The 4 LEDs , , e (g. 6) indicate the running mode set, and they are all
off in Stand-by mode. Each of these LEDs start blinking (soft-blinking) if in heating
or cooling modes (red or blue LEDs on) the temperature set is respectively lower
or higher than the room temperature detected by the appliance.
The brightness of the LEDs on the electronic panel is reduced after 15 seconds
of inactivity on the keys or temperature selector for increased comfort at night.
FI: The fan coil unit requires maintenance, select the stand-by program, clean
the air lter as described in the maintenance manual, and the next time the unit
is switched on, hold down keys (g. 6 ref. B and H) for 5 seconds until
normal operation is resumed.
E2: signals that the ambient temperature probe is faulty.
E3 is associated with the water probe fault.
E4 signals a fault with the motor or the speed sensor. In the second case the
appliance runs normally but the fan speed modulation function is inhibited; pressing
keys (g. 6 ref. B and H) for 10 seconds will cancel the alarm signal.
When switching off for long periods or holidays, proceed as follows:
Deactivate the appliance
Set the master switch to OFF.
The anti-freeze function is not active.
E6: Front grille either not properly connected or micro switch is
B0855 B0828