ECO-WORTHY L02EP10BB18V-1, Solar Trickle Charger Manuale utente

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Solar trickle charger-Battery maintainer
Retain these instructions
CAUTION: Please carefully read these instructions prior to using
this product. Failure to follow the precautions and warnings contained
in these instructions may lead to product damage.
Important Safety Information
Thank you for choosing our product! Before using this product,
please carefully read this manual and familiarize yourself with
the product details.
This product is designed for use under specic conditions.
If you are unsure of whether or not the product can be used in
a certain way, please contact us at our email address, We strongly discourage the alteration
or modification of this product. If you need to alter or modify
the product, please contact us for further information. We will
not assume responsibility for any consequences that result
from modication of the product.
·Read and ensure that you understand all the contents of this
manual. Failure to follow the instructions may lead to severe
injury or property damage.
·The warnings, precautions, and instructions contained in this
manual do not cover every possible scenario. When using this
product, you should exercise common sense and take necessary
precautions. Remain aware of your environment and ensure that
you use this product in a safe and responsible manner.
·Users should not operate or assemble this product before reading
the manual and becoming familiar withhow the product operates.
·Please do not modify this product in any way. Unauthorized
modication of this product may impact the productʼs functionality
or safety, and could reduce the productʼs service life.
·Use an appropriate electrical load (less power than this productʼs
power output). Do not attempt to forcefully increase this productʼs
load. This product is designed for certain conventional uses.
Following these conventions will enable the product to function
safely and in accordance with expectations. Do not use this
product in ways that fall beyond the scope of product design.
This product is a portable solar-powered charger that is
light and easy to carry.It utilizes high-eciency solar panels,
and ultra-translucent PET materials are used for the outer
layer of the panels.
·Keep your battery topped off in all seasons with free solar
· A built-in diode prevents reverse charging, so thereʼs no
drain on your battery
·SAE quick connector allows plug and play
· Waterproof& Anti-ultraviolet fabric for long lifetime
·Low maintenance, portable and light weight
Solar trickle charger-Battery maintainer
· 4 suction cups enable easy mounting;
·2 interchangeable clamps and cigarette lighter cables allow
further applications
This product can be used in a variety of everyday scenarios to
alleviate a host of troubles. For example, if you worried that your
carʼs battery will drain while you are away on a trip or if you want
to install a small outdoor fountain without connecting it to your
homeʼs electrical system, our product oers a quick and
convenient solution.
In addition, this product can be used in trucks, yachts, small
boats, or with small water pumps, LED lights, small batteries,
micro DC fans, surveillance equipment, and all sorts of other
If you would like to use this product for another scenario but
are not sure whether it will work for you, please contact us.
Solar trickle charger-Battery maintainer
Technology Parameters
Maximum Power (Pmax)
Open-circuit Voltage (Voc)
Short-circuit Current (Isc)
Maximum Working Voltage (Vpm)
Maximum Working Current (Ipm)
Solar trickle charger-Battery maintainer
1. Solar power standard testing conditions: solar radiation
1000W/㎡, temperature 25℃, air mass AM1.5.
2. If used in conditions that fall outside of the standard
testing conditions, the solar panelʼs electrical output
capacity may change in a non-linear way.
3. Because of the scattered nature of the silicone crystalʼs
parameters, electrical properties may change under weak
light conditions.
4. The solar panelʼs ability to produce electricity is closely
connected to the strength of the sunlight, temperature of
the environment, installation angle, and other factors.
Product Installation Method
This product can be installed using two methods:
1: Use the 4 suction cups that come with the product to attach it
to the inside of the carʼs windshield or to anywhere on the carʼs
2: The solar panelʼs rear straps can also be used to secure it to
your vehicleʼs sun visor.
Securing the solar panel
to the windshield
Securing the solar panel to a sun
Wiring the Solar Panel visor
Solar trickle charger-Battery maintainer
Wiring the Solar Panel
This product can be connected using two methods.
Cigarette lighter connection method
Connect the cigarette lighter + SAE cable to the solar panelʼs SAE
plug and insert the cigarette lighter connector into the vehicleʼs
cigarette lighter to charge the vehicle. (This works with the majo
rity of vehicles).
Crocodile clip connection method
Connect the crocodile clip + SAE cable to the solar panelʼs SAE
plug and clamp the crocodile clips onto the positive and negative
poles of the car battery or another battery (the red crocodile clip is
positive and the black crocodile clip is negative)
SAE connector Cigarette lighter plug Crocodile clamps connected
Tips for use
·In certain brands of vehicle, the cigarette lighter socket may be
unable to operate if it has been turned off. If you encounter this
scenario, you can connect directly to the battery with the crocodile
clips and cable, using the second method.
Solar trickle charger-Battery maintainer
·Bef o re star t i ng the mo t o r, rem o v e the cig a r ette li g hter
plu g f rom the s o c ket and d o n o t use th i s c hargi n g m ethod
whi l e drivi n g . The veh i c le’s mot o r m ay prod u c e an
ele c trica l s u rge tha t c o uld da m a ge the so l a r panel .
·Whi l e conne c t ed, do no t c r eate a s h o rt circ u i t betwe e n
the p o sitiv e a n d negat i v e pole s , o r conne c t t o them in
rev e rse. Us e t h e red and b l a ck cro c o dile cl i p s to char g e
and m a intai n t h e 12v bat t e ry. Th e r e d clip is p o s itive ( + )
and t h e black c l i p is nega t i ve (-) .
·Thi s p roduc t’s i n terna l s o lder i n g has two a n t i-rev e rsal
dio d es to pre v e nt reve r s e char g i ng.
·To sh o w opera t i ng stat u s , this p r o duct’s ci g a rette
lig h ter acc e s sory is e q u ippe d w i th an ind i c ator li g ht. The
ind i cator l i g ht will s h o w if the s o l ar pane l i s p roduc i n g
an el e ctric a l f low and c h a rgin g t h e batte r y .
·If th e re is a rai n y o r cloud y d a y, if th e c i garet t e l ighte r
con n ectio n i s p lugge d i n t o the ca r’s c i garet t e l ighte r
soc k et, the i n d icato r l i ght wi l l r emain i l l umina t ed. The
ind i cator l i g ht’s elec t r icit y i s b eing ge n e rated f r om
nat u ral lig h t t hat is sh i n ing on t h e s olar pa n e l, and no t
the c a r’s batte r y .
·In th e e venin g , i f the cig a r ette l i g hter co n n ectio n i s
plu g ged in to c a r’s c igare t t e ligh t e r socke t a n d the
ind i cator l i g ht rema i n s illu m i nated b u t i t consu m es abou t
2mA o f e lectr i c ity, th i s i s much l e s s than th e c a r syste m’s
ope r ating c u r rent (t h e s yste m w i ll cont i n ue work i ng when
the c a r is shut o f f ). You ca n i g nore t h e i ndica t o r light .
·Bef o re usin g t h is sola r p e nal, r e m ove its p r o tecti v e
wra p ping.
·Whe n u sing th i s p roduc t , a void s c r atchi n g t he surf a c e with
har d o bject s , d o not all o w t he pro d u ct to com e i n to cont a c t
wit h c orros i v e chemi c a ls, an d d o n ot subj e c t the sol a r panel
to un e ven pre s s ure tha t m a y caus e t h e panel t o c r ack and
aff e ct its pe r f orman c e .
Solar trickle charger-Battery maintainer
Product Testing
After receiving the product, you can use the following methods to
test the productʼs performance.
Required tools: multi meter;
1. Connect a crocodile clip cable to the solar panelʼs output cable and
adjust the multimeterʼs setting to 200V. Connect the red probe to the
red crocodile clip and the black probe to the black crocodile clip.
Check the value that is displayed on the multimeter. The value should
fall between 20±2V (this may vary according to weather conditions).
2. Connect a cable with a crocodile clip to the solar panelʼs output line
and set the multimeter to electrical current testing mode. Collect the
red probe to the red crocodile clip and the black probe to the black
crocodile clip. Check the value that is displayed on the multimeter
and compare it with the short-circuit current value printed on the
label attached to the rear of the solar panel. Under good lighting and
temperature conditions, these two values should be close.
Voltage testElectrical current test
Solar trickle charger-Battery maintainer
Accessories List
Cable Length
Solar panel to SAE
connector cable
Crocodile clip to SAE
connector cable
Cigarette lighter plug to
SAE connectorcable
Suction cup