1. Start the web browser of your PC.
2. Enter in the address bar of the web browser. Conrm with
3. Enter user name and password and click ‘Login’ . The default user name and password
are ‘admin’ .
The ‘Easy Setup’ page opens up.
4. Use ‘WAN Access Type’ to select the type of access to the network.
Select ‘Static IP’ if your Internet service provider has provided you with a xed IP
address. The values for ‘IP Address’ , ‘Subnet Mask’ and ‘DNS’ are available from your
Internet service provider.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol) is a local network protocol. Select ‘DHCP
Client’ to automatically get a dynamic IP address from your Internet service provider.
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a virtual, private protocol and enables
encapsulated data transport. Select ‘PPPoE’ if your internet service provider oers this
option. User name and password are available from your internet service provider.
5. Under ‘5G Wireless Setting’ or ‘2.4G Wireless Setting’ , you can change the default SSID
and encryption parameters as needed.
Setting up Wi-Fi on the router
Installation and starting up
Professional Router 2