9 My Very First Games
Before starting to play for the first time, carefully press the tiles out of the cardboard.
Important: Please throw the remaining cardboard pieces away immediately to avoid any
swallowing hazard for little children.
Free Play
In free unstructured play, your child becomes familiar with the game materials. Together, look
at all the illustrations on both sides of the game board. Your child can re-enact little fairy tales,
let Rosalina walk across the leaves of the water lilies or the summer fl owers and put her to bed.
Talk about how to match the wooden pieces with the illustrations on the game board. On the
side showing the pond, the pieces are matched by color and on the side showing the meadow,
the fl ower gems are matched by their shape. Have your child try to stack the fl ower gems and
place the blossom on top.
If the children are a little older and already familiar with
the game materials, you can also ask specifi c questions
about the illustrations on each side. For example:
Where is the little bed of Rosalina, the fl ower fairy? Count
the fi sh/dragonfl ies/ladybugs and so on? What color are
the water lilies/the leaves?
Game: Rosalina at the Springtime Pond
A cooperative stacking game to recognize and match colors.
It’s springtime. The buds of the water lilies have already opened. Three big fl owers are also
growing up on the little island, but have not yet blossomed. Rosalina, in her little bed, is waking
up. First she yawns, then stretches and sets off fl ittering from one water lily leaf to the next.
As she arrives at the little island, she swings her magic wand … and the three large fl owers soon
start to bloom. The goal is to build up the fl owers before Rosalina reaches the fl ower island!
flower island
little bed of Rosalina
the children are a little older and alread
amiliar with
ame materials,
ou can also ask speci
c questions
bout the illustrations on each side. For exam
Where is the little bed o
Rosalina, the
? Coun
s and so on? What color are