Hobart Ecomax Plus F515SW-10C Manuale del proprietario

  • Ciao! Sono l'assistente virtuale. Ho letto il manuale di installazione e funzionamento della lavastoviglie ECOMAX+ 415/515 e sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande. Il manuale include istruzioni dettagliate sull'installazione, le impostazioni operative, la manutenzione e la risoluzione dei problemi. Sono inoltre disponibili informazioni sui programmi di lavaggio, il dosaggio del detergente e del brillantante, oltre a utili consigli per ottenere i migliori risultati di lavaggio
  • Quali tipi di stoviglie posso lavare in questa lavastoviglie?
    Quanti programmi di lavaggio sono disponibili?
    Come faccio a impostare la durezza dell'acqua?
    Come si effettua il ciclo di autopulizia?
05. Aug. 2020
Glass and dishwashers
ECOMAX+ 415/515
Installation and
Operation Manual
(Original Operation Manual)
DSN: FXB-12-04 / GCB-13-04
From: 866685001 / 866195001
Table of Contents
1 Notes on the documentation 4
1.1 Application 4
1.2 Layout of the documentation 4
1.3 Symbols used 4
2 Safety instructions and regulations 5
2.1 Hazard levels 5
2.2 Layout of safety instructions 5
2.3 Basic safety instructions 5
2.4 Property damage 7
3 Product description 7
3.1 Intended purpose 7
3.2 Designation 7
3.3 Technical specifications 8
4 Controls 8
5 Installation 8
5.1 Personnel qualification 8
5.2 Special safety instructions 9
5.3 Transporting to the installation location 9
5.4 Removing the packaging 9
5.5 Installing the machine 10
5.6 Connecting to the power supply 10
5.7 Connecting the water 10
5.8 Connecting the drain 11
6 Commissioning 11
6.1 Personnel qualification 11
6.2 Setting the water hardness (optional) 11
6.3 Filling the salt reservoir (optional) 11
6.4 Filling chemical hoses 12
7 Operation 13
7.1 Personnel qualification 13
7.2 Special safety instructions 13
7.3 Preparations for washing 13
7.4 Washing 14
7.5 Switch off machine 14
7.6 Executing daily cleaning 14
7.7 Executing weekly cleaning 15
8 Settings 15
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8.1 Overview of operator menu 15
8.2 Opening the operator menu 15
8.3 Detergent/dosage amount 16
8.4 Rinse aid/dosage amount 16
8.5 Setting the water hardness (optional) 16
8.6 Wash cycles 17
8.7 Hose filling detergent 18
8.8 Hose filling rinse aid 18
8.9 External water treatment 19
8.10 Temperatures 22
8.11 Displaying the temperatures 23
9 Display of faults and information 24
9.1 Error 24
9.2 Information 25
10 Troubleshooting guide 25
10.1 Poor wash result 25
10.2 Other faults 26
11 Maintenance 26
12 Disposal 27
13 Product disclaimer 27
14 Conformity 28
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1 Notes on the documentation
1.1 Application
This document contains the most important information for the installation and commissioning of the machine by
qualified personnel, as well as the information required for day-to-day operation by the operator.
Keep the operation manual and all referenced documents in a safe and accessible place.
Store the operation manual in a suitable container protected from humidity and dirt deposits.
If you sell the machine, pass on the installation and operation manual.
1.2 Layout of the documentation
Referenced documents are all instructions that describe the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of the
device, as well as additional instructions for all accessories used.
For the operator:
Operating instructions
For the specialised tradesman:
Installation instructions
Circuit diagram
Spare Parts Catalogue
1.3 Symbols used
Symbol Meaning
Warning of hazardous electrical voltage
Beware of explosion
Warning of risk of crushing
Beware of hazardous substances
Beware of hand injuries
Beware of slipping
Beware of hazard area
Useful additional information and tips
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Notes on the documentation
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2 Safety instructions and regulations
2.1 Hazard levels
The hazard level is part of the safety instructions and is denoted by the signal word.
Potential consequences are differentiated by the choice of signal word.
imminent danger:
results in serious physical injury or death
potentially hazardous situation:
can cause serious physical injury or death
potentially hazardous situation:
can cause minor physical injury
potentially harmful situation:
can cause damage to the product or other objects
2.2 Layout of safety instructions
These warning notices are depicted with warning symbols and signal words in the corresponding safety colours.
Nature and source of the hazard
Explanation on the nature and source of the hazard
Measures for averting the hazard
Additional measures for averting the hazard, where applicable
2.3 Basic safety instructions
2.3.1 Product safety
The machine conforms to state-of-the-art technology and the recognised safety regulations. Nonetheless, hazards
may occur.
Operate the machine only in compliance with the operation manual.
During machine handling, observe the safety instructions and warning notices that precede each action.
All modifications and alterations to the product are reserved for persons authorised by HOBART.
2.3.2 Personnel qualification
Observe the regulations on occupational health and safety.
Carefully read through the Operation Manual before use.
Activity User group Qualification/training
Installation Qualified personnel Hobart Service or an electrically qualified person trained by
Hobart or a competent person acc. to the German technical
regulations for occupational safety (TRBS 1203) trained by
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Safety instructions and regulations
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Installation and Operation Manual
Activity User group Qualification/training
Trainees Only under professional supervision and examination
Commissioning Qualified personnel Hobart Service or an electrically qualified person trained by
Hobart or a competent person acc. to the German technical
regulations for occupational safety (TRBS 1203) trained by
Trainees Only under professional supervision and examination
Work on electrical sys-
Qualified personnel Hobart Service or an electrically qualified person trained by
Hobart or a competent person acc. to the German technical
regulations for occupational safety (TRBS 1203) trained by
Operation Operating personnel
and persons over the
age of 14
Only under supervision and after instruction by the operator on
the basis of the Operation Manual, instructions on dangers
Handicapped individu-
The suitability must be assessed by the operator on an individ-
ual basis
Persons up to the age
of 13
Persons up to the age of 13 are not suited for machine opera-
Maintenance, repair Qualified personnel Hobart Service or an electrically qualified person trained by
Hobart or a competent person acc. to the German technical
regulations for occupational safety (TRBS 1203) trained by
Trainees Only under professional supervision and examination
2.3.3 Product-specific hazards
Avoid body parts being crushed or knocked:
Observe the instructions on the packaging for storage, lifting or transporting.
The machine must be secured against tipping over when set up in a freestanding position.
Avoid risk of explosion:
Do not install machine in a potentially-explosive location.
Avoid electric shock, fire risk:
Do not allow water to flow under live components.
Make sure the machine is correctly stored (see frost damage section 2.4).
Make sure that the machine does not overflow when being filled.
Do not damage the connection cable while unpacking.
Have the machine connected to the power supply by qualified personnel.
Have all modifications to the machine carried out by qualified personnel.
Have additional feed tanks mounted by qualified personnel.
Do not operate the machine unsupervised.
Avoid fire risk:
Do not allow water to flow under live components.
Make sure the machine is correctly stored (see frost damage section 2.4).
Make sure that the machine does not overflow when being filled.
Have the machine connected to the power supply by qualified personnel.
Have all modifications to the machine carried out by qualified personnel.
Avoid chemical burns, sensitisation of the skin, poisoning:
Wear protective equipment (gloves, safety goggles, protective clothing) when handling chemicals.
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Safety instructions and regulations
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Use only suitable chemicals. Observe the manufacturer`s data.
Have chemical sensor system set by authorised trained service technicians.
Do not open the machine during operation, wait for the program to finish.
Disconnect the machine from the mains prior to cleaning.
For cleaning, wear protective equipment (gloves, safety goggles, protective clothing) when touching parts conta-
minated by detergent.
Avoid burns, scalds (to the hands):
Do not open the machine during operation or the evaporation phase, wait for the programme to finish.
Otherwise, hot water could spray out.
Disconnect the machine from the mains prior to cleaning.
Avoid slipping:
Moisture can build up on the machine floor.
Provide a floor covering that is guaranteed to be non-slip in case of moisture.
Residues on the wash ware, hygiene regulations not maintained:
Hygiene regulations must be observed and/or demonstrated in accordance with the national provisions.
2.3.4 Additional hazards
Potential hazards caused by operating resources to be used can be found in the enclosed safety datasheets. Work-
places must be signed accordingly.
2.4 Property damage
Avoid frost damage:
Temperatures below 0°C lead to functional damage.
Before storing below 0°C, empty residual water in hoses, tank and boiler.
Prior to restart, store the machine at room temperature (min. 15°C) for 24h.
Avoid water damage:
Do not operate the machine without supervision.
Close on-site shut-off valves at the end of operation.
3 Product description
3.1 Intended purpose
The machine is an item of technical equipment intended solely for commercial dishwashing.
The machine is designed solely for cleaning crockery (porcelain, glass, ceramic, temperature-resistant plastics or
stainless steel or similar) from the food industry.
Not for washing:
Containers that do not come into contact with foodstuffs, such as ashtrays, electric appliances etc.
Animals or textiles
Foodstuffs intended for further consumption
3.2 Designation
The rating plate is located on the front of the machine. If you have any questions regarding service and parts, quote
the serial and DSN No.
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Product description
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Installation and Operation Manual
3.3 Technical specifications
Dimensions (H x W x D) 825 x 600 x 603 mm (415: 705 x 460 x 590)
Water consumption per rinse cycle 2,3 l (415: 2 l)
Power supply see rating plate
Total loading see rating plate
Fuse protection see rating plate
Tank capacity 25 l (415: 10 l)
Loading height 425 mm (415: 315 mm)
Emission sound pressure level LpA
(Measurement uncertainty kpA= 2.5 dB)
59 dB (A) (415: 57 dB (A))
Weight 60 kg (415: 50 kg)
4 Controls
ON/Escape key Pressing this key switches the machine on.
In case of operating error or faults, the machine can be switched off immedi-
ately without prior pump out by pressing this key.
After switch off, however, the machine is not voltage free.
Programme selection key Press the key to choose between 3 different programmes.
Programme start key Press the button to start the washing programme.
OFF/Drain key Pressing and holding (3 seconds) this key activates the automatic self-clean-
ing cycle and then switches off the machine automatically. On machines with
drain pump, the tank is emptied.
After switch off, however, the machine is not voltage free.
Temperature display, rinsing Standard setting shows the maximum temperature achieved during the last
wash programme.
Temperature display, washing
5 Installation
5.1 Personnel qualification
Installation must only be carried out by qualified personnel (see section 2.3.2).
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5.2 Special safety instructions
Risk of electric shock, fire hazard
Water (frost damage, machine overflow) flowing over live components can cause injury from elec-
tric shock or fire.
Do not allow water to flow under live components.
Make sure the machine is correctly stored (see frost damage section 2.4).
Make sure that the machine does not overflow when being filled.
Risk of being crushed or knocked
When being lifted or transported, the machine can overturn or fall and cause injury.
Observe the instructions on the packaging for storage, lifting or transporting.
Risk of explosion
Installing the machine in a potentially explosive location can cause explosion and serious injury
from ejected parts.
Do not install machine in a potentially-explosive location.
Frost damage
Temperatures below 0°C during transport/storage cause function impairments.
Prior to installation, store the machine at room temperature (min. 15°C) for 24h.
5.3 Transporting to the installation location
If possible, transport the machine in its packaging and on the pallet.
Use suitable transport means (elevating truck, crane etc.).
If using a forklift, shim the machine with wooden trusses.
5.4 Removing the packaging
Risk of electric shock, fire hazard
When the machine is unpacked, the connection cable can become damaged and cause injury from
electric shock or fire.
Do not damage the connection cable while unpacking the machine.
Take cable measurement DGUV V3.
Remove packaging materials and accessories from the machine.
Inspect the machine for possible transport damage.
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Installation and Operation Manual
5.5 Installing the machine
Wall clearance is not required.
Align machine horizontally with the aid of a spirit level by turning the adjustable feet until the door handle is flush
with the control panel.
Property damage
Vapour may escape from the dishwasher door and lead to property damage.
Adjacent furniture has to be protected to prevent swelling.
5.6 Connecting to the power supply
Risk of electric shock
Failure to connect properly to the power supply can cause mortal danger from electric shock.
Have the machine connected to the power supply only by qualified personnel.
NOTE: To guarantee the electrical safety of the machine, it must be connected to a protective earthing
equipment conductor installed as specified. In addition, the machine must be connected on site to the
equipotential bonding connection. The connecting screw ( ) provided for this purpose is located next to
the cable inlet.
These fundamental safety requirements and the professional design of the on-site installation must be
verified by a qualified electrician.
Hobart does not accept any liability for damage caused by improper installation! Any applicable local
installation instructions must be observed!
The mains cable must be connected via a cut-out device (main switch or accessible plug device).
Modification to an alternative power supply is possible as per the variants on the circuit diagram. Connection dia-
grams are located adjacent to the connection terminals.
5.7 Connecting the water
NOTE: The machine must be operated with potable water. For water with an extremely high mineral con-
tent, an external demineralisation unit is recommended.
If possible, connect to hot water (max. 60°C).
Water hardness:
Machines without softener: max. 3 °d = 0.5 mmol/l.
Machines with softener: max. 30 °d = 5.3 mmol/l.
Flow pressure:
0,8 - 10 bar.
> 10 bar: provide pressure reducing valve.
Connect the union nut (3/4" thread) of the water supply hose to the site shut off valve.
Do not kink or cut the water supply hose.
Any required extension must be executed using a suitable pressure hose.
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5.8 Connecting the drain
The connection between machine and site drain must
not exceed a max. height of 0.6 m.
max. 0.6 m
Do not lay the drain hose loose on the ground (the hose could become frayed), but fasten it in-situ.
Do not kink drain hose.
6 Commissioning
6.1 Personnel qualification
Commissioning must only be carried out by qualified personnel (see section 5.1).
6.2 Setting the water hardness (optional)
NOTE: The softener must be set to the existing water hardness (ask at the local water works).
Set hardness range according to section 8.5.
6.3 Filling the salt reservoir (optional)
Property damage
Accidentally filling the salt reservoir with detergent will damage the water softener.
Do not fill the salt reservoir with detergent.
Open Door.
Unscrew the salt reservoir lid and add approx. 1 kg of
granular (2-8 mm) regenerating salt (do not use salt tab-
Fill up the reservoir with potable water (only at commissioning).
Make sure the lid seal is free of dirt and salt.
Screw lid back on and tighten.
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Installation and Operation Manual
Property damage
Salt residues on the tank floor cause corrosion damage.
Remove salt residues by hand.
On completion of the commissioning procedure, start a wash cycle to remove all traces of salt
if necessary.
If salt deficiency occurs during operation, the top display
shows "SA", the bottom display shows "Lt".
To pump out water in the tank, see section 7.5.
6.4 Filling chemical hoses
We recommend the use of HOBART Hyline detergent and rinse aid.
NOTE: Mixing chemicals in the hose when exchanging chemicals can lead to crystallisation and damage to
the hoses and dosing units. This is prevented by intermediary rinsing with water (see section 8.7). Failure
to comply with this information will invalidate the guarantee and product liability.
Chemical burns, sensitisation of the skin, poisoning
The use of unsuitable chemicals can cause injury.
Use only commercial detergent and rinse aid.
Observe the manufacturer's application and safety instructions.
Chemical burns, sensitisation of the skin, poisoning
Incorrect handling of detergent or rinse can lead to serious injuries.
Wear protective equipment (gloves, safety goggles, protective clothing) when handling chemi-
6.4.1 Provisioning external chemical canisters
Preparing the detergent:
Suction height of dosing pump: max. 1.5 m.
Place suction hose without colour marking at the suction valve down to the bottom of the external reservoir.
Preparing the rinse aid:
Suction height of dosing pump: max. 1.5 m.
Place suction hose with blue marking at the suction valve down to the bottom of the external reservoir.
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7 Operation
7.1 Personnel qualification
The machine must be operated by instructed personnel (see section 7.1).
7.2 Special safety instructions
Chemical burns, sensitisation of the skin, poisoning, burning
If the Door is opened during operation, vapour can escape and/or wash water can spurt out and
cause injury.
Do not open the Door during operation, wait for the program to finish.
Danger of slipping
Moisture can build up on the machine floor and cause slipping.
Provide a floor covering that is guaranteed to be non-slip in case of moisture.
7.3 Preparations for washing
7.3.1 Preparing the machine
Check correct position of wash/rinse arms, strainers and if fitted stand pipe.
Open site shut-off valve.
Turn on main switch or insert the plug.
Check level of detergent and rinse aid container.
(See section 6.4).
Close Door.
Press the ON/Escape key .
During the filling and heating processes, the key LED flashes. This process can take several minutes.
As soon as the LED is permanently lit, the machine is ready for operation and displays the current wash tem-
perature in the lower display.
7.3.2 Preparing the washware
Remove any food residue.
Place wash ware face down in the rack.
Rinse off wash ware.
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7.4 Washing
Slide rack into the machine and close the door.
Press the programme selection key to show the current
programme in the display. Press the key continuously to
choose between 3 programmes (P1 = short, P2 = stand-
ard, P3 intensive). This is not possible if an error is dis-
played and while the programme is running.
The LED flashes while the programme is running.
As soon as the LED lights up permanently, the rinsing process is complete.
With the standard setting, the maximum reached temperatures of the completed washing programme are
shown in the display.
Open the door and remove the rack.
Allow the wash ware enough time to dry.
7.5 Switch off machine
Close the door.
Press and hold down the drain button (min. 3 seconds).
During pump out, the Drain key LED flashes.
During pump out, the machine interior is cleaned automatically. At the end of the programme, the
machine switches off automatically. Then remove any coarse food residues.
When the machine has switched off:
Turn off main switch or remove the plug.
Close on-site shut-off valve.
7.6 Executing daily cleaning
Property damage
The use of unsuitable agents can cause corrosion or damage to the surfaces.
Do not use any chlorine-containing, acidic or metal-containing additives to clean the machine.
Do not use metal sponges.
Open the door, take out the sieves Rinse under running water. Make sure that food debris does not enter
pump intake!
Clean machine interior.
Replace strainer.
Leave the door open for ventilation.
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7.7 Executing weekly cleaning
Loosen the fastening screws (A) counter-clockwise.
Removing and cleaning wash and rinse arms:
Replace all parts.
8 Settings
8.1 Overview of operator menu
Submenu Function
Detergent/dosage amount Setting
Rinse aid/dosage amount Setting
Water hardness Setting
Wash cycles Display
Hose filling detergent For commissioning and replacement of the canister.
Hose filling rinse aid For commissioning and replacement of the canister.
External water treatment Resetting
Remaining capacity
Output capacity
Temperatures Standard / Thermolabel 71°
8.2 Opening the operator menu
NOTE: Possible only when the machine is switched off.
Open Door.
Press the programme start button and the programme
selection button at the same time.
The menu opens, key LEDs illuminate.
The first submenu item "1" appears as soon as the Door is closed.
If the Door is opened again, the display switches off and the entered settings are saved.
The setting sequence described below can therefore be interrupted at any time.
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Press the programme start button to scroll through the menus.
8.3 Detergent/dosage amount
Only relevant for integrated detergent/dosing units.
Top display shows "01"
The bottom display shows the current dosage value,
default setting: 2.5 g/l
To adjust the detergent/dosing quantity, increase using
the Standard programme selection button or reduce
using the Drain key. The selected value (0-9.5 g/l) will be
saved automatically.
Make settings according to the recommendations of the detergent supplier.
Open the door to escape and exit the menu.
8.4 Rinse aid/dosage amount
Open menu (see section 8.2).
Press the programme start button until the upper display shows „02“.
The bottom display shows the current dosage value,
default setting: 0.3 g/l.
To adjust the rinse aid/dosage quantity, increase using
the programme selection button or reduce using the
Drain key. The selected value (0-2 g/l) is automatically
Making settings according to the instructions of the rinse aid supplier.
Open the door to escape and exit the menu.
8.5 Setting the water hardness (optional)
Only relevant with integrated softener.
NOTE: The softener must be set to the existing water hardness (ask at the local water works).
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Open menu (see section 8.2).
Press the programme start button until the top display
shows "03".
The bottom display indicates the set degree of hardness in °d.
To adjust the degree of hardness, increase using the pro-
gramme selection button or reduce using the Drain key.
The selected value (1-30) is automatically saved.
Open the door to escape and exit the menu.
8.6 Wash cycles
Open menu (see section 8.2).
Press the programme start button until the top display
shows "04".
Due to the bottom display being limited to 2 places, the value (max. 6 places) is shown as follows:
e.g. for wash programmes 003456.
The first two places are displayed by pressing the pro-
gramme selection button.
The next two places are shown when the programme
selection button is pressed.
The last two places are shown by pressing the pro-
gramme selection button.
If the key is pressed again, the first display reappears, etc.
Open the door to escape and exit the menu.
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8.7 Hose filling detergent
Open menu (see section 8.2).
Press the programme start button until the top display
shows "05".
Bottom display shows "0".
Using the programme selection button to set the bottom
display to "1".
Press the Drain key.
Hose filling starts for approx. 60 seconds.
Item in bottom display flashes.
Filling is completed when the flashing stops.
Open the door to escape and exit the menu.
There is no need to wait until the end once the filling process has been activated. The filling of the rinse aid hose
can also start in parallel.
8.8 Hose filling rinse aid
Open the Settings menu (see section 8.2).
Press the programme start button until the top display
shows "06".
Bottom display shows "0".
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Using the programme selection button to set the bottom
display to "1".
Press the Drain key.
Hose filling starts for approx. 120 seconds.
Item in bottom display flashes.
Filling is completed when the flashing stops.
Open the door to escape and exit the menu.
8.9 External water treatment
Relevant only when activated (see section 8.9.3)
This can be used to monitor the capacity of an external water treatment or a pre-filter on the basis of the calculated
water flow.
8.9.1 Resetting
Reset the remaining capacity to the output capacity value.
Open menu (see section 8.2).
Press the programme start button until the top display
shows "07".
Bottom display shows "0".
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Set the bottom display to "1" by pressing the programme
selection button.
The ON/Escape key LED flashes.
The total capacity is reset again by pressing the ON/
Escape key for 3 sec.
The ON/Escape key LED illuminates for 3 sec.
Open the door to escape and exit the menu.
8.9.2 Remaining capacity
The remaining capacity counts backwards from the set output capacity value and can be shown as follows:
Open menu (see section 8.2).
Press the programme start button until the top display
shows "08".
Due to the bottom display being limited to 2 places, the value (max. 6 places) is shown as follows:
The first two places are displayed by pressing the pro-
gramme selection button.
The next two places are shown when the programme
selection button is pressed.
The last two places are shown by pressing the pro-
gramme selection button.
If the key is pressed again, the first display reappears, etc.
Open the door to escape and exit the menu.
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