Shares basic information, such
as purpose and target audience
Gives clear explanation of the
app’s purpose and design, and
how it addresses user needs
Presents clear and compelling
explanation of the problem
they’re trying to solve, market
demand, audience and how!
the app was designed to meet
user needs
Makes a persuasive pitch
backed by evidence that shows
how the app meets, exceeds!
or redefines user needs
Informational; one team
member presents
Confident, enthusiastic; more
than one team member
Engaging, good use of visuals
to support story; team highlights
contributions of each member
Creative, memorable
storytelling; engaging visual
support; smooth transitions
between team members
Consistent screens that support
app’s purpose"
Clear, functional design with
familiar elements; prototype !
supports basic user tasks
Elegant, concise, pleasing
design with thoughtful use of
colour, layout and readability;
prototype gives user a sense of
place within navigation
Design empowers the user to
interact with content; prototype
uses animation, colour and
layout to create a seamless,
engaging experience
Clear intent; users can
accomplish one or more goals
Consistent and standard
navigation; intuitive path
through app content
Adaptable to user needs;
addresses accessibility, privacy
and security
Innovative, surprising and
delightful; gives users a new
kind of experience that sets!
it apart from competitors
Some connection between app
functionality and underlying
Explanation of how general
coding concepts like data types,
conditional logic or touch events
relate to the app
Description of specific coding
tasks necessary to build their
app; demonstration of how that
code powers the app’s
Explanation of the app’s
architecture, data structure,
algorithms and features;
discussion of decision-making
in developing this approach
Technical Review (Optional)
For functional app prototypes in
Xcode. Judges should be familiar
with Swift and iOS development
best practices.
Swift code runs in specific
examples; code is basic with
no abstraction
Code runs without error in all
cases; code is basic with some
evidence of abstraction
Code is organised with clear
Swift naming conventions; high
evidence of abstraction; follows
iOS guidelines
Code is well documented !
with comments; effective use!
of Swift features; employs
organisation, such as Model-