Atra Atraflam 16/9ème 600 Installation, Use And Maintenance Instructions

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FR - Manuel d’installation, d’utilisation et d’entretien 2
GB - Installation, use and maintenance instructions 7
ES - Instrucciones para instalación, uso y mantenimiento general 12
IT - Manuale d’installazione, d’uso e di manutenzione generale 17
Atraflam 16/9
600 - 800
Atraflam 16/9
800 VL
Atraflam 16/9
800 3V
Atraflam 780 simple face
Les manuels fournis avec le produit doivent être conservés pendant toute la durée de vie du produit.
The manuels which are enclosed with the product must be kept throughout the product’s entire service life.
Los manuales suministrados con este producto deben guardarse durante todo el ciclo de vida del producto.
I manuali inclusi con il prodotto vanno conservati per l’intero ciclo di vita del prodotto.
FR - Avant utilisation, lire attentivement ce manuel d’installation,
d’utilisation et d’entretien
GB - Before use, please read this installation, use and maintenance
manual carefully
ES - Antes de proceder a su uso, lea atentamente este manual
de instalación, uso y mantenimiento generales
IT - Prima dell’uso si prega di leggere attentamente questo manuale
d’installazione, d’uso e di manutenzione generale
600 - 800 - 800 VL
800 3V - 780 simple face
FR - Manuel d’installation, d’utilisation et d’entretien 2
GB - Installation, use and maintenance instructions 7
ES - Instrucciones para instalación, uso y mantenimiento general 12
IT - Manuale d’installazione, d’uso e di manutenzione generale 17
Atraflam 16/9
600 - 800
Atraflam 16/9
800 VL
Atraflam 16/9
800 3V
Atraflam 780 simple face
Les manuels fournis avec le produit doivent être conservés pendant toute la durée de vie du produit.
The manuels which are enclosed with the product must be kept throughout the product’s entire service life.
Los manuales suministrados con este producto deben guardarse durante todo el ciclo de vida del producto.
I manuali inclusi con il prodotto vanno conservati per l’intero ciclo di vita del prodotto.
FR - Avant utilisation, lire attentivement ce manuel d’installation,
d’utilisation et d’entretien
GB - Before use, please read this installation, use and maintenance
manual carefully
ES - Antes de proceder a su uso, lea atentamente este manual
de instalación, uso y mantenimiento generales
IT - Prima dell’uso si prega di leggere attentamente questo manuale
d’installazione, d’uso e di manutenzione generale
600 - 800 - 800 VL
800 3V - 780 simple face
Manual of installation,
use and maintenance
1.0 References
to legislative texts
Installing a stove is subject to the national legislation
and regulations.
In France, installation must be in compliance with DTU 24.2
of december 2006.
Local regulations including those relating to national
and European standards must be adhered to when installing
this product. For countries in the European Community,
this fireplace complies with standard NF.EN 13 229:
2001/A2:2004, Appendix ZA.
Instructions for installation and use are supplied with
the appliance. It is essential to read it before the installation.
The fireplace nameplate is located above the door, inside
the protective casing. It gives the following information:
manufacturer (name and address), manufacturing standard,
model, technical features.
2.0 Safety precautions
Warning! The fireplace can get very hot. It is essential
to remember this in daily use, especially when children
are present.
2.1. Warnings
Any modifications to the fireplace or its installation
by the dealer, installer or user may disrupt operation
and reduce the safety of the appliance.
Mounting accessories or additional devices which are not
supplied by ATRA may have the same consequences.
This is also true if any of the elements required for operation
and safety have been removed.
The manufacturer accepts no responsibility and withdraws
his guarantee in any of the following cases:
- designing heating installations;
- heat loss studies;
- building of heat distribution ducting systems.
These areas are the speciality of a qualified, professional
2.2. Fire prevention measures
Ensure that all furniture and other inflammable objects
are not too close to the stove. See “Distance from furniture”,
chapter 2.4.
2.3. Air intake
In the room where the fireplace is installed
Danger: ensure that the intake of fresh air for the appliance
operation is adapted to the room in which it is installed.
1.0 References to legislative texts ....................... 7
2.0 Safety precautions ......................................... 7
2.1 Warning ............................................................ 7
2.2 Fire prevention measures ............................... 7
2.3 Air intake ......................................................... 7
2.4 Required distances and measurements ........ 8
3.0 Installation ....................................................... 8
3.1 Protecting the backing walls .......................... 8
3.2 The floor ........................................................... 8
3.3 The surround ................................................... 8
3.4 Air circulation .................................................. 9
3.5 Connecting the flue ........................................ 9
4.0 Instructions for use ........................................ 9
4.1 Identification and use of control
elements .......................................................... 9
4.2 Choice of fuel ................................................... 9
4.3 Adding firewood ............................................ 10
4.4 First lighting .................................................. 10
4.5 Daily use ........................................................ 10
4.6 Reloading with firewood ............................... 10
4.7 Using the stove during the change
of season ........................................................ 10
5.0 Instructions for maintenance ...................... 10
5.1 Cleaning the window .................................... 10
5.2 Removing the ashes ....................................... 11
5.3 Cleaning shoot deposits ................................ 11
5.4 Sweeping the chimney .................................. 11
5.5 Visual examination of the stove .................... 11
5.6 Operating problems ....................................... 11
6.0 Drawings ........................................................ 11
6.1 Figure 1 ............................................................ 11
6.2 Figure 2 ........................................................... 11
Adjustable legs:
3.1 Protecting the backing walls
All material of a combustible nature or which may be damaged
by heat must be removed from the surrounding walls
(floors, walls and ceilings) where the fireplace is to be placed,
see figure 1 page 11.
The required insulation must be installed using class A1 or
at least M0 insulating materials, and a 50 mm minimum layer
of ventilated air between the fireplace and the insulation.
In all cases, the installation environment must be in compliance
with current legislation and regulations in the country
of installation.
3.2 The floor
The floor must be able to bear the weight of the assembled
fireplace and surround. See the product technical sheet.
Extra support may be required.
3.3 The surround
The fireplace surround must be made of non-combustible
materials (please refer to current standards).
The surround interior must be fully insulated. It is essential
to have a 50 mm minimum layer of ventilated air between
the insulation and the fireplace. See figures 1 and 2 page 11.
The surround must be self supporting and must not be
attached to the appliance. At least 3 mm clearance must be
left between the surround and the fireplace to allow
the appliance to dilate.
Create an air intake (minimum air passage cross-section 200 cm
if one does not exist and place it under the lower part
of the fireplace. If the fresh air intake opens directly
to the outside, it must be placed facing the dominant winds.
If there is a protection grid, ensure that passage is compatible
with the fireplace requirements. Check that the air intakes
are not blocked on a regular basis.
Danger: no fresh air intake, or one which is not adapted
to requirements may lead to combustion gases being
released into the room, causing the occupants to experience
drowsiness, nausea or faintness.
To the fireplace
The primary air inlet flue pipe (connectable) is located
on the front and under the appliance. It must not be blocked.
See figure 1 page 11 and appliance technical data sheet sent
with this manual.
If the fireplace is placed on the floor without its adjustable legs,
the convection air intake openings at the base of the stove
must be unblocked, see figure 1 page 11 and the product
technical sheet attached to this manual.
2.4 Required distances
and measurements
Openings to be made in the surround
See figure 1 page 11 and “Convection air intake and outlet
in the product technical sheet attached to this manual.
Distance between the stove and non-inflammable backing wall
50 mm minimum in addition to the thickness of the insulation,
see drawings figures 1 and 2 page 11.
Recommended insulation
50 mm of rock wool, 90 kg/m
foliated with aluminium sheet
on one side. See figures 1 and 2 page 11.
Distance from furniture
1,3 meter minimum.
Connection flue chimney diameter
See “Connecting a flue” in the product technical sheet
attached to this manual. It is essential to maintain the smoke
outlet cross-section when connecting the flue.
3.0 Installation
Before beginning installation, ensure that the parts
of the fireplace are operating correctly (see the product
technical sheet attached to this manual):
- guillotine, side hinged or drawer door operation:
first remove the screws blocking the weigths,
identified by a fluorescent label;
- damper control operation;
- primary air vent operation.
Adjust fireplace height using the adjustable legs
(optional acessories). Mount according to model.
3.4 Air circulation
Fresh air intake must come out under the base
of the fireplace. Air must be able to circulate between
the room where the fireplace is installed and
the foundations via purpose-made vents.
Air must be free to circulate between the fireplace
and the surround. It is also essential to ensure that
the air supply to the vents in the base and under
the fireplace is not blocked, see the product technical
sheet attached to this manual and figure 1 page 11.
Convection air outlets should be connected to the diusion
grids using purpose-made ducts (Ø 125 mm), respecting
evacuation surface area, see the product technical sheet
attached to this manual.
Hot air outlets must be at least 300 mm from the ceiling,
see figure 1 page 11. The ceiling must be made
of non-combustible material.
3.5 Connecting to the flue chimney
The fireplace can be connected to a chimney and a flue
pipe approved for solid fuel fireplaces, with the smoke
temperatures specified in the product technical sheet
attached to this manual.
The chimney cross-section and the flue pipe connection
to the fireplace must be identical to the cross-section
of the fireplace smoke outlet, see the product technical
Only one appliance must be connected to the smoke outlet.
The connection between the fireplace and the flue pipe
must be in compliance with the regulations of the country
of installation. Recommended draught conditions are
15 Pa ±2.
Important: the dierent seals used for connection must be
airtight. A leak can lead to malfunction.
4.0 Instructions for use
This appliance is dedicated to a closed door operation.
The guillotine function must be used intermittently,
for lighting or for adding wood.
4.1. Identification
and use of control elements
Damper control
Located above the door. This control is to be manipulated
using the cool handle (supplied with the fireplace) as it can be
very hot after several hours of operation.
To adjust the draft damper, turn to the left to open and
to the right to close.
The following adjustments can be made:
- open for lighting (approx. 10 minutes) and when reloading
the fireplace;
- more or less open to adjust power according to requirement.
Figure 4.1.1
Primary air intake adjustment
Located between the lower corner and the door.
This control is used to adjust the quantity of air for burning
wood. The slide pulled to the left corresponds to the open
position. When the fire is lit, the slide should be placed
in open position.
Rate of combustion can then be adjusted by opening
or closing the slide to a greater or lesser extent.
Clean combustion is obtained with air control open allowing a
lively blaze.
Control should be closed when the insert is not in use to keep
cold air of the burn chamber.
Figure 4.1.2
4.2 Choice of fuel
Always use good quality wood. Good quality fuel will not
damage the fireplace and will give the best result.
Birch, beech or oak logs make good quality firewood.
Good quality firewood must be dry, which means that it
must have a humidity level lower than 20% (minimum
2 years drying).
The wood must be cut between the beginning of autumn
and the end of winter. It must be cut, split and piled in such
a way as to allow good air circulation. Cover the piles of wood
to protect them from the weather. Logs must be stored under
cover in the autumn for winter use.
The quantity of energy obtained from one kilogram
of firewood does not vary much from one variety of wood
to another. However weight can vary considerably from one
variety to another.
E.g. a specific volume of birch will produce less energy (kWh)
than the same volume of oak, which is heavier.
The quantity of energy produced by 1 kg of good quality
firewood is around 3.8 kWh. 1 kg of completely dry firewood
(zero humidity) will produce approximately 5 kWh, whereas
1 kg of firewood with a humidity level of 60% will only
produce 1.5 kWh.
Using damp firewood causes serious problems:
- soot or tar deposits on the glass, in the fireplace
and in the chimney;
- a drop in the amount of heat produced by the fireplace;
Nota : in position closed, the door is blocked.
Primary air control
4.6 Reloading with firewood
Warning! You are advised to wait until there are only
ambers left before adding more wood. Before fully opening
the door, open the primary air intake adjustment lever,
and the damper to equalise pressure.
- gradually open the guillotine door;
- add firewood and close the guillotine door;
- ensure that the primary air intake is opened completely
for a few minutes until the wood has caught fire;
- close the damper;
- regulate the primary air intake to obtain the desired
heat level.
N.B.: a half open door, allowing the fire to draw too hard,
or excessive load may lead to the fireplace overheating.
Overheating occurs when the fireplace is overloaded
with wood and/or when the primary air intake is left open
to maximum. If necessary, reduce the air intake immediately,
and close the damper.
Obtain professional advice to deal with draught which appears
excessive or too weak.
4.7 Using the fireplace during
the change of season
When there is a change of season with sudden temperature
change, in cases of poor draught or strong wind, draught
problems can occur in the chimney and prevent smoke
In one of the above situations, it is recommended to use less
wood and to open the air vents more to reduce smoke emission
and accelerate combustion. It ensures sucient draught.
Remove ashes more frequently to avoid build-up.
5.0 Instructions for use
5.1 Cleaning the window
The ATRA insert has a “secondary air intake system” located
at the bottom of the door. This air sweeps the inside face
of the window, reducing the risk of deposits on the glass
(for Atraflam 16/9 600, 800 and 780 flat glass).
The amount of deposits depends on the level of humidity
in the fuel, draught conditions and air vent regulation.
Most soot is burned up when a brisk fire is burned
in the fireplace.
Hint: for standard cleaning, dampen a paper towel with hot
water, and then add some ashes from the combustion chamber.
Rub, and then clean the window with clean water and dry
with a soft, dry cloth. For optimum cleaning, you are advised
to use a special glass cleaner.
Never spray the product directly onto the glass:
this may damage the glass and seal fastenings, which may
lead to the window breaking.
- a risk of chimney fire due to soot build-up in the fireplace,
flue and chimney;
- a risk of smothering the fire.
Warning, never feed the fire with anything other than
N.B: never use inflammable liquid such as petrol, kerosene
or other to light the fireplace. This may damage the fireplace
and injure the user.
4.3 Adding firewood
Logs must be 10 cm shorter than the width of the fireplace.
They have to be placed against the brick panel at the rear
of the fireplace for optimum combustion.
They should measure:
- for kindling, 2 to 4 mm diameter maximum,
with 8 or 10 logs per fire;
- for split firewood, approximately 15 cm diameter,
with 2 to 3 logs per load.
4.4 First lighting
Always allow the brickwork to dry completely before using
the fireplace for the first time.
It is advised to wait 2 to 4 weeks to avoid cracking.
Ask the installer for advice before lighting the fire
for the first time.
- check that the air vents and damper control are open;
- place two medium-sized logs at the front and back
of the base plate;
- screw up some newspaper (or use birch bark) and place it
between the logs;
- cross kindling on top of this paper and light;
- add logs gradually and allow to burn briskly for several hours.
Then let the fire go out.
N.B: risk of odour when using the appliance for the first time.
Painted products: the fireplace may give o an irritating
gas and unpleasant odours when used for the first time.
This gas is not toxic but you are advised to air the room
thoroughly. Leave the fireplace burning with a high
draught until no more gas, smoke or smell is given o.
4.5 Daily use
See the product technical sheet attached to this manual
for location of fireplace controls.
- open the primary air intake;
- open the damper;
- place two medium-sized logs at the back of the fireplace;
- screw up some newspaper (or use birch bark) and place it
between the logs, cross kindling on top of this paper
and light;
- gradually add more logs;
- when the fire is going well, shut the door and close the damper;
- adjust the level of heat required using the primary air intake
control, after adding firewood. The fireplace always operates
with the damper closed.
5.2 Removing the ashes
This must only be done when the fireplace is completely out
and cold (no ambers)!
Rake the ashes, leaving a thin layer of cinders at the bottom
of the fireplace to protect it.
Warning, there may be some glowing ambers buried
in the cinder layer.
5.3 Cleaning soot deposits
Soot build-up may occur on the inside of the fireplace during
use, especially in the smoke chamber. Soot is a good insulator.
It therefore reduces the fireplace’s heat production.
The soot deposit must be removed as soon as the build-up
becomes visible, to maintain optimal heat production.
This may be done during chimney and flue sweeping.
5.4 Sweeping the flue
The flue must be swept by a professional.
After sweeping, remove any soot deposits from the baes
inside the smoke chamber.
It is recommended to send a copy of the sweeping invoice
to the insurance company.
Sweeping: refer to the country’s legislation.
5.5 Visual examination of the fireplace
ATRA advises users to check the fireplace carefully
themselves once a year following sweeping.
Also check that the seals are all in good condition
and correctly installed. Any seal showing signs of wear,
distortion or hardness must be replaced.
5.6 Operating problems
Poor draught:
- check that the length of the chimney is in compliance
with current national legislation and regulations.
- ensure that the minimum chimney cross-section is sucient.
See the product technical sheet attached to this manual;
- ensure that nothing is preventing smoke evacuation
(the chimney stack does not clear the ridge by more than
40 cm, or trees less than eight metres from the chimney
stack etc.).
The fire goes out quickly:
- ensure that the firewood is dry enough;
- check that there is enough pressure in the room;
- stop all ventilators and open a window near the fireplace.
If the fire burns better, the fresh air intake is insucient;
- check that the air intake is open;
- check that the flue is not blocked.
Large build-up of soot on the glass:
- the high wood humidity level;
- not sucient local draught conditions;
- closed air intake;
encourage soot build-up on the glass.
Most of the soot is burnt up normally when the air vent
is open to maximum and a fire is burning briskly
in the fireplace.
6.0 Drawings
Figure 1
Figure 2
300 mm
Backing wall,
to flue pipe
air outlet
(see data sheet)
connection ducts
Air instake
from the room
(see data sheet)
Supporting floor,
Outside fresh air
instake, connectable
(see data sheet)
Qualité :
Tous les appareils ATRA ont été testés dans des laboratoires indépendants et sont conformes à la norme NF-EN 13229.
Labellisés « Flamme Verte », ils présentent des rendements élevés associés à de faibles émissions de polluants.
ATRA products have all been notified by ocial laboratories and certified NF-EN 13229.
Labeled “Flamme Verte”, they guaranty high eciency and low polluting emissions.
Todos los aparatos ATRA han sidos probados por laboratorios indipendenti y cumplen con la norma NF-EN 13229.
Certificando «Flamme Verte», tienen rendimientos elevados con bajas emisiones.
Tutti gli apparecchi ATRA sono stati testati nei laboratori independenti e sono stati conformi alla norma NF-EN 13229.
Etichettati «Flamme Verte», presentano dei rendimenti elevati associati alle basse emissioni di inquinanti.
Jøtul vise sans cesse à améliorer ses produits. C’est pourquoi il se réserve le droit de modifier
les spécifications, couleurs et équipements sans avis préalable.
Jøtul pursue a policy of constant product improvement. Products supplied may therefore dier
in specification, colour and type of accessories from those described in this brochure.
Jøtul tiene como objetivo la mejora continua de sus productos. Es por eso que se reserva el derecho
de cambiar las especificaciones, los colores y el equipo sin previo aviso.
Jøtul migliora continuamente i propri prodotti. Questo è il motivo per cui si riserva il diritto
di modificare le specifiche, i colori e attrezzature senza preavviso.
Jøtul France
3, chemin du Jubin
Imprimé : janvier 2014
Printed: january 2014
Impresso: enero 2014
Stampato: gennaio 2014