3. Z igbee Network P airing through C oordinator o r Hu b ( Added to a Zigbee Network)
4. Tou c hLink to a Zigbee Remote
S tep 1 : Remove the device from previous zigbee network if it has a lready been a dded to, otherwise pairing will
fail. P lease refer to the pa rt " Fac tory Res et Manu ally".
S tep 2 : From your ZigBee Controller or hub interface, choose to add lighting device a nd enter P a iring mode a s
instructed by the controller.
S tep 3: Short press “Program” button 5 times continuously to set the device to network pa iring mode, LE D
indica tor will fla sh 3 times slowly then fla sh fast.
Step 1: S hort press “Prog” button 4 times (Or re- power on the device 4 times) to start Touchlink commissioning,
180S timeout. Once timeout, repeat the operation.
S tep 4: There sha ll be indication
on the remote for successful link
and LED indica tor of the outlet will
fla sh twice.
2.Th is Z igB ee d evic e i s a w ireles s r ec eiver that c ommun ic ates w ith a v ariety o f ZigB ee c ompatible
s ys tems . T his r ec eiver r ec eives a nd i s c o ntrolled by wireles s r adio s ign als f rom the c o mpatible Z igB ee
s ys tem.
1 .Plug the s mart ou tlet into AC p ower s ou rc e.
• DO NOT expose the device to moisture.
• DO NOT insta ll with power applied to device.
S afety & Warnings
S tep 4: LED indica tors will fla sh 6 times to
indica te successful pairing. LE D indica tor will
maintain the sta tus before entering into network
pa iring mode if pairing fails.
< 10cm
S tep 3: Set the remote or touch panel into Touchlink commissioning,
please refer to corresponding remote or touch pa nel ma nua l to learn how.
Note: 1 ) Direc tly Tou c hLink ( both n ot added to a Z igB ee n etwork), e ac h d evic e c an l ink with 1 r emote.
2 ) Tou c hLink after b oth added to a Z igB ee n etwork, e ac h d evic e c an l ink with m ax. 3 0 remotes .
3 ) To c ontrol b y bo th g ateway and r emote, add r emote and devic e to n etwork firs t th en Tou c h Link.
4 ) After Tou c hLink, the d evic e c an b e c o ntrolled by the l inked r emotes .
S tep 2 : Bring the remote or touch pa nel within 10cm of the lighting device.