+050003325 Supernode for humidifi cation - 1.0 - 20.06.2014
The gateway can connect up to a maximum of 20 devices (humiSteam Y-X-W, heaterSteam, gaSteam), allowing up to 150
variables (50 analogue, 50 integer, 50 digital) for each connected device to be managed by the external supervisor.
Seven pre-set templates allow the variables exchanged between the humidi er and the gateway to be addressed
automatically, depending on the device selected during programming: simply specify the type of device and the number
of devices connected. The built-in pGD on the Supernode or an external pGD1 terminal can be used for programming.
Supernode part number:
Description Carel P/N
Supernode for humidi cation + FLSTDmUGWS SNU0000EM0
On the external supervisor side, the protocol can be selected by choosing the corresponding optional serial card. The
possible options are:
item P/N description
1 Modbus®/CAREL RS485 PCOS0004850 Opto-isolated RS485 serial
2 LON PCO10000F0 LON FTT10 serial
3 BACnet™ Ethernet™ PCO1000WB0 Ethernet™ 8 MB serial
4 BACnet™ RS485 PCO1000BA0 BACnet™ MS/TP 485 serial
tab. 1a
The module is DIN rail mounted, with 24 Vac power supply (+10%, -15%).
Supernode for humidi cation allows the possibility to select UR, UEX, UEW, UEY and UG humidi ers, including a combination
of di erent models.
For the address settings of the variables on the supervisor side, refer to the dynamic table, requesting from Carel the
“FLSTDmUGWS_Supervisory_List_dinamic_table_supernode_for_humidi cation” Excel le.
The application on Supernode also features the following options:
• Edit the humidi er model, if necessary add/re-address the pre-set variables
• Manage a generic device using the “Universal” model, which can be freely edited according to customer requirements