PLS Parking Lot Sensor

Bosch PLS Parking Lot Sensor Manuale utente

  • Ciao! Ho letto il manuale utente del Parking Lot Sensor TPS110 di Bosch. Questo sensore è progettato per rilevare i veicoli leggeri parcheggiati nei parcheggi e utilizza la tecnologia LoRaWAN per la comunicazione. Il manuale fornisce istruzioni dettagliate per l'installazione, la configurazione e la manutenzione del sensore. Sono pronto a rispondere a tutte le tue domande.
  • Per cosa è progettato il Parking Lot Sensor (PLS)?
    Il Parking Lot Sensor è adatto per applicazioni di sicurezza critica?
    Come devo smaltire il sensore?
    Il sensore può essere esposto a temperature elevate?
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
Parking Lot Sensor | PLS
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User manual
Parking Lot Sensor | PLS
User manual 2.0
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
Parking Lot Sensor | PLS
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Table of contents
1 General description and intended use 3
2 Assembly and commissioning 3
2.1 Mandatory pre requirements ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Installation requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Installation of the sensor base ............................................................................................................................ 4
Required material for installing the parking lot sensor ................................................................................................ 4
Preparation of the parking space ................................................................................................................................ 5
Installation of the sensor base .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Installing the sensor core .................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Replacing/removing the sensor ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.6 Setup and operation of the parking lot sensor in the backend .......................................................................... 12
3 Technical specifications 13
4 Legal information 14
4.1 Disposal note .................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Manufacturer Information .................................................................................................................................. 14
4.3 European Union: EU Declaration of Conformity ............................................................................................... 14
4.4 Japan: Japanese Radio Law (電波法) Notice ................................................................................................... 14
4.5 India: Equipment Type Approval ....................................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Singapore: Equipment Registration .................................................................................................................. 15
4.7 Australia: Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................................................ 15
4.8 Hongkong: Declaration of Conformity ............................................................................................................... 15
4.9 Republic of South Africa: Equipment Type Approval......................................................................................... 15
4.10 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice ....................................................................................... 16
4.11 ISED Canada (IC) Notice .................................................................................................................................. 16
4.12 Note for transport .............................................................................................................................................. 16
4.13 OSS note ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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1 General description and intended use
The Parking Lot Sensor (PLS) with TPS110 sensor core (“the Product”, or “PLS”) is designed for detecting parked light
vehicles in parking lots. This user manual is valid for the PLS with TPS110 sensor core by Robert Bosch France SAS.
The Parking Lot Sensor with TPS110 sensor core is not designed for use in life-sustaining applications, safety-critical
applications or applications for which a malfunction could lead to bodily harm, death or severe property damage. The
Parking Lot Sensor with TPS110 sensor core is not designed for detection of heavy vehicle.
2 Assembly and commissioning
2.1 Mandatory pre requirements
Network infrastructure is not included in the scope of delivery. Before installing the sensors, please ensure that an
adequate and sufficiently robust network infrastructure is available and working properly, namely: the LoRaWAN
backend and the associated management software are functional, the gateways are switched on and there is a stable
Internet connection established between the gateways and the backend.
2.2 Installation requirements
Read carefully and keep the user manual for future reference. The Product, as referenced in this
manual, comprises the complete hardware components for the Parking Lot Sensor, including the Cap,
Screw, Core and Base.
Follow these instructions and all information.
The Customer must comply with all applicable laws and regulations for the installation and
operation of the Product, and if necessary, obtain necessary approvals. The Customer must take
appropriate measures to avoid injury of third parties, for example, by them tripping over the Product.
Therefore, the Product should only be installed in a clearly designated parking space and should not,
for instance, be installed on the sidewalk.
Prior to starting the installation work, please ensure that all Product components (see Fig. 1 Parking Lot Sensor with
TPS110 sensor core), as well as required tools and material, are readily available.
Figure 1 Parking Lot Sensor with TPS110 sensor core
1 Cap
2 Screw
4 Base (sensor base)
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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2.3 Installation of the sensor base
To ensure safe installation:
Do not install the sensor core (black part) into the sensor base
(grey part) before the final installation of the sensor base on the
Do not screw the sensor base on the ground!
Do not drill holes in the base!
Do not bring a magnet near the PLS (this would power-on the
Avoid uninstalling and reinstalling the sensor core after the initial
installation into the sensor base.
Do not open the sensor core!
The sensor base must be fixed to the ground (substrate such as concrete, asphalt) with a two-component adhesive
from a leading supplier (e.g., DELO®, 3M®, …).
Customers have reported good experience with the following adhesive: DELO®-PUR 9692 (universal 2-component
polyurethane adhesive available in 50 ml and 200 ml cartridges).
Required material for installing the parking lot sensor
Figure 2 Material for attachment
1 Disposable gloves (protection against contact with adhesive)
2 Two-component adhesive
3 Adhesive press (these differ, depending on the cartridge size)
4 Mixing tube
5 Tape rule
6 Sensor base
7 Sensor core (sensor)
8 T20 screw
9 Sensor cap (sensor sealing cap)
10 Appropriate tool to clean ground surface (e.g., broom, air blower)
Sensor Cap
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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For the bonding procedure, please follow the instructions of the adhesive manufacturer (e.g.,
temperature, safety information and work instructions).
A prior cleaning of the relevant place of installation (parking slot) should be clarified in advance with
the operator of the premises so that the treatment does not result in removal of existing coatings.
Preparation of the parking space
The parking space must be free of dirt, dust, oil, water and other contaminants.
It is recommended to clean the surface to remove contamination using a high-pressure cleaner and a burner. The PLS
must be installed in the center of the parking space (intersection of the two diagonals, see Fig. 3) in order to ensure
optimum sensor accuracy.
Figure 3 Determination of the center of the parking space
Figure 4 Available parking space for sensor installation
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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To provide the adhesive with a closed substrate, the ground surface must be free of any gaps or misalignment (see
Figure 4 Available parking space for sensor installation). This is not only crucial for the contact surface and the
adhesive effect of the product, but also to avoid structural issues when a car runs over it.
Figure 5 Substrate example (continuous) Figure 6 Substrate example (gap)
Do not install the product on an unstable or uneven ground surface, like interlocking paving stone or
directly on the bare ground. These installations can harm the product!
Figure 7 Example of a not compliant installation
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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Installation of the sensor base
The bottom of the base has been processed with a plasma treatment to improve the adhesion of the
glue on the ground:
Take out the base of its protective wrap only just before putting down the adhesive there.
Do not touch the bottom side of the base with your hands or anything else.
Do not put the base on the ground before gluing, to avoid dust on the sensor base.
Ensure that all parts of the PLS will be protected and will be kept clean until the installation has been completed, so
that these parts will be used only within the described intended use.
Check that the adhesive is compatible with the ground and the base of the sensor.
Ensure that sufficient adhesive is uniformly spread over the bottom side of the sensor base.
Prepare the adhesive following the manufacturer instruction.
Please note that, as soon as the two components are mixed, the adhesive cures within a few minutes.
Do not try to save adhesive by adding less adhesive per sensor base!
First, insufficient quantity of adhesive may subsequently lead the PLS to
detach from the ground and the PLS may get lost.
Second, if the adhesive is not uniformly spread-over the base, it could lead to localized
stresses and therefor to structural damages when a car runs over the product.
Once all precautions have been taken, you can proceed with the fixing of the sensor base to the ground (by applying light
pressure on it. See Fig. 8 Sensor base attachment). Make sure that the sensor base is thoroughly and uniformly fixed flat
against the ground, that the base is centered in the parking space and that the Bosch logo on the sensor base points
towards the access road (see Figure 9 Sensor base installed). Subsequent twisting of the sensor base is not possible.
Figure 8 Sensor base attachment Figure 9 Sensor base installed
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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Please follow the adhesive manufacturer’s recommendation regarding the cure time of the two-component adhesive.
To prevent damages to the sensor base, keep the parking space unused (no car or engine running over the PLS)
until the sensor installation is finalized.
We recommend installing several sensor bases first and only then inserting the sensor cores.
2.4 Installing the sensor core
An improper installation could impact the seals and cause water to get into the sensor which will lead to
damages. A smooth and continuous operation of the parking lot sensor is at risk if the PLS is not
properly installed.
Do not install the PLS when it is raining or snowing.
Ensure that the inner side of the sensor base is completely dry and without impurity (i.e., dust, mud)
before installing the sensor core.
Make sure that the sealing rings on the cap and sensor are seated correctly.
Do not use damaged components and only use original replacement parts.
Do not open the sensor housing!
Risk of explosion: extreme heat can damage the battery and the sensor.
Do not expose the sensor to temperatures above 85 °C!
Do not expose the sensor to open flames!
When using a gas burner (for example, when removing weeds), keep a distance of at least 1.50 m between
the flame and the sensor!
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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The sensor can be screwed into the base after the adhesive has cured. Before the insertion, use an air-blower to clean
the base of any residual dust. To simplify insertion, the arrow on the bottom of the sensor points towards the Bosch
logo (see Figure 10 Installing/screwing in the sensor). The sensor should be completely screwed in to ensure optimum
teaching of the sensor. To tighten it, use the T20 screw and a T20 screwdriver and tightening torque of 1,8 to 2,2 Nm.
Close the opening with the sensor sealing cap afterward.
Figure 10 Installing the sensor - method
Align the mark as shown above.
First, push the sensor core on the logo side and ensure that the sealing O
ring part is well compressed on this sensor base side.
Bottom part of the
sensor core
Then, tilt the sensor core against the base until the sealing O ring is
completely compressed on the sensor base.
Top part of the
sensor base
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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Figure 11 Installing the sensor – example
Respecting the insertion process described above is necessary for an easy and smooth installation, and
to ensure that the core is correctly placed into the base for a good watertightness.
Respecting the tightening torque is important to avoid damaging the screw pitch of the base.
Insert completely the sensor core into the base before screwing!
Do not install the core with your feet!
Do not use a blunt object (like a hammer) to insert the core into the base!
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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After the installation of the sensor, it will take approx. 2 minutes before the first measurements are
carried out. During operation, a continuous automatic calibration of the parking lot sensor takes place
through parking changes (i.e., "parking" and "exiting parking space'' events), which happens in its
The sensor is fully operational only after at least 10 parking events have been fulfilled with passenger
cars or light commercial vehicles.
2.5 Replacing/removing the sensor
In case the sensor core has to be replaced at a later moment in time (for example in case of end-of-life of the battery),
you have to remove the T core cap and loose the T20 screw; then remove the sensor core from the sensor base.
Should the replacement be done due to physical damages to the PLS, please carefully inspect the sensor base for
visible damages prior to installing the replacement sensor core. Replace the whole PLS where required.
The screwing path will show signs of wear after multiple screwings of the core into the base.
Consequently, we strongly recommend to change the whole PLS after three replacement/removing
The battery is not eligible to a stand-alone replacement. At battery end-of-life, the whole sensor core
must be replaced.
To completely remove the PLS from the parking space, while not damaging the ground surface, it is necessary to use
a hammer and chisel to destroy the adhesive effect by chiseling the sensor base parallel to the parking space surface.
If the sensor is not working as expected and investigation is needed to understand the issue, please
contact the BOSCH customer support by email with these elements:
⇒ Device EUI
⇒ log file containing RSSI, SNR, Join requests, debug messages, spreading factor
If physical analysis of the sensor is required, the support team will send you the return procedure.
Do not attempt to open the sensor by yourself, as this device contains a LiSOCl2 battery. Also, this behavior
makes the task harder for our expert team to analyse the problem and, therefore, make the warranty completely void
for the opened sensor core. This implies that there would be no warranty replacement for the opened sensor under
any circumstance.
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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2.6 Setup and operation of the parking lot sensor in the backend
In order to set up the sensor in the LoRaWAN backend, the following information is required, which will be provided to
DevEUI (for example, FCD6BD0000190001)
AppKey (for example, 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF)
Table 1 AppEUI per sensor variant
Network Quality of Service is extremely dependent on product environment and usage. Customer or
customer’s network operator is the best stakeholders to configure the LoRaWAN network.
The customer must verify that the network performances are good enough to operate the Parking Lot
Sensors. After installation, the customer must monitor network performances in order to proceed to
potential improvements.
At least, the following values should be monitored:
⇒ RSSI which should be higher than -120dBm.
SNR which should be higher than -7dB.
Number of SW resets from the device, that should be exceptions (method to get this value from the
sensor is described in the PLS Communication Interface that could be communicated on request).
The number of gateways should be higher than two (to manage unexpected unavailability of one gateway). This number
should also be proportionate to the number of installed sensors and to the maximum of expected simultaneous parking
events. We recommend to install at least a minimum of two gateways for smaller projects to get the appropriate network
coverage redundancy. For bigger projects with higher number of installed sensors, add the appropriate number of
Sensor variant
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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3 Technical specifications
Table 2 Device specifications - Parking Lot Sensor PLS with TPS110 sensor core
* The network quality impacts the battery lifetime significantly. Duration is not guaranteed under poor network
conditions. 5 years estimated with the following conditions: Sensor operating under SF7, 200 messages per week
including heartbeat, max 200 resets over lifetime, typical operating temperature 15° to 25°C, ACK on.
Additional information can be found in the datasheet available on request.
Risk of interference to other radio services and malfunction.
Operation of the TPS110 variant out of the Target Markets specified in Chapter 4 can cause disturbance
of other services and can be subject of legal prosecution. Regulatory notices for other countries are
included in Chapter 4 of the English part of this user manual.
Ensure that TPS110 variants are operated only in the target markets with a valid approval statement.
Ensure that it is connected to LoRa gateways that are certified for operation in the target markets and support the
regional channel plans published by the LoRa Alliance.
Temperature range
-20 °C to 65 °C
up to 95%
Protection index
Assembled weight
215 g (of which core 148 g)
⌀: 14,5 cm
H: 3,0 cm
Battery life
Up to 5 years *
LoRa frequencies and LoRa Channel Plans
TPS110 EU: 863-865/868-868.6/869.4-869.65 MHz (EU868)
Transmitting power max. 14 dBm ERP
Supported channel frequencies: 864.1 MHz, 864.3 MHz, 864.5 MHz,
868.1 MHz, 868.3 MHz, 868.5 MHz, 869.525 MHz
Note: For TPS110 EU core used in Rep. of South Africa the K-Band
863-865MHz is deactivated.
TPS110 IN: 865-867 MHz (IN865)
Transmitting power max. 14 dBm ERP
TPS110 JP: 920-923.4 MHz (AS923)
Transmitting power max. 14 dBm ERP
TPS110 US: 902-928 MHz (US902-928)
Transmitting power max. 14 dBm ERP
Radar frequency
2.4-2.4835 GHz
Transmission power max. -28 dBm EIRP
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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4 Legal information
4.1 Disposal note
Bosch is committed to environmental protection. Recycling save resources and creates jobs. We
encourage you to responsibly recycle your Bosch product when it reaches the end of its service life.
The sensor, as well as all the individual parts, must not be disposed of with household waste or
industrial waste. You are obliged to dispose of the device in accordance with the requirements of
the WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU (in the European Union) or other applicable country regulations in
order to protect the environment and to reduce waste through recycling. Please find a local certified
recycling facility near you to properly dispose of this product.
For additional information and how to carry out proper disposal, please contact your local certified disposal service
The sensors contain a Li battery, which must be disposed of separately.
4.2 Manufacturer Information
Robert Bosch France SAS
32 avenue Michelet
93400 Saint Ouen
4.3 European Union: EU Declaration of Conformity
Product type: Parking lot sensor
Designation: TPS110 EU
Robert Bosch France SAS hereby declares that the "Parking Lot Sensor TPS110 EU" radio equipment is in
conformity with Directive 2014/53/EU (Radio Equipment Directive) and Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS
The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available on request.
The following countries are covered by mutual recognition agreements: Turkey, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein,
4.4 Japan: Japanese Radio Law (電波法) Notice
Product type: Parking Lot Sensor
Product name: TPS110 JP
This device is granted pursuant to the Japanese Radio Law (波法) and registered as radio equipment
R: 202-SMH007. This device should not be modified, otherwise the granted designation number will
become invalid.
4.5 India: Equipment Type Approval
Product type: Parking lot sensor / APLM Sensor
Product name: TPS110 IN
The TPS110 IN has been granted an Equipment Type Approval by the Government of India Ministry of
Communications WPC Wing Licensing Office. The following certificates have been granted WPC-ETA-SD-
20200100986 (TPS110 IN) and WPC-ETA-SD-20200100984 (APLM Sensor)
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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4.6 Singapore: Equipment Registration
Product type: Parking lot sensor
Product name: TPS110 EU
The TPS110 EU has been granted an Equipment Registration by the Info-communications Media
Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) under registration Number N0234-20.
Product name: TPS110 JP
The TPS110 JP has been granted an Equipment Registration by the Info-communications Media Development
Authority of Singapore (IMDA) under registration Number N0235-20.
4.7 Australia: Declaration of Conformity
Product type: Wireless Parking Space Occupation Sensor
Product name: TPS110 JP
Robert Bosch France SAS declares that the TPS110 JP is in conformity with the requirements of the
Australian Communications and Media Authority (acma)
4.8 Hongkong: Declaration of Conformity
Product type: Parking Sensor
Product name: TPS110 JP
Hongkong Telecommunication Ordonance C106, C106Z
The TPS110 JP meets the requirements in Telecommunication Ordonance C106, C106Z and related
national standards HKCA 1035, HKCA 1078, HKTA 2001.
The TPS110 JP is exempted from licensing by HK Communication Authority by means of its technical
performances proven in this report according to the standards specified by the Communication Authority of
Hongkong. It may be sold and operated in connection with a public LoRa network service according section
5(a) and as a standalone device according section 5(b) of ordonance C106Z.
4.9 Republic of South Africa: Equipment Type Approval
Product type: Parking lot sensor
Product name: TPS110 EU (with band 863-865MHz deactivated)
The TPS110 EU has been granted an Equipment Type Approval by the Independent Communications
Authority of South Africa (ICASA). Within South Africa the TPS110 EU is not suitable for integration in
systems that operate in the band 863-865MHz.
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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4.10 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice
Product type: Parking lot sensor
Product name: TPS110 US
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and has been certified. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. The manufacturer is not responsible for any
changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance. Such modifications may
void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
4.11 ISED Canada (IC) Notice
Product type: Parking lot sensor
Product name: TPS110 US
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s) and has been certified. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This Class B digital apparatus
complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil
numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
4.12 Note for transport
The TPS110 contains a lithium metal battery and is classified as UN 3091 (lithium metal batteries packed in
equipment, including lithium alloy batteries).
The lithium metal battery for the TPS110 complies with the requirements of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part
III, Subsection 38.3. The battery contains less than 2 g of lithium. Packages with up to 2 TPS110 and a maximum of 2
packages per shipment should not be affected by special transport regulations. For your safety, however, check with
your transport service provider. Packages with more than 2 TPS110 (for example, also for returns to Robert Bosch
France SAS) must carry a lithium battery handling label specified in the appendix.
* UN 3091
** Telephone number
The telephone number on the lithium battery handling label should be that of a person knowledgeable about the
shipment but is not intended to be for the purposes of obtaining immediate emergency response guidance, and is
therefore not required to be monitored at all times while the package is in transit. It is acceptable for the number to
be monitored during the company’s normal business hours in order to provide product-specific information relative
to the shipment. However, it also is acceptable to use an emergency response, 24-hour phone number on the
lithium battery mark. Source: guidelines for Li battery in transport included in p. 7 ‘IATA 2021 Guidance Document
– Battery Powered Cargo Tracking Devices / Data Loggers’
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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The following requirements must be met:
- The lithium metal batteries are included in the TPS110.
- The TPS110 and the included batteries are not damaged.
- The TPS110 contains the original supplied lithium metal batteries. Replacement of used batteries is not
- The TPS110 is protected by sturdy packaging.
- No additional separate batteries may be added to the packaging.
- Shipping documents must include a note stating that the shipment contains "Lithium metal batteries in
compliance with Section II of Packing Instruction PI 970" for air freight, or "Exempted lithium batteries under
Special Provision 188" for road transport.
- Packaging with the TPS110, in accordance with the above-mentioned regulations, may be consolidated in
outer packaging that is marked with the lithium battery label and is designated as "outer packaging."
Note that this document cannot contain complete and up-to-date information on all the requirements to be observed.
The consignor is responsible for fulfilling all the requirements for the transport of lithium batteries themselves. The
International Air Transportation Association (IATA) has issued further regulations on the transport of lithium batteries
IATA (International Air Transport Association) Lithium Battery Guidance Document, which must be observed for air
transport. The IATA regulations for transport by air freight are the most restrictive and thus also provide assistance for
road and sea transport. However, the customer or consignor should inquire about national requirements as well as any
requirements from their transport service provider.
4.13 OSS note
The parking lot sensor firmware includes free open source software ("FOSS") components subject to certain FOSS license
The customer must observe the resulting obligations. The detailed FOSS license terms are available on request.
© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the
event of application for industrial property rights. Data subject to change without notice. Printed in France, December 2022.
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Robert Bosch France SAS
Connected Objects for Smart Territories
32 avenue Michelet
93400 Saint Ouen
Sales and distribution:
Technical support:
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© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch hinsichtlich der Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion, Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie
für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Änderungen der Daten ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorbehalten. Gedruckt in Frankreich, Dezember 2022.
Parking Lot Sensor | PLS
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© Robert Bosch France SAS 2022. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, auch hinsichtlich der Verfügung, Verwertung, Reproduktion, Bearbeitung, Weitergabe sowie
für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Änderungen der Daten ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorbehalten. Gedruckt in Frankreich, Dezember 2022.
1 Allgemeine Beschreibung und Verwendungszweck ..................................................................... 3
2 Montage und Inbetriebnahme ......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Obligatorische Voraussetzungen ................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Anforderungen an die Anbringung ............................................................................................... 3
2.3 Anbringung des Sensorsockels ................................................................................................... 4
Für die Anbringung des Parking Lot Sensor benötigtes Material .......................................................... 4
Vorbereitung des Parkplatzes ............................................................................................................... 5
Anbringung des Sensorsockels ............................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Einsetzen des Sensorkerns ......................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Austauschen/Entfernen des Sensors ......................................................................................... 11
2.6 Einrichtung und Betrieb des Parking Lot Sensor im Backend .................................................... 12
3 Technische Spezifikationen .......................................................................................................... 13
4 Rechtliche Informationen .............................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Hinweis zur Entsorgung ............................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Herstellerinformationen .............................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Europäische Union: EU-Konformitätserklärung ......................................................................... 14
4.4 Japan: Mitteilung zum japanischen Rundfunkgesetz (電波法) ................................................... 14
4.5 Indien: Gerätetypzulassung ....................................................................................................... 14
4.6 Singapur: Geräteregistrierung .................................................................................................... 15
4.7 Australien: Konformitätserklärung .............................................................................................. 15
4.8 Hongkong: Konformitätserklärung ............................................................................................. 15
4.9 Republik Südafrika: Gerätetypzulassung ................................................................................... 15
4.10 Mitteilung der Federal Communications Commission (FCC) .................................................. 16
4.11 Mitteilung von ISED Canada (IC) ............................................................................................ 16
4.12 Hinweis für den Transport....................................................................................................... 16
4.13 Hinweis zu Open-Source-Software (OSS) .............................................................................. 17