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AERO.2000 Audio/Loudness Manager
User Guide
Release Date: July, 2013
Software Version: 0.13.29 and later
Linear Acoustic Inc.
Phone: 717-735-3611
FAX: 717-735-3612
Warranty Information
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: Products manufactured by Linear Acoustic are warranted
against defects in material and workmanship
purchase of date the from
warranty 5-year Alliance Telos standard the under
During the warranty period Linear Acoustic Inc. will repair, or at our discretion replace, components
which prove to be defective, provided the unit is returned, shipped pre-paid to us directly with a return
authorization (RA) number clearly marked on the packaging. Please note, this RA number must be
present or package will be refused and returned to sender.
All requests for repairs MUST include the unit serial number to ensure quick and accurate service.
LIMITATION OF PERIOD OF ACTION ON CONTRACT: No action, regardless of form,
arising out of the transactions under this agreement may be brought by buyer, its successors, agents
and/or assigns, more than three years from date of purchase.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: It is understood and agreed that Linear Acoustic’s liability whether
in contract, in tort, under any warranty, in negligence or otherwise shall not exceed the cost of repair
or replacement of the defective components and under no circumstances shall Linear Acoustic be liable
for incidental, special, direct, indirect or consequential damages, or loss of use, revenue or profit even
if Linear Acoustic or its agents have been advised, orally or in writing, of the possibility of such damages.
This product contains Audyne dynamic range processing and is manufactured under license.
This product optionally contains Dolby Digital (AC-3) encoding and/or decoding and is manufactured
under license from Dolby Laboratories, Inc. The encoder contains confidential unpublished works and
is protected by US and foreign patents and is copyright 2007 Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
This product optionally contains Nielsen Watermarking technology and is manufactured under license.
Linear Acoustic, the “LA” symbol, UPMAX, AEROMAX, AERO.2000, AERO.air, AutoNorm,
MetaMAX, AutoMAX-II, AutoVoiceover, AutoVOX, AutoSAP, and CrowdControl, are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Linear Acoustic Inc., all other trademarks remain the property of their
respective owners.
Regulatory Notices and Fusing Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with this instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his or her own
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
WARNING: Troubleshooting must be performed by a trained technician. Do not
attempt to service this equipment unless you are qualified to do so.
Check that the correct fuses have been installed. To reduce the risk of fire, replace
only with fuses of the same type and rating.
Exposed portions of the power supply assembly are electrically “hot. In order to reduce the
risk of electrical shock, the power cord MUST be disconnected when the power supply
assembly is removed.
The ground terminal of the power plug is connected
directly to the chassis of the unit. For continued protection
against electric shock, a correctly wired and grounded
(earthed) three-pin power outlet must be used. Do not use
a ground-lifting adapter and never cut the ground pin on
the three-prong plug.
As the colours of the cores in the mains lead may not correspond with the coloured markings
identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:
The core that is coloured green and yellow must be connected to the terminal in
the plug identified by the letter E or by the earth symbol
or coloured green or
green and yellow.
The core that is coloured blue must be conn ected to the terminal that is marked
with the letter N or coloured black.
The core that is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal that is marked
with the letter L or coloured red.
This apparatus must be earthed.
This equipment complies with the EMC requirements of EN55103-1 and EN55103-
2 when operated in an E2 environment
in accordance with this manual.
This uni t com plies wi th the safety standard EN60065. The unit shall not be expose d to dripping or splashing and no obje cts fi lled wit h liquid s, such a s
coffee cups, shall be p laced on the equipment. To en sure safe operation and to guard again st potential shock hazard or risk of fire, the following must be
o Ensure t hat your mains supply is in the correct range for the input power requirem ent of the unit.
o Ensure fuses f it ted are the correct rating and type as marked on the u ni t.
o The unit must be earthed by connecting to a correctly wired and ear the d power outlet.
o The power cord supplied with thi s unit must be wired as follows:
Live—Brown Neutral—Blue Earth—Green/Yellow
Ce materiel est conforme à la norme EN60065. Ne pas exposer cet appareil aux éclaboussures ou aux gouttes de liquide. Ne pas poser d'objets remplis de
liquide, tels que des tasses de café, sur l'appareil. Pour vous assurer d'un fonctionnement sans danger et de préveni r
tout choc électrique ou tout risque d'incendie, veillez à observer les recommandations suivantes.
o Le selecteur de tension doit être placé sur la valeur correspondante à votre alimentat ion réseau.
o Les fus ibles doiven t correspondre à la valeur indiquée sur le materiel.
o Le materiel doit être correctement relié à la terre.
o Le cordon secte ur livré a vec le ma ter ie l doit être ca blé d e la ma nièr e suivante:
Phase—Brun Neutre—Bleu Terre—Vert/Jaune
Dieses Gerät entspricht der Sicherheitsnorm EN60065. Das Gerät darf nicht mit Flüssigk eiten (Spritzwasser u sw.) in Berührung kommen; stellen Sie
keine Gefäße, z.B. Kaffeetassen, auf das Gerät. Für das sichere Funktionieren des Gerätes und zur Unfallverhütung (elekt rischer Schlag, Feuer) sind die
folgend en Regel n unbedingt einzuhalten:
o Der Spannungswähler muß auf Ihre Netzspannung eingestellt sein.
o Die Si cherungen müssen in Typ und Stromwert mit den Angaben auf dem Gerät übereinsti mmen.
o Die Erdung des Gerätes muß über eine geerdete Steckdose gewährleistet sein.
o Das mitgelieferte Netzkabel muß wie folgt ve rdrahtet werd en:
Phase—braun Nulleiter—blau Erde—grün/gelb
Questa apparecchiatura è stata costruita in accord o alle norme di sicurezza EN60065. Il prodotto non deve essere sottoposto a schi zz i, spruzzi e
gocciolamenti, e nessun tipo di oggetto riempito con l iquidi, come ad esempio tazze di caffè, deve essere appoggiato sul di spositivo. Per una perfetta
sicurezza ed al fine di evitare eventuali rischi di scossa êlettrica o d 'incendio vanno osservate le seguenti misure di sicu rezza:
o Assicurarsi che i l selett ore di cambio tensione sia p os izionato sul val ore corretto.
o Assic urarsi che la portata ed il t ipo di fusibi li sia no quel li prescritti dall a casa costru ttrice.
o L'a ppa re c chia tura de ve avere un col lega me nto di m essa a t erra ben ese guito; anc he l a c onness ione r et e deve
a vere u n coll egament o a t er ra .
o Il c avo di ali ment az ione a c orr edo dell' ap parec chi atu ra deve ess er e c olle gat o com e segue:
Filo tensione—M arrone Neutro—Blu Massa—Verde/Giallo
Esta unidad cump le con la norma de seguridad EN60 065. La unidad no debe ser expuesta a goteos o salpicaduras y n o deben colocarse sobre el equipo
recipientes con liquidos, como tazas de cafe. Para asegurarse un funcionamiento seguro y preven ir cualquier pos ible p eligro de descarga o riesgo de
incendi o, se han de ob servar las siguientes precauciones:
o Asegúrese que el selector de t ensión esté ajustado a l a tensión correcta para su alimentación.
o Asegúrese que los fusibles colocados son del tipo y valor correctos, tal como se marca en l a unidad.
o La unidad d ebe ser puesta a tierra, con ectándola a un conector d e red correct amente cableado y puesto a tierra.
o El cab le de red suministrad o con esta u nidad, debe ser cableado como sigu e:
Vivo—Marrón Neutro—Azu l TierraVerde/Amarillo
Denna enhet uppfyllerkerhetsstandard EN60065. Enheten får ej utt tas för yttre åverkan samt förel innehål landetska, såsom kaffemuggar, får ej
pla ce r as på utr ustninge n." F ör a tt ga r ant er a sä kerhe ten och ga rdera mot eve ntuel l el choc k el ler brandrisk, m åst e f ölja nde obs er veras :
o Kontrollera att spänningsväljaren är in stäl ld på korrekt tspänning.
o Konrollera at t säkringarna är av rät t typ och för rätt strömstyrka som anvisningarna enheten föreskriver.
o Enheten ste vara jordad genom anslutning till ett korrek t kopplat och jordat el-uttag.
o El-sladden som medföljer denna enhet måste koppl as enligt foljande:
Fas—Brun Neu tral—B Jord—Grön/Gul
Deze unit voldoet aan de EN60065 veilighei ds-standaards. Dit apparaat mag niet worden b lootgesteld aan vocht. Vanwege het risico dat er druppels in
het apparaat vallen, dient u er geen vloeistoffen in bekers op te plaatsen. Voor een veilig gebruik en om het gevaar van electris che sch okk en e n het r isi co
van brand te vermijden, dienen de volgende regels in acht te worden genomen:
o Controleer of de spann ingscaroussel op het juiste Voltage staat.
o Geb ruik alleen zekeringen van de aangeg even typen en waarden.
o Aan sluiting van de unit alleen aan een geaarde wandcon tactdoos.
o De netkabel die met de unit wordt gelev erd, moet als volgt worden aan gesloten:
Fase—Bruin Nul—Blauw Aarde—Groen /Geel
Fusing Information
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, replace fuses only with the same type
and rating.
Both units use a universal switching power supply that handles the full range of
nominal mains voltages between 90 and 264 VAC and any frequency between 50 Hz
and 60 Hz.
Check Main Fuse
The Main fuse rating is:
T 1A L (1 Amp, 250 V, 20 mm, time-lag, low breaking capacity) for all operating
WARNING: The power to the unit must be off when the following steps are
performed. Ensure that the main power cable to the unit is not connected to a
power source.
1. Open the fuse compartment door in the AC power input housing with a small flat-
blade screwdriver (Figure 1). Carefully pull out the fuse carrier.
2. Check that the replacement fuse has the correct rating. The fuse carrier must be
inserted into the compartment carefully. Do not force the carrier into the
compartment or both could be damaged.
3. Snap the fuse compartment door closed.
Figure 1 Checking the Main Fuse
Intern al Fu se
The switching power supply contains a separate fuse. Most fault conditions should be
protected by the main fuse.
If you find it necessary to replace the internal fuse, be certain to replace it with a fuse
of the same type and rating as printed on the switching power supply board.
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide
Table of Contents
List of Figures.........................................................................................................................................ix
Chapter 1: Introduction to AERO.2000...........................................................................11
1.1 Back Panel..............................................................................................................12
1.2 System Block Diagram.........................................................................................13
1.3 Power......................................................................................................................15
1.4 Navigation..............................................................................................................15
1.5 Menus .....................................................................................................................16
1.6 Display Setup.........................................................................................................17
1.7 Important Setup Parameters ...............................................................................18
1.7.1 Reference ...............................................................................................18
1.7.2 Audio Input Select ...............................................................................19
1.7.3 Audio Output Routing ........................................................................19
1.7.4 Ethernet .................................................................................................20
1.7.5 Video Compensation Delay................................................................20
1.7.6 Preset Selection.....................................................................................21
1.8 Dolby ......................................................................................................................22
1.9 Nielsen....................................................................................................................23
1.10 Compliance............................................................................................................23
Chapter 2: Remote Interface...................................................................................................25
2.1 Setup .......................................................................................................................25
2.2 Overview................................................................................................................28
2.3 Expert and Non-expert Modes ..........................................................................29
2.4 Display Presets ......................................................................................................30
2.5 Display Windows..................................................................................................30
2.6 Loudness Metering ...............................................................................................32
2.7 General Notes .......................................................................................................33
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide
Chapter 3: Factory Presets......................................................................................................35
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting....................................................................................................37
Chapter 5: Specifications..........................................................................................................39
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide
List of Figures
1-1 AERO.2000 back panel .................................................................................................................12
AERO.2000 block diagram ............................................................................................................13
Instance 2 (2+2+Local) .................................................................................................................14
Menu navigation keys ....................................................................................................................15
Left: menu path at top; Right: yellow popup hint ...........................................................................16
Display and meter setup options ....................................................................................................17
Clock Reference set to SDI ............................................................................................................18
Left: inputs for a given instance; Right: available choices for AES or SDI pair ................................19
Left: main AES outputs (BNC and DB25) and SDI outputs; Right: SDI output setup ....................19
Left: IP address, remote port, and MAC address; Right: reconfiguring IP settings ..........................20
Left: SDI video delay settings; Right: Output Delay settings available for each instance ..................20
Left: current preset for Instance 1, Program 1; Right: partial list of available presets .......................21
Left: Decoder settings; Right: bitstream status information ............................................................22
Left: Data rate setting; Right: Reference Level (dialnorm) setting ...................................................22
Nielsen setup .................................................................................................................................23
Adjusting Output Level so the meter matches the target ................................................................24
Adjusting the target level (dialnorm) to match the meter ................................................................24
Left: HTTP server Whitelist setup; Right: password setup ..............................................................25
Browser display when connected to AERO.2000 HTTP server ......................................................26
Remote software installer ...............................................................................................................26
Left: Remote control setup screen; Right: AERO.2000 negotiates connection with remote ............27
Home screen, Non-Expert mode (default) .....................................................................................28
Top of remote interface .................................................................................................................28
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide
2-7 “Breadcrumbs” trail, left/right nav, and top/bottom re-size (looks like venetian blinds) .................29
Home screen in Expert mode ........................................................................................................29
Display Settings menu in lower section ..........................................................................................30
Settings for the selected RTA .........................................................................................................31
Settings for the program-specific ITU meter ..................................................................................32
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction to AERO.2000
The Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 Audio/Loudness Manager is a state-of-the-art, adaptive, multiband,
broadcast audio/loudness processor. The AERO.2000 can apply loudness control and upmixing to
ten input channels. It outputs 5.1 processed channels, an LtRt version of the main audio channels, and
two separate two-channel programs (stereo or mono).
Professional audio metadata can be applied to AERO.2000 to minimize processing and control func-
tions, such as upmixing. AERO.2000 protects itself against loss of incoming metadata with reversion
modes that apply plant reference loudness values. The resulting audio is clean, consistent, and appro-
priately dynamic - perfect for consumer transmission via Dolby® Digital (AC-3) or any other format.
The AERO.2000 includes the following features:
Program configurations: 5.1+2+Local + 2+2+Local support 16 audio channels
AEROMAX® multiband loudness processing provides ATSC, ITU and EBU compliance
Includes Input AGC, parametric EQ, multiband AGC and limiting, look-ahead peak limiting,
and selectable multiband source noise reduction
ITU-R BS.1770-3 meter for each output program simplifies loudness target calibration
Selectable dual upmixers utilizing industry-standard UPMAX® II algorithm
Full-time LtRt or LoRo downmix of main 5.1 channel program
HD/SD-SDI I/O for embedded audio and VANC metadata
Dual, redundant, auto-ranging power supplies
Decoding options: Dolby Digital and/or Dolby E
Encoding option: Dolby Digital (AC-3)
GPI and Ethernet control
Nielsen® Watermark Encoding option
This rest of this chapter includes:
a description of back panel connectors;
system block diagrams
an introduction to AERO.2000’s displays, menus, and navigation
a summary of important setup parameters.
See Connector Pinouts on page 40 for AES and analog connector, Metadata, and GPI pinout tables.
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
1.1 Back Panel
Figure 1-1 AERO.2000 back panel
Figure 1-1 shows the AERO.2000 back panel. Its connector functions are described below from left
to right:
Analog I/O (DB9) – Stereo +4 dBu I/O (not currently used)
Metadata I/O (DB9) – RS-485 metadata (no crossover cable required)
Reserved (RJ45) – Reserved for future use (not connected internally)
ETHERNET (RJ45) – Auto-sense 100/1000 BASE-T, connect to stable network
SDI I/O (dual BNC) – Auto-sensing SD/HD, supports 16 audio channels, VANC metadata,
and has internal compensating video delay
Main AES I/O (BNC) – 16 I/O channels
AES Ref (BNC) – Apply 48 kHz DARS (Digital Audio Ref Signal), or any AES signal, but not
video. Use only if SDI embedding is disabled.
ENC Out (BNC) – Encoder output, fed in parallel with AES 15/16
Vref (BNC) – Video reference input (not currently supported)
LTC In (BNC) – LTC timecode input (not currently supported)
AES I/O (DB25) – AES channels 9-16, unbalanced (pinout below)
GPI/O (DB25) – Eight parallel inputs, 5-V TTL levels, active low
VGA Out (HD-DB15) – VGA (640 x 480) video output
PSU1/PSU2 – AC power inlets
NOTE: All BNC inputs are 75-
internally terminated.
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
1.2 System Block Diagram
Figure 1-2 shows AERO.2000’s physical I/O on the left and right sides, respectively, and Instance 1
processing (5.1+2+Local) in shaded areas.
Figure 1-2 AERO.2000 block diagram
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
Figure 1-3 shows a detailed view of Instance 2 (2+2+Local).
Figure 1-3 Instance 2 (2+2+Local)
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
1.3 Power
The AERO.2000 is equipped with two power supplies (dual PSUs). Always connect BOTH power in-
lets to clean AC power sources, ideally from separate feeds. Remember, this is primarily to protect you
against unreliable power sources, and not from problems with AERO.2000’s power supplies.
We strongly recommend using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) on at least one of the AC power
feeds; separate units should be used for each inlet.
Apply AC power to power on the AERO.2000; there is no power switch. The blue light behind the
Linear Acoustic logo illuminates, the LCD screen shows the Linear Acoustic logo, and fans turn on.
When the menu appears on the LCD screen, startup is complete and the unit is ready to use. This pro-
cess may take up to two minutes.
To power off, just remove both AC power cords from the unit.
1.4 Navigation
The right, left, up, and down arrow keys navigate AERO.2000’s menu system:
Figure 1-4 Menu navigation keys
Next Takes you into the selected menu; same as Enter
Prev. Takes you back the same path; same as Back or Esc
▲▼ Scrolls through screen parameters
The central rotary knob adjusts the selected parameter.
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
1.5 Menus
AERO.2000’s menus are hierarchical, and follow logical signal processing flows.
A parameter changed from its stored value is displayed in yellow. When stored, it returns to white.
AERO.2000 employs the “breadcrumbs” tactic so you’ll always know where you are in the menu hi-
erarchy. The top of the each menu displays your current position. For example, Figure 1-5 shows the
menu position as AERO.2000 * System * System * System Information.
The menu displays tips and hints in yellow to explain a function or why it is inactive. For example,
Figure 1-5 (right) shows why the IP Address field is grayed out and inactive.
Figure 1-5 Left: menu path at top; Right: yellow popup hint
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
1.6 Display Setup
The front panel display can be fully customized, and can contain up to six meters of the same or dif-
ferent types. The display can also be set to “Meters Only” mode so the menus are temporarily hidden.
Of course, display resolution may limit the number of active front panel meters, but all six will work
fine using the AERO.2000 VGA output.
The left side of Figure 1-6 shows Display 1 set to DRC, Program 1 and Display 2 set to Loudness (for
Pgm 1), and Displays 3–6 off.
The right side of Figure 1-6 shows the same metering configuration set to full screen.
Figure 1-6 Display and meter setup options
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
1.7 Important Setup Parameters
1.7.1 Reference
The AERO.2000 can be referenced to:
AES DARS (or any AES signal applied to the Ref In connector);
AES In 1
Internal 48 kHz (standalone use only).
NOTE: If SDI embedding is enabled, clock reference will be forced to SDI automatically. Otherwise, proper
reference MUST be selected for glitch-free operation!
Figure 1-7 shows the clock reference set to SDI. The menu’s yellow lettering indicates that it has been
changed from the saved value. Saving again turns it white. Note again the menu path displayed at the top.
Figure 1-7 Clock Reference set to SDI
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
1.7.2 Audio Input Select
Since a single physical input can feed multiple instances, each instance has a built-in router to select
audio on a pair-by-pair basis.
Figure 1-8 Left: inputs for a given instance; Right: available choices for AES or SDI pair
1.7.3 Audio Output Routing
Since one physical Output can come from just one source, a single output router configures each of
the 16 AES and 16 SDI outputs.
Figure 1-9 Left: main AES outputs (BNC and DB25) and SDI outputs; Right: SDI output setup
Note that any one Instance or Encoder output can go to all physical outputs if desired. Any AES or
SDI input signal pair can be routed to any AES or SDI output pair with no processing.
Linear Acoustic AERO.2000 User Guide Introduction to AERO.2000
1.7.4 Ethernet
The Ethernet connection, like the reference signal, must be stable and always present. Audio glitches
may be heard on air if Ethernet is interrupted. Although initially configured for DHCP (auto-IP ad-
dress), static IP addresses can also be entered explicitly.
Figure 1-10 Left: IP address, remote port, and MAC address; Right: reconfiguring IP settings
1.7.5 Video Compensation Delay
Included video compensation delay can help re-time audio and video/ancillary data signals from SDI
In to SDI Out to match processing delay. Normal practice is to set the video delay to the next whole
video frame value (different for NTSC and PAL of course). Rough timing is set via the Delay control
(milliseconds), and the Fine control can adjust to the microsecond. Once video delay is set, A/V lip-
sync can be accomplished in the I/O Menu using the Utility Audio Delays
Figure 1-11 Left: SDI video delay settings; Right: Output Delay settings available for each instance