NAMRON 70110005 Manuale utente

  • Ciao, sono il tuo assistente virtuale. Ho letto il manuale utente della Spina intelligente 70110005 e posso rispondere alle tue domande su questo dispositivo. Il manuale fornisce istruzioni dettagliate per l'associazione alla rete, l'uso di TouchLink con telecomandi, e la configurazione di interruttori di alimentazione green Zigbee. La spina supporta anche la misurazione della temperatura e la protezione da sovracorrente.
  • Come posso associare la spina intelligente a una rete Zigbee?
    Come posso eseguire TouchLink con un telecomando Zigbee?
    La spina supporta la protezione da sovracorrente?
    Quanti telecomandi green power Zigbee possono essere associati alla spina?
Important: Read All Instructions P rior to Installation
Pro du c t Data
3. Z igbee Network Pairing through C oordinator o r Hu b ( Added to a Zigbee Network)
4. T o u c hLin k to a Zigbee Remo te
< 10cm
Note: 1 ) Di rec tly To u c hLin k ( both n ot added to a Z igBee n etwork), eac h d evic e c an l ink with 1 r emote.
4 ) After Tou c hLin k, the devic e c an b e c ontrolled b y the l inked remotes .
2 ) Touc hL ink after b oth added to a Z igBee n etwork, eac h d evic e c an l ink with m ax. 3 0 remo tes .
3 ) To c ontrol b y both g ateway and remote, add r emote and d evic e to n etwork firs t then T ouc hL ink.
AC P ower
S tep 1 : Remove the device from previous z igbee network if it ha s a lrea dy been a dded to, otherwise pa iring will
fail. Plea se refer to the part " F ac to ry Res et Manu all y".
S tep 2 : From your ZigBee Controller or hub interfa ce, choose to add lighting device and enter P airing mode a s
instructed by the controller.
S tep 3 : S hort press “Program” button 5 times continuously to set the device to network pa iring mode, LED
indica tor will fla sh white fast.
S tep 1 : Short press “P rog” button 4 times ( Or re- power on the device 4 times) to sta rt Touchlink commissioning,
180S timeout. Once timeout, repeat the operation.
S tep 2 : Bring the remote or touch panel within 10cm of the lighting device.
S tep 3 : S et the remote or touch pa nel into Touchlink commissioning,
please refer to corresponding remote or touch panel manual to learn how.
Step 4: LED indicator will fla sh white 6 times to
indicate successful pairing. LED indicator will
mainta in the status before entering into network
pairing mode if pa iring fa ils.
S tep 4: There shall be indication
on the remote for successful link
and LE D indica tor of the plug will
flash white twice.
Func tion i ntrodu c tio n
LED indicator
Input Voltage
Device ID
Radio Frequency
Relative humidity
Over Current Protection
Operating temperature
Ma x. Loa d
Zigbee profile
8% to 80%
AC200-240V, 50/60Hz
2.4G Hz
0x000A(Plug-in Unit)
0 to 40°C
Program button,
short press to
switch on/off loa d
Load power > 2200W
Load power 1501-2000W
Firmware upda ting via OTA
Load switched off
Load power <= 1000W
Load power 2001-2200W
Definition (16.1A Over Current)
Load power 1001-1500W
Over current
Stays solid ora nge
Flashes red slowly
Flashes purple slowly
Stays solid cya n
Stays solid blue
LED Indica tor S tate
Stays solid white a t a low brightness
Stays solid green
Stays solid yellow
Z igBee sma rt plug ba sed on la test ZigBee 3.0 protocol
S upports find and bind mode to bind a Z igBee remote
Supports zigbee green power and can bind max. 20 zigbee green power switches
Supports temperature measurement
S upports over current protection a nd power metering, ena bles to report power consumption to gatewa y
ZigBee end device that supports Touchlink commissioning
Waterproof gra de: IP 20
E nables to control ON/OF F o f the loa d, supports max. 16 scenes
2.This Z igB ee d evi c e i s a w ireles s r ec eiver th at c ommun ic ates w ith a v ariety o f ZigB ee c ompatible
s ys tems . T h is r ec eiver receives a nd i s c on trolled b y wireles s r adio s ignal s f ro m the c o mpatibl e Z igB ee
s ys tem.
1 .Plu g the s mart plu g i nto AC p o wer s ource.
DO NOT expose the device to moisture.
DO NOT install with power applied to device.
S afety & Warn ings
6. F actory R es et Manu ally
S tep 1 : Short press the “progra m” button 5 times continuously, the plug will enter into network pairing mode.
8. F ind and B ind Mode
S tep 1 : Short press “P rog.” button 3 times to sta rt Find a nd Bind mode (LE D indica tor fla shes white slowly) to
find and bind target node, 180 seconds timeout, repea t the opera tion.
S tep 2 : Set the remote or touch pa nel (ta rget node) i nto find a nd bind mode, and enable it
to find and bind initiator, please refer to corresponding remote or touch panel ma nual.
S tep 3 : There shall be indication on the remote or touch pa nel that it bind the device
successfully a nd can control it then.
< 10cm
S tep 1 : Re-power on the device to start TouchLink Commissioning, 180 seconds timeout, repeat the operation.
7 . F actory R es et through a Zigbee Remote ( Tou c h R es et)
Note: Make sure the device already a dded to a n etwork, the remote added to the same one or not added to any
S tep 2 : Bring the remote or touch pa nel within 10cm of the lighting device.
S tep 3 : S et the remote or touch pa nel into Touch R eset procedure to reset the
device, please refer to corresponding remote or touch panel manual to learn how.
S tep 2 : LED indica tor will flash white
fast and the plug will try to join a
Zigbee network.
9. L earning to a Z igbee G reen P ower S witc h
S tep 2 : Set the green power
switch into Learning mode,
plea se refer to its ma nual.
Green P ower
S tep 3 : LED indicator will
flash twice to indica te
successful learning. Then
the switch ca n control the
S tep 1 : Short press “P rogra m” button 4 times to start Learning to GP switch mode ( LED indica tor flashes twice) ,
180 seconds timeout, repeat the operation.
Note: E ac h d evic e c an l earn to
max. 2 0 zigbee green p o wer s witc h es .
10. Delete Learning to a Zigbee Green Power Switch
S tep 2 : S et the pa ired green power switch into
Learning mode, plea se refer to its ma nual.
Green P ower
S tep 3 : LED indicator will
flash 4 times to indicate
successful deleting.
Step 1: S hort press “P rogra m” button 3 times to sta rt delete Learning to GP switch mode ( LE D indicator fla shes
slowly), 180 seconds timeout, repeat the operation.
AC P ower
S tep 4: There sha ll be indication
on the remote for successful reset
and LE D indica tor of the plug will
flash white 3 times.
5. R emoved from a Zigbee Netwo rk through C oordinator o r Hu b I nterfac e
From your ZigBee controller or hub interfa ce, choose to delete or reset the
lighting device as instructed. LE D indicator of the plug blinks white 3 times to
indicate successful reset.
Note: M ake s ure b oth the d evic e an d remote are added to the s ame gateway that s u ppo rts f ind and bind.
Inpu t Clu s ters
0x0000: Basic 0x0003: Identify 0x0004: Groups 0x0005: Scenes 0x0006: On/off
0x0702: S imple Metering 0x0b04: Electrical Measurement
0x0b05: Diagnostics
Output Clu s ters
0x0003: Identify
1 2. Z igB ee C lus ters t h e d evic e s upports a re as f ollows :
1 3. O TA
The device supports firmwa re upda ting through OTA, and will a cquire new firmware from zigbee controller or
hub every 10 minutes automa tically.
Note: 1 ) E ac h a dded d evic e c an l ink and be c ontrolled by m ax . 3 0 added remo tes .
2 ) E ac h a dded r emote c an l in k and c ontrol m ax . 3 0 added d evices .
0x1000: ZLL Commissioning
0x0019: OTA
11 . S etup a Zigbee Netwo rk & Add Other Devic es t o th e Netwo rk ( No C o ordinator Required)
S tep 1 : Short press “P rogra m” button 4 times to ena ble the device to setup a z igbee network (LE D indica tor
flashes white twice) to discover and add other devices, 180 seconds timeout, repeat the operation.
ZigBee L i ghti n g D evi c e
< 10cm TouchLink
S tep 4: Bind the added devices a nd remotes through Touchlink so tha t the devices can be controlled by the
remotes, refer to their manua ls.
S tep 2 : Set another device or remote or touch panel into network pa iring mode and pa ir to the network, refer to
their ma nuals.
S tep 3 : P air more devices and remotes to the network a s you would like, refer to their ma nuals.
0x0402: temperature measurement