Juniper MX10016 Hardware Guide

  • Ciao! Sono il tuo assistente virtuale. Ho letto la Guida all'hardware per le piattaforme di routing universali Juniper MX10016, che include informazioni dettagliate sulle schede di linea MX10K-LC2101 e MX10K-LC480. Questo documento copre le specifiche tecniche, le procedure di installazione, manutenzione e risoluzione dei problemi per questi dispositivi. Sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande sulle caratteristiche, configurazione e utilizzo dei prodotti descritti nel documento.
  • Quali tipi di schede di linea sono supportate dall'MX10016?
    Quanta capacità di commutazione offre l'MX10016?
    Quali componenti del sistema sono ridondanti nell'MX10016?
    L'MX10016 supporta aggiornamenti software senza interruzioni?
MX10016 Universal Roung Plaorm
Hardware Guide
Juniper Networks, Inc.
1133 Innovaon Way
Sunnyvale, California 94089
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Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right
to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publicaon without noce.
MX10016 Universal Roung Plaorm Hardware Guide
Copyright © 2023 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
The informaon in this document is current as of the date on the tle page.
Juniper Networks hardware and soware products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known me-related
limitaons through the year 2038. However, the NTP applicaon is known to have some diculty in the year 2036.
The Juniper Networks product that is the subject of this technical documentaon consists of (or is intended for use
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soware, you agree to the terms and condions of that EULA.
Table of Contents
About This Guide | x
MX10016 System Overview | 2
MX10016 Hardware Overview | 2
MX10016 Components and Conguraons | 13
MX10016 Component Redundancy | 17
MX10016 Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping | 18
MX10016 Chassis | 20
MX10016 Chassis Physical Specicaons | 21
MX10016 Field-Replaceable Units | 24
MX10016 Status Panel LEDs | 25
MX10016 Oponal Equipment | 29
MX10016 Cooling System | 31
MX10016 Cooling System and Airow | 32
MX10016 Fan Tray LEDs and Fan Tray Controller LEDs | 42
MX10016 Power System | 49
JNP10K-PWR-AC Power Supply | 50
JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Supply | 53
JNP10K-PWR-DC Power Supply | 54
JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Supply | 58
JNP10K-PWR-AC Power Supply LEDs | 60
JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Supply LEDs | 62
JNP10K-PWR-DC Power Supply LEDs | 63
JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Supply LEDs | 65
MX10016 Roung and Control Board | 69
MX10016 Roung and Control Board Descripon | 70
MX10016 Roung and Control Board LEDs | 72
MX10016 Switch Fabric Board | 77
MX10016 Switch Fabric Board Descripon | 77
Switch Fabric Board LEDs | 79
MX10K-LC2101 Line Card | 81
MX10K-LC480 Line Card | 83
Site Planning, Preparaon, and Specicaons
MX10016 Site Preparaon Overview | 89
Site Preparaon Checklist | 89
Environmental Requirements and Specicaons | 91
General Site Guidelines | 92
Site Electrical Wiring Guidelines | 92
MX10016 Rack Requirements | 94
Depth Clearance Requirements for Airow and Hardware Maintenance for an MX10016 | 96
MX10016 Power Planning | 98
Power Requirements for MX10016 Components | 98
Calculang Power Requirements for an MX10016 | 100
How to Calculate the Power Consumpon of Your MX10016 Conguraon | 100
How to Calculate the Number of Power Supplies Required for Your MX10016
Conguraon | 103
JNP10K-PWR-AC Power Specicaons | 106
JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Specicaons | 107
MX10016 Power Cord Specicaons | 108
JNP10K-PWR-DC Power Specicaons | 117
JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Specicaons | 118
MX10016 Grounding Cable and Lug Specicaons | 119
MX10016 Transceiver and Cable Specicaons | 120
Opcal Transceiver and Cable Support | 120
Cable Specicaons for Console and Management Connecons | 121
Understanding Fiber-Opc Cable Signal Loss, Aenuaon, and Dispersion | 122
Calculang the Fiber-Opc Cable Power Budget for an MX10016 | 124
Calculang the Fiber-Opc Cable Power Margin for an MX10016 | 124
MX10016 Alarm and Management Cable Specicaons and Pinouts | 126
Console Port Connector Pinouts for an MX10016 Router | 126
USB Port Specicaons for an MX10016 | 128
Management Port Connector Pinouts for an MX10016 | 128
Inial Installaon and Conguraon
MX10016 Installaon Overview | 131
Unpacking an MX10016 Router and Components | 132
Unpacking an MX10016 | 132
Unpacking Line Cards, Roung and Control Boards, and Switch Fabric Boards | 135
Comparing the MX10016 Order to the Packing List | 136
Register Products—Mandatory to Validate SLAs | 141
Installing the Mounng Hardware | 141
Installing an MX10016 into a Four-Post Rack | 144
Mounng an MX10016 in a Four-Post Rack Using a Mechanical Li | 144
Installing the Front Door on an MX10016 | 148
Before You Begin | 148
Install the Front Door | 149
Install the Air Filter in the MX10016 | 153
Connecng an MX10016 to Power | 156
Connect an MX10016 to Earth Ground | 156
Connecng AC Power to an MX10016 | 159
Connecng DC Power to an MX10016 | 160
Connecng an MX10016 to External Devices | 161
Connecng an MX10016 to a Network for Out-of-Band Management | 161
Connecng an MX10016 Router to a Management Console | 162
Conguring an MX10016 Router | 163
Maintaining Components
Field-Replaceable Units in an MX10016 | 167
Removing and Installing Roung and Control Boards | 169
How to Handle and Store an MX10016 Roung and Control Board | 169
Handling Roung and Control Boards | 169
Storing RCBs | 170
Removing a Roung and Control Board | 171
Installing a Roung and Control Board | 173
Removing and Installing MX10016 Cooling System Components | 175
Removing an MX10016 Fan Tray | 176
Installing an MX10016 Fan Tray | 179
Removing an MX10016 Fan Tray Controller | 181
Installing an MX10016 Fan Tray Controller | 183
Removing and Installing MX10016 Power System Components | 185
How to Remove a JNP10K-PWR-AC Power Supply | 185
How to Install a JNP10K-PWR-AC Power Supply | 188
How to Remove a JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Supply | 192
How to Install a JNP10K-PWR-AC2 Power Supply | 195
How to Remove a JNP10K-PWR-DC Power Supply | 200
How to Install a JNP10K-PWR-DC Power Supply | 203
How to Remove a JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Supply | 212
How to Install a JNP10K-PWR-DC2 Power Supply | 215
Removing and Installing MX10016 Switch Fabric Boards | 225
How to Handle and Store an MX10016 Switch Fabric Board | 225
Handling Switch Fabric Boards | 225
Storing Switch Fabric Boards | 227
Removing an MX10016 Switch Fabric Board | 227
Installing an MX10016 Switch Fabric Board | 231
Removing and Installing MX10016 MPC Components | 236
How to Handle and Store an MX10016 MPC | 236
Handling MPCs | 236
Storing MPCs | 237
Install an MPC in an MX10016 | 238
Remove an MPC | 241
Install the Cable Management System | 244
Removing and Installing Transceivers and Fiber-Opc Cables | 247
Remove a Transceiver | 248
Install a Transceiver | 250
Disconnect a Fiber-Opc Cable from a Router | 252
Connect a Fiber-Opc Cable to a Router | 253
Maintain the Fiber-Opc Cables in a Router | 254
Removing an MX10016 Router | 255
Powering O an MX10016 Router | 255
Removing an MX10016 Router From a Four-Post Rack Using a Mechanical Li | 257
Troubleshoong Hardware
Restoring Junos OS | 261
Creang an Emergency Boot Device | 261
Performing a Recovery Installaon Using an Emergency Boot Device | 263
Alarm Messages | 265
Understanding Alarms | 265
Interface Alarm Messages | 267
Contacng Customer Support and Returning the Chassis or Components
Contact Customer Support | 269
Returning the MX10016 Chassis or Components | 270
Returning an MX10016 Router or Component for Repair or Replacement | 270
Locang the Serial Number on an MX10016 Router or Component | 271
Lisng the Chassis and Component Details Using the CLI | 271
Locang the Chassis Serial Number ID Label on an MX10016 | 274
Locang the Serial Number ID Labels on the Power Supplies | 275
Locang the Serial Number ID Labels on Fan Trays and Fan Tray Controllers | 277
Locang the Serial Number ID Labels on Roung and Control Boards | 278
Locang the Serial Number ID Labels on a Line Card | 278
Locang the Serial Number ID Labels on a Switch Fabric Board (SFB) | 279
Contacng Customer Support to Obtain a Return Materials Authorizaon for an MX10016
Router or Component | 279
Packing an MX10016 Router or Component for Shipping | 280
Packing an MX10016 Chassis for Shipping | 281
Packing MX10016 Components for Shipping | 284
Safety and Compliance Informaon
General Safety Guidelines and Warnings | 288
Denions of Safety Warning Levels | 289
Qualied Personnel Warning | 291
Warning Statement for Norway and Sweden | 291
Fire Safety Requirements | 292
Installaon Instrucons Warning | 293
MX10016 Chassis Liing Guidelines | 294
Restricted Access Warning | 294
Ramp Warning | 296
Rack-Mounng and Cabinet-Mounng Warnings | 296
Grounded Equipment Warning | 300
Radiaon from Open Port Apertures Warning | 301
Laser and LED Safety Guidelines and Warnings | 302
Maintenance and Operaonal Safety Guidelines and Warnings | 305
General Electrical Safety Guidelines and Warnings | 311
Acon to Take Aer an Electrical Accident | 312
Prevenon of Electrostac Discharge Damage | 313
AC Power Electrical Safety Guidelines | 314
AC Power Disconnecon Warning | 315
DC Power Electrical Safety Guidelines for MX10016 Router | 316
DC Power Disconnecon Warning | 317
DC Power Grounding Requirements and Warning | 319
DC Power Wiring Sequence Warning | 319
DC Power Wiring Terminaons Warning | 321
Mulple Power Supplies Disconnecon Warning | 322
TN Power Warning | 323
Agency Approvals and Compliance Statements | 324
Agency Approvals for the Router | 324
Compliance Statements for EMC Requirements for the Router | 325
About This Guide
Use this guide to install hardware and perform inial soware conguraon, roune maintenance, and
troubleshoong for the MX10016 Universal Roung Plaorm.
Aer compleng the installaon and basic conguraon procedures covered in this guide, refer to the
Junos OS documentaon for informaon about further soware conguraon.
MX10016 Quick Start
MX10016 System Overview | 2
MX10016 Chassis | 20
MX10016 Cooling System | 31
MX10016 Power System | 49
MX10016 Roung and Control Board | 69
MX10016 Switch Fabric Board | 77
MX10K-LC2101 Line Card | 81
MX10K-LC480 Line Card | 83
MX10016 System Overview
MX10016 Hardware Overview | 2
MX10016 Components and Conguraons | 13
MX10016 Component Redundancy | 17
MX10016 Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping | 18
The MX10000 line of 5G Universal Roung Plaorms—including the MX10008 and MX10016 give
cloud and service providers the performance and scalability needed to outpace increased trac
demands. MX10016 router provides 10-Gigabit Ethernet, 40-Gigabit Ethernet, and 100-Gigabit
Ethernet modular soluons that support up to 2.4 Tbps per slot. The MX10016 router provides
redundancy and resiliency. All major hardware components including the power system, the cooling
system, the control board and the switch fabrics are fully redundant.
MX10016 Hardware Overview
Benets of the MX10016 Router | 3
Chassis Descripon | 4
Roung and Control Board | 6
Line Cards | 7
Switch Fabric Boards | 8
Cooling System | 9
Power Supplies | 10
Soware on MX10016 | 13
Juniper Networks MX10016 Universal Roung Plaorm enables cloud and data center operators to
transion from 10-Gigabit Ethernet and 40-Gigabit Ethernet networks to 100-Gigabit Ethernet high-
performance networks. The 21 rack unit (21 U) modular chassis can provide 38.4 Tbps of throughput.
The MX10016 router has 16 slots for the line cards that can support a maximum of 1536 10-Gigabit
Ethernet ports, 384 40-Gigabit Ethernet ports, or 384 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports. You can deploy the
MX10016 router in an IP edge network.
You can deploy MX10016 in the edge of the network for the following funcons:
Layer 3 peering
Data center gateway
VPLS aggregaon
Layer 3 aggregaon
Video distribuon
The MX10016 router is available in both base and redundant conguraons for both AC and DC
operaon. MX10016 features front-to-back airow (also known as airow out or AFO).
Benets of the MX10016 Router
System capacity— MX10016 scales to 38.4 Tbps (76.8 Tbps half- duplex) in a single chassis, with
support for up to 1536 10-Gigabit Ethernet, 384 40-Gigabit Ethernet, and 384 100-Gigabit Ethernet
Full-scale IP and MPLS roungThe MX10016 delivers a distributed peering scale of 8.6 million
entries in the forwarding informaon bases (FIBs, also known as forwarding tables) and 80 million
entries in the roung informaon bases (RIBs also known as roung tables).
Source Packet Roung in Networking (SPRING)—SPRING on the MX10016 provides addional
exibility per packet source. SPRING provides features such as network path and node protecon to
support MPLS fast reroute (FRR) mechanisms, enhanced network programmability, OAM
funconality, simplied network signaling, load balancing, and trac engineering funcons.
Always-on infrastructure baseThe MX10016 is engineered with full hardware redundancy for
cooling, switch fabric, and host subsystems—Roung and Control Boards (RCBs)—allowing service
providers to meet stringent service-level agreements across the core.
Nondisrupve soware upgradesThe Junos operang system on MX10016 supports high
availability (HA) features such as graceful Roung Engine switchover (GRES), nonstop acve roung
(NSR), and unied in-service soware upgrade (unied ISSU), providing soware upgrades and
changes without disrupng network trac.
Chassis Descripon
The MX10016 is 21 U tall. Two MX10016 chassis can t in a standard 42 U rack when there is adequate
cooling and power. All key MX10016 components are eld-replaceable units (FRUs).
Figure 1 on page 4 illustrates the components visible from the front of the chassis.
Figure 1: MX10016 Chassis Front
1Roung and Control Boards 4Installaon holes for the front panel
2Status LED panel 5Line card slots 0-15 (numbered top to
Some chassis ship with an enhanced power bus to support the power needs of higher waage line
cards. Chassis with the enhanced power bus have a modied Status Panel (see "MX10016 Status Panel
LEDs" on page 25).
Figure 2 on page 5 illustrates the components that are visible from the rear of the chassis.
Figure 2: MX10016 Chassis Rear
1AC or DC power supplies 3ESD point
2Fan trays with redundant fans 4Protecve earthing terminal
Figure 3 on page 6 illustrates the components that are internal to the chassis.
Figure 3: MX10016 Chassis Internal Components
1Fan tray controllers 2Switch Fabric Boards (SFBs)
See "MX10016 Chassis Physical Specicaons" on page 21.
Roung and Control Board
The Roung and Control Board (RCB) (see Figure 4 on page 7) contains a Roung Engine and is
responsible for the system management and control in the MX10016. See "MX10016 Roung and
Control Board " on page 69. RCBs are FRUs that are installed in the front of the chassis in the slots
labeled CB0 and CB1. The base conguraon has a single RCB while the fully redundant conguraon
has two RCBs. The RCB also contains Precision Time Protocol ports and two Media Access Control
Security (MACsec) capable ports (see "MX10016 Components and Conguraons" on page 13).
Figure 4: MX10016 Roung and Control Board
Line Cards
The MX10016 has 16 horizontal line card slots and supports line rates for each line card. The line cards
include a Packet Forwarding Engine and Ethernet interfaces enclosed in a single assembly. Line cards are
FRUs that can be installed in the line card slots labeled 0 through 15 (top to boom) on the front of the
chassis. All line cards are hot-removable and hot-insertable. Aer the hot inseron, the line card comes
online automacally.
The MX10016 router supports the following line cards:
MX10K-LC2101This line card provides a maximum bandwidth of 2.4Tbps and has six Packet
Forwarding Engines, each providing a maximum bandwidth of up to 400 Gbps. The MX10K-LC2101
line card can support 24 100-Gigabit Ethernet ports with a 28-Gbps quad smallform-factor pluggable
(QSFP28) transceiver, or 24 40-Gigabit Ethernet ports with a QSFP transceiver. The MX10K-LC2101
line cards also support 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. For 10-Gigabit Ethernet, you must congure
the port using the channelizaon command. Because there is no port-groups opon for the 100-
Gigabit Ethernet line card, you must use individual port channelizaon commands.
Figure 5 on page 7 shows the MX10K-LC2101 line card.
Figure 5: MX10K-LC2101 Line Card
1OFFLINE buon 3Lane LEDs
MX10K-LC480The MX10K-LC480 line card is a xed conguraon MPC with 48 ports. Each port
supports a speed of 10 Gbps or 1 Gbps, providing the line card a maximum bandwidth of 480 Gbps.
The MX10K-LC480 has two Packet Forwarding Engines, each providing a maximum bandwidth of up
to 240 Gbps.
Figure 6 on page 8 shows MX10K-LC480 line card.
Figure 6: MX10K-LC480
1Power (PWR) LED. 3Oine/online (OFF) buon.
2Port LEDs. 4Status (STS) LED.
Switch Fabric Boards
Five Switch Fabric Boards (SFBs) provide the necessary switching funconality to an MX10016 router. A
sixth SFB is available in the redundant conguraon to provide
+1 redundancy. SFBs are installed
between the line cards and the fan trays inside the chassis (see Figure 8 on page 9). Each MX10016
SFB has sixteen connectors that match to a line card slot, eliminang the need for a backplane. When all
the SFBs are installed, the MX10016 router has a net switching capacity of 2.4 terabytes per second
(bidireconal). See "MX10016 Switch Fabric Board" on page 77.
Figure 8: MX10016 SFB
Cooling System
The cooling system in the MX10016 consists of two hot-removable and hot-insertable FRU fan trays
and two fan tray controllers.
Two fan tray models (JNP10016-FAN and JNP10016-FAN2) and their associated fan tray controllers
(JNP10016-FAN-CTRL and JNP10016-FTC2) are available. The fan trays install vercally on the rear of
the chassis and provide front to back chassis cooling. For model dierences, see "MX10016 Cooling
System and Airow" on page 32.
Figure 9: Fan Tray JNP10016-FAN
Figure 10: Fan Tray Controller JNP10016-FAN-CTRL
Power Supplies
Power supplies for the MX10016 router are fully redundant, load-sharing, and hot-removable and hot-
insertable FRUs. Each MX10016 router with a base conguraon has ve power supplies; redundant