Victron energy Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12/15 Manuale del proprietario

Manuale del proprietario
Blue Smart IP65 Charger
12/4 24/5
12/5 24/8
12/7 24/13
Always provide proper ventilation during charging.
Avoid covering the charger.
Never try to charge non-rechargeable or frozen batteries.
Never place the charger on top of the battery when charging
Prevent sparks close to the battery. A battery being charged could emit
explosive gasses.
Battery acid is corrosive. Rinse immediately with water if acid comes into
contact with skin.
This appliance is not designed for use by young children or people who
cannot read or understand the manual unless they are under the
supervision of a responsible person to ensure that they can use the battery
charger safely. Store and use the battery charger out of the reach of
children, and ensure that children cannot play with the charger.
Connection to the mains supply must be in accordance with the national
regulations for electrical installations. In case of a damaged supply cord
please contact the manufacturer or your service agent.
The battery terminal not connected to the chassis has to be connected first.
The other connection is to be made to the chassis, remote from the battery
and fuel line. The battery charger is then to be connected to the supply
After charging, disconnect the battery charger from the supply mains. Then
remove the chassis connection and then the battery connection.
The charger must only be plugged in an earthed socket.
1. Quick start guide
2. Features
3. Operation
3.1. Multi-stage charge algorithm
3.2. Temperature compensation
3.3. Commencing a new charge cycle
3.4. Estimating charge time
4. Setup
4.1. Using the ‘Mode’ button
4.2. Using VictronConnect
4.3. Bluetooth
4.4. System reset
5. Monitoring
5.1. Status screen
5.2. Graph screen
5.3. History screen
6. Advanced configuration
6.1. Power supply function
6.2. Advanced settings
6.3. Expert mode settings
7. Specifications
1. Quick Start guide
a) Connect DC cables to the charger and then the battery or batteries; ensure that there is a
good electrical connection and keep the terminals away from any surrounding objects that
could cause a short circuit.
b) Connect the AC power cable to a mains power outlet; the TEST LED will be illuminated or blink
when the Blue Smart Charger is powered up.
The TEST LED will continue to blink until a charge pulse is able to increase the battery voltage
above 12.5V (25.0V for 24V chargers) or 2 minutes have elapsed.
If a fault is detected during the test phase (such as a short circuit, reverse polarity or incorrect
charger voltage) all charge status LEDs will blink; in this case the charger should be immediately
c) Select the charge mode appropriate for the battery type; briefly press the MODE button to cycle
through the available options, the LED beside the currently selected charge mode will be
The charger will automatically store the selected charge mode and recall it for future charge cycles
(even after being disconnected from power).
When recondition mode is selected, the RECONDITION LED will be illuminated in addition to the
selected charge mode LED.
If required, activate low current mode (reduced charge current); depress and hold the MODE button
for 6 seconds, when activated the selected charge mode LED (normal / high / li-ion) will blink.
Depress and hold the MODE button for 6 seconds again to end low current mode.
d) When the ABS LED is illuminated the charger has moved into absorption stage (bulk stage is
complete); the battery will be approximately 80% charged (or >95% for Li-ion batteries) and may
be returned into service if required.
e) When the FLOAT LED is illuminated the charger has moved into float stage (absorption stage is
complete); the battery will be fully (100%) charged and is ready to be returned into service.
f) When the STORAGE LED is illuminated the charger has moved into storage mode (float stage is
concluded); to maintain the battery at full charge, the battery can be left on continuous charge for
an extended duration.
g) Disconnect the AC power cable from the mains power outlet at any time to stop charging.
2. Features
a) Bluetooth setup and monitoring (Using VictronConnect)
Easily setup, monitor or update the charger firmware using the VictronConnect app and a
Bluetooth enabled device (such as a mobile phone or tablet).
b) Multi-stage charge algorithm
The multi-stage charge algorithm is specifically engineered to optimise each recharge cycle and
charge maintenance over extended periods.
c) Adaptive absorption
Adaptive absorption monitors the battery’s response during initial charging and intelligently
determines the appropriate absorption duration for each individual charge cycle.
This ensures that the battery is fully recharged regardless of the discharge level or capacity and
avoids excessive time at the elevated absorption voltage (that can accelerate battery aging).
d) Temperature compensation
Charge voltage is automatically compensated depending on the ambient temperate; this ensures
that the battery is charged at the optimal charge voltage regardless of the climate and avoids the
need for manual settings adjustments.
Temperature compensation is not required and automatically disabled when in LI-ION charge
e) High efficiency
The Blue Smart Charger range is up to ~95% efficient; resulting in lower power usage, less heat
generated and cooler operation.
f) Durable and safe
i. Engineered to provide years of trouble-free and dependable operation in all usage conditions
ii. Protection against overheating: output current will be reduced if the charger temperature
increases to 50°C
iii. Protection against short circuit: If a short circuit condition is detected all status-LEDs will start
iv. Protection against reverse polarity connection: If the charger is incorrectly connected with
reverse polarity all status-LEDs will start blinking
v. Protection against ingress of dust and water/liquid
g) Silent operation
Charger operation is totally silent: there is no cooling fan or moving parts.
h) Lithium Ion compatible
Compatible with Li-ion (LiFePO) batteries; when the integrated LI-ION charge mode is selected
the charge cycle settings are altered to suit.
If the charger is connected to a battery where under voltage protection (UVP) has tripped, the
Blue Smart Charger range will automatically reset UVP and start charging; many other chargers
will not recognise a battery in this state.
Warning: Never charge a Li-ion battery when its temperature is below 0°C.
i) Storage stage
An additional stage to extend battery life whilst the battery is unused and on continuous charge.
j) Recondition stage
An optional stage that can partially recover/reverse lead acid battery degradation due to sulfation;
typically caused by inadequate charging or if the battery is left in a deeply discharged state.
k) Low current mode
An optional mode that limits the maximum charge current to a significantly reduced level;
recommended when charging lower capacity batteries with a high current charger.
l) Recovery function
The Blue Smart Charger range will attempt to recharge a severely discharged battery (even
down to 0V) with low current and then resume normal charging once the battery voltage has risen
sufficiently - many other chargers will not recognise a battery in this state.
m) Power supply mode
A specific mode to use the charger as a DC power supply; to power equipment at a constant
voltage with or without a battery connected.
3. Operation
3.1 Multi-stage charge algorithm
The Victron Blue Smart Charger range are intelligent multi-stage battery chargers, specifically
engineered to optimise each recharge cycle and charge maintenance over extended periods.
The multi-stage charge algorithm includes the individual charge stages described below:
1. Test/Charge
Before the charge cycle commences the battery is tested to determine if it will accept charge,
even if the battery is fully discharged (close to 0V open circuit voltage) it may successfully accept
The TEST LED will continue to blink until a charge pulse is able to increase the battery voltage
above 12.5V (25.0V for 24V chargers) or 2 minutes have elapsed.
If there is a clear issue such as reverse polarity connection, a short circuit or if a 12V charger is
connected to a 24V battery, the battery will be rejected, and all charge status LEDs will blink; in
this case the charger should be immediately disconnected.
If the test phase persists for an extended period and the battery casing becomes unusually hot
(after moving into bulk stage), its likely that the battery is damaged and has an developed an
internal short circuit; in this case the charger should also be immediately disconnected.
If a load is simultaneously connected while attempting to test and charge a deeply discharged
battery a false rejection may occur; in this case all loads should be disconnected, and the test
stage repeated.
2. Bulk
The battery is charged at maximum charge current until the voltage increases to the configured
absorption voltage.
The bulk stage duration is dependent on the battery’s level of discharge, the battery capacity and
the charge current.
Once the bulk stage is complete, the battery will be approximately 80% charged (or >95% for Li-
ion batteries) and may be returned into service if required.
3. Absorption
The battery is charged at the configured absorption voltage, with the charge current slowly
decreasing as the battery approaches full charge.
The absorption stage duration is adaptive and intelligently varied depending on the battery’s level
of discharge this is determined from the duration of the bulk charge stage.
The absorption stage duration can vary between a minimum of 30 minutes, up to a maximum
limit of 8 hours (or as configured) for a deeply discharged battery.
4. Recondition
The battery is charged at low current until the voltage increases to the configured recondition
Recondition is an optional charge stage for lead acid batteries and not recommended for
regular/cyclic use - use only if required, as unnecessary or overuse will reduce battery life due to
excessive gassing.
The higher charge voltage during recondition stage can partially recover/reverse battery
degradation due to sulfation, typically caused by inadequate charging or if the battery is left in a
deeply discharged state for an extended period (if performed in time).
The recondition stage may also be applied to flooded batteries occasionally to equalise individual
cell voltages and prevent acid stratification.
During recondition stage the charge current is limited to 8% of the nominal charge current, (for
example - 1.2A for a 15A charger) and the stage is terminated as soon as the battery voltage
increases to the configured recondition voltage or after a maximum duration of 1 hour (or as
5. Float
The battery voltage is maintained at the configured float voltage to prevent discharge.
Once float stage is commenced the battery is fully charged and ready for use.
The float stage duration is also adaptive and varied between 4 to 8 hours depending on the
duration of the absorption charge stage, at which point the charger determines the battery to be
in storage stage.
6. Storage
The battery voltage is maintained at the configured storage voltage, which is slightly reduced
compared to the float voltage to minimise gassing and extend battery life whilst the battery is
unused and on continuous charge.
7. Refresh
To refresh the battery and prevent slow self-discharge while in storage stage over an extended
period, a 1 hour absorption charge will automatically occur every 7 days (or as configured).
3.2 Temperature compensation
The Victron Blue Smart Charger range will automatically compensate the configured charge voltage
based on ambient temperature (unless disabled or in Li-ion mode).
The optimal charge voltage of a lead acid battery varies inversely with battery temperature;
automatic temperature-based charge voltage compensation avoids the need for special charge
voltage settings in hot or cold environments.
During power up the charger will measure its internal temperature and use that temperature as the
reference for temperature compensation, however the initial temperature measurement is limited to
25°C as it’s unknown if the charger is still warm from earlier operation.
Since the charger generates some heat during operation, the internal temperature measurement is
only used dynamically if the internal temperature measurement is considered reliable; when the
charge current has decreased to a low/negligible level and adequate time has elapsed for the
charger’s temperature to stabilise.
The configured charge voltage is related to a nominal temperature of 25°C and linear temperature
compensation occurs between the limits of 6°C and 50°C based on the default temperature
compensation coefficient of 16.2mV/°C (for 24V chargers multiply the coefficient by 2) or as
The temperature compensation coefficient is specified in mV/°C and applies to the entire
battery/battery bank (not per battery cell).
3.3 Commencing a new charge cycle
A new charge cycle will commence when:
i. Bulk stage is complete and the current output increases to the maximum charge
current for four seconds (due to a simultaneously connected load)
ii. If re-bulk current is configured; the current output exceeds the re-bulk current in float
or storage stage for four seconds (due to a simultaneously connected load)
iii. The MODE button is pressed or a new charge mode is selected
iv. VictronConnect is used to select a new charge mode or change the function from
‘Power Supplyto ‘Charger’ mode
v. The AC supply has been disconnected and reconnected
3.4 Estimating charge time
A lead acid battery is at approximately 80% state of charge (SoC) when the bulk charge
stage is completed.
The bulk stage duration T
can be calculated as T
= Ah / I, where I is the charge
current (excluding any loads) and Ah is the depleted battery capacity below 80% SoC.
An absorption period T
of up to 8 hours may be required to fully recharge a deeply
discharged battery.
For example, the charge time of a fully discharged 100Ah battery when charged with a 10A
charger to approximately 80% SoC is T
= 100/10 = 10 hours.
Including an absorption duration of T
= 8 hours
the total estimated charge time would be
= T
+ T
= 10 + 8 = 18 hours.
A Li-ion battery is more than 95% charged at the end of the bulk stage and reaches 100%
charge after approximately 30 minutes of absorption charge.
4. Setup
4.1 Using the MODE button
There are 3 easily selectable integrated charge modes that are suitable for most common
battery types, as well as an optional recondition stage that can be included (except for Li-
ion mode).
Any settings made are stored and will not be lost when the charger is disconnected from
mains power or the battery.
a) Charge voltage
By simply selecting the appropriate charge mode for the battery type being charged,
(refer to the battery manufacturer’s recommendations) the voltage settings for each
charge stage will be altered according to the table below:
14.4 V
13.8 V
13.2 V
16.2 V
14.7 V
13.8 V
13.2 V
16.5 V
14.2 V
13.5 V
13.5 V
Note: For 24V chargers multiply all voltages by 2.
Charge voltage is also automatically compensated depending on ambient temperature
(except for Li-ion mode) - see section 3.2 ‘Temperature compensation’ for more
The desired charge mode can be selected by briefly pressing the MODE button to
cycle through the charge modes the LED beside the active charge mode (NORMAL /
HIGH / LI-ION) will be illuminated.
b) Recondition mode
If enabled the recondition stage is included in the charge cycle; use only if required as
a corrective/maintenance action - see section 3.1 / 4 ‘Recondition’ for more
If recondition mode is enabled the RECONDITION LED will be illuminated and blink
during recondition stage.
c) Low current mode
If enabled the charge current is continuously limited to a significantly reduced level
(varies per model - refer to specifications) compared to the nominal charge current and
the cooling fan will be disabled for totally silent operation.
Low current mode is recommended when charging lower capacity batteries with a high
current charger, for example some lead acid batteries can overheat if charged with a
current that exceeds 0.3C (more than 30% of the battery capacity in Ah).
To enable low current mode, depress and hold the MODE button for 6 seconds; the
selected mode LED (normal / high / li-ion) will blink once activated.
To disable low current mode, also depress and hold the MODE button for 6 seconds.
4.2 Using VictronConnect
With the Blue Smart Charger range, selection of an integrated charge mode and other
general settings can also be made with a Bluetooth enabled device (such as a mobile phone
or tablet); using the VictronConnect app.
For further details about the VictonConnect app refer to the online user manual:
To setup the charger using VictronConnect:
i. Download and install the VictronConnect app.
The VictronConnect app can be downloaded from the following locations:
Android Google Play Store
iOS/Mac Apple App Store
ii. Enable Bluetooth on the mobile phone or tablet (if not already enabled).
iii. Open the VictronConnect app and look for the Blue Smart Charger in the LOCAL page,
if it doesn’t automatically appear perform a scan for devices in range by selecting the
‘scan’ button (round orange button with circular arrow) in the bottom right corner.
iv. Select the Blue Smart Charger from the local device list.
v. During initial connection a ‘Bluetooth pairing request’ prompt will appear requesting the
Bluetooth PIN code; enter the default PIN code 000000.
vi. Access the settings menu by selecting the ‘setting’ icon (gear) in the top right corner.
vii. Select Select the required 'charge preset', the 'maximum charge current' (standard or low)
and if desired enable ‘night mode’ directly from the settings list.
viii. The indicator LEDs on the Blue Smart Charger will be illuminated to confirm the active
charge mode and settings implemented.
4.3 Bluetooth
a) Changing the PIN code
To prevent an unauthorised Bluetooth connection, it is highly recommended to change the
default PIN code.
To change the Bluetooth PIN code:
i. Complete initial Bluetooth pairing and connection using the default PIN code
ii. Access the ‘device options’ by selecting the 'settings' icon (gear) in the top right
corner, then the 'device options' icon (three vertical dots).
iii. Open the 'Product info' page by selecting 'Product info’.
iv. Beside ‘PIN code’ select ‘CHANGE’ to open the ‘Change PIN code’ window.
v. Enter the current and new PIN code (twice), then select OK; avoid using an obvious PIN
code that is easy for someone else to guess, such as 111111 or 123456.
b) Resetting the PIN code
If the PIN code is forgotten or lost, it can be easily reset to the default 000000 using the
VictronConnect app or the MODE button on the charger.
Using the MODE button
To reset the Bluetooth PIN code:
i. Depress and hold the MODE button (on the Blue Smart Charger) for 10 seconds.
ii. After 10 seconds have elapsed all blue LEDs will blink twice to indicate that the PIN
code has been reset.
During this procedure:
i. The PIN code is rest to default (000000)
ii. Any active Bluetooth connections are disconnected
iii. All Bluetooth pairing information is cleared
Subsequently, before attempting to re-connect it’s also necessary to remove/clear the Blue
Smart Charger Bluetooth pairing information from any devices (mobile phones or tablets)
that were previously paired.
c) Disabling Bluetooth
It is possible to totally disable Bluetooth communication if desired.
Typically, there is no need to disable Bluetooth since unauthorised access is protected with
a PIN code, but certain situations may warrant it for an even higher level of security.
To disable Bluetooth:
i. Complete initial Bluetooth pairing and connection using the default PIN code
(000000) or the current PIN code set.
ii. Access the ‘device options’ by selecting the 'settings' icon (gear) in the top right
corner, then the 'device options' icon (three vertical dots).
iii. Open the 'Product info' page by selecting 'Product info’.
iv. Beside 'Bluetooth Enabled' select 'DISABLE' to open the 'Disable Bluetooth' window.
v. Select ‘OK’ as confirmation.
d) Re-enabling Bluetooth
It is possible to re-enable Bluetooth using the MODE button.
To re-enable Bluetooth:
i. Depress and hold the MODE button (on the Blue Smart Charger) for 10 seconds.
ii. After 10 seconds have elapsed all blue LEDs will blink twice to indicate that
Bluetooth has been re-enabled, and all Bluetooth settings reset.
During this procedure:
i. Bluetooth is re-enabled
ii. The PIN code is rest to default (000000)
iii. Any active Bluetooth connections are disconnected
iv. All Bluetooth pairing information is cleared
Subsequently, before attempting to re-connect it’s also necessary to remove/clear the Blue
Smart Charger Bluetooth pairing information from any devices (mobile phones or tablets)
that were previously paired.
4.4 System reset
It is possible to perform a full system reset to restore all charger/battery related settings to
their default value; using the VictronConnect app.
Note that this does not reset any Bluetooth related settings, such as the PIN code or
pairing information.
To perform a system reset:
i. Access the ‘device options’ by selecting the 'settings' icon (gear) in the top right corner,
then the 'device options' icon (three vertical dots).
ii. Open the 'restore device' page by selecting 'Reset to defaults’.
iii. Select ‘YES’ to reset all settings to factory defaults.
5. Monitoring (Using VictronConnect)
The charger operation and recharge statistics can be closely monitored live or post
charging with a Bluetooth enabled device (such as a mobile phone or tablet) using the
VictronConnect app.
There are 3 different overview screens available (STATUS, GRAPH and HISTORY), each
displaying different monitoring or historical data; spanning back over the last 40 charge
The desired screen can be selected by either selecting the window title or by swiping
across between screens.
5.1 Status screen
The STATUS screen is the main overview screen; it displays the battery voltage, the
charge current and the active charge stage.
This data will update continuously and in real time as the charge cycle progresses.
5.2 Graph screen
The GRAPH screen provides an easy to understand graphical representation of each
charge stage with respect to battery voltage and charge current.
The active charge stage is also highlighted and stated below, along with a brief
5.3 History screen
The HISTORY screen is a very powerful reference as it contains historical usage data over
the charger’s lifetime and detailed statistics for the last 40 charge cycles (even if the charge
cycle is only partially completed).
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Victron energy Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12/15 Manuale del proprietario

Manuale del proprietario