international and domestic airspace regulations, and all terms, precautions,
practices, policies and guidelines DJI
has made and may make available.
DJI accepts no liability for damage, injury or any legal responsibility incurred
directly or indirectly from the use of this product. The user shall observe
safe and lawful practices including, but not limited to, those set forth in
these Safety Guidelines.
Data Storage and Usage
When you use our mobile app or our products or other software, data
regarding the use and operation of the product, such as ight telemetry
data (e.g., speed, altitude, battery life, and information about the gimbal
and camera) and operations records, may be automatically or manually
uploaded to and maintained on a DJI-designated server. The internal
storage device incorporated into the product stores various types of data,
including ight telemetry data. You may also provide ight telemetry data
and other data to us when you manually transmit that information from the
internal storage device to us.
When you use the aircraft, ight telemetry data and operations records,
including still and motion imagery data from one or more sensors in
the aircraft, may be automatically generated and stored on the internal
storage device. You may also provide ight telemetry data, operations
records, and other data to us when you manually transmit that information
from the internal storage device, or when you provide the internal storage
device, to us.
The information that is automatically uploaded or manually uploaded to us
does not include personal data (i.e., your name, address, email, or other
information that specically identies you), but personal data, such as your
user name, may become associated with, used to identify, or tagged to
such uploaded information when we store it. We separately describe how
we use your user name and other personal data on our privacy policy at
http://www.dji.com/policy. By using the product, the mobile app or other
software we distribute, or by manually providing data to us, you consent to
the following:
• Our storage of any ight telemetry data and other data uploaded or
provided to us, including in combination with your user name;
• Our use of any such data uploaded or provided (including your user
name) in connection providing support and services to you and to
improve our products;