IEI Integration PUZZLE-9030 Manuale utente

  • Ciao, sono l'assistente AI. Ho letto il manuale utente di Appliance di rete PUZZLE 9030 e sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande su questo dispositivo. Il documento contiene informazioni dettagliate sull'installazione, le caratteristiche tecniche e le precauzioni di sicurezza. Puoi chiedermi qualsiasi cosa!
  • Quali tipi di memoria supporta il PUZZLE-9030?
    Quanti slot di memoria DIMM sono disponibili sul PUZZLE-9030?
    Quali interfacce di storage sono disponibili nel PUZZLE-9030?
    Quanti slot PCIe sono disponibili nel PUZZLE-9030?
    Quale tipo di alimentazione utilizza il PUZZLE-9030?
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User Manual
1U Network Appliance with AMD® EPYC™ Milan 7543 Processors,
Up to 4TB DDR4, M.2 NVMe, U.2 NVMe, Gen-Z 4C+ Interfaces,
Redundant 1300W PSU, Rack Mount, and RoHS Compliant
Rev. 1.00 September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023
Initial release
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The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice in order to
improve reliability, design and function and does not represent a commitment on the part
of the manufacturer.
In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or
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documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright. All rights are
reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced by any mechanical, electronic, or
other means in any form without prior written permission of the manufacturer.
All registered trademarks and product names mentioned herein are used for identification
purposes only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective
Manual Conventions
Warnings appear where overlooked details may cause damage to the
equipment or result in personal injury. Warnings should be taken
Cautionary messages should be heeded to help reduce the chance of
losing data or damaging the product.
These messages inform the reader of essential but non-critical
information. These messages should be read carefully as any directions
or instructions contained therein can help avoid making mistakes.
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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 10
1.1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................. 11
1.2 FEATURES ................................................................................................................. 12
1.3 FRONT PANEL........................................................................................................... 12
1.4 REAR PANEL ............................................................................................................ 13
1.5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................... 14
1.6 DIMENSIONS ............................................................................................................. 16
2 UNPACKING ............................................................................................................... 17
2.1 ANTI-STATIC PRECAUTIONS ...................................................................................... 18
2.2 UNPACKING PRECAUTIONS ....................................................................................... 18
2.3 PACKING LIST .......................................................................................................... 19
2.4 OPTIONAL ITEMS ...................................................................................................... 19
3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 21
3.1 INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS ................................................................................... 22
3.2 TOP COVER REMOVAL .............................................................................................. 23
3.3 DIMM INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 24
3.4 HDD/SSD INSTALLATION ........................................................................................ 25
3.4.1 3.5" SATA HDD/SSD ........................................................................................ 25
3.4.2 2.5" U.2 SSD .................................................................................................... 27
3.5 PCIE EXPANSION CARD INSTALLATION .................................................................... 29
3.6 IEI NETWORKING MODULE INSTALLATION .............................................................. 31
3.7 M.2 MODULE INSTALLATION .................................................................................... 33
3.8 LAN CONNECTION ................................................................................................... 34
3.9 CONSOLE CONNECTION ............................................................................................ 35
3.9.1 Enable Console Port When Booting ................................................................ 35
3.10 POWER-ON PROCEDURE ......................................................................................... 38
3.11 AVAILABLE DRIVERS .............................................................................................. 39
3.11.1 Driver Download ............................................................................................ 40
3.12 MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................... 41
3.12.1 Power Supply Unit Replacement ................................................................... 42
3.12.2 Fan Module Replacement .............................................................................. 43
3.12.3 Jumper Settings .............................................................................................. 44 Clear CMOS ............................................................................................ 44
4 INTERFACE CONNECTORS ................................................................................... 45
4.1 PERIPHERAL INTERFACE CONNECTORS ..................................................................... 46
4.2 INTERNAL PERIPHERAL CONNECTORS ...................................................................... 46
4.2.1 BMC Debug Connector (DB1) ......................................................................... 47
4.2.2 BMC Programming Connectors (J_BMC1) .................................................... 48
4.2.3 CPLD Programming Connector (J_CPLD1) .................................................. 48
4.2.4 Debug Port Connector (DBG_PORT1) ........................................................... 48
4.2.5 EC Debug Connector (EC_DBG1) .................................................................. 49
4.2.6 Fan Board Power Connector (FAN_PWR1) .................................................... 49
4.2.7 Fan Board Connector (FAN1) .......................................................................... 50
4.2.8 I/O Board Connectors (IO1, IO2) .................................................................... 50
4.2.9 Power Button Connector (PWR_BTN1) .......................................................... 52
4.2.10 Power Input Connector (PSU1, PSU2) ......................................................... 52
4.2.11 Reset Button Connector (RST_BTN1) ............................................................ 53
4.2.12 SATA Power Connector (SATA_PWR1, SATA_PWR2) .................................. 53
4.2.13 SPI Flash Connector (J_SPI1) ....................................................................... 54
4.2.14 SPI Flash Connector - EC (J_EC1) ............................................................... 54
4.2.15 TPM Connector (TPM1) ................................................................................ 55
4.2.16 USB 2.0 Connector (JUSB1) .......................................................................... 55
4.2.17 Networking Module Gen-Z 4C+ Slots (PCIE3, PCIE4, PCIE5, PCIE6) ...... 56
4.2.18 PCIe Riser Card Slot (PCIE1) ....................................................................... 58
A REGULATORY COMPLIANCE .............................................................................. 63
B SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ......................................................................................... 68
B.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ............................................................................................. 69
B.1.1 General Safety Precautions ............................................................................. 69
B.1.2 Anti-static Precautions .................................................................................... 70
B.1.3 Product Disposal ............................................................................................. 71
B.2 MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING PRECAUTIONS ........................................................ 72
B.2.1 Maintenance and Cleaning .............................................................................. 72
Page 7
B.2.2 Cleaning Tools ................................................................................................. 72
C ERROR BEEP CODE ................................................................................................ 73
C.1 PEI BEEP CODES ..................................................................................................... 74
C.2 DXE BEEP CODES ................................................................................................... 74
D HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ......................................................... 75
D.1 ROHS II DIRECTIVE (2015/863/EU) ....................................................................... 76
D.2 CHINA ROHS ........................................................................................................... 77
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: PUZZLE-9030 Series ................................................................................................. 11
Figure 1-2: PUZZLE-9030 Front Panel ........................................................................................ 12
Figure 1-3: PUZZLE-9030 Rear Panel ......................................................................................... 13
Figure 1-4: Physical Dimensions (millimeters) .......................................................................... 16
Figure 3-1: Top Cover Removal .................................................................................................. 23
Figure 3-2: DIMM Slot Locations ................................................................................................. 24
Figure 3-3: HDD Bracket Retention Screws ............................................................................... 25
Figure 3-4: Secure HDD to the Bracket ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 3-5: HDD Installation ........................................................................................................ 26
Figure 3-6: 3.5" HDD Bracket Retention Screws ....................................................................... 27
Figure 3-7: 2.5" SSD Bracket Retention Screws ....................................................................... 27
Figure 3-8: Secure SSD to the Bracket ....................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-9: SSD Installation ......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-10: Riser Card Module Retention Screws ................................................................... 29
Figure 3-11: Blank Bracket Screw ............................................................................................... 29
Figure 3-12: PCIe Expansion Card Installation .......................................................................... 30
Figure 3-13: Riser Card Module Installation .............................................................................. 30
Figure 3-14: Networking Module Slot Cover Removal .............................................................. 31
Figure 3-15: Inserting Networking Module ................................................................................. 32
Figure 3-16: Securing Networking Module ................................................................................ 32
Figure 3-17: RJ-45 Ethernet Connector ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 3-18: Power-on .................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 3-19: IEI Resource Download Center .............................................................................. 39
Figure 3-20: Clear CMOS Button Location ................................................................................. 44
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List of Tables
Table 1-1: Technical Specifications ............................................................................................ 15
Table 3-1: LAN Pinouts ................................................................................................................ 34
Table 3-2: RJ-45 Ethernet Connector LEDs ............................................................................... 34
Table 3-3: RJ-45 Serial Port Pinouts ........................................................................................... 35
Table 1-6: Clear BIOS Jumper Settings ...................................................................................... 44
Table 4-1: Peripheral Interface Connectors ............................................................................... 47
Table 4-2: BMC Debug Connector (DB1) Pinouts ..................................................................... 47
Table 4-3: BMC Programming Connector (J_BMC1) Pinouts .................................................. 48
Table 4-4: CPLD Programming Connector (J_CPLD1) Pinouts ............................................... 48
Table 4-5: Debug Port Connector (DBG_PORT1) Pinouts ........................................................ 49
Table 4-6: EC Debug Connector (EC_DBG1) Pinouts ............................................................... 49
Table 4-7: Fan Board Power Connector (FAN_PWR1) Pinouts ............................................... 49
Table 4-8: Fan Board Connector (FAN1) Pinouts ...................................................................... 50
Table 4-9: I/O Board Connectors (IO1) Pinouts ......................................................................... 51
Table 4-10: I/O Board Connectors (IO2) Pinouts ....................................................................... 52
Table 4-11: Power Button Connector (PWR_BTN1) Pinouts .................................................... 52
Table 4-12: Power Input Connector (PSU1, PSU2) Pinouts...................................................... 53
Table 4-13: Reset Button Connector (RST_BTN1) Pinouts ...................................................... 53
Table 4-14: SATA Power Connector Pinouts ............................................................................. 53
Table 4-15: SPI Flash Connector (J_SPI1) Pinouts ................................................................... 54
Table 4-16: SPI Flash Connector - EC (J_EC1) Pinouts ............................................................ 54
Table 4-17: TPM Connector (TPM1) Pinouts .............................................................................. 55
Table 4-18: USB 2.0 Connector (JUSB1) Pinouts ...................................................................... 55
Table 4-19: Networking Module Gen-Z 4C+ Slot Pinouts ......................................................... 58
Table 4-20: PCIe Riser Card Slot (PCIE1) Pinouts ..................................................................... 62
1 Introduction
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1.1 Overview
Figure 1-1: PUZZLE-9030 Series
The PUZZLE-9030 is a 1U network appliance series powered by two AMD® EPYC™
Milan 7543 processors, which is made for cybersecurity vendors that require faster CPU
performance to accelerate SD-WAN architecture, and secure access service edge (SASE)
solutions. It is also capable of supporting4TB system memory.
The PUZZLE-9030 supports four IEI network modules through Gen-Z 4C+ interfaces to
improve HPC, cloud and enterprise workload performance. In addition, it is equipped with
two PCIe Gen4 x16 slots for upgrading with expansion cards, such as NIC cards or
accelerator cards. Multiple storage interfaces for fast and stable data transmission are
offered, including two M.2 M key 2280 slots, two SATA 6Gb/s connectors for 3.5" HDD or
two U.2 connectors for 2.5" U.2 NVMe SSD.
This equipment is not suitable for use in locations where children are
likely to be present.
1.2 Features
The PUZZLE-9030 features are listed below:
Powered by two AMD® EPYC™ Milan 7543 processors
Support 16 DDR4 3200 MHz ECC & register RDIMM/LRDIMM (system max.
4 TB)
Support multiple storage options, including M.2 NVMe SSD, U.2 NVMe SSD
and 2.5" SATA 6Gb/s SSD
Equipped four Gen-Z 4C+ connectors, supporting IEI PulM-100G2SF-CX6
network interface cards
Upgradable with future expansion cards by two PCIe Gen4 slots
One RJ-45 console port
Dual 1300W redundant power supply, 80+ platinum
Six hot-swappable fan modules
1U chassis for rack mounting
CE, FCC and RoHS compliant
1.3 Front Panel
The overview of the front panel is shown in Figure 1-2691H691H.
Figure 1-2: PUZZLE-9030 Front Panel
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1.4 Rear Panel
An overview of the PUZZLE-9030’s rear panel is shown in 691H691Figure 1-3H below. The rear
panel also contains several LED indicators:
Fan module LED
Status LED (green)
Power LED (green)
Alert LED (red)
Figure 1-3: PUZZLE-9030 Rear Panel
1.5 Technical Specifications
The PUZZLE-9030 technical specifications are listed in Table 1-1.
Form Factor
2 x AMD® EPYC™ Milan 7543
Integrated in CPU
Technology: ECC & Register DDR4 3200 MHz memory, up to
256GB per DIMM
Capacity: RDIMM/LRDIMM, up to 4TB
Socket: 16 x 288-pin DIMM (8 DIMM/CPU), eight channels
1 x AST2620 (RTL8211E)
Ethernet port: 1 x GbE RJ-45 via Intel® I211
Network module slot: 4 x Optional PulM-100G2SF-CX6 (Gen-Z
4C+, PCIe Gen4 x16, dual QSFP28, 1/10/25/40/50/100 Gb/s)
2 x M.2 M key 2280 (PCIe Gen4 x4)
2 x U.2 (PCIe Gen4 x4) or 2 x SATA 6Gb/s - (colay design)
2 x PCIe Gen4 x16 slot (FHHL)
I/O and Indicators
1 x RJ-45
2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5 Gb/s) port (external)
Power LED (green)
Status LED (green)
Alert LED (red)
Fan module LED (green)
PSU LED (green)
1 x Reset button
1 x TPM 2.0 (2x10 pin header)
Power Input
AC power inlet on PSU AC 100V ~ 240V @47~63Hz
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90 ~ 132VAC @900W
100 ~ 132VAC @1000W
110 ~ 132VAC @1100W
180 ~ 264VAC @1300W
Processor Cooling
2 x CPU heatsink
System Cooling
6 x Individual hot-swappable cooling fans
Environmental and Mechanical
1U rack mount
Operating Temperature
0C~40C (32F~104F)
Storage Temperature
-10°C~50°C (14°F~122°F)
Operating Humidity
5%~90%, non-condensing
14.80 kg
Physical Dimensions
438 mm x 670 mm x 44.2 mm (W x D x H)
Operating System
Linux (CentOS, Red Hat, Ubuntu, etc.)
Table 1-1: Technical Specifications
1.6 Dimensions
The physical dimensions are shown below:
Figure 1-4: Physical Dimensions (millimeters)
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2 Unpacking
2.1 Anti-static Precautions
Failure to take ESD precautions during installation may result in
permanent damage to the PUZZLE-9030 and severe injury to the user.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can cause serious damage to electronic components,
including the PUZZLE-9030. Dry climates are especially susceptible to ESD. It is therefore
critical that whenever the PUZZLE-9030 or any other electrical component is handled, the
following anti-static precautions are strictly adhered to.
Wear an anti-static wristband: Wearing a simple anti-static wristband can
help to prevent ESD from damaging the board.
Self-grounding: Before handling the board, touch any grounded conducting
material. During the time the board is handled, frequently touch any
conducting materials that are connected to the ground.
Use an anti-static pad: When configuring the PUZZLE-9030, place it on an
anti-static pad. This reduces the possibility of ESD damaging the
2.2 Unpacking Precautions
When the PUZZLE-9030 is unpacked, please do the following:
Follow the anti-static precautions outlined in Section 2.1.
Make sure the packing box is facing upwards so the PUZZLE-9030 does not
fall out of the box.
Make sure all the components shown in Section 2.3 are present.
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2.3 Packing List
If some of the components listed in the checklist below are missing,
please do not proceed with the installation. Contact the IEI reseller or
vendor you purchased the PUZZLE-9030 from or contact an IEI sales
representative directly. To contact an IEI sales representative, please
send an email to
The PUZZLE-9030 is shipped with the following components:
Power cord
USB to console cable
2.4 Optional Items
The following table lists the optional items that can be purchased separately.
Optional Item
Sliding rails
(P/N: 45009-0019C0-00-RS)
Optional Item
USB to console cable
(P/N: 32013-004000-100-RS)
RS-232 to console cable
(P/N: 32005-005100-100-RS)