Key Automation TURBO 160 Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

Gate Opener
Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

Questo manuale è adatto anche per

Motoriduttori per scorrevoli
Gear-motor for sliding gates
Motoreducteur pour coulissants
Motorreductores para rejas correderas
Getriebe für Schiebegitter
Motorredutores para portões de correr
Napęd silnikowy do bram przesuwnych
50 - 80 - 120 -160
Istruzioni ed avvertenze per l’installazione e l’uso
Instructions and warnings for installation and use
Instrucciones y advertencias para su instalación y uso
Anleitungen und Hinweise zu Installation und Einsatz
Instruções e advertências para a instalação e utilização
Instructions et avertissements pour l’installation et l’usage
ISO 9001:2008
ID 9105043769
Safety warnings
Product overview
Product description
Set panel and technical characteristics
Preliminary checks
Installing the product
Manual running
Rack assembling
Limit switch xing
Testing and commissioning
Instructions and warnings for the
end user
EC Declaration of Conformity
pag. 11
pag. 12
pag. 12
pag. 12
pag. 14
pag. 14
pag. 14
pag. 14
pag. 15
pag. 15
pag. 16
pag. 16
pag. 16
pag. 16
pag. 17
structions. Compliance with the safety instructions below is
important for personal safety. Save these instructions.
Read the instructions carefully before proceeding with installation.
The design and manufacture of the devices making up the
product and the information in this manual are compliant with
current safety standards. However, incorrect installation or
programming may cause serious injury to those working on or
using the system. Compliance with the instructions provided
here when installing the product is therefore extremely impor-
If in any doubt regarding installation, do not proceed and contact the
Key Automation Technical Service for clarications.
Under European legislation, an automatic door or gate system
must comply with the standards envisaged in the Directive
2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive) and in particular standards
EN 12445; EN 12453; EN 12635 and EN 13241-1, which enable
declaration of presumed conformity of the automation system.
Therefore, nal connection of the automation system to the electri-
cal mains, system testing, commissioning and routine maintenance
must be performed by skilled, qualied personnel, in observance of
the instructions in the “Testing and commissioning the automation
system” section.
The aforesaid personnel are also responsible for the tests required
to verify the solutions adopted according to the risks present, and
for ensuring observance of all legal provisions, standards and regu-
lations, with particular reference to all requirements of the EN 12445
standard which establishes the test methods for testing door and
gate automation systems.
WARNING - Before starting installation, perform the following
checks and assessments:
ensure that every device used to set up the automation system is
suited to the intended system overall. For this purpose, pay special
attention to the data provided in the “Technical specications” sec-
tion. Do not proceed with installation if any one of these devices is
not suitable for its intended purpose;
check that the devices purchased are sufcient to guarantee system
safety and functionality;
perform a risk assessment, including a list of the essential safety
requirements as envisaged in Annex I of the Machinery Directive,
specifying the solutions adopted. The risk assessment is one of the
documents included in the automation system’s technical le. This
must be compiled by a professional installer.
Considering the risk situations that may arise during instal-
lation phases and use of the product, the automation system
must be installed in compliance with the following safety pre-
never make modications to any part of the automation system
other than those specied in this manual. Operations of this type
can only lead to malfunctions. The manufacturer declines all liability
for damage caused by unauthorised modications to products;
if the power cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufac-
turer or its after-sales service, or in all cases by a person with similar
qualications, to prevent all risks;
do not allow parts of the automation system to be immersed in water
or other liquids. During installation ensure that no liquids are able to
enter the various devices;
should this occur, disconnect the power supply immediately and
contact a Key Automation Service Centre. Use of the automation
system in these conditions may cause hazards;
never place automation system components near to sources of heat
or expose them to naked lights. This may damage system compo-
nents and cause malfunctions, re or hazards;
all operations requiring opening of the protective housings of va-
rious automation system components must be performed with the
control unit disconnected from the power supply. If the disconnect
device is not in a visible location, afx a notice stating: “MAINTE-
connect all devices to an electric power line equipped with an
earthing system;
the product cannot be considered to provide effective protection
against intrusion. If effective protection is required, the automation
system must be combined with other devices;
the product may not be used until the automation system “commis-
sioning” procedure has been performed as specied in the “Auto-
mation system testing and commissioning” section;
the system power supply line must include a circuit breaker device
with a contact gap allowing complete disconnection in the condi-
tions specied by class III overvoltage;
use unions with IP55 or higher protection when connecting hoses,
pipes or cable glands;
the electrical system upstream of the automation system must com-
ply with the relevant regulations and be constructed to good wor-
kmanship standards;
users are advised to install an emergency stop button close to the
automation system (connected to the control PCB STOP input) to
allow the door to be stopped immediately in case of danger;
this device is not intended for use by persons (including children)
with impaired physical, sensory or mental capacities, or with lack
of experience or skill, unless a person responsible for their safety
provides surveillance or instruction in use of the device;
before starting the automation system, ensure that there is no-one
in the immediate vicinity;
before proceeding with any cleaning or maintenance work on the
automation system, disconnect it from the electrical mains;
special care must be taken to avoid crushing between the part ope-
rated by the automation system and any xed parts around it;
children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
WARNING - The automation system component packaging ma-
terial must be disposed of in full observance of current local
waste disposal legislation.
WARNING - The data and information in this manual are subject
to modication at any time, with no obligation on the part of
Key Automation S.r.l. to provide notice.
2.1 - Product description
2.2 - Set panel and and technical characteristics
Irreversible electromechanical gearmotor for sliding gates operating at 24 Vdc and 230 Vac.
1 Post for photocells
2 Automation electromechanical
3 Photocell detectors
4 Flashing light
5 Key switch
6 Radio transmitter
1 1
* Variable data according to gate weight
Model SC-40 SC52
Speed* cm/s 16 16
Torque Nm 16 16
Working cycle % 30 30
Control unit - CT102
Power Vac (Vdc) 230 230
Motor consumption A 1,3 1,3
Consumption power W 300 300
Capacitor µF 12,5 12
Thermoprotection °C 150 150
Protection degree IP 44 44
dimension (L - P- H) mm 320 - 184 - 260 320 - 184 - 260
Weight kg 12 12,5
Working temperature °C -20 +55 -20 +55
Max gate weight kg 500 800
Model SC-70 SC122 SC11224
Speed* cm/s 16 16 23
Torque Nm 40 40 50
Working cycle % 30 30 80
Control unit - CT102 CT10224
Power Vac (Vdc) 230 230 230 (24)
Motor consumption A 2,6 2,6 2,3
Consumption power W 600 600 450
Capacitor µF 20 20 -
Thermoprotection °C 150 150 -
Protection degree IP 44 44 44
dimension (L - P- H) mm 320 - 184 - 260 320 - 184 - 260 320 - 184 - 260
Weight kg 13,5 13,5 11
Working temperature °C -20 +55 -20 +55 -20 +55
Max gate weight kg 1200 1200 1100
Model SC-50 SC82 SC7224
Speed* cm/s 16 16 30
Torque Nm 29 29 34
Working cycle % 30 30 80
Control unit - CT102 CT10224
Power Vac (Vdc) 230 230 230 (24)
Motor consumption A 1,9 1,9 2,5
Consumption power W 450 450 500
Capacitor µF 16 16 -
Thermoprotection °C 150 150 -
Protection degree IP 44 44 44
dimension (L - P- H) mm 320 - 184 - 260 320 - 184 - 260 320 - 184 - 260
Weight kg 12,5 12,5 11
Working temperature °C -20 +55 -20 +55 -20 +55
Max gate weight kg 800 800 700
Model SC-100 SC162
Speed* cm/s 16 16
Torque Nm 40 40
Working cycle % 30 30
Control unit - CT102
Power Vac (Vdc) 230 230
Motor consumption A 3 3
Consumption power W 700 700
Capacitor µF 20 20
Thermoprotection °C 150 150
Protection degree IP 44 44
dimension (L - P- H) mm 320 - 184 - 260 320 - 184 - 260
Weight kg 14,5 14,5
Working temperature °C -20 +55 -20 +55
Max gate weight kg 1600 1600
4.1 - Manual running
4.2 - Installing
Before the installation starts, we suggest to carry out following
inspections and operations:
the gate framework must be strong and suitable;
the gate must not show too many sideways slide skids during the
the system of wheels/lower rail and roller/upper runner must work
without too many frictions;
to avoid the gate derailment you must install the stop beats of the
sliding, whether at the opening or closing, and a second upper
roller/runner in full observance of the current law;
remove any manual lock in the beforehand gates;
take on the gate bottom the feed raceway of the feeding cables
(Ø25-50mm) and of external connection (photocell, ash-light, key
selector, etc...).
Insert the key and turn it 90° in anticlockwise direction.
Respecting the overall size, x to ground the base-plate through
4 sturdy screw-anchors (g.3) or drown it into the concrete (g.4).
N.B. The exact dimensions of the rack must be known to allow precise calculation of the counterplate position.
Pull the knob till it is perpendicular to the gearmotor.
Plan for one or more sheathing for the passage of the power lines.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
N.B. Take care to re-engage the gearmotor before starting it up. Engaging with the motor running may damage its internal components.
4.4 - Rack assembling
Take the lid off unscrewing the screws (g.5). Put the gearmotor on
the plate. Insert the two socket head screws (g.6).
It is important to lock the two socket head screws forcefully, making
sure, that the gearmotor is steady on the ground, during the whole
gate running.
Release the gearmotor as indicated by the g.2 and open entirely
the gate.
Put a rack element on the pinion gear and fasten it to the gate with
screw and spacing bars.
Move the gate manually bringing the pinion gear into line with the
last spacing bar.
Fasten the rack element for good.
If the regulating allowed by the rack is not sufcient, it is possible to
counterbalance the gearmotor high working on the four screws
The screws should be tightened again after the motor has been
operated a few times.
For a correct positioning of the other elements and to assure their
straightness, it is necessary to employ a rack element using it as
support and reference (g.9).
It is besides necessary to assure an aperture of 2 mm between
rack and pinion gear, so that the gate weight doesn’t rest on the
gearmotor pinion gear (g.8).
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
4.3 - Fixing
Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7
4.5 - Limit switch xing
The gate has to be equipped with stop locks at the opening and
closing, which prevent the gate derailment.
The stop lock position must assure that the limit switch brackets
don’t collide with the pinion gear.
Haul the gate manually at the opening leaving, depending on the
gate weight, a crack from 30 to 50 mm between the main gate and
mechanical stop.
Fasten the limit switch bracket through the dowels (g.11) so that
the limit switch is pressed (g.10).
Repeat the operation with the main gate at the closing.
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
5.2 - Commissioning
Once all (and not just some) of the system devices have passed the
testing procedure, the system can be commissioned;
the system’s technical dossier must be produced and kept for
10 years. It must contain the electrical wiring diagram, a drawing
or photograph of the system, the analysis of the risks and the
solutions adopted to deal with them, the manufacturer’s declaration of
conformity for all connected devices, the operator’s manual for
every device and the system maintenance plan;
x a dataplate with the details of the automation, the name of
the person who commissioned it, the serial number and year of
construction and the CE marking on the gate or door;
also t a sign specifying the procedure for releasing the system by
draw up the declaration of conformity, the instructions and
precautions for use for the end user and the system maintenance
plan and consign them to the end user;
ensure that the user has fully understood how to operate the system
in automatic, manual and emergency modes;
the end user must also be informed in writing about any risks and
hazards still present;
WARNING - after detecting an obstacle, the gate or door stops
during its opening travel and automatic closure is disabled; to
restart operation, the user must press the control button or use the
5.1 - Testing
All system components must be tested following the procedures
described in their respective operator’s manuals;
ensure that the recommendations in Chapter 1 - Safety Warnings -
have been complied with;
check that the gate or door is able to move freely once the automation
system has been released and is well balanced, meaning that it will
remain stationery when released in any position;
check that all connected devices (photocells, sensitive edges,
emergency buttons, etc.) are operating correctly by performing gate
or door opening, closing and stop tests using the connected control
devices (transmitters, buttons or switches);
perform the impact measurements as required by the EN12445
standard, adjusting the control unit’s speed, motor force and
deceleration functions if the measurements do not give the required
results, until the correct setting is obtained.
The system must be tested by a qualied technician, who must
perform the tests required by the relevant standards in relation
to the risks present, to check that the installation complies with
the relevant regulatory requirements, especially the EN12445
standard which species the test methods for gate and door automation
Key Automation S.r.l. produces systems for the automation of gates,
garage doors, automatic doors, roller blinds and car-park and road
barriers. However, Key Automation is not the manufacturer of your
complete automation system, which is the outcome of the analysis,
assessment, choice of materials and installation work of your cho-
sen installer. Every automation system is unique, and only your
installer has the experience and skill required to produce a safe,
reliable, durable system tailored to your needs, and above all that
complies with the relevant regulatory standards. Although your au-
tomation system complies with the regulation safety level, this does
not rule out the presence of “residual risk”, meaning the possibility
that hazards may occur, usually due to reckless or even incorrect
use. We would therefore like to give you some advice for the correct
use of the system:
before using the automation system for the rst time, have the
installer explain the potential causes of residual risks to you;
keep the manual for future reference, and pass it on to any new
owner of the automation system;
reckless use and misuse of the automation system may make it
dangerous: do not operate the automation system with people, ani-
mal or objects within its range of action;
• a properly designed automation system has a high level of safety,
since its sensor systems prevent it from moving with people or ob-
stacles present so that its operation is always predictable and safe.
However, as a precaution children should not be allowed to play clo-
se to the automation system, and to prevent involuntary activation,
remote controls must not be left within their reach;
as soon as any system malfunction is noticed, disconnect the
electricity supply and perform the manual release procedure. Never
attempt repairs on your own; call in your installation engineer. In
the meantime the door or gate can be operated without automation
once the geared motor has been released using the release key
supplied with the system. In the event of safety devices out of ser-
vice arrange for repairs to the automation immediately;
• in the event of malfunctions or power failures: while waiting for the
engineer to come (or for the power to be restored if your system is
not equipped with buffer batteries), the door or gate can be used just
like any non-automated installation. To do this, the manual release
procedure must be carried out;
• manual release and operation: rst bear in mind that the release
procedure can only be carried out with the door or gate stationery.
Maintenance: Like any machine, your automation system needs
regular periodic maintenance to ensure its long life and total safe-
ty. Arrange a periodic maintenance schedule with your installation
engineer. Key Automation recommends that maintenance checks
should be carried out every six months for normal domestic use, but
this interval may vary depending on the level of use. Any inspection,
maintenance or repair work must only be carried out by qualied
Never modify the automation system or its programming and setup
parameters: this is the responsibility of your installation engineer.
Testing, routine maintenance and any repairs must be recorded by
the person who performs them and the documents must be conser-
ved by the system’s owner.
The only procedures you are capable of, and which you are recom-
mended to perform, are cleaning of the photocell glass and removal
of any leaves or stones that may obstruct the automation system.
To prevent anyone from activating the gate or door, release the au-
tomation system before starting. Clean only with a cloth dipped in
a little water.
At the end of its useful life, the automation system must be disman-
tled by qualied personnel, and the materials must be recycled or
disposed of in compliance with the legislation locally in force.
If after some time your remote control seems to have become less
effective, or stops operating completely, the battery may be at (de-
pending on the level of use, this may take from several months up
to more than a year). You will realise this because the transmission
conrmation light does not come on, or only lights up for a very
short time.
Batteries contain pollutants: do not dispose of them with normal wa-
ste but follow the methods specied by the local regulations.
Thank you for choosing Key Automation S.r.l.; please visit our Inter-
net site for further information.
Key Automation S.r.l. a socio unico
Via A. Volta, 30 Capitale sociale 100.000,00 i.v.
30020 Noventa di Piave (VE) Reg. Imprese di Venezia 03627650264
P.IVA 03627650264 C.F. 03627650264 REA VE 326953
Il sottoscritto Nicola Michelin, Amministratore Delegato dell’azienda
Key Automation srl, Via Alessandro Volta, 30 - 30020 Noventa di Piave (VE) – ITALIA
dichiara che il prodotto tipo:
Motoriduttore elettromeccanico irreversibile per cancelli scorrevoli da 300Kg a 2500Kg
900SC7224, 900SC11224
900SC-40, 900SC-50, 900SC-70, 900SC-100, 900SC52, 900SC52M, 900SC82, 900SC82M, 900SC122,
900SC122M, 900SC162, 900SC162M, 900SC202MHD, 900SC252M, 900SC256M
E’ conforme a quanto previsto dalle seguenti direttive comunitarie:
Direttiva macchine /
Machinery Directive
Direttiva bassa tensione /
Low voltage Directive
Direttiva compatibilità elettromagnetica /
EMC Directive
Secondo quanto previsto dalle seguenti norme armonizzate:
EN 55014-1 + EN 55014-2
EN 61000-3-2 + EN 61000-3-3
EN 61000-6-1 + EN 61000-6-2 + EN 61000-6-3 + EN 61000-6-4
EN 60335-1:2002 + A11:2004 + A1:2004 + A12:2006 + A2:2006 + A13:2008 + A14:2010 + A15:2011
EN 55022
Dichiara che la documentazione tecnica pertinente al prodotto è stata redatta conformemente a quanto previsto dalla
direttiva 2006/42/CE Allegato VII parte B e verrà fornita a fronte di una richiesta adeguatamente motivata dalle
autorità nazionali.
Declares that the technical documentation is compiled in accordance with the directive 2006/42/EC Annex VII part B
and will be transmitted in response to a reasoned request by the national authorities.
Dichiara altresì che non è consentita la messa in servizio del prodotto finchè la macchina, in cui il prodotto è
incorporato, non sia stata dichiarata conforme alla direttiva 2006/42/CE.
He also declares that is not allowed to use the above mentioned product until the machine, in which this product is
incorporated, has been identified and declared in conformity with the regulation 2006/42/EC.
Noventa di Piave (VE), 14/07/14
Amministratore Delegato
Nicola Michelin
580ISSC-50 REV.06
Key Automation S.r.l.
Via A. Volta 30 - 30020 Noventa di Piave (VE)
T. +39 0421.307.456 - F. +39 0421.656.98
[email protected] -
Instruction version
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Key Automation TURBO 160 Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use

Gate Opener
Instructions And Warnings For Installation And Use
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