Agria 4500 Manuale del proprietario

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- 4500 021 71 cm
- 4500 031 85 cm
Before commissioning the machine, read operating
instructions and observe warnings and safety instructions.
Operating Instructions No.
998 784-A 07.08
Brush CutterBrush Cutter
Brush CutterBrush Cutter
Brush Cutter
4500 Hydro4500 Hydro
4500 Hydro4500 Hydro
4500 Hydro
2 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
Please complete:
Machine Type No.:.......................
ID/Machine No.:
Engine Type:................................
Engine No.:..................................
Date of Purchase:........................
For name plate, refer to
page 3/fig. A/25
For engine type and number, refer
to page
46/fig. B/3
Please state these data when orde-
ring spare parts to avoid wrong deli-
Only use original agria spare parts!
Specifications, figures and dimensi-
ons stated in these instructions are
not binding. No claims can be derived
from them. We reserve the right for
improvements without changing the-
se instructions.
This delivery comprises:
Operating instructions agria
Operating instructions Engine
Bildup mower
Tool kit
Warning – danger
Important Information
Engine Start
Engine Stop
Engine speed
Engine oil level
Transmission oil
Fuel filter
Engage cutter element
Disengage cutter element
Park brake
Closed (locked)
Open (Unlocked)
Tyre air pressure
infinitely linear
- Serviceç= contact
your agria-workshop
Lifting point, fixing point for
recovery, tieing up, towing
Symbols, Name Plate
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 3
Fig. A
28 29
Designation of Parts
7 8
4 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
Fig. A:
1 Handlebar
2 Tool kit
3 Fuel tank
4 Belt guard cover
5 Front frame
6 Locking bolt
7 Front wheel
8 Front tarpaulin guard
9 Mulch housing
10 Rubber cap strips (on either side) on the mulch housing (only vers. 85
11 Rubber cap strip on the gear
12 Drive wheel
13 Lug for lashung down and lifting (on either side)
14 Engine
21 Crank for cutting height adjustment
22 Clamping lever for handlebars height adjustment
23 Handle for handlebars lateral adjustment
24 Mulching drive shifting lever
25 Engine shut-off switch - only version 85 cm (4500 031)
26 - version 71 cm (4500 021) - Speed adjusting lever
- Engine shut-off switch
- version 85 cm (4500 031) - Speed control lever
27 Driving speed lever
28 Steering brake lever left
29 Steering brake lever right
30 Safety circuit lever left and right
31 Name plate, ID/Machine No.
Y Locking lever for driving control
Z Locking lever for park brake
Designation of Parts
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 5
Fuel ............................................ 6
Maintenance and Repair ........... 6
Designation of Parts .... 3, 46
1. Safety Instructions....7-12
2. Specifications
Dimensions .............................. 13
Machine ................................... 14
Petrol Engine ........................... 15
Vibration Acceleration Value.... 15
Noise Levels ...................... 15, 16
Operation on Slopes.......... 15, 16
3. Devices and Operating
Engine...................................... 17
Speed Adjusting Lever ............ 18
Choke....................................... 18
Engine Shut-off Switch ............ 18
Safety Circuit Lever ................. 19
Driving Control ......................... 20
Mulching Drive ......................... 20
Steering Brake ......................... 21
Handlebar ................................ 22
Cutting Height Adjustment....... 23
Front Wheels............................ 23
Fixing/Lifting points................ 23
4. Commissioning and
Commissioning the Machine ... 24
Starting the Engine ........... 25 - 26
Driving...................................... 27
Mowing..................................... 27
Danger Zone............................ 28
Working on Slopes .................. 28
Switching off the Engine .......... 29
5. Maintenance
Engine Oil ................................ 30
Engine Oil Filter ....................... 30
Fuel Filter ................................. 30
Cooling System ....................... 31
Exhaust.................................... 31
Governor .................................. 31
Spark Plug ............................... 31
Hydrostat Gear ........................ 32
Hydrostat Cooling Fan ............. 32
Tarpaulin Guard, Rubber Cap . 32
Adjustments on Levers ............ 33
Safety Circuit ........................... 34
Engine Shut-off Switch ............ 34
Cutter Brake............................. 34
V-Belt ....................................... 35
Chain Guard ............................ 35
Lubrication Points .................... 36
Drive-wheels ............................ 36
Knives ...................................... 37
General Maintenance, Cleaning . 38
Storage .................................... 39
Maintenance Schedule .... 40
Inspection and Maintenance
Chart.................................. 41
6. Troubleshooting.....42 - 43
Electrical Wiring ............... 44
Varnishes, Wear Parts...... 45
Conformity Declaration ... 47
Note fold-out pages!
Fig. A ................................... 3
Fig. B (Engine) .................. 46
6 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
Maintenance and
The trained mechanics of your agria
workshop carry out expert maintenance
and repair.
You should only carry out major mainte-
nance work and repairs on your own, if
you have the proper tools and know-
ledge of machines and internal combu-
stion engines.
Do not hammer against the flywheel with
a hard object or metal tools as it might
crack and shatter in operation causing
injuries and damage. Only use suitable
tools for pulling the flywheel.
Petrol Engine
This petrol engine runs smoothly on
commercial unleaded regular petrol.
Do not add oil to petrol.
If, for environmental reasons, you use
unleaded petrol, make sure the fuel is
drained completely when shutting down
the engine for more than 30 days. This
is to prevent resin residues from depo-
siting in the carburetor, fuel filter, and
tank. Or add a fuel stabilizer.
For further instructions refer to „Engine
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 7
Before starting the engine, read the ope-
rating instructions and note:
This symbol marks all paragraphs in the-
se operating instructions which affect
your safety. Pass all safety instructions
to other users and operators.
Due Use
The brush cutter agria has been desi-
gned for mowing use in farming and fo-
restry for example for grass mainte-
nance (due use).
Any other type of operation is conside-
red undue. The manufacturer is not lia-
ble for any damage resulting from un-
due use, for which the risk lies with the
user alone.
Due use includes compliance with
manufacturer’s instructions on operati-
on, maintenance and repair.
Any unauthorized changes to the tool
carrier render manufacturer liability null
and void.
1. Safety Instructions
General Instructions on
Safety and Accident
Basic Rule:
The standard accident prevention regu-
lations must be adhered to, as well as
all other generally accepted rules go-
verning operational safety, occupational
health and road traffic regulations.
For drives on public roads, the latest traf-
fic code applies.
Accordingly, check the tool carrier for
road and operational safety each time
you take up operation.
Only persons familiar with the tool car-
rier and instructed on the hazards of
operation are allowed to use, maintain
and repair the tool carrier.
Young persons of 16 years or younger
may not operate the tool carrier!
Only work in good light and visibility.
Operator’s clothes should fit tightly. Avoid
wearing loosely fitting clothes. Wear
solid shoes.
Note the warning and instruction signs
on the tool carrier for safe operation.
Compliance is for your own safety.
When transporting the tool carrier on
vehicles or trailers outside the area to
be cultivated, the engine must be swit-
ched off and you must wait until the
knives have stopped rotating complete-
Careful with rotating tools – keep at a
safe distance!
8 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
Due to its centrifugal mass, the cutter
blade can follow up. During that time,
do not stay too close to the mower hou-
sing. Only when the cutter blade is com-
pletely standing still and the spark plug
connector has been withdrawn, works
on the brush cutter are permitted.
Foreign powered parts shear and
Riding on the machine during operation
is not permitted.
Match operating speed to conditions.
Do not change settings of governor. High
engine speed increases risk of acci-
Working Area and Danger
The user is liable to third parties wor-
king within the brush cutter’s working
Staying in the danger zone is not per-
If the operator should notice that a per-
son or animal is staying within this area,
the machine must be shut down without
delay and must not be operated again
before the area is free again.
Check the immediate surroundings of
the machine before you start it. Watch
out for children and animals.
Before you start work, clear the area
from any foreign object. During operati-
on, always watch out for further objects
and remove them in time.
For operation in enclosed areas, ensu-
re that a safety distance is kept to enclo-
sures to prevent damage to tools.
Be careful when mowing; ensure that the
cutter blades does not seize obstacles
such as border stones, enclosures, roots
Operation and
Safety Devices
Before You Start the Engine
Become familiar with the devices and
operating elements and their functions.
Above all, learn how to shut off the en-
gine quickly and safely in an emergen-
cy situation.
Ensure that all protective devices are
mounted and positioned to provide pro-
Starting the engine
Do not start engine in closed rooms. The
carbon monoxide contained in the ex-
haust fume is extremely toxic when inha-
Before you start the engine set all opera-
ting elements to neutral or idling position.
Be careful upon starting and during
mowing; do not come directly close
to the cutting section with your hands
or feet.
When starting, it is not permitted to bring
the brush cutter into an upright position
or to tilt it.
Do not use assist-starting liquids when
using electrical assist-starting devices
(jumper cable). Danger of explosion.
1. Safety Instructions
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 9
Never leave the operator’s position whi-
le the brush cutter is at work.
The carrying of additional persons is not
If clogging occurs in the cutting section,
shut off the engine, withdraw the spark
plug connector and clean the cutting
section with an appropriate tool.
In case of damage to the brush cutter,
immediately shut off the engine and
have it repaired.
Should the machine start to vibrate in
an unusually strong manner, an imme-
diate inspection is necessary.
If steering causes problems, immedia-
tely bring the brush cutter to a halt and
shut it off. Have the malfunction elimi-
nated without delay.
Driving speed must always be adjusted
to suit the surrounding conditions. When
driving uphill or downhill and driving
across a slope avoid sudden turns.
When driving in curves switch off the
differential lock.
If possible, always work across the slo-
Pay careful attention to hills, dips and
other unforeseen dangers.
Stop the cutting tools before crossing
surfaces other than grass.
Never operate machines with damaged
or unfitted safety protection gear.
End of Operation
Never leave the brush cutter unatten-
ded with the engine running.
Before you leave the brush cutter, shut
off the engine, close the fuel cock, en-
gage the parking brakes and secure
against rolling away.
Before you leave the ride-on brush cut-
ter fully lower the cutting tools.
Secure brush cutter against unauthori-
zed use, remove the ignition key.
Mowing Equipment
In cases of improper operation the sharp
blades of the cutter blades pose a consi-
derable danger of injury. Wear protecti-
ve gloves when working on the cutter
When changing the cutter blades ensu-
re that the screwing movement leads
away from the blade edges.
Protective glasses and protective gloves
must be worn when sharpening the cut-
ter blades.
Never carry out any maintenance or cle-
aning with the engine running.
After switching off the drive, the brush
cutter may continue to coast due to its
centrifugal mass. Do not go too near to
the brush cutter during this time. Only
when it has come to a complete stand-
still can it be worked upon.
Before you work on the engine, always
remove spark plug connector.
1. Safety Instructions
10 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
Check regularly and, if necessary, re-
place all protecting devices and tools
subject to wear and tear.
Replace damaged cutting tools.
Observe maintenance intervals of the
cutter blades.
Always wear safety gloves and use pro-
per tools when exchanging the cutter
Repair work, such as welding, grinding,
drilling etc., is not allowed to be carried
out on load-bearing, safety-critical parts.
Keep brush cutter clean to avoid risk of
Check nuts and bolts regularly for tight
fit and re-tighten, if necessary.
Ensure that you re-install all safety and
protective devices and adjust them pro-
perly after maintenance and cleaning.
Only use original agria spare parts. All
other commercial spare parts must cor-
respond to quality and technical requi-
rements specified by agria.
It is not allowed to store the brush cut-
ter in rooms with open heating.
Never park the brush cutter in closed
rooms with fuel left in tank. Fuel vapours
are hazardous.
Engine, Fuel, and Oil
Never let the engine run in closed rooms.
Extreme danger of intoxication! For the
same reason, also replace damaged
exhaust pipe immediately.
Be careful when handling fuel. Great
danger of fire! Never refill fuel close to
open fire, inflammable sparks or hot
engine parts. Do not refill fuel in closed
rooms. Do not smoke when refilling!
Refill only with the engine shut off and
cooled down.
Do not spill any fuel, use a proper filling
device (e.g. funnel).
In case of fuel-spillage, pull the brush
cutter away from the spillage before you
start the engine.
Make sure fuel is of specified quality.
Store fuel in approved cans only.
Liquids leaking under high pressure, e.g.
fuel, can penetrate the skin and cause
severe injuries. Immediately see a doc-
Store anti-corrosive agents and stabili-
zing liquids out of reach of children. If
sickness and vomiting occur, see a doc-
tor. If fuel has contacted eyes, rinse
them thoroughly, avoid inhaling of va-
Read and observe enclosed instruc-
1. Safety Instructions
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 11
Before you dispose of opened and see-
mingly empty pressurised tins (e.g. of
assist-starting liquids) make sure they
are completely empty. Empty them in
ventilated places safe from spark forma-
tion or flames. If necessary, dispose of
tins in hazardous waste deposits.
Be careful when draining hot oil, dan-
ger of burns.
Make sure oil used is of specified quali-
ty. Storage is in approved cans only.
Dispose of oil, greases, and filters se-
parately and properly.
Tyres and
Tyre Air Pressure
When working on wheels, make sure
tool carrier is parked properly and se-
cured against rolling off.
Any repairs are to be carried out by trai-
ned mechanics only and with the appro-
priate tools.
Regularly check tyre air pressure. Ex-
cessive pressure may cause bursts.
Re-tighten attachment bolts of drive-
wheels or check tightness when doing
maintenance work.
Electrical System
Persons having a pacemaker may not
touch live parts of the ignition system
when the engine is running.
1. Safety Instructions
12 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
Explanation of Warning Signs
Carefully read operator's manu-
al before handling the machine.
Observe instructions and safe-
ty rules when operating.
Shut off engine and remove
spark plug connector before
cleaning, perfoming mainte-
nance or repair work.
During operation keep at a
safe distance from cutter bla-
Wait until all machine compon-
ents have completely stopped
before touching them.
Danger - flying objects; keep
safe distance from the machi-
ne as long as the engine is
Do not open or remove safe-
ty shields while engine is run-
Use sprag before machine is
uncoupled or parked.
Stay clear of hot surfaces.
The exhaust fumes contain
breath poisons - keep di-
stance. Never let the engine
run in closed rooms.
Before each fuel fill, shut off
the engine and wait until it has
cooled off.
1. Safety Instructions
Explanation of
Prohibition Signs
No open fire
Do not smoke!
Do not spray with
Do not start the
engine in closed
When working with
the machine, wear
individual protecti-
ve ear plugs.
Wear protective
Wear solid shoes.
Check engine oil
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 13
2. Specifications
Dimensions (mm)
..4500 021 (71 cm) ........ 4500 031 (85 cm) ..........
A................... 1.160 ............................1.460
BF ................... 110 .................................90
BH ................... 650 ............................... 650
BM................... 820 ............................... 985
BR ................... 870 ............................... 850
h ...................... 890 ............................... 920
HH ......... 820 ± 230 .....................890 ± 230
l .................... 1.640 ............................. 2000
L ................... 2.240 ............................ 2.500
RH ................... 780 ............................... 660
SH ............ 50 - 105 ........................50 - 105 ... (60 - 115 Mulching kit)
PH ..............340 kN......................... 430 kN
PM..............295 kN......................... 330 kN
VHL ................. 385............................... 385
VHR ................ 385 ............................... 385
45° ............................... 38°
R....................45° ............................... 45°
partial view A
14 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
2. Specifications
Brush cutter 71 cm
4500 021
Driving axle: .............. Hydrostat gear
Driving speeds: ...................................
Forward ............................ 0 - 6,0 km/h
Reverse............................ 0 - 3,0 km/h
Oil for hydrostat:
......................... permanent oil volume
Steering: ...Single-wheel multiple disc
clutch brake
rear..... 16x6.50-8 wide track field tyre
Tyre air pressure: .............0,6 - 1,0 bar
..................................................... 4PR
front...................... Caster 215x55 mm
........................................... full rubber
................................ with ball bearings
Fuel tank capacity: ........approx. 7,0 l
Empty weight:
(with fuel tank filled up): .......
4500 021 .................................. 203 kg
Cutter unit:...................Rotary mower
...........with reciprocating knife system
Working width: ....................... 710 mm
Cutting height:..................... steplessly
..............................from 50 to 105 mm
Optional:...........Mulching kit 4549 021
Cutting height:..................... steplessly
..............................from 60 to 115 mm
Brush cutter 85 cm
4500 031
Driving axle: .............. Hydrostat gear
Driving speeds: ...................................
Forward ............................ 0 - 6,0 km/h
Reverse............................ 0 - 3,0 km/h
Oil for hydrostat:
......................... permanent oil volume
Steering: ...Single-wheel multiple disc
clutch brake
rear.......................... 5.00-10 field tyre
Tyre air pressure: .............0,6 - 1,0 bar
..................................................... 4PR
front...................... Caster 260x60 mm
........................................... full rubber
................................ with ball bearings
Fuel tank capacity: ........approx. 7,0 l
Empty weight:
(with fuel tank filled up): .......
4500 031 .................................. 230 kg
Cutter unit:...................Rotary mower
...........with reciprocating knife system
Working width: ....................... 850 mm
Cutting height:..................... steplessly
..............................from 50 to 105 mm
Optional:...........Mulching kit 4549 031
Cutting height:..................... steplessly
..............................from 60 to 115 mm
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 15
2. Specifications
Petrol Engine for 71 cm
Manufacturer: ......................... Honda
Type: .................... GXV 340 UT2 DN4
Bore: ........................................ 82 mm
Stroke: ..................................... 64 mm
Cubic capacity: ................... 337 ccm
Output: ............... 8,1 kW at 3600 rpm
Max torque:............................. 24 Nm 2500 rpm
Construction: ............. Fan-air-cooled
Spark ignition engine with overhead
valves, vertically crankshaft
Spark plug: ................. NGK BPR5ES
Spark plug gap 0,76 mm
Electr. magnetic ignition, contactless
Radio remote screened ............ as per
VDE 0879
.......................unleaded regular petrol
min. octane number 85 - 91 RON
(refer to fuel recommendations)
Fuel consumption:........... 313 g/kWh
Fuel filter:...........................feul-online
Air filter: .......... Dry filter element with
foamed preliminary filter
Carburettor: .......... Throttle valve type
Rated speed: ...................... 3200 rpm
Top no-load speed: ............3350 rpm
Idling speed:.......................1200 rpm
Lubrication: ... Pressure and spinning
Engine oil: Filling quantity approx. 1,1 l
(if changed with filter)
Multi-grade oil
at ambient temperature -15° bis +45°C:
SAE 10W-40 API-SF, SG (or higher)
Operability on Slopes:
Engine is suited for use on slopes (with
oil level at “max” = upper level mark)
possible up to
20° inclination (37%)
Noise level:
Noise level
at operator’s ear ................. L
= 88 dB
accordance with EN 836 appendix B and
EN ISO 3744
Acoustic power level: ...... L
= 100 dB
accordance with EN 836 and EN ISO 11201
Vibration acceleration value:
Hand-arm vibration
on handlebar:.............. a
= 1,48 m/s
in accordance with EN 836/A2 and DIN EN
ISO 20643
16 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
Petrol Engine for 85 cm
Manufacturer: .........Briggs & Stratton
Type: ..... Vanguard OHV 16HP V-Twin
................................................ 305700
Bore: ........................................ 68 mm
Stroke: ..................................... 66 mm
Cubic capacity: ................... 480 ccm
Output: ............ 11,9 kW (16 SAE-PS) 3600 rpm
Max torque:............................. 33 Nm 2400 rpm
Construction: ............. Fan-air-cooled
Spark ignition engine with overhead
valves, V-mounted double-cylinder and
vertically crankshaft
Spark plug: BOSCH FR8DC (706 09)
......................... CHAMPION RC12YC
Spark plug gap 0,76 mm
Electr. magnetic ignition, contactless
Radio remote screened ............ as per
VDE 0879
Valve clearance (engine cold):
Intake .................................... 0.05 mm
Outlet .................................... 0.10 mm
.......................unleaded regular petrol
min. octane number 85 - 91 RON
(refer to fuel recommendations)
Fuel consumption:........... 312 g/kWh
Fuel filter:.......................... fuel-online
Air filter: .......... Dry filter element with
foamed preliminary filter
Carburettor: ....................... Horizontal
float carburettor
Rated speed: ...................... 3200 rpm
Top no-load speed: ............3350 rpm
Idling speed:.......................1750 rpm
.. Pressure lubrication,full flow oil filter
Oil filter.......................... filter cartridge
Engine oil: Filling quantity approx. 1,6 l
(if changed with filter)
Multi-grade oil
at ambient temperature -15° bis +45°C:
SAE 10W-40 API-SF, SG (or higher)
Operability on Slopes:
Engine is suited for use on slopes (with
oil level at “max” = upper level mark)
possible up to
20° inclination (37%)
Noise level:
Noise level
at operator’s ear................. L
= 89 dB
accordance with EN 836 appendix B and
EN ISO 3744
Acoustic power level: ...... L
= 101 dB
accordance with EN 836 and EN ISO 11201
Vibration acceleration value:
Hand-arm vibration
on handlebar:................ a
= 3,4 m/s
in accordance with EN 836/A2 and DIN EN
ISO 20643
2. Specifications
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 17
The brush cutter agria 4500 Hydro is sui-
ted for use in farming and forestry as
well as grass maintenance, such as for
example the mowing of grass and mea-
The four-stroke petrol engine runs
on commercial unleaded petrol (refer to
fuel recommendations page 6).
During the first 20 operating hours
(break-in period) do not use engine to
maximum power.
Even after break-in period never use
engine at higher speed than necessary
for the work in hand.
High engine speed is harm-
ful to any engine and consid-
erably affects its durability. This app-
lies especially for no load operation.
Any overspeed (have the engine roar)
can result in immediate damage.
Ignition System
The petrol engine is equipped with a
contactless ignition system. We recom-
mend to have necessary check-ups
done by an expert only.
Cooling System
The cooling system is fan-cooled. The-
refore keep screen at recoil starter and
cooling fins of cylinder clean and free
from sucked-in plant trash.
Always ensure that idling-speed is ad-
justed correctly. At low speeds and with
the speed control lever set to idle, the
engine is supposed to run smoothly and
without run-out.
Air Filter
The air filter purifies the air intake. A
clogged filter reduces engine output.
3. Devices and Operating Elements
18 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
Version 4500 021
71 cm
Speed adjusting lever
The lever (A/26) is used in the illustra-
ted positions for the following:
- Switching engine OFF
- Engine speed stepless
from min. to max.
- Choke, for engine cold starts
Version 4500 031
85 cm
- for engine cold starts
- operating position
Engine Shut-off switch
0 = Off - engine shut off
I = Operating position
Speed adjusting lever
The lever (A/26) is used in the illustra-
ted positions for the following:
- Engine speed stepless
from min. to max.
3. Devices and Operating Elements
Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro 19
3. Devices and Operating Elements
Safety circuit
Engine shutt-off position "0" (both le-
vers not pressed).
Operating position (at least one lever
pressed down and held)
Do not fasten safety circuit lever
Release the safety circuit lever in an
emergency, the lever will auto-
matically go to STOP position!
20 Brush Cutter 4500 Hydro
The agria brush cutter is equipped with a
hydrostatic drive.
Driving Control
The driving speed forward or reverse is
steplessly set or changed with the forefin-
ger or the thumb at the driving lever (A/27).
The 0 setting is engaged when the mar-
king on the driving lever is level with the
"0" in the illustration and hits the the spring
When turning the driving lever forwards,
the driving speed is steplessly increased
forwards and accordingly backwards, if the
driving lever is turned backwards and
The engine can only be started
if the driving switch is set to
Mulching Drive
The mulching drive is switched on and off
by using the excentric lever (A/24)
switch on
Swing the eccentric lever (A/24) back and
over dead centre.
switch on
Swing the eccentric lever (A/24) down.
3. Devices and Operating Elements
The engine can only be started if the driving switch and mulching
drive is set to "0" and both steering levers are set to "park brake"
and are locked into place!
-Safety circuit!