Ingersoll-Rand FA7Ti-GL42XK1 Informazioni sul prodotto

  • Ciao! Ho letto il manuale per gli argani Ingersoll Rand Force 5 Infinity Series, modelli FA2i-MR e FA2i-MR-CE. Questo documento fornisce dettagli sulle specifiche, installazione, funzionamento e manutenzione di questi argani. Sono disponibili informazioni sulle varie opzioni di controllo, i sistemi di freno, le procedure di emergenza e le indicazioni per l'ispezione e la manutenzione. Sono pronto a rispondere alle domande che hai su questi dispositivi.
  • Quali sono le opzioni di controllo disponibili per gli argani FA2i-MR e FA2i-MR-CE?
    Quali precauzioni è necessario prendere durante l'installazione del cavo metallico?
    In cosa consiste la tracciabilità M1, M2 e M3 dei materiali?
Product Information
Force 5 Infinity Series
FA2i-MR and FA2i-MR-CE
Save These Instructions
Form MHD56437
Edition 7
February 2016
© 2016 Ingersoll Rand
Model Code Explanation
Example: FA2i-MR24MK1G FA2i-MR 24 M K 1 G
Series (Capacity):
FA2i =3,180 lbs (1,445 kg) Man Rider (Personnel) Rating; 4,400 lbs (2,000 kg) Utility Rating
MR =Man Rider™
Drum Length (Distance between drum flanges):
24 =Standard (Refer to Table 4 ‘Available Drum Lengths’ on page 4.)
Drum Brake:
A = Automatic Drum Brake
M=Manual Drum Brake
Disc Brake:
K=Automatic Disc Brake
1=Winch mounted lever throttle (Standard)
* 2XX = Remote full flow lever throttle [XX = Specify hose length (feet). Maximum 20 ft. (6 metres)]
* 3XX = Remote pilot pendant throttle [XX = Specify hose length (feet). Maximum 66 ft. (20 metres)]***
* 4XX = Remote pilot lever throttle [XX = Specify length (feet). Maximum 66 ft. (20 metres)]***
* 5XX = Remote electric over air throttle †***
Options: **
7 = Drum Grooving (Number = wire rope size in sixteenths, e.g. 7/16 inch) †
B = Extended Warranty
** C = Low Temperature Components; C1 = -20° ABS, C2 = -20° DNV, C3 = -20° LRS
E = Construction Cage †
G=Drum Guard
J = Air Line Accessories (not mounted to winch)
** M1 = Material Traceability (typical material results) ††
** M2 = Material Traceability (actual material results) ††
** M3 = Material Traceability (actual material results for these parts in finished, as-delivered condition) ††
N4 = American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
N5 = Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
P = Marine 812 Grade Corrosion Preventative Finish
P1 = Marine 812-X Grade Corrosion Preventative Finish W2 = DNV witness test
S = Limit Switch (upper and lower) W3 = LRS witness test
U = Underwound W4 = Customer witness test
V = Press Roller X = Testing; please specify
-CE = Compliance with European Machinery Directive, refer to Declaration of Conformity Y = Overload Protection and Emergency Stop on Lever
W1 = ABS witness test Z = Sandblast and Carbozinc Primer †
*Remote throttles are provided with 6 feet (2 metres) of hose. Specify hose lengths greater than 6 feet. For lengths greater than 20 feet (6 metres) with the Remote Full
Flow Throttle, or 66 feet (20 metres) with the Remote Pilot Lever and Remote Pilot Pendant Throttles contact your Ingersoll Rand distributor or the factory for control
acceptability. Metric lengths are provided for reference only, order lengths in feet. (Used with Disc and Auto Band Brake only.)
** Documentation, witness testing and material traceability available; must be requested at time of order. Specify options or contact the factory or your nearest
Ingersoll Rand distributor for information.
*** Not available with -CE option, or units equipped with limit switches.
Not covered in this manual.
†† Refer to ‘Traceability’ on page 4 for a description of the differences between M1, M2 and M3.
All -E models are manufactured to previous European Machinery directives. Refer to Data (Name) Plate on winch to determine model. If winch is a custom build also refer to
the Declaration of Conformity for serial number break.
Form MHD56437 Edition 7 3
Table 2: Specifications
Air System Rated Performance (at rated pressure/volume)
Net Weight **
(at rated
pressure and
Full Drum
Line Pull Full Drum
Line Speed Mid Drum
Line Speed Max Stall Pull,
1st Layer Force
scfm cu.m/
min lbs kgs fpm m/min fpm m/min lbs kgs inch mm lbs kgs
90 psig (630
kPa/6.3 bar) 335 10
4,400 2,000 51 16
55 17 10,000 4,536 N/A 1/2 13 850 386
Man Rider 3,180 1,445 76 23
1 26
925 420
Utility 4,400 2,000 53 16 1.6 875 397
Man Rider 3,180 1,445 76 23 9,300 4,218 N/A 950 430
** Weight of standard winch without wire rope.
Table 3: Specifications
Air Motor Pipe
Inlet Size
Minimum Air System
Hose Size (inside
Flange Diameter Recommended Wire
Rope Size
Foundation Anchor
Shear Force at One
inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm dBA dBA lbs N
& FA2i-
MR-CE 1.0 25 1.25 32 10.75 273 19 483 1/2 13 87 99 1,825 9,120
Sound measurements have been made in accordance with ISO 11201, ISO 3744-3746
and ISO 4871 test specifications for sound from pneumatic equipment. Readings
shown are based on the average noise level of each winch configuration,
proportionate to the utilized time in a regular cycle.
Lpc (Peak Sound Pressure) does not exceed 130 dB. Performance based on 90 psig
(6.3 bar/630 kPa) operating pressure.
Table 4: Available Drum Lengths
Drum Lengths
in mm in mm in mm in mm
12 305 16 406 20 508 24* 610*
* Standard Length
Refer to sales literature for winch drum wire rope storage capacities.
All -E winch models are manufactured to previous European Machinery
directives. Refer to Data (Name) Plate on winch to determine model. If winch
is a custom build also refer to the Declaration of Conformity for serial
number break.
Load bearing parts are documented to provide traceability. Documentation includes
chemical and physical properties of raw material, heat treating, hardening, tensile
and charpy tests as required for the part.
Units with M1, M2 or M3 in the model code have traceable load bearing
M1 – Material Traceability certificates according to EN 10204 (Ex DIN 50049) 2.2 on
load bearing parts. Conformity documents affirm (by the manufacturer) that parts
are in compliance with requirements of the order, based on non-specific inspection
and testing (i.e. results are typical material properties for these parts).
M2 Material Traceability certificates according to EN 10204 (Ex DIN 50049) 3.1b on
load bearing parts. Conformity documents affirm (by a department independent of
the manufacturing department) that actual parts are in compliance with
requirements of the order, based on specific inspection and testing (i.e. results are
actual material properties for these parts).
M3 Material Traceability certificates according to EN 10204 (Ex DIN 50049) 3.1b on
load bearing parts. Conformity documents affirm (by a department independent of
the manufacturing department) that the actual parts used in the product are in
compliance with the order, based on specific inspection and testing (i.e. results are
actual material properties for these parts in a finished, as delivered condition).
Components with part numbers ending in CH are charpy parts for use under extreme
cold conditions. Traceability requirements must be stated when reordering these
parts for continued certification.
Refer to labeling on product, located near or on data (name) plate, for specific ATEX
designation. Product not marked as such, are not suitable for use in any potentially
explosive atmosphere (ATEX). Refer to Product Safety and Maintenance Information
Manuals for further explanation.
II 2 GD c IIB 200°C X
(Dwg. MHP2584)
Prior to installing the product, carefully inspect it for possible shipping damage.
Products are supplied fully lubricated from the factory. Check oil levels and adjust
as necessary before operating product. Refer to “LUBRICATION” section
on page 9 for recommended oils and lubrication intervals.
Product not installed properly may fall or cause a load to fall resulting in
sever injury or death. Before installation and operation of this product refer
to Product Safety Information manual and all safety warnings pertaining
to this product.
Always install, operate, inspect, and maintain this product in accordance
with all applicable standards and regulations (state, country, and federal,
etc.). For example In the USA, the applicable standards are American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and National Fire Protection
Agency (NFPA).
Care must be taken when moving, positioning or mounting the winch. In most cases,
lifting lugs have been provided to assist in handling the winch. If lug locations are
improper for your specific installation, great care should be taken to ensure that
winch, when lifted, will be properly balanced. Determine weight of your winch by
referring to “SPECIFICATIONS” section on page 3. Add weight of wire rope and other
installed options as necessary. Lift winch 3 to 4 inches (75 to 100 mm) off ground.
Verify winch is balanced and secure before continuing lift. Mount winch so axis of
drum is horizontal and that motor vent cap is not more than 15° off top vertical
center. If winch is to be mounted in an inverted position, motor case must be rotated
to position vent cap to the top.
1. The winch mounting surface must be flat and of sufficient strength to handle
rated load plus weight of winch and attached equipment. An inadequate
foundation may cause distortion or twisting of winch uprights and siderails
resulting in winch damage.
2. Make sure mounting surface is flat to within 0.005 inch (0.127 mm) per inch of
drum length. Shim if necessary. Refer to Table 5 ‘Mounting Surface Tolerance’
on page 5.
3. Mounting bolts must be Grade 8 or better. Use self-locking nuts or nuts with
lockwashers. Refer to Table 6 ‘Mounting Bolts’ on page 5.
4. Tighten mounting bolts evenly and torque to specification in torque chart. Refer
to ‘TORQUE CHART’ in Product Maintenance Manual.
5. Maintain a fleet angle between sheave and winch of no more than 1-1/2°. The
lead sheave must be on a center line with drum and, for every inch (25 mm) of
drum length, be at least 1.6 feet (0.5 metre) from the drum. Refer to Product
Safety Information Manual.
4Form MHD56437 Edition 7
6. Do not weld to any part of winch.
Refer to Dwg. MHP0133 on page 11, A. Drum.
Table 5: Mounting Surface Tolerance
Drum Length Mounting Surface Minimum Flatness
inch mm
12 0.06 1.52
16 0.08 2.03
20 0.10 2.54
24 0.12 3.05
Table 6: Mounting Bolts
Models Mounting Bolts
inch mm
FA2i-MR &
CE 5/8 16
Table 7: Bolt Hole Dimensions
Dimension Drum Length (inches)
12 16 20 24
“A” in. 20
mm 508
“B” (with Automatic Or Manual
Drum Brake)
in. 9.00 7.50 9.00 10.00
mm 229 191 229 254
“B” (without Automatic Or
Manual Drum Brake)
in. 7.50 6.25 7.75 9.00
mm 191 159 197 229
“C” in. 0.69
mm 17.53
Number of Bolts 6 8
nWire Rope
Maintain at least 3 tight wraps of wire rope on the drum at all times.
Do not use wire rope as a ground (earth) for welding.
Do not attach a welding electrode to winch or wire rope.
Install wire rope to come off drum for overwind operation (normal
For horizontal applications order the “H” option or contact factory prior to
nWire Rope Selection
Consult a reputable wire rope manufacturer or distributor for assistance in selecting
the appropriate type and size of wire rope and, where necessary, a protective
coating. Use a wire rope which provides an adequate safety factor to handle the
actual working load and meets all applicable industry, trade association, federal,
state and local regulations.
When considering wire rope requirements the actual working load must include not
only the static or dead load but also loads resulting from acceleration, retardation
and shock load. Consideration must also be given to the size of the winch wire rope
drum, sheaves and method of reeving. Maximum wire rope diameter is limited by
the wire rope anchor. It is recommended that wire rope construction be 6 X 19 or 6
X 37 IWRC right lay. Refer to Table 8 ‘Minimum and Maximum Wire Rope Size’
on page 5 for recommended sizes.
Table 8: Minimum and Maximum Wire Rope Size
Models Minimum Maximum
inch mm inch mm
FA2i-MR &
CE 1/2 13 5/8 16
Note 1: Maximum wire rope diameter is limited by size of wire rope anchor hole.
Refer to Product Parts Information Manual for correct wire rope anchor part numbers.
Note 2: Wire rope diameter is fixed if grooved drum option is used.
nInstalling Wire Rope
When installing wire rope, pressurize disc brake with a minimum of 45 psi
(3.1 bar) air from an auxiliary source.
Refer to Dwg. MHP2686 on page 11, A. Anchor; B. Wire Rope.
1. Cut wire rope to length in accordance with wire rope manufacturer’s
2. Feed end of wire rope through drum anchor pocket hole.
3. Forming a loop, wrap loop around anchor, approximately 22 inches (559 mm)
of wire rope.
4. Pull wire rope anchor into position in drum anchor pocket. Ensure no extra (open
end) of wire rope is extending out of drum anchor pocket.
Make sure first wrap of wire rope is tight and lays flush against drum flange.
nSafe Wire Rope Handling Procedure
- Always use gloves when handling wire rope.
- Never use wire rope that is frayed or kinked.
- Never use wire rope as a sling.
- Always make sure wire rope is correctly spooled and the first layer is tight
against drum.
- Always follow wire rope manufacturer’s recommendation on use and
maintenance of wire rope.
nWire Rope Spooling
To compensate for uneven spooling and the decrease in line pull capacity as the
drum fills up, use as short a wire rope as practical. When rewinding apply tension to
the end of the wire rope to eliminate line slack. This helps achieve level winding and
tight spooling.
Make sure all wire rope blocks, tackle and fasteners have a sufficient safety margin
to handle required load under all conditions. Do not allow wire rope to contact sharp
edges or make sharp bends which will cause damage to wire rope, use a sheave.
Refer to wire rope manufacturer’s instructions for proper sizing, use and care of wire
nSafe Installation Procedures
1. Do not use wire rope as a ground (earth) for welding.
2. Do not attach a welding electrode to winch or wire rope.
3. Never run wire rope over a sharp edge. Use a correctly sized sheave.
4. When a lead sheave is used, it must be aligned with center of drum. The diameter
of lead sheave must be at least 18 times the diameter of wire rope. Refer to Dwg.
MHP2449 in Product Safety Information manual.
5. Always maintain at least three full, tight wraps of wire rope on drum.
nDrum Guard
A drum guard is standard on all MR and MR-CE winches.
Refer to the Product Parts Information Manual.
Drum guard panels must be adjusted to suit wire rope departure angle. To reposition
drum guard panels remove nuts and slide out crossbar. Position panels to avoid wire
rope contact and install crossbar and nuts.
Do not allow wire rope to come in contact with drum guard panels during
winch operation. Wire rope could become worn and damaged. Adjust drum
guard panels to clear wire rope travel angle.
nAir Supply
The air supply must be clean, free from moisture and lubricated to ensure optimum
motor performance. Foreign particles, moisture and lack of lubrication are the
primary causes of premature motor wear and breakdown. Using an air filter,
lubricator and moisture separator will improve overall product performance and
reduce unscheduled downtime. Refer to Dwg. MHP0191 on page 11, A. Air Out;
B. Lubricator; C. Regulator; D. Air In; E. Filter.
Refer to Table 2 ‘Specifications’ on page 4 for motor air consumption and rated
operating pressure. If air supply varies from what is recommended, product
performance will change.
Install air line lubricator, filter and regulator as close as possible to air inlet on motor.
Lubricator must be located no more than 10 ft (3 m) from motor. Air line accessories
package can also be mounted to the winch guard panel on the operator’s side or
nAir Lines
Inside diameter of air supply lines must not be less than size specified in Table 2
‘Specifications’ on page 4. Before making final connections, all air supply lines should
be purged with clean, moisture free air or nitrogen before connecting to main air
inlet. Supply lines should be as short and straight as installation conditions will
permit. Long transmission lines and excessive use of fittings, elbows, tees, globe
valves, etc. cause a reduction in pressure due to restrictions and surface friction in
n3-Way Ball Valve
Refer to Dwg. MHP3143 on page 14.
Form MHD56437 Edition 7 5
Install a 3-way ball valve at the air inlet to the winch. One inlet to the 3-way ball valve
is to be connected to the Main Air Supply. The other inlet is available to be connected
to an auxiliary air source, as needed for Emergency Lowering in the event of Main
Air Supply failure.
nAir Line Lubricator
Always use an air line lubricator with these motors. The lubricator must have an inlet
and outlet at least as large as inlet on motor.
Lubricator must be located no more than 10 ft (3 m) from motor.
Shut off air supply before filling air line lubricator.
The air line lubricator should be replenished daily and set to provide 2 to 3 drops
per minute of ISO VG 32 (SAE 10W) oil. A fine mist will be exhausted from control
valve when air line lubricator is functioning properly.
nAir Line Filter
It is recommended that an air line strainer/filter be installed before the lubricator to
prevent dirt from entering the motor. The strainer/filter should provide 20 micron
filtration and include a moisture trap. Clean the strainer/filter periodically to maintain
its operating efficiency.
When air filter is used ensure it allows air to pass through at products rated
scfm. Refer to “SPECIFICATIONS” on page 3.
nAir Pressure Regulator
If an air pressure regulator is used, install between lubricator and filter.
Do not adjust regulator for a CE marked product, these are preset at factory
and pressure gauges are not provided. Adjustment of regulator will effect
overload settings and product will no longer conform to CE regulations.
Not all products are CE approved, refer to products data (name) plate to
see if this applies.
nMoisture in Air Lines
Moisture that reaches the air motor through air supply lines is a primary factor in
determining the length of time between service overhauls. Moisture traps can help
to eliminate moisture. Other methods, such as an air receiver which collects moisture
before it reaches motor, or an aftercooler at compressor that cools air to condense
and collect moisture prior to distribution through supply lines, are also helpful.
Ensure mufflers are installed in winch exhaust manifold and control valve exhaust
port. Check mufflers periodically to ensure they are functioning correctly.
nShut Off Valve
Refer to the Product Safety Information Manual for information.
For optimum performance and maximum durability of parts, provide recommended
air supply as measured at motor inlet. Refer to Table 2 ‘Specifications’ on page 4. The
air motor should be installed as near as possible to compressor or air receiver.
nLimit Switches
Limit switches are standard on -CE winches.
Pre-set limit switch settings prevent winch wire rope payout and haul-in by stopping
air flow to the winch motor when a defined set point has been reached. It is the
owner’s and operator’s responsibility to adjust winch operating limits prior to using
Settings for limit switch are for an overwound operation only.
To adjust set points:
Follow instructions in the order they appear for limit switch adjustment (use two
people to make adjustments). Refer to Dwg. MHP2688 on page 11, A. Center Nut;
B. Payout; C. Haul-In:
1. Remove cap from limit switch cover.
2. Partially unscrew center nut.
3. PAYOUT: Rotate (#1) screw (counterclockwise) while slowly paying out until
winch shuts off.
4. HAUL-IN: Rotate (#2) screw (clockwise) while slowly hauling in until winch shuts
5. Tighten center nut.
6. Reinstall cap on limit switch cover and tighten.
Ensure limit switch setpoints are established and operating properly before
putting winch into service.
nPress Roller
Ensure wire rope is positioned between press roller and drum barrel and springs
keep press roller in tight contact with wire rope.
nInitial Winch Operating Checks
Winches are tested for proper operation prior to leaving the factory. Before the winch
is placed into service the following initial operating checks should be performed.
1. When first running the motor inject a small amount of light oil into the inlet
connection to provide initial lubrication.
2. Check oil level in motor, reduction gear assembly and disc brake are correct. Top
off levels as required before operation as described in
“LUBRICATION” on page 9.
3. Operate winch in both directions with no load for one to two minutes.
4. New brake band Lining Run-in Procedure: All new brake band linings require a
‘run-in’ period. Operate the winch without load in the payout direction while
gradually applying the brake. Allow the brake to slip for approximately one
minute. Winch motor may stall as drum brake band lining fully engages. Do not
allow brake to overheat.
5. Check operation of brakes. Adjust if necessary as described in “MAINTENANCE”
section in the Product Maintenance Information Manual.
6. Check operation of limit switches, locking mechanisms and all safety devices
when equipped.
7. Check foundation mounting fasteners are secure.
8. Install drum guard when provided.
For winches that have been in storage, the following start-up procedures are
1. Give the winch an inspection conforming to requirements of
‘Winches Not in Regular Use’ on page 8.
2. Pour a small amount of ISO VG 32 (SAE 10W) oil in motor inlet port.
3. Operate motor for 15 seconds in both directions to flush out any impurities.
4. The winch is now ready for normal use.
6Form MHD56437 Edition 7
It is recommended that the user and owner check all appropriate and applicable
regulations before placing this product into use. Refer to Product Safety Information
Manual before operating product.
The four most important aspects of product operation are:
1. Follow all safety instructions when operating the product.
2. Allow only people trained in safety and operation of this winch to operate this
3. Subject each product to a regular inspection and maintenance procedure.
4. Be aware of product capacity and weight of load at all times.
Do not lift loads over people.
Verify limit switch operation to ensure man riding device does not contact
Refer to Product Parts Information Manual for drawings unless specified
nWinch Controls
The spring loaded, motor mounted, live air manual throttle control valve is supplied
as a standard feature on this winch. Optional remote throttle controls are available.
Reference model code on the winch data (name) plate and compare it to
“SPECIFICATIONS” on page 3, to determine your configuration. The throttle controls
provide operator control of motor speed and direction of drum rotation.
nWinch Mounted Air Throttle (standard feature)
Refer to Dwg. MHP0447 on page 11, A. Counterclockwise Direction: Wire Rope
Haul-In; B. View: Facing Air Motor; C. Clockwise Direction: Wire Rope Payout; D. 1-1/4
inch NPT; E. 90º; F. With lever at neutral position, fold down to prevent accidental
winch operation.
The spring loaded, live air, manual control throttle valve mounts to the motor
adapter valve.
When viewed from the air motor end, move the control throttle handle to the right
(clockwise) to PAYOUT wire rope and to the left (counterclockwise) to HAUL IN wire
To ensure smooth operation of the winch, sudden movements of the control valve
should be avoided.
When released, handle will return to the neutral or center position. The sliding handle
will drop down to engage and lock the control handle in place.
nRemote Full Flow Air Throttle (optional feature)
Refer to Dwg. MHP0204.
Provides for remote mounting of winch control at a fixed location at up to 20 feet (6
metres) away from winch motor. Air hoses connect throttle to winch motor to
provide winch operation.
Move control throttle handle to the right (clockwise) to payout wire rope and to the
left (counterclockwise) to haul-in wire rope. Avoid sudden movements of control
valve to ensure smooth operation of winch.
nRemote Pilot Pendant Throttle
Refer to Dwg. MHP2398 on page 12, A. Red - Air Supply; B. Green; C. Yellow; D.
Payout load; E. Haul-In Load.
Provides for remote winch control at distances of up to 66* feet (20 metres) away
from winch. The pilot pendant control throttle is a two function movable control
station for winch operation. Pilot pressure from pendant control activates winch
control valve. The winch control valve, located on winch motor, controls motor
speed and direction of drum rotation. Direction of drum rotation is determined by
the pendant lever/button depressed.
nRemote Pilot Lever Throttle
Provides for remote winch control at distances of up to 66* feet (20 metres) away
from winch. The lever pilot control throttle is a fixed mounted lever control station
for winch operation. Pilot pressure from lever pilot control throttle activates winch
control valve. The winch control valve, located on winch motor, controls motor
speed and direction of drum rotation. Direction of drum rotation is determined by
the direction in which lever is shifted.
* For distances greater than 50 feet (15 metres) contact Ingersoll Rand Technical
Sales for control suitability.
nUnderwound Operation (optional feature)
Underwound operation allows wire rope haul-in or payout off the bottom of drum.
This is a special operation and requires a winch specifically designed for this usage.
nEmergency Stop and Overload System
Emergency stop and overload system are standard on MR-CE winches.
When emergency stop or overload valve is activated, winch drum rotation will
immediately cease.
If winch continues to move (payout load) after emergency stop activates,
brake(s) are not holding load and may require adjustment or repair.
nEmergency Stop
Refer to Dwg. MHP2557 on page 12, A. Push in on red button; and
Dwg. MHP2558 on page 12, A. Twist red button to reset.
Emergency stop device is located on the control valve. When activated, winch drum
rotation will immediately cease.
Activate Emergency Stop:
1. Depress (push down) red palm valve, located off of the main valve.
Emergency Stop Reset:
1. Rotate red stop button, in (counterclockwise) direction until red stop button
‘pops’ up.
2. Winch is ready to resume operation.
Pendant Control:
Refer to Dwg. MHP1892 on page 12, A. Pendant Handle; B. Emergency Stop Button;
C. ON Button; D. Winch Control Levers.
nOverload System (FA2i-MR-CE Models only)
There are two overload methods used on the FA2i-MR-CE winch.
Utility Mode:
The winch utilizes a direct acting load limiter to limit maximum line pull to 160% of
the rated line pull. The limiter is a pressure regulator that limits the supply air to a
pressure that will not allow the winch to pull beyond 160% of the rated line pull.
Man Rider Mode:
The overload system is based on differential pressure between air motor inlet and
exhaust. The overload system is factory preset to actuate at 150% (±25) of the Man
Rider (Personnel) rated line pull. When an overload is sensed, the overload valve
sends an air signal to the Emergency Stop Valve, shutting the valve, stopping winch
operation. If an overload shut-off occurs, reset, and operate winch in payout
direction to lower load. Refer to ‘Setting the Overload:’ on page 7.
Do not use winch to lift personnel in the utility mode. Selector valve must
be in the Man Rider position. Refer to Dwg. MHP3034 on page 11, A. Man
Rider; B. No Man Rider; Valve shown in Man Rider position.
Instruction label part number 4589904 is located on the selector valve.
To operate winch as utility, the selector valve must be in the utility position.
To operate winch as a Man Rider, selector valve must be in the Man Rider
Checking Overload Valve Setting:
Proper test and adjustment of both overload methods should only be performed by
an Ingersoll Rand trained technician.
Utility Mode:
Winch shall not be able to lift a load greater than 160% of the rated utility load. If
this is possible, adjustment is required.
Man Rider Mode:
Winch shall not be able to lift a load greater than 150% of the rated Man Rider
(Personnel) load. If this is possible, adjustment is required.
1. Attach load line to a load that is calibrated to maximum rated load for mode
being tested.
2. Move control lever to haul-in position. If winch does not lift load, adjust the
adjustment screw. Refer to ‘Setting the Overload:’ on page 7.
Setting the Overload:
Attach load line to a load that is calibrated to winch rated capacity for the mode
being tested. Shift control lever to haul-in position.
1. If overload valve activates, reset overload valve. Winch is ready for normal
2. If winch lifts higher than 160% of rated load, lower load. Turn jam nut
(counterclockwise) in 1/4 turn increments until overload valve activates when
control lever is shifted to haul-in position. After each 1/4 turn, retest winch.
Form MHD56437 Edition 7 7
nWinch Brakes
nManual Drum Band Brake (Standard)
The manual drum band brake is applied by pushing down on handle and released
by pulling up. If handle is pushed down fully, it should lock in that position and
prevent band rotation, until released by operator. The brake must be kept properly
adjusted to hold required load. Refer to ‘Adjustments’ in “MAINTENANCE” section
in Product Maintenance Information Manual for instructions.
nAutomatic Drum Band Brake
The automatic drum band brake is a spring applied, air released brake which utilizes
an air actuated, spring loaded cylinder, that automatically disengages brake when
motor is operated. Air pressure in cylinder overcomes spring pressure to release
brake. When control valve is placed in neutral position, air in cylinder is vented and
spring automatically engages brake to prevent drum rotation.
The cylinder clevis must be kept properly adjusted to hold required load.
Extended exposure to corrosive atmospheres can cause the band brake
lining to adhere to the drum. It is recommended when winch is not in
operation and in a no load condition that the band brake be left in a released
nAutomatic Disc Brake (Standard)
The automatic disc brake is a spring applied, air released brake. Using an air actuated,
spring loaded piston, the brake automatically disengages when motor is operated
and engages when throttle is returned to neutral position.
Air pressure ported through brake housing overcomes spring pressure and moves
piston which releases brake. When control valve is placed in neutral position, air is
vented, spring pressure overcomes air pressure and spring pressure moves piston,
engages brake and prevents drum rotation.
nLimit Switches
Limit switches are standard on -CE winches.
Pre-set limit switch settings prevent winch wire rope payout and haul-in by stopping
air flow to the winch motor when a set point has been reached. It is the owner’s and
operator’s responsibility to adjust winch operating limits prior to using the winch.
To adjust the limit switch set points, refer to ‘Limit Switches’ on page 6.
nEmergency Lowering
The following information is provided to allow for emergency lowering of a person
if air supply is lost to winch. These procedures should be used if no other method of
safely lowering personnel is available.
1. Emergency lowering operations must be performed by a minimum of two
personnel trained in the operation of the winch.
2. Communication must be established between lifted person and winch
operators. Operators should be able to visually monitor lifted person until
3. If line of sight between operators and lifted person is not possible, signals must
be conveyed to the operators.
4. The winch must be isolated from the supply air system during emergency
lowering operations.
nProcedure (-CE versions)
Three Way Valve
Refer to Dwg. MHP3143 on page 14, A. Normal Inlet Air Supply; B. Rotate handle
to use in normal condition; C. FRL; D. Emergency Lowering Inlet.
This device allows the person to be moved the shortest way to safety in case of
normal air supply failure. In the event of air supply failure, operate the three way
valve from normal air supply to the emergency inlet. For an emergency power
source, a 50 litre nitrogen bottle can be used.
1. Open the emergency power source. Rotate valve lever towards normal inlet air
supply side.
2. Ensure that downstream pressure is 5 to 7 bar.
3. Operate winch slowly to open brakes for lowering the person the shortest way
to safety.
After each use of emergency lowering device, return the three-way valve
to the main air inlet and check the secondary power source is in proper
working condition and able to fulfil its task.
nWinches Not in Regular Use
1. Equipment which has been idle for a period of one month or more, but less than
six months, shall be given an inspection conforming to the requirements of
‘Frequent Inspection’ on page 9 before being placed in service.
2. Equipment which has been idle for a period of over six months shall be given a
complete inspection conforming with the requirements of ‘Periodic Inspection’
before being placed in service. Refer to Product Maintenance Information
3. Standby equipment shall be inspected at least semi-annually in accordance with
the requirements of ‘Frequent Inspection’ on page 9.
4. All oils must be drained and replaced with new, and all grease cavities shall be
packed to the prescribed limit. Refer to “LUBRICATION” section on page 9.
Product must be operated for at least 15 seconds in both directions with well
lubricated, dry air.
8Form MHD56437 Edition 7
Inspection information is based in part on American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Safety Codes (ASME B30.7).
All new or repaired equipment should be inspected and tested by
Ingersoll Rand trained Service Technicians to ensure safe operation at rated
specifications before placing equipment in service.
Never use a winch that inspection indicates is damaged.
Frequent and periodic inspections should be performed on equipment in regular
service. Frequent inspections are visual examinations performed by operators or
Ingersoll Rand trained Inspectors and include observations made during routine
equipment operation. Periodic inspections are thorough inspections conducted by
Ingersoll Rand trained Service Technicians. ASME B30.7 states inspection intervals
depend upon the nature of the critical components of the equipment and the
severity of usage. Refer to “Inspection Classifications” chart and “Maintenance
Intervals” chart in Product Maintenance Information Manual for recommended
maintenance intervals.
Careful inspection on a regular basis will reveal potentially dangerous conditions
while still in the early stages, allowing corrective action to be taken before the
condition becomes dangerous.
Deficiencies revealed through inspection, or noted during operation, must be
reported to designated personnel to ensure corrective action is taken.
A determination as to whether a condition constitutes a safety hazard(s) must be
decided, and the correction of noted safety hazard(s) accomplished and
documented by written report before placing the equipment in service.
nWire Rope Reports
Records should be maintained as part of a long-term wire rope inspection program.
Records should include the condition of wire rope removed from service. Accurate
records will establish a relationship between visual observations noted during
frequent inspections and the actual condition of wire rope as determined by periodic
nFrequent Inspection
On equipment in regular service, frequent inspections should be made by operators
at the beginning of each shift. In addition, visual and audible inspections should be
conducted during regular operation for indications of damage or evidence of
malfunction (such as abnormal noises).
Disassembly may be required as a result of frequent inspection findings or in order
to properly inspect the individual components. Disassembly steps are described in
the Product Maintenance Information Manual.
1. Surrounding Area. Visually check for winch oil leaks. Do not operate winch if
leaking oil is found. Ensure surrounding area has no slippery surfaces and is
obstruction free.
2. Hoses and Fittings. Visually inspect for damage, air leaks and loose connections.
Repair all leaks or damage and tighten loose connections prior to starting daily
3. Muffler. Visually check for restrictions or external damage. Clear restrictions or
replace if damaged.
4. Manual Shut-Off Valve. Test shut-off valve to ensure proper operation and free
5. Guards. Verify wire rope does not contact guard during winch operation and
that guards are secure and undamaged.
6. Winch. Visually inspect winch housings, control(s), external brake, side rails and
drum for damage. Check that all external bolts are in place and secure. Report
damage to supervisor and request additional inspection by an Ingersoll Rand
trained Service Technician.
7. Winch Operation. Power winch in both directions. Winch must operate
smoothly without sticking, binding or abnormal noises and have minimal
The full extent of wire rope wear cannot be determined by visual inspection.
At any indication of wear inspect wire rope in accordance with instructions
in “Periodic Inspection.” Refer to Product Maintenance Information
8. Pendant (optional feature). Ensure operation of pendant levers is smooth and
winch is responsive to pendant control. Pendant levers must spring return to
the neutral position when released.
9. Manual Throttle Lever. Ensure operation of manual throttle lever is smooth
and winch is responsive to lever movement. Lever must return to neutral and
lock in place when released. If winch responds slowly or controls stick, do not
operate winch until all problems have been corrected.
10. Wire Rope. Visually inspect all wire rope expected to be in use during the day’s
operations. Inspect for wear and damage indicated by distortion of wire rope
such as kinking, “birdcaging,” core protrusion, main strand displacement,
corrosion, broken or cut strands. If damage is evident, do not operate winch until
the discrepancies have been reviewed and inspected further by personnel
knowledgeable on wire rope safety and maintenance procedures.
11. Wire Rope Spooling. Visually check reeving and ensure wire rope feeds on and
off the drum smoothly. Verify spooling direction (overwind or underwind) is
correct for winch and application.
12. Brake(s). Lift and lower the load a short distance to test brake(s). Brake(s) must
hold load without slipping. Automatic brake must release when winch control
throttle is operated. If brake(s) do not hold load or do not release properly, they
must be adjusted or repaired.
Worn or improperly functioning brakes may cause excessive heat buildup
and sparks.
13. Lubrication. Refer to “LUBRICATION” on page 9 for recommended
procedures and lubricants.
14. Limit Switches (standard on all CE winch models). Ensure limit switches engage
and prevent operation at the required set point and with drum rotating in correct
direction. Ensure limit switch properly resets.
15. Emergency Stop (standard on all CE winch models). Run winch and activate
emergency stop. Winch operation must stop quickly. Ensure valve resets
16. Labels and Tags: check for presence and legibility of labels. Refer to Product
Parts Information Manual for correct labels and placement. Replace if damaged
or missing.
nStoring the Winch
1. Always store the winch in a no load condition.
2. Wipe off all dirt and water.
3. To prevent rust buildup from internal condensation, open lubricator to allow
more oil into winch and operate with no load. If winch is being stored from air
source place small amount of 20 weight oil at air inlet port.
4. Oil the wire rope.
5. Place in a dry location.
6. Before returning winch to service, follow instructions for ‘Winches Not In Regular
Use’ in the “INSPECTION” section on page 9.
7. Mufflers and Breathers. All mufflers and breathers must be removed and
replaced with threaded plugs to prevent dust and moisture from entering motor
and valve assemblies.
8. Drum Brake. Product equipped with a manual band brake must be stored with
the brake in its disengaged position.
To ensure continued satisfactory operation of winch, all points requiring lubrication
must be serviced with correct lubricant at proper time interval as indicated for each
Refer to ‘Maintenance Interval’ chart in Product Maintenance Information Manual
for recommended lubrication intervals. Use only those lubricants recommended.
Other lubricants may affect product performance. Approval for use of other
lubricants must be obtained from your Ingersoll Rand distributor. Failure to observe
this precaution may result in damage to winch and/or its associated components.
Table 9: Lubrication Intervals
Component Interval
Check Air Line Lubricator Daily
Check Motor Oil Level
Check Reduction and Disc Brake Oil 3 Months
Change Motor Oil 1 Year or 1,000 Hours
of Product Operation
Change Gearbox Oil
Change Disc Brake Oil
nGeneral Lubrication
Correct lubrication is one of the most important factors in maintaining efficient
product operation.
1. The recommended grade of oil must be used at all times. Use of unsuitable oil
may result in excessive temperature rise, loss of efficiency and possible damage
to lubricated components. Refer to ‘Recommended Lubricants’ section
on page 10.
2. It is recommend that the first oil change be done after approximately 50 hours
of initial operation. Thereafter, drain and replace oil according to Table 9
‘Lubrication Intervals’ on page 9.
3. Always inspect removed oil for evidence of internal damage or contamination
(metal shavings, dirt, water, etc.). If indications of damage are noted, investigate
and correct before returning winch to service.
4. After product operation, allow oil to settle before topping off.
5. Always collect lubricants in suitable containers and dispose of in an
environmentally safe manner.
Form MHD56437 Edition 7 9
Pneumatic products use oil to prevent excessive heat buildup and to
prevent wear that could cause sparks. Oil levels must be properly
nRecommended Lubricants
Table 10: Synthetic Lubricants Recommended for the Reduction Gear and Disc
Ambient Temperature 0° C/+20° C +20° C+40° C
Table 11: Air Motor Recommended Lubricant Grade
Temperature Grade Type
Below 32° F (0° C) ISO VG 32 (SAE 10W)
32° to 80° F (0° to 27° C) ISO VG 68 (SAE 20W) *
Above 80° F (27° C) ISO VG 100 (SAE 30W)
* Units are shipped from factory with ISO VG 68 (SAE 20W) lubricant.
Table 12: Recommended Grease Grade
Temperature Grade Type
-20° to 50° F (-30° to 10° C) EP 1 multipurpose lithium based grease
30° to 120° F (-1° to 49° C) EP 2 multipurpose lithium based grease
nMotor Assembly
Refer to Dwg. MHP0222 on page 13, A. Level Plug; B. Drain Plug; C. Fill Plug.
Do not use synthetic or detergent lubricants in air motor. Synthetic
lubricants will result in oil blowing by piston rings.
The motor is splash lubricated by oil in motor housing and has no other means of
lubrication. It is therefore important to use only good quality, non-detergent motor
oil to ensure maximum performance and minimum downtime for repairs. Refer to
‘Recommended Lubricants’ on page 10.
Add oil through filler opening until oil flows from level plug hole. Add oil slowly to
prevent spilling. Refer to ‘Recommended Lubricants’ on page 10.
The motor should be level-checked daily or at the start of each shift after any
accumulated water has been drained off. When motors are operated in temperatures
below freezing, wait long enough at the end of shift for water to separate from oil
but not long enough for it to freeze. Drain water then refill to level plug, located on
side of motor housing. If desired, all oil may be drained at end of shift and motor
refilled with new oil.
Table 13: Motor Oil Capacity
quarts litres
3/8 0.35
nReduction Gear Assembly
Refer to Dwg. MHP0140 on page 14, A. Fill Plug Position; B. Drum; C. Reduction
Gear Assembly; D. Inboard Upright; E. Level Plug Position.
The reduction gear is filled to the correct levels prior to shipment from the factory.
Check oil level before initial winch operation. This component is splash lubricated
by oil in the housing and has no other means of lubrication. It is therefore important
to use high quality Extreme Pressure (EP) rust and oxidation inhibited gear oil to
ensure maximum performance and minimum down time for repair.
Do not over fill. Excess oil will reduce operating efficiency and increase oil
Only use synthetic lubricant in reduction gear.
To ensure correct performance, highest efficiency and long life, it is essential that
lubricating oil be maintained at correct level. Rotate drum until fill plug is located at
top dead center then add oil up to level plug hole. Refer to Table 14 ‘Reduction Gear
and Disc Brake Capacities’ on page 10 for capacities.
nDisc Brake Assembly
Do not attempt to lubricate disc brake with grease. The breather plug on
top of the brake housing must not be used as a grease fitting.
Only use synthetic lubricant in disc brake.
Refer to Dwg. MHP1348 on page 12, A. Breather Plug; B. Drain Plug; C. Level Plug.
The friction plates and drive plates are in a self contained oil bath and have no other
means of lubrication. After an oil change or winch overhaul remove the breather
plug and pour a small amount of oil through breather hole in brake housing. Allow
oil to fully settle between fillings. Refer to Table 14 ‘Reduction Gear and Disc Brake
Capacities’ on page 10.
If too much oil is added excess oil will be discharged through breather plug
when control valve is actuated.
Table 14: Reduction Gear and Disc Brake Capacities
Reduction Gear Disc Brake
quarts litres ounces litres
FA2i-MR &
FA2i-MR-CE 1-1/2 1.4 4 to 6 0.2
nSeals and Bearings
If product is disassembled, clean all parts thoroughly and coat bearings and seals
with clean grease. Refer to ‘Recommended Lubricants’ section on page 10. Use
sufficient grease to provide a good protective coat. Lubricate grease fittings monthly
with 2 or 3 pumps of a grease gun.
nWire Rope
Follow the wire rope manufacturer’s instructions. At a minimum, observe the
following guidelines.
1. Clean with a brush or steam to remove dirt, rock dust or other foreign material
on the surface of the wire rope.
Do NOT use an acid-based solvent. Only use cleaning fluids specified by the
wire rope manufacturer.
2. Apply a wire rope lubricant.
3. Brush, drip or spray lubricant weekly, or more frequently, depending on severity
of service.
10 Form MHD56437 Edition 7
(Dwg. MHP0133)
(Dwg. MHP2686)
View: Facing Air Motor
Wire Rope
Wire Rope
1-1/4 inch
With lever at neutral
position, fold down
to prevent accidental
winch operation.
(Dwg. MHP0447)
Air Out
Air In
(Dwg. MHP0191)
(Dwg. MHP2688)
Man Rider
No Man Rider
(Dwg. MHP3034)
Form MHD56437 Edition 7 11
(Dwg. MHP2398)
Push In
Turn in a counterclockwise
direction to reset
Emergency Stop.
(Dwg. MHP2557)
Twist Red Button to Reset
(Dwg. MHP2558)
(Dwg. MHP1348)
Stop” Button
(Dwg. MHP1892)
12 Form MHD56437 Edition 7
Level Plug
Fill Plug
Drain Plug
(Dwg. MHP0222)
Form MHD56437 Edition 7 13
Fill Plug
Reduction Gear
Level Plug
(Dwg. MHP0140)
Rotate handle
to use
in normal
Main Air
(Dwg. MHP3143)
14 Form MHD56437 Edition 7
Company: Ingersoll Rand Address: 529, Avenue Roger Salengro, 59450 Sin Le Noble, France
Identification of Machinery: Man Riding Winch Type: Air Function: Dual Purpose, Utility and Man Rider winch
Generic Denomination: Force 5 Infinity
Model: FA2i-MR-CE Serial Number Range: A023737 and up
(CS) Model: / Rozsah výrobních čísel: (DA) Model: / Serienummerområde: (DE) Modell: / Seriennummernbereich: (EL) Μοντέλο: / Κλίμακα σειριακών αριθμών: (ES) Modelo: /
Números de serie: (FI) Malli: / Sarjanumeroalue: (FR) Modèle: / Gamme de numéros de série: (HU) Modell: / Gyártási szám-tartomány: (IT) Modello: / Gamma delle
matricole: (LT) Modelis: / Sçrijas numuru diapazons: (LV) Modelis: / Serijos numeriø eilë: (NL) Model: / Serienummer: (NO) Modell: / Serienr: (PT) Modelo: / Gama de Nos
de Série: (PL) Model: / Zakres numerów serii: (SK) Model: / Rozsah výrobných čísiel: (SL) Model: / Območje serijskih številk: (SV) Modell: / Serienummer, mellan:
To which this declaration relates, is in compliance with provisions of Directive(s): 2006/42/EC (machinery), 2014/34/EU (ATEX)
(CS) Ke kterým se toto prohlášení vztahuje, odpovídají ustanovením směrnic: (DA) som denne erklæring vedrører, overholder bestemmelserne i følgende direktiv(er): (DE)
auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, der folgenden Richtlinie entspricht: (EL) στο οποίο αναφέρεται αυτή η δήλωση, πληροί τις διατάξεις της Οδηγίας: (ES) a los que se refiere la
presente declaración, cumplen con todo lo establecido en las directivas: (FI) johon tämä vakuutus viittaa, täyttää direktiiveissä: (FR) Objet de ce certificat, est conforme aux
prescriptions des Directives: (HU) Amelyekre ezen nyilatkozat vonatkozik, megfelelnek a következő irányelvek előírásainak: (IT) a cui si riferisce la presente dichiarazione è
conforme alle normative delle direttive: (LT) Kuriems taikoma ši deklaracija, atitinka šios direktyvos (-ų) nuostatas: (LV) Uz kuru šī deklarācija attiecas, atbilst direktīvas(u)
nosacījumiem: (NL) waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft overeenkomt met de bepalingen van directieven: (NO) som denne erklæringen gjelder for, oppfyller bestemmelsene
i direktivene: (PT) Ao qual se refere a presente declaração, está de acordo com as provisões da(s) Directiva(s): (PL) Którego dotyczy niniejsza deklaracja, jest zgodny z wymogami
dyrektyw: (SK) Na ktorý sa toto prehlásenie vzt’ahuje, je v súlade s ustanoveniami Smernice (Smerníc): (SL) Na katerega se ta izjava o skladnosti nanaša, v skladu z
določili smernic. (SV) Som detta intyg avser, överensstämmer med följande direktiv:
By using the following Principle Standards: ISO 12100:2010, EN 14492-1:2006+A1, EN 13463-1:2009 and EN 13463-5:2011
(CS) Použitím následujících zákonných norem: (DA) ved at være i overensstemmelse med følgende hovedstandard(er): (DE) Unter Anlehnung an die folgenden Grundnormen
entsprechen: (EL) Χρησιμοποιώντας ια παρακάτω κύρια πρότυπα: (ES) conforme a los siguientes estándares: (FI) esitetyt vaatimukset seuraavia perusnormeja käytettäessä:
(FR) En observant les normes de principe suivantes: (HU) A következő elvi szabványok alkalmazása mellett: (IT) Seguendo i principi standard indicati di seguito: (LT) Remiantis
šiais pagrindiniais standartais: (LV) Izmantojot šādus galvenos standartus: (NL) overeenkomstig de volgende hoofdstandaards: (NO) Ved å bruke følgende prinsipielle
standarder: (PT) observando as seguintes Normas Principais: (PL) Spełniając wymogi nastźpujących głównych norm: (SK) Pri dodržaní nasledovných noriem: (SL)
Uporabljeni osnovni standardi: (SV) Genom att använda följande principstandard:
Notified Body: Ramboll Norge AS ERIK BORRESENS ALLE 7 3015
Drammen Norway Certificate Number: 150-13-1131084 rev. 1
Date: February, 2016 Location: Kent, WA USA
(CS) Datum: Únor, 2016 (DA) Dato: Februar, 2016 (DE) Datum: Februar, 2016 (EL) Ηµεροµηνία: Φεβρουάριος, 2016 (ES) Fecha: Febrero, 2016 (FI) Päiväys: Helmikuu, 2016
(FR) Date: Février, 2016 (HU) Dátum: Február, 2016 (IT) Data: Febbraio, 2016 (LT) Datums: Vasaris, 2016 (LV) Datums: Februāris , 2016 (NO) Dato: Februar, 2016 (NL)
Datum: Februari, 2016 (SV) Datum: Februari, 2016 (PT) Data: Fevereiro, 2016 (PL) Data: luty, 2016 (SK) Dátum: Február, 2016 (SL) Datum: februar, 2016.
Approved By: Secondary:
Anthony Jones
Global Engineering Leader
Material Handling
20017 72nd Avenue South
Kent, WA 98032 USA
Alexis Flipo
Product Engineering Manager
Material Handling
Douai, France
Form MHD56437 Edition 7 15