Sonus faber S.p.A. con sede e stabilimento in Via Antonio Meucci,
10 - 36057 Arcugnano (VI), Italy dichiara sotto la propria e unica
responsabilità che il DIFFUSORE ACUSTICO PASSIVO in Vostro
possesso è stato progettato e fabbricato in conformità alla Direttiva
Europea 2004/108/CE inerente la “Compatibilità elettromagnetica” e
soddisfa le seguenti Normative Europee:
CEI EN 61000-6-1:2007 “Norme Generiche - Immunità per gli ambienti
residenziali, commerciali e dell’industria leggera”.
CEI EN 61000-6-3:2001 “Norme Generiche - Emissione per gli ambienti
residenziali, commerciali e dell’industria leggera”.
CEI EN 55020:2002 “Ricevitori radiofonici e televisivi e apparecchi
associati - Caratteristiche di immunità - Limiti e metodi di misura”.
CEI EN 55013:2001 “Ricevitori radiofonici e televisivi e apparecchi
associati - Caratteristiche di radiodisturbo - Limiti e metodi di misura”.
Inoltre, al fine di garantire una installazione ed un funzionamento nelle
massime condizioni di sicurezza, in accordo con quanto espressamente
richiesto dalla Direttiva 2001/95/CE relativa alla “Sicurezza generale
dei prodotti”, questo modello di diffusore acustico passivo è stato
sottoposto con esito positivo ai test applicabili della seguente Normativa
Europea: CEI EN 60065:2004 “Apparecchi audio, video ed apparati
elettronici similari – Requisiti di sicurezza”.
Si raccomanda al proposito di leggere con attenzione il libretto di
istruzione del prodotto, con particolare riferimento al paragrafo
contenente le raccomandazioni di sicurezza.
Dichiara altresì che tutti i propri prodotti, assimilabili alla categoria
AEE 4 “Apparecchiature di Consumo”, immessi nel mercato dal 1°
luglio 2006, sono conformi alla Direttiva Europea 2011/65/UE (RoHS)
sulla “Restrizione dell’Uso di determinate Sostanze Pericolose nelle
Apparecchiature Elettriche ed Elettroniche”. La presente informativa
non è applicabile ai componenti di ricambio dei propri prodotti immessi
nel mercato anteriormente alla suddetta data.
Sonus faber S.p.A. with headquarter and production in Via Antonio
Meucci, 10 - 36057 Arcugnano (VI), Italy declares under its sole
responsibility that the PASSIVE SPEAKER SYSTEM you have
purchased has been designed and manufactured in compliance with the
2004/108/EEC European Directive concerning the “Electromagnetic
compatibility” and satisfies the following European Standards:
EN 61000-6-1:2007 “Generic Standards - Immunity for residential,
commercial and light-industrial environments” .
EN 61000-6-3:2001 “Generic Standards – Emission standards for
residential, commercial and light-industrial environments”.
EN 55020:2002 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and
associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods
of measurement”.
EN 55013:2001 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and
associated equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and
methods of measurement”.
Furthermore, in order to guarantee maximum safety conditions in
installation and use, as expressly required by the 2001/95/EEC Directive
concerning “General product safety”, this passive speaker system has
been submitted with positive approval to the applicable tests of the
following European Standard: EN 60065:2004 “Audio, video and
similar electronic apparatus – Safety requirements”.
We strongly recommend you to carefully read the user manual,
with particular attention to the paragraph containing the safety
It also declares that, all of its products, belonging to the EEE category
4 “Consumer Equipment”, that have been put on the market starting
from July 1st, 2006, comply with the 2011/65/EU (RoHS) European
Directive on the “Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances
in electrical and electronic equipment”. This information is not
applicable to the spare parts of the products that were put on the market
before the specified date.
Sonus faber SpA, registered ofce in Via Antonio Meucci, 10 - 36057 Arcugnano (VI), Italy species under its sole responsibility that the PASSIVE SPEAKER SYSTEM
you have purchased has been designed and manufactured in compliance with the 2004/108/EEC European Directive concerning the “Electromagnetic compatibility” and
satises the following European Standards:
EN 61000-6-1:2007 “Generic Standards - Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments”.
EN 61000-6-3:2001 “Generic Standards - Emission standards for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments”.
EN 55020:2002 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement”.
EN 55013:2001 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limit and method of measurement”.
Furthermore, in order to guarantee the safest conditions for installation and use, this PASSIVE SPEAKER SYSTEM has been submitted to and passed the applicable tests of
the following North America Standards:
UL 60065 “Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus – Safety requirements”.
CSA 60065-03 + A1:2006 “Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus – Safety requirements”.
We strongly recommend you to carefully read the user manual, with particular attention to the paragraph containing the information relative to the correct and safe use.
It also species that, all of its products, belonging to the EEE category 4 “Consumer Equipment”, which have been put on the market starting from July 1st, 2006, comply with
the 2011/65/EU (RoHS) European Directive on the “Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment”. This information does not
concern the spare parts of the products that were put on the market before the specied date.
Sonus faber SpA, dont le siège social est sis au 10, Via Antonio Meucci – 36057 Arcugnano (VI), Italie déclare, sous sa seule responsabilité, que le ENCEINTE ACOUSTI-
QUE PASSIF que vous achetez a été conçu et fabriqué conformément à la directive européenne 2004/108/CE relative à la «compatibilité électromagnétique» et répond aux
normes européennes suivantes:
EN 61000-6-1:2007 «Normes Génériques – Immunité pour les environnements résidentiels, commerciaux et l’industrie légère».
EN 61000-6-3:2001 «Normes Génériques – Norme d’émission pour les environnements résidentiels, commerciaux et l’industrie légère».
EN 55020:2002 «Récepteurs de radiodiffusion et de télévision et équipements associés - Caractéristiques d’immunité - Limites et méthodes de mesure».
EN 55013:2001 «Récepteurs de radiodiff. et de télévision et équip. associés - Caractéristiques des perturbations radioélectriques - Limites et méthodes de mesure».
De plus, an de garantir les conditions les plus sécuritaires pour l’installation et l’utilisation, ce ENCEINTE ACOUSTIQUE PASSIVE a été soumis et a réussi les tests
applicables des normes nord-américaines suivantes:
UL 60065 «Appareils audio, vidéo et appareils électroniques similaires - Exigences de sécurité».
CSA 60065-03 + A1:2006 «Appareils audio, vidéo et appareils électroniques similaires - Exigences de sécurité».
Nous vous recommandons fortement de lire attentivement le manuel de l’utilisateur, en faisant particulièrement attention au paragraphe contenant les informations relatives à
l’utilisation correcte et sécuritaire de l’appareil.
Sonus Faber SpA spécie également que tous ses produits appartenant à la catégorie 4 de l’DEEE «Matériel grand public» qui ont été mis sur le marché à compter du 1er juil-
let 2006 sont conformes à la directive européenne 2011/65/UE (RoHS ou LSDEEE) sur la «limitation de l’utilisation de certaines substances dangereuses dans les équipements
électriques et électroniques». La présente déclaration ne concerne pas les pièces de rechange des produits qui ont été introduites sur le marché avant la date susmentionnée.