Part No.: 101406900 Rev. A 5
Chapter 1: Intended Use and Indications for Use
This chapter shows comparison and reproducibility studies for the HER2 marker.
Intended Use and Indications for Use
The Virtuoso system provides automated digital slide creation, management, analysis, and viewing. It is intended for in vitro
diagnostic use as an aid to the pathologist in the display, detection, counting, review and classification of tissues and cells of clinical
interest based on particular morphology, color, intensity, size, pattern and shape.
The IHC HER2 4B5 Digital Read and Image Analysis applications are intended for use as an aid to the pathologist in the detection
and semi-quantitative measurement of HER2 protein in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded normal and neoplastic tissue. HER2
results are indicated for use as an aid in the management, prognosis and prediction of therapy outcomes in breast cancer. When used
with Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. PATHWAY anti-HER2/neu (4B5) Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody, it is indicated for use
as an aid in the assessment of breast cancer patients for whom HERCEPTIN (Trastuzumab) treatment is being considered.
Note: The IHC HER2 4B5 Digital Read and Image Analysis applications are adjunctive computer-assisted methodologies for the
qualified pathologist in the acquisition and measurement of images from microscope glass slides of breast cancer specimens
stained for the presence of HER-2/neu receptor protein. The pathologist should verify agreement with the Image Analysis
software application score. The accuracy of the test results depends on the quality of the immunohistochemical staining. It is
the responsibility of a qualified pathologist to employ appropriate morphological studies and controls as specified in the
instructions for the anti-HER-2/neu (4B5) Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody assay used to assure the validity of the iScan
System for IHC HER2 Digital Read and Image Analysis scores. The actual correlation of anti-HER-2/neu (4B5) to clinical outcome
has not been established.
Summary and Explanation
The Virtuoso system for HER2 4B5 is an instrument and software system designed to assist the qualified pathologist in the
consistent quantitative assessment of protein expression in immunohistochemically (IHC) stained histologic sections from
formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) normal and neoplastic tissues. The Virtuoso system can be used for review of digitized
images of histologic sections with image analysis algorithms (Companion Algorithm Virtuoso image analysis applications), or
without Companion Algorithm image analysis algorithms (Virtuoso Digital Read applications).
Digital Read applications present images on the computer screen in the same manner as one would see with a manual microscope,
inclusive of the pathologist's ability to select any areas of interest and the option of various magnification levels. For the Companion
Algorithm Virtuoso image analysis applications, the pathologist may use the system software to select and outline one or several field
of views, (FOVs), and each FOV may be viewed at various magnifications and then analyzed by the software (analysis at 20x
magnification); a count of the total number of target cells and the number interpreted by the algorithm as positive and negative is
generated. The HER2 algorithm analysis also reports the HER2 score (0, 1+, 2+ or 3+) for a particular FOV, or an aggregate score
for all selected FOVs for that slide. The pathologist can accept the score provided by the algorithm, or may override the score with
a different score. The system requires competent human intervention at all steps in the analysis process, and the software makes no
independent interpretations of the data.
The Virtuoso system consists of a slide scanner, computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, Companion Algorithm image analysis
algorithms, and software with a user interface. Virtuoso is an end-to-end digital pathology software solution that allows pathology
laboratories to acquire, manage, view, analyze, share, and report on digital images of pathology specimens. Using the Virtuoso
software, the pathologist can view digital images at various magnifications (as previously stated), add annotations, make tissue section
measurements, perform image analysis, and generate reports.
For in vitro diagnostic (IVD) use.