Telindus 1121 Manuale utente

  • Ho letto il manuale utente per il router ADSL Telindus 1120/1121 e sono pronto a rispondere alle tue domande sul dispositivo. In particolare, copre la configurazione hardware, l'installazione del software e le varie impostazioni di rete, sia di base che avanzate. Se hai domande sull'installazione, sulle impostazioni o sulle funzionalità, non esitare a chiedere.
  • Quali interfacce sono supportate dal router ADSL Telindus 1120/1121?
    Come posso configurare il router ADSL?
    Cosa devo fare se il LED WAN LINK non lampeggia?
Telindus Technical Publications - Geldenaaksebaan 335 - B-3001 Leuven Belgium - Tel. +32 16 382011
1120/1121 ADSL Router
Version 6.0
Copyright Notice
User’s Guide II
iii User’s Guide
Copyright and Statements Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router
Copyright Notice
The information and descriptions contained in this publication are the property of Telindus.
Such information and descriptions must not be copied or reproduced by any means, or
disseminated or distributed without the express prior written permission of Telindus.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, for which
Telindus never can or shall be held liable. Changes are made periodically to the
information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this publication.
Telindus may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) described in this
publication at any time, without prior notice.
Safety Warnings
Always observe standard safety precautions during installation, operation and maintenance of this
product. Only qualified and authorized service personnel should carry out adjustment, maintenance
or repairs to this instrument. Either the operator or the user should perform no adjustment,
maintenance or repairs.
The interfaces on the Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL ROUTER should only be connected to
circuit types as listed below:
Carefully read the safety instructions in paragraph 2.2 –Hardware Installation-.
Your Feedback
Your satisfaction about this purchase is an extremely important priority to all of us at
Telindus. Accordingly, all electronic, functional and cosmetic aspects of this new unit have
been carefully and thoroughly tested and inspected. If any fault is found with this unit or
should you have any other quality-related comment concerning this delivery, please
submit the Quality Comment Form on our web page
Interface Connector Circuit
Line Interface RJ-11 TNV-1
LAN Interface RJ-45 SELV
Version 6.0 May, 2002
Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router Copyright and Statements
User’s Guide iv
Conformity Statements
-> Products -> Choose a product -> Download certificates
Hereby, TELINDUS declares that this Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router is in compliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Bij deze, verklaart TELINDUS dat deze Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router in
overeenstemming is met de essentiële vereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van
Richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
Par la présente, TELINDUS déclare que ce Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router est en
conformité avec les exigences essentielles et autres articles applicables de la Directive
Hiermit, TELINDUS erklärt daß dieser Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router ist in
Fügsamkeit mit den wesentlichen Anforderungen und anderen relevanten
Bereitstellungen von Direktive 1999/5/EC.
Mediante la presente, TELINDUS declara que el Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router
cumple con los requisitos esenciales y las demás prescripciones relevantes de la
Directiva 1999/5/CE.
A TELINDUS declara que o Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router cumpre os principais
requisitos e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/EC.
Col presente, TELINDUS dichiara che questo Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router è in
acquiescenza coi requisiti essenziali e stipulazioni attinenti ed altre di Direttivo 1999/5/
Με το παρόν, η TELINDUS δηλώνει ότι αυτό το TELINDUS 1120/1121 ADSL ROUTER είναι
συµµορφούµενο µε τις βασικές απαιτήσεις και µε τις υπόλοιπες σχετικές διατάξεις της οδηγίας
vUser’s Guide
Copyright and Statements Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router
Safety Instructions
Unplug the unit from the wall power outlet before installing, adjusting or servicing.
Vor sämtlichen Arbeiten am Gerät (Installation, Einstellungen, Reparaturen etc.) sollten
Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose ziehen.
To avoid damage to the equipment, please observe all procedures described in this
Um eine Beschädigung des Gerätes zu verhindern, beachten Sie bitte unbedingt die
Sicherheitsbestimmungen, die in diesem Abschnitt beschrieben werden.
Ensure that the unit and its connected equipment all use the same AC power and ground,
to reduce noise interference and possible safety hazards caused by differences in ground
or earth potentials.
Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router Copyright and Statements
User’s Guide vi
Rough handling during shipping causes most early failures. Before installation, check the
shipping carton for signs of damage:
If the carton box is damaged, please place a claim with the carrier company
If the carton box is undamaged, do not dispose of it in case you need to store
the unit or ship it in the future.
Selecting a Site
Always place the unit on its feet without blocking the air vents.
Do not stack multiple units directly onto each other, as stacking can cause heat build-up
that could damage the equipment.
Stellen Sie das Gerät niemals seitlich, sondern nur auf den Füßen auf und achten Sie
darauf, daß die Lüftungsschlitze an der Seitenverkleidung frei bleiben.
Stapeln Sie nicht mehrere Geräte direkt übereinander, dies kann zu einem Hitzestau
Table of Contents
User’s Guide vii
1. Before You Begin
1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 9
1.2 Package Includes ................................................................................. 9
1.3 Minimum System Requirements .......................................................... 9
2. Hardware Installation
2.1 Diagram of the Telindus 1120/1121 .....................................................11
2.2 Hardware Installation ......................................................................... 12
2.3 Setup Instructions .............................................................................. 12
2.4 Connect to the Ethernet ..................................................................... 13
2.5 Connect to the DSL Interface ............................................................. 14
2.6 Connect to Power .............................................................................. 14
3. Software Installation
3.1 TCP/IP Installation ............................................................................. 15
4. Configuration
4.1 Configuration Using Web GUI ............................................................ 21
4.2 Basic Configuration - SETUP ............................................................. 22
4.3 Basic Configuration - PVCs ............................................................... 23
4.4 Basic Configuration - LAN .................................................................. 25
4.5 Basic Configuration - STATUS ........................................................... 27
4.6 Basic Configuration - DIAGNOSTIC .................................................. 28
4.7 Advanced Configuration - PORT MAPPING ...................................... 29
4.8 Advanced Configuration - IP ROUTING ............................................ 31
4.9 Advanced Configuration - IP FILTERING .......................................... 32
4.10 Advanced Configuration - BRIDGE FILTERING ................................ 34
4.11 Advanced Configuration - UPGRADE ................................................ 35
5. Troubleshooting
5.1 No SYNC/WAN Link LED Flashing .................................................... 37
5.2 Cannot Detect the ADSL Router ........................................................ 37
5.3 DSL Service Seems Slow .................................................................. 37
viii Users Guide
Table of Contents
APPENDIX A - Glossary
APPENDIX B - Reference
B.1 FCC Statement .................................................................................. 41
B.2 FCC Part 68 Requirements ................................................................ 42
User’s Guide 9
Before You Begin 1
This Chapter Includes:
1.1 Introduction........................................................9
1.2 Package Includes................................................9
1.3 Minimum System Requirements .......................9
1.1 Introduction
The Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router is the ultimate solution for any office or home
searching for ultra-fast access to the Internet and remote networks over ADSL. ADSL
Router is a stand-alone device with true plug-and-play capability. It works with any
computer using an Ethernet port.
The purpose of this guide is to help you ease through the installation process by
providing simple step-by-step instructions in setting up your ADSL Router. Please
read this guide carefully before you start installing the unit.
1.2 Package Includes
Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router (x 1)
AC to AC Power adapter (x 1)
CD-ROM (x 1) includes:
User’s Guide in PDF format
RJ-11 to RJ-11 ADSL phone cable (x 1)
RJ-45 to RJ-45 straight-through Ethernet cable (x 1)
1.3 Minimum System Requirements
ADSL line
Microsoft Windows 98 or later version
166 MHz Pentium or equivalent processor
16 MB RAM or more
170 MB available free hard disk space before installation
28.8k or faster modem (optional for dial-up access)
Available 10BaseT Ethernet or USB port on the main computer
CD-ROM Drive
Before You Begin
10 User’s Guide
User’s Guide 11
Installation 2
This Chapter Includes:
2.1 Diagram of the Telindus 1120/1121.................11
2.2 Hardware Installation.......................................12
2.3 Setup Instructions ............................................12
2.4 Connect to the Ethernet....................................13
2.5 Connect to the DSL Interface ..........................14
2.6 Connect to Power.............................................14
2.1 Diagram of the Telindus 1120/1121
Front Panel Interfaces
Figure 2.1 Telindus 1120 ADSL Router
Figure 2.2 Telindus 1121 ADSL Router
PWR -- Power
A green PWR LED is ON when power is supplied to the NDS.
DIAG -- Diagnostic
The yellow DIAG LED indicates that the ADSL Router is in a self-diagnostic mode
during boot-up. Once the ADSL Router boots up successfully, the DIAG LED stops
flashing and remains off. If there is a software malfunction or a problem with the ADSL
Router, the DIAG LED will remain on.
LAN LINK -- Local Area Network (Ethernet)
The green LAN LINK LED displays the 10BaseT Ethernet connection between ADSL
Router and your Ethernet network. The green LED is on and remains solid if there is a
valid link.
LAN ACT (Activity) -- Local Area Network (Ethernet)
A flashing yellow LED indicates Ethernet data activity between the PC and the ADSL
Router. The LED flashes when there is data activity on this port.
WAN LINK -- Wide Area Network Link
The green WAN LINK LED displays the 10BaseT Ethernet connection between the
ADSL Router and the remote DSL network. The WAN LED is on and remains solid if
there is a valid link.
WAN ACT (Activity) -- Wide Area Network Activity
A flashing yellow WAN ACT LED indicates data activity between the remote DSL
network and the ADSL Router unit. The LED flashes when there is data activity on this
Hardware Installation
12 User’s Guide
Back Panel Interface
Figure 2.3 Back Panel Interface
The ADSL interface connects the ADSL Router to an ADSL line.
The power interface connects to the power adapter.
The Ethernet interface connects the ADSL Router to a 10BaseT network.
2.2 Hardware Installation
CAUTION!!! Turn off all electronic devices, including your personal computer, before
you begin to connect and disconnect cables.
Personal Safety
In case of emergency, locate the closest electricity power-off switch.
Refrain from touching any active wires or terminals.
Remove jewelry before working on equipment connected to electricity.
Keep cables away from walkways.
Dispose this product in accordance with national laws and regulations.
Product Handling
Keep ventilation slots clear.
Operate in a clean and dust-free location.
Cables must be attached to the correct interfaces; to do otherwise may result in
damaging the ADSL Router or produce hazardous voltage.
Do not operate or store the product in an environment that surpasses
temperature or humidity specifications.
2.3 Setup Instructions
Choose a location for the Router close to a power outlet and a nearby telephone
outlet. In addition, select a convenient location that does not experience too
much foot traffic and is away from sunlight.
The optimum spot to place the Router is on a level surface – such as a desktop,
shelf, or table.
Place the Router on the predetermined surface, so you can see the back panel
for accessible cable connection.
Hardware Installation
User’s Guide 13
2.4 Connect to the Ethernet
Step 1. Locate your Ethernet cable (included).
Step 2. Attach the Ethernet cable to the ETHERNET port of your Router.
Step 3. Plug in the loose end of the Ethernet cable to your Ethernet network
You have 3 options to connect to the Ethernet depending on your network
Option 1. Connecting to a single PC: Attach the included straight-through
Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on a PC.
Figure 2.4 Connecting to an Ethernet Port on a PC
Option 2. Connecting to a network hub with uplink port available: Attach the
included straight-through Ethernet cable to the uplink port on a hub.
Figure 2.5 Connecting to an Uplink Port on a Network Hub
Option 3. Connecting to a network hub with non-uplink port available: If the uplink port
is unavailable, then you can use a crossover Ethernet cable (Not included)
and attach it to the non-uplink ports on a hub.
Figure 2.6 Connecting to a Non-Uplink Port on a Network Hub
Step 4. Once the Router is powered on, the LAN LINK LED on the front panel should lit
green to indicate a valid Ethernet connection. If the LAN LINK LED is not lit,
repeat steps 1 through 3 above.
Hardware Installation
14 User’s Guide
2.5 Connect to the DSL Interface
Step 1. Plug the RJ-11 connector end of the telephone cable (included) in the DSL port
of the Router (RJ-11 to RJ-11).
Step 2. Connect the RJ-11 connector end of the telephone cable to the DSL outlet on
the wall.
Figure 2.7 Connecting to the DSL Interface
Step 3. The WAN LINK LED on the front panel should lit green to indicate a valid WAN
connection. If the WAN LINK LED is not lit, repeat steps 1 and 2 above.
2.6 Connect to Power
Step 1. Plug the power adapter in the POWER port of the Router.
Step 2. Insert the other end of the power adapter to the power outlet on the wall.
Figure 2.8 Connecting the Power Supply
Step 3. Once the Router is powered on, the PWR LED on the front panel should lit
green to indicate a valid power connection. If the PWR LED is not lit, turn off
your Router and repeat steps 1 through 3 above.
User’s Guide 15
Installation 3
This Chapter Includes:
3.1 TCP/IP Installation ..........................................15
3.1 TCP/IP Installation
You must install a network protocol on each workstation on your LAN so they can
communicate with the Telindus 1120/1121 ADSL Router. The ADSL Router requires
the TCP/IP network protocol. The TCP/IP Properties window in Windows® 95/98/
2000/NT/Me/XP connects the workstation’s Ethernet information to the network’s
protocol data. Make sure that each PC on your LAN has TCP/IP available.
Your TCP/IP configuration is solely based on your ISP’s setup. The following
information should be provided by your ISP or company server:
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Gateway IP Address
NOTE: The ADSL Router is configured with a default IP address of and
subnet mask of
Detecting TCP/IP in Windows® 95/98/Me
Step 1. Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
Step 2. Double-click on Network.
Step 3. Click the Configuration tab.
A. If you see TCP/IP listed under Network
Components, you already have TCP/IP on
your Windows 95/98/Me. Proceed to the
section titled “Configuring TCP/IP in
Windows® 95/98/Me.”
B. If you do not see TCP/IP listed under
Network Components, you do not have
TCP/IP on your Windows 95/98/Me.
Proceed to “Installing TCP/IP in Windows®
95/98/Me” in the next section.
Installing TCP/IP in Windows® 95/98/Me
Step 1. From the Configuration tab, click Add.
Step 2. Select Protocol and click Add.
Software Installation
16 User’s Guide
Step 3. Choose Microsoft -> TCP/IP click OK.
Step 4. Check to see if TCP/IP is listed under
Network Components.
A. If you do not see TCP/IP listed under
Network Components, you have not
installed TCP/IP. Repeat steps 1 - 4.
B. If you see TCP/IP listed under
Network Components, you already
have TCP/IP on your Windows 95/
98/Me. Proceed to the section titled
Configuring TCP/IP in Windows®
Configuring TCP/IP in Windows® 95/98/Me
Step 1. From the Configuration tab, select TCP/IP -> XXXX Ethernet Adapters
(“XXXX” is the maker of your Ethernet card) listed under Network Components
and then click Properties.
Step 2. Select the IP Address tab.
You now have the option of using either dynamic or
static IP addressing.
To enable dynamic IP addressing:
Step 1. Click the radio button next to Obtain an IP
Address automatically.
OPTIONAL: Click the DNS Configuration tab and
select Disable DNS. If you previously entered any parameters, clear all pre-existing
Step 2. Select the Gateway tab.
Step 3. Click Remove to clear all pre-existing settings.
Step 4. Click OK to exit TCP/IP Properties window
and click OK to exit the Network window.
Step 5. If prompted to restart Windows 95/98/Me, click
Yes. If you are not prompted to restart
Windows 95/98/Me, do so manually.
* If specifically required by your ISP, you may need to enter DNS information.
Software Installation
User’s Guide 17
To enable static IP addressing:
Step 1. Click Specify an IP Address.
Step 2. Type the IP Address and Subnet Mask (for your PC).
Step 3. Click the Gateway tab.
Step 4. Type in your Gateway IP Address (the IP address for the ADSL Router) from
your ISP and then click Add.
Step 5. Click the DNS tab. Enter the Host and
Domain names, and DNS Service Search
Order (for your LAN) and click Add.
Step 6. Click OK to exit TCP/IP Properties window.
Step 7. Click OK to exit Network.
Step 8. If prompted to restart Windows 95/98/Me, click
Yes. If you are not prompted to restart
Windows 95/98/Me, please do so manually.
Detecting TCP/IP in Windows® NT
Step 1. Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
Step 2. Double-click on Network.
Step 3. Click the Protocols tab.
A. If you see TCP/IP listed under Network
Protocols, you already have TCP/IP on
your Windows NT. Proceed to the section
titled “Configuring TCP/IP in Windows®
B. If you do not see TCP/IP listed under
Network Protocols, you do not have TCP/
IP on your Windows NT. Proceed to the
next section, “Installing TCP/IP in
Windows® NT.”
Installing TCP/IP in Windows® NT
NOTE: Consult your Network Administrator if you do not have authorization to change
settings for your PC.
Step 1. From the Protocols tab click Add.
Step 2. Select TCP/IP Protocol and click OK.
Step 3. Check to verify TCP/IP Protocol is listed
under Network Protocols, then click OK.
A. If you do not see TCP/IP Protocol listed
under Network Protocols, you have not
installed TCP/IP. Repeat steps 1 - 3.
B. If you see TCP/IP Protocol listed under
Network Protocols, then you have
successfully installed TCP/IP. Proceed
to the section titled “Configuring TCP/IP in Windows® NT.”
Software Installation
18 User’s Guide
Configuring TCP/IP in Windows® NT
Step 1. From the Protocols tab, select TCP/IP Protocol and click Properties.
Step 2. Select the IP Address tab.
You now have the option of using either dynamic or static IP addressing.
To enable dynamic IP addressing:
Step 1. Click the radio button next to Obtain an IP
Address from DHCP Server.
OPTIONAL: Click the DNS tab and select Disable
DNS. If you previously entered any parameters, clear
all pre-existing settings.*
Step 2. Click OK to exit Network Properties window.
To enable static addressing:
Step 1. Click the radio button next to Specify an IP
Address and enter the IP Address and
Subnet Mask (for your PC).
Step 2. Click the DNS tab. Enter the Host and
Domain names, and DNS Service Search Order (for your LAN).
Step 3. Click OK to exit Network Properties window.
Configuring TCP/IP in Windows® 2000
Once you have successfully installed a network card onto your PC, Windows 2000/XP
will automatically install Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) by default. All you are left to do is to
configure it.
Step 1. Click on Start ->Settings -> Control Panel -> Network and Dial-up
Connections -> Local Area Connection.
Step 2. In the Local Area Connection Status window, click Properties.
Step 3. Under the General tab in the Local Area
Connection Properties window, highlight
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click
Step 4. From the General tab, select Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties.
* If specifically required by your ISP or remote server, you may need to enter DNS information.
Software Installation
User’s Guide 19
To enable dynamic IP addressing:
Step 1. Click the radio button next to Obtain an
IP Address automatically.
OPTIONAL: You can either click Obtain DNS
server address automatically or Use the
following DNS server addresses options. If you
choose the Use the following DNS server
addresses option, then you need to enter the
Preferred and Alternate DNS server IP
Step 2. Click OK to exit the Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties window.
To enable static IP addressing:
Step 1. Click Use the following IP Address
and enter the IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Default Gateway.
Step 2. Enter the Preferred and Alternate DNS
server IP addresses.
Step 3. Click OK to exit the Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties window.
Configuring TCP/IP in Windows XP
Step 1. Click Start -> Control Panel.
Step 2. In the Control Panel window, double-
click Network and Internet
Step 3. Double-click Network Connections.
Step 4. Double-click Local Area Connection.
Step 5. Under the Local Area Connection
Status window, click Properties.
Step 6. Under the General Local Area
Connection Properties window,
highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
and click Properties.
Software Installation
20 User’s Guide
To enable dynamic IP addressing:
Step 1. Click the radio button next to Obtain an
IP Address automatically.
OPTIONAL: You can either click Obtain DNS
server address automatically or Use the
following DNS server addresses options. If you
choose the Use the following DNS server
addresses option, then you need to enter the
Preferred and Alternate DNS server IP
Step 2. Click OK to exit the Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties window.
To enable static IP addressing:
Step 1. Click Use the following IP Address
and enter the IP Address, Subnet
Mask, and Default Gateway.
Step 2. Enter the Preferred and Alternate DNS
server IP addresses.
Step 3. Click OK to exit the Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties window.