Analog way Vertige Manuale utente

Manuale utente
Ref. VRC300
2.1 Safety instrucons
3.1 Overview
3.2 Color codes
4.1 Operaonal conguraon
1.1 What is the Verge™
1.2 Useful terms and denions
2.2 Environmental specicaons
2.4 Unpacking and inspecon
2.3 Hardware specicaons
2.5 The Verge™ rear panel
2.1.1 English
2.1.2 French
2.1.3 Italian
2.1.4 German
2.1.5 Spanish
4.1.1 System conguraon
4.1.2 User selecon
4.1.3 Show selecon
4.1.4 Iteraon selecon
4.1.5 Iteraon wizard
4.1.6 Assembly conguraon
4.1.7 Screen conguraon
4.1.8 Monitoring conguraon
4.1.9 Source conguraon
4.1.10 Stream image conguraon
4.1.11 Preset page
By reading this manual you will be able to obtain the most from your powerful Verge™ and its many features.
5.2 Source selecon
5.2.1 Making live switching directly to Program
5.2.2 Switching between plugs on the device inputs
5.3 Preset selecon
5.4 Control selecon
5.5 Edit selecon
5.6 Transion secon
5.7 Control transion secon
7.1 Warranty condions
7.2 Repair and return instrucons
7.3 Return condions
5.3.1 How to save a preset
5.3.2 How to load a preset
5.1 Layer selecon and source switching
5.1.1 Selecng layers from the touchscreen
5.1.2 Selecng layers from the layer selecon buons
5.1.3 Selecng layers on Program vs Preview
5.1.4 Using the layer selecon modier keys
1. Introducon
Verge™ is a revoluonary Remote Controller integrang new ways to create and manage large events
and mul-venues. The Verge™ brings a simple and exible approach to show creaon and management.
Verge™ can control several screens and devices such as Ascender 48, Ascender 32, SmartMatriX Ultra
or NeXtage 16 systems, independently or simultaneously in any kind of combinaon, including So Edge
Blending. Verge™also supports linked LiveCore™ devices (addive modularity) and LiveCore™ Expansion
SHOW: a “show” is a complete set up for an event containing several devices, screens, sources and presets.
ITERATION: an “iteraon” is a version of a show. Iteraons can be used to create backups or variants of a
show. On a broader level, iteraons allow rening your setup step by step.
ASSEMBLY: an Assembly” or a “Device Assembly” handles one or several idencal devices that can operate
on the same screens.
SCREEN: A “Screen” is a desnaon where a picture will be displayed. For example, it could be a single display
or a projecon surface, which can be composed of one or several outputs. Each screen might use one or
several layers.
PRESET: a “Preset” on the Verge™, is a capture of a state of the scene (one or more screens). Preset allows
storing the layout of the elements and their sources for a specic step of the event.
LAYER: a “Layer” is an image display element (such as a Background, a PIP, or a Logo) that has an associated
visual priority — either in front of another layer or behind.
PIP: a “PIPrefers to Picture-in-Picture. It is a layer, typically not full size, which displays a stream on top
of another layer. PIPs can be reduced, enlarged, bordered and shadowed. They can overlap one another,
depending on their visual priority.
STREAM: a “Stream” can be Live (signal from an input plug) or Sll (frame/logo) and allows you to display
content with various sengs (aspect rao, brightness, crop…) in a layer.
SOURCE: a “source” allows the user to assign a Verge™ panel key to a stream (per screen).
FRAME: a “Frame” is an image, usually used to ll a background, which is selected from the sll Frame library.
It can also be loaded to a LiveCore™ device using the Web RCS.
LOGO: a “Logo” is a small image, usually used to display company logo or labels, which is selected from the
sll Logo library. It can also be loaded to a LiveCore™ device using the Web RCS.
SOFT EDGE: So Edge blending technology is used to compensate overlapping video projectors which display
content on a single Screen. The resulng image will appear as though it were a single unied picture.
HARD EDGE: Hard Edge technology is used to display connuous content using several outputs without any
overlap. The outputs are “side by side”, they don’t overlap or share pixel informaon. (Opposed to So Edge
where some parts of the image are sent simultaneously to several displays.)
1.1 What is the Verge
1.2 Useful terms and denions
2.1.1 English
All of the safety and operang instrucons should be read before the product is operated and should
be maintained for further reference. Please follow all of the warnings on this product and its operang
WARNING: To prevent the risk of electric shock and re, do not expose this device to rain, humidity or
intense heat sources (such as heaters and direct sunlight). Slots and openings in the device are provided for
venlaon and to avoid overheang. Make sure the device is never placed near a texle surface that could
block the openings. Also keep away from excessive dust, vibraons and shocks.
POWER: Only use the power supply indicated on the device of the power source. Devices equipped with
a grounding plug should only be used with a grounding type outlet. In no way should this grounding be
modied, avoided or suppressed. Connecon of equipment to main supply must be aer branch circuit
breaker of the building installaon.
POWER CORD: The device is equipped with 2 detachable power cords, to remove mains, disconnect them
at appliance coupler.
Cauon: The power cords constute the only mean to completely disconnect the equipment from the main
power. To make sure the device is not supplied, these two cords must be unplugged from the mains
Use the following guidelines:
- The equipment connected to the network must have a release system easily accessible and located
outside the unit.
- Unplug both power cords; do not pull on the power cords but always on the plug itself.
- The outlets should always be near the device and easily accessible.
- Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items
placed on or against them.
If one of the power supply cords is damaged, unplug the device. Using the device with a damaged power
supply cord may expose your device to electric shocks or other hazards. Verify the condion of the power
supply cords periodically. Contact your dealer or service center for replacement if damaged.
CONNECTIONS: All inputs and outputs (except for the power input) are Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV)
circuits as dened in UL/IEC 60950-1.
SERVICING: Do not aempt to service this product yourself by opening or removing covers and screws
since it may expose your device to electric shocks or other hazards. Refer all problems to qualied service
OPENINGS: Never push objects of any kind into this product through the openings. If liquids have been
spilled or objects have fallen into the device, unplug it immediately and have it checked by a qualied
2.1 Safety instrucons
2.1.1 English
2.1.2 French
An de mieux comprendre le fonconnement de cet appareil nous vous conseillons de bien lire toutes les
consignes de sécurité et de fonconnement avant ulisaon. Conservez les instrucons de sécurité et de
fonconnement an de pouvoir les consulter ultérieurement. Respectez toutes les consignes marquées dans la
documentaon, sur le produit et sur ce document.
ATTENTION : An de prévenir tout risque de choc électrique et d’incendie, ne pas exposer cet appareil à la
pluie, à l’humidité ou à des sources de chaleur intense.
INSTALLATION : Veillez à assurer une circulaon d’air susante pour éviter toute surchaue à l’intérieur de
l’appareil. Ne placez pas l’appareil sur ou à proximité d’une surface texle suscepble d’obstruer les orices de
venlaon. N’installez pas l’appareil à proximité de sources de chaleur comme un radiateur ou une poche d’air
chaud, ni dans un endroit exposé au rayonnement solaire direct, à des poussières excessives, à des vibraons
ou à des chocs mécaniques. Ceci pourrait provoquer un mauvais fonconnement et un accident.
ALIMENTATION : Ne faire fonconner l’appareil qu’avec la source d’alimentaon indiquée sur l’appareil.
Les appareils doivent être obligatoirement connectés sur une source équipée d’une mise à la terre ecace.
En aucun cas cee liaison de terre ne devra être modiée, contournée ou supprimée. Raccordement des
équipements à l’alimentaon principale doit être postérieur au disjoncteur de branchement de l’installaon
électrique du bâment.
CORDON D’ALIMENTATION : Les appareils sont équipés de 2 cordons d’alimentaon détachable, la mise
hors tension se fait en débranchant ces cordons de l’appareil.
Aenon : Les appareils sont équipés de 2 cordons d’alimentaon détachable, la mise hors tension se fait en
débranchant ces cordons de l’appareil.
Appliquer les consignes suivantes :
- Le matériel relié à demeure au réseau, doit avoir un disposif de seconnement facilement accessible
qui doit être incorporé à l’extérieur de l’appareil.
- Débrancher les 2 cordons d’alimentaon de la prise murale si vous prévoyez de ne pas uliser l’appareil
pendant quelques jours ou plus.
- Pour débrancher les cordons, rez-les par la che. Ne rez jamais sur les cordons proprement dit.
- Les prises d’alimentaon doivent se trouver à proximité de l’appareil et être aisément accessibles.
- Ne laissez pas tomber les cordons d’alimentaon et ne posez pas d’objets lourds dessus.
Si un des 2 cordons d’alimentaon est endommagé, débranchez-le immédiatement de la prise murale. Il est
dangereux de faire fonconner un appareil avec un cordon endommagé ; un câble abîmé peut provoquer
un risque d’incendie ou un choc électrique. Vériez les câbles d’alimentaon de temps en temps. Contactez
votre revendeur ou le service après-vente pour un remplacement.
CONNEXIONS : Toutes les entrées et sores (exceptée l’entrée d’alimentaon) sont des circuits de très
basse tension de sécurité (TBTS) tels que dénis dans UL / IEC 60950-1.
RÉPARATION ET MAINTENANCE : L’ulisateur ne doit en aucun cas essayer de procéder aux opéraons de
dépannage, car l’ouverture des appareils par retrait des capots ou de toutes autres pièces constuant les
boîers ainsi que le dévissage des vis apparentes à l’extérieur, risquent d’exposer l’ulisateur à des chocs
électriques ou autres dangers. Contactez le service après-vente, votre revendeur ou adressez-vous à un
personnel qualié uniquement.
OUVERTURES ET ORIFICES : Les appareils peuvent comporter des ouvertures (aéraon, fentes, etc...),
veuillez ne jamais y introduire d’objets et ne jamais obstruer ses ouvertures. Si un liquide ou un objet
pénètre à l’intérieur de l’appareil, débranchez immédiatement l’appareil et faites-le contrôler par un
personnel qualié avant de le remere en service.
2.1.2 French
2.1.3 Italian
Allo scopo di capire meglio il funzionamento di questa apparecchiatura vi consigliamo di leggere bene
tu i consigli di sicurezza e di funzionamento prima dell’ulizzo. Conservare le istruzioni di sicurezza e di
funzionamento al ne di poterle consultare ulteriormente. Seguire tu i consigli indica su questo manuale
e sull’apparecchiatura.
ATTENZIONE: Al ne di prevenire qualsiasi rischio di shock elerico e d’incendio, non esporre l’apparecchiatura
a pioggia, umidità e a sorgen di eccessivo calore.
INSTALLAZIONE: Assicuratevi che vi sia una suciente circolazione d’aria per evitare qualsiasi
surriscaldamento all’interno dell’apparecchiatura. Non collocare l’apparecchiatura in prossimità o su
superci tessili suscebili di ostruire il funzionamento della venlazione. Non installate l’apparecchiatura
in prossimità di sorgen di calore come un radiatore o una fuoruscita d’aria calda, né in un posto esposto
direamente ai raggi del sole, a polvere eccessiva, a vibrazioni o a shock meccanici. Ció potrebbe provocare
un erroneo funzionamento e un incidente.
ALIMENTAZIONE: Far funzionare l’apparecchiatura solo con la sorgente d’alimentazione indicata
sull’apparecchiatura. Le apparecchiature queste devono essere obbligatoriamente collegate su una sorgente
fornita di una eciente messa a terra. In nessun caso questo collegamento potrà essere modicato, sostuito
o eliminato. Connessione delle apparecchiature alla rete elerica deve essere successiva interruore di
circuito dell’impianto dell’edicio.
CAVO DI ALIMENTAZIONE: Il disposivo è dotato di due cavi di alimentazione removibile, per rimuovere le
alimentazioni scollegare i cavi dalla Presa.
Aenzione: i cavi di alimentazione sono l’unico di disconneere l’apparecchio all’alimentazione. Per assicurarsi
che l’apparecchio e totalmente scollegato, i cavi devono essere disconessi della presa murale.
Seguire le instruzioni seguen:
- Il materiale collegato a residenza alla rete, deve avere un disposivo di sezionamento facile da
raggiungere e che deve essere inserito all’esterno del apparecchio.
- Scollegare l’apparecchiatura dalla presa a muro se si prevede di non ulizzarla per qualche giorno.
- Per disconneere il cavo, rare facendo forza sul conneore.
- La prese d’alimentazione deve trovarsi a prossimità dell’apparecchiatura ed essere facilmente
- Non far cadere il cavo di alimentazione appoggiarci sopra degli ogge pesan. Se il cavo di
alimentazione é danneggiato, spegnere immediatamente l’apparecchiatura.
E’ pericoloso far funzionare questa apparecchiatura con cavi di alimentazione danneggia, cavi graa
possono provocare un rischio di incendio o uno shock elerico. Vericare spesso i cavi di alimentazione.
Contaare il vostro rivenditore o il servizio assistenza per una sostuzione.
CONNESSIONE: Tu gli ingressi e le uscite (tranne che per la potenza in ingresso) sono bassissima tensione
di sicurezza (SELV) circui deni UL / IEC 60950-1.
RIPARAZIONI E ASSISTENZA: L’ulizzatore non deve in nessun caso cercare di riparare l’apparecchiatura,
poiché con l’apertura del coperchio metallico o di qualsiasi altro pezzo costuente la scatola metallica,
nonché svitare le vi che appaiono esteriormente, poiché ció puó provocare all’ulizzatore un rischio di
shock elerico o altri rischi.
APERTURE DI VENTILAZIONE: Le apparecchiature possono comportare delle aperture di venlazione, si
prega di non introdurre mai ogge o ostruire le sue fessure. Se un liquido o un oggeo penetra all’interno
dell’apparecchiatura, disconneerla e farla controllare da personale qualicato prima di rimeerla in
2.1.3 Italian
2.1.4 German
Um den Betrieb dieses Geräts zu verstehen, raten wir Ihnen vor der Inbetriebnahme alle Sicherheits und
Betriebsanweisungen genau zu lesen. Diese Sicherheits- und Betriebsanweisungen für einen späteren Gebrauch
sicher auewahren. Alle in den Unterlagen, an dem Gerät und hier angegebenen Sicherheitsanweisungen
ACHTUNG: um jegliches Risiko eines Stromschlags oder Feuers zu vermeiden, das Gerät nicht Regen,
Feuchgkeit oder intensiven Wärmequellen aussetzen.
EINBAU: Eine ausreichende Luzufuhr sicherstellen, um jegliche Überhitzung im Gerät zu vermeiden. Das
Gerät nicht auf und in Nähe von Texloberächen, die Belüungsönungen verschließen können, aufstellen.
Das Gerät nicht in Nähe von Wärmequellen, wie z.B. Heizkörper oder Warmlukappe, aufstellen und es
nicht dem direkten Sonnenlicht, übermäßigem Staub, Vibraonen oder mechanischen Stößen aussetzen.
Dies kann zu Betriebsstörungen und Unfällen führen.
STROMVERSORGUNG: Das Gerät nur mit der auf dem Gerät bezeichnete Stromquelle betreiben. Gerät mit
geerdeter Hauptstromversorgung muss an eine Stromquelle mit ezienter Erdung angeschlossen werden.
Diese Erdung darf auf keinen Fall geändert, umgangen oder enernt werden. Anschluss von Geräten ans
Stromnetz muss nach Abzweigschalter des Gebäudes Installaon.
NETZKABEL: Das Gerät ist mit einem lösbaren Netzkabel ausgestaet ; um es völlig vom Netz zu trennen,
ziehen Sie bie das Netzkabel aus der Kaltgerätebuchse.
Achtung: Das Netzkabel stellt die einzige Möglichkeit dar, das Gerät vollständig vom Netzanschluss zu trennen.
Um sicherzustellen, dass das Gerät nicht mehr versorgt wird, muss dieses Kabel aus der Netzsteckdose
ausgesteckt werden.
Bie beachten Sie die folgenden Hinweise:
- Wenn Geräte dauerha am Netz bleiben, müssen sie über eine leicht zugängliche Trennvorrichtung
verfügen, die außen am Gerät angebracht sein muss.
- Das Kabel miels des Steckers herausziehen. Niemals am Stromkabel selbst ziehen.
- Die Steckdose muss sich in der Nähe des Geräts benden und leicht zugänglich sein.
- Das Stromkabel nicht fallen lassen und keine schweren Gegenstände darauf stellen.
Wenn eines der beiden Stromkabel beschädigt ist, das Gerät sofort abschalten. Es ist gefährlich, das Gerät mit
einem beschädigten Stromkabel zu betreiben; ein abgenutztes Kabel kann zu einem Feuer oder Stromschlag
führen. Die Stromkabel regelmäßig untersuchen. Für Ersatz wenden Sie sich an Ihren Verkäufer oder eine
ANSCHLÜSSE: Alle Eingänge und Ausgänge (mit Ausnahme der Stromversorgung) sind Safety Extra Low
Voltage (SELV) Schaltungen wie in UL / IEC 60950-1 deniert.
REPARATUR UND WARTUNG: Der Benutzer darf keinesfalls versuchen das Gerät selbst zu reparieren, die
Önung des Geräts durch Abnahme der Abdeckhaube oder jeglichen anderen Teils des Gehäusessowie die
Enernung von außen sichT-baren Schrauben zu Stromschlägen oder anderen Gefahren für den Benutzer
führen kann. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Verkäufer, Ihre Kundendienststelle oder an qualizierte Fachkräe.
ÖFFNUNGEN UND MUNDUNGEN: Die Geräte können über Önungen verfügen (Belüung, Schlitze, usw.).
Niemals Gegenstände in die Önungen einführen oder die Önungen verschließen. Wenn eine Flüssigkeit
oder ein Gegenstand in das Gerät gelangt, den Stecker herausziehen und es vor einer neuen Inbetriebnahme
von qualiziertem Fachpersonal überprüfen lassen.
2.1.4 German
2.1.5 Spanish
Para comprender mejor el funcionamiento de este aparato, le recomendamos que le acuidadosamente todas
las consignas de seguridad y de funcionamiento del aparato antes de usarlo. Conserve las instrucciones de
seguridad y de funcionamiento para que pueda consultarlas posteriormente. Respete todas las consignas
indicadas en la documentación, relacionadas con el producto y este documento.
CUIDADO: Para prevenir cualquier riesgo de choque eléctrico y de incendio, no exponga este aparato a la
lluvia, a la humedad ni a fuentes de calorintensas.
INSTALACIÓN: Cerciórese de que haya una circulación de aire suciente para evitar cualquier
sobrecalentamiento al interior del aparato. No coloque el aparato cerca ni sobre una supercie texl que
pudiera obstruir los oricios de venlación. No instale el aparato cerca de fuentes de calor como radiador o
boca de aire caliente, ni en un lugar expuesto a los rayos solares directos o al polvo excesivo, a las vibraciones
o a los choques mecánicos. Esto podría provocar su mal funcionamiento o un accidente.
ALIMENTACIÓN: Ponga a funcionar el aparato únicamente con la fuente de alimentación que se indica en
el aparato. Los aparatos deben estar conectados obligatoriamente a una fuente equipada con una puesta
a erra ecaz. Por ningún movo este enlace de erra deberá ser modicado, cambiado o suprimido.
Conexión del equipo a la red eléctrica debe ser posterior del interruptor de circuitos derivados de la
instalación del edicio.
CABLE DE CORRIENTE: El equipo se suministra con 2 cables de alimentación, si desconectamos los cables
dejamos al equipo sin alimentación.
Atención: Los cables de alimentación constuyen el único medio de desconectar el aparato totalmente de la
red eléctrica. Para estar seguro de que el aparato no está más alimentado, estos dos cables deben
estar desconectados de la toma de corriente.
Aplicar las siguientes consignas:
- El material conectado a residencia a la red informáca, debe de tener un disposivo de seccionamiento
fácilmente accesible que debe de ser incorporado al exterior del aparato.
- Desconectar el aparato del enchufe mural si no piensa ulizarlo durante varios días.
- Para desconectar los cables, re de la clavija. No re nunca de los cables propiamente dichos.
- El enchufes de alimentación debe estar cerca del aparato y ser de fácil acceso.
- No deje caer los cables de alimentación ni coloque objetos pesados encima de ellos.
Si uno de dos cables de alimentación sufriera algún daño, ponga el aparato inmediatamente fuera de tensión.
Es peligroso hacer funcionar este aparato con un cable averiado, ya que un cable dañado puede provocar un
incendio o un choque eléctrico. Verique el estado los cables de alimentación de vez en cuando. Póngase en
contacto con su distribuidor o con el servicio de posventa si necesita cambiarlo.
CONEXIONES: Todas las entradas y salidas (a excepción de la entrada de alimentación) son de tensión extra
baja de seguridad (SELV) circuitos denidos en UL / IEC 60950-1.
REPARACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO: Por ningún movo, el usuario deberá tratar de efectuar operaciones
de reparación, ya que si abre los aparatos rerando el capó o cualquier otra pieza que forma parte de las
cajas o si destornilla los tornillos aparentes exteriores, existe el riesgo de producirse una explosión,choques
eléctricos o cualquier otro incidente. Contacte el servicio de posventa, a su distribuidor o dirigirse con
personal cualicado únicamente.
ABERTURAS Y ORIFICIOS: Los aparatos pueden contener aberturas (aireación, ranuras, etc.). Nointroduzca
allí ningún objeto ni obstruya nunca estas aberturas. Si un líquido o un objeto penetra al interior del aparato,
desconéctelo y hágalo revisar por personal cualicado antes de ponerlo nuevamente en servicio.
2.1.5 Spanish
2.2 Environmental specicaons
• Cooling air ows from front side to rear.
• Max ambient operang temperature: < 40°C (< 104°F).
• Operang temperature: 0 to +40°C / +32°F to +104°F
• Storage temperature: -40 to +70°C / -40°F to +158°F
• Operang humidity: 10 to 80% (non condensing)
• Input voltage range: 100-240 VAC autosensing, 50/60 Hz
• Typical consumpon: 225 W
• IEC 60950-1:2005 (2nd Edion); Am 1:2009
EN 60950-1:2006 + A1:2010 + A11:2009 + A12:2011, CSA C22.2; Naonal Dierences specied in the CB
Test Report
• ETL listed (Canada & US)
• IEC 61000-3-2 (2009)
• IEC 61000-3-3 (2008)
• CISPR22 (2008)
• CISPR24 (2010)
• FCC Part15 of 2012
• IECS-003 of August 2012
• RoHS
ETS 300 019-2-2: Environmental condions and environmental tests for telecommunicaons equipment ;
Part 2-2 : specicaon of environmental tests ; Transportaon ; Specicaon T 2.3: Public transportaon
ETS 300 019-2-3: Environmental condions and environmental tests for telecommunicaons equipment ;
Part 2-3 : specicaon of environmental tests ; Staonary use at weather protected locaons ; Specicaon
T 3.1 and T 3.1 E: Temperature-controlled locaons
2.2 Environmental specicaons
If your device should lose power unexpectedly, you may lose any unsaved sengs.
2.5 The Verge™ rear panel
2.3 Hardware specicaons
2.4 Unpacking and inspecon
W 740 x D 510 x H 200 mm
W 29.2” x D 20.0” x H 7.9”
15 kg / 33 lbs
Shipping Weight:
20 kg / 44 lbs
Electrical Requirements:
Required Voltage: 100-240 VAC
Required Amperage: 2.5A between the two power supplies
• 1 x Verge™ (VRC300) remote controller
• 2 x Power supply cords
• 1 x User manual (PDF version)*
• 1 x Quick start guide*
* The User manual and the Quick start guide are available on
2.5 The Verge™ rear panel
1 3
1. Power Supply: Dual, redundant power supply with fuse as standard equipment.
2. On/O buon: Switch on/o the device.
3. Connecon Panel: Ethernet LAN adapters to control devices.
IMPORTANT: Audio, RS232 and HDMI connectors are reserved for Factory use only.
3.1 Overview
3.1 Overview
1- Touch screen
2- Preset secon
3- Layer secon
4- Source secon
5- Control secon
The touch screen 15’’6 Wide displays comfortably on the same page the representaon of the Program &
Preview of a typical scene (Blend + 2 satellites). It is important to have the whole scene represented to work
on mulple layers from dierent screens at the same me (change of source of background, for example). It
is useful to have both states Program/Preview shown at the same me as the LiveCore™ series allows you to
change one or the other at any me (even during an eect).
This secon allows the user to save/load its scene
presets (10 direct access presets and a page
mechanism to organize them).
This secon enables the operator to select a set of
layers which belong to dierent screens in order
to edit them simultaneously. Various criteria are
used to perform advanced combinaons. It will be
possible to save those combinaons for later use.
This secon allows assigning sources to the selected
layers in Program or Preview. Twelve contextual
buons display the name of sources. The page
mechanism allows beneng from numerous
sources in associaon with the management of
plugs for the LiveCore™ series.
This secon enables the operator
to select which preset to work with,
and have direct access to basic
funcons applied to all selected
layers (Clear, Unify ...).
3.2 Color codes
7- Transion secon
8- Control Transion
6- Edit secon
This secon enables the operator to use the T-Bar
for transions. Sliders can be used like T-Bar (Eects)
or like Faders (Alpha). They are motorized in order
to see the current state of the selecon.
This secon allows giving a specic role to the sliders:
- In FX mode, they allow to individually mix each screen
- In Alpha mode, where dierent layers of dierent screens can be assigned to a slider, they will allow to
control the layer opacity (transparency).
The Verge™ buons were designed with a handy color code to guide users, avoid mistakes, and give
a constant status of the device. Thus, all Verge buons have two or three dierent states (and colors),
depending on their funcon and their current state.
All standard buons mapped to an available funcon/slot light up GREEN.
All contextual buons mapped to an available funcon/slot light up BLUE.
Any of these buons turns YELLOW when the funcon/slot is selected/lled.
If one of these buons blinks YELLOW, it means the funcon/slot is waing for a conrmaon (a second
consecuve press).
All double sized buons like PROGRAM or PREVIEW are either OFF or lighten up in RED to indicate the
current mode.
TAKE CUT & TAKE buons are always RED and will BLINK when there is a Take in progress.
This secon allows the operator to edit the selected
layers in three dierent ways: roughly by the
joysck, nely by coders or directly by numpad. The
block containing the numpad is contextual and also
provides access to pages of shortcuts, tools, layer
presets (posion, size, border, eect …).
3.2 Color codes
IMPORTANT: The front panel is available as soon as an iteraon is loaded. The front panel is
dedicated to presets and transions and the touch screen state will never interfere with it.
4.1.1 System conguraon
4.1.1 System conguraon
4.1 Operaonal conguraon
When the Verge™ starts up, the Home page is automacally displayed. Press the START buon, then
press the Verge™ SETTINGS buon in the upper-right corner.
The Verge™ Sengs page allows you to congure the IP address of the Verge™ and update it via a USB
• Conguring the network:
In the top bar, select the Network Editor
tab. Select the Ethernet port used by the
Verge™ on your network then enter
the corresponding IP address, subnet
mask and gateway. When ready, press
the Apply buon.
• Updang the rmware:
In the top bar, select the Firmware
Updater tab. The upper area displays the
current rmware version. Make sure the
USB ash drive you are using contains
an up-to-date version of the Verge™
rmware. Plug this USB ash drive into
one of the Verge™ USB connectors.
Wait for the device to appear in the
Storage list then select it to display the
rmware updaters available. Select the
desired update from the list then press
the Update buon to start updang the
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the USB ash drive or turn o the power while updang.
4.1.3 Show selecon
The User Selecon page allows you to login and manage user accounts:
• Creang a new user account:
In the le menu, select the CREATE
opon. Enter the users name. If this
user account needs to be password-
protected then enter the corresponding
password in the Password and Conrm
Password elds. When ready, press the
Create buon. You can also press the
Create & Login buon to create the user
account and log in automacally.
• Logging in:
In the le menu, select the LOGIN opon
then select an exisng user account. If
this user account is password-protected,
enter the corresponding password.
When ready press the Login buon to
log in and display the Show Selecon
Note: There are two predened user
accounts available: Admin and
Guest. As a Guest account user,
you can’t create any show; you are
only allowed to load shows that have been shared by other users (read only). As an Admin account
user, you can only manage user accounts (reset passwords, delete user accounts…)
4.1.3 Show selecon
The Show Selecon page allows you to
manage shows for the currently logged-
in user:
• Creang a new show:
In the le menu, select the CREATE
opon then enter the name of the show.
Check the Share box if you intend to
share this show with any other users
(read only). When ready, press the
Create buon. You can also press the
Create & Load buon to create the show
and load it automacally.
4.1.2 User selecon
IMPORTANT: the password for the Admin account is “Password”.
4.1.4 Iteraon selecon
• Loading a show:
In the lemenu, select the LOAD opon.
Select the show you want to load and
then press the Load buon to load this
show and display the Iteraon Selecon
• Deleng a show:
In the le menu, select the DELETE
opon. Select the show you want to
delete and then press the Delete buon
to permanently erase this show.
4.1.4 Iteraon selecon
The Iteraon Selecon page allows you to manage iteraons for the current show. Each show can have many
Iteraons, each represenng a branch or restore point of your conguraon.
For example, if you re-use a le from a previous show, you may wish to create a new iteraon as clone of the
previous one, and work within the new Iteraon. This would allow you to make new updates and changes to
the show, but sll allow you to use your previous version if necessary.
• Creang a new iteraon:
In the le menu, select the CREATE
opon then enter a descripon for this
iteraon. When ready, press the Create
buon. You can also press the Create &
Load buon to create the iteraon and
load it automacally.
• Copying an iteraon:
In the le menu, select the COPY opon.
Select the iteraon you want to duplicate
in the From eld. You can oponally
enter a descripon for this iteraon.
When ready, press the Copy buon. You can also press the Copy & Load buon to copy the iteraon and load
it automacally.
• Deleng an iteraon:
In the le menu, select the DELETE opon. Select the iteraon you want to delete and then press the Delete
This acon cannot be undone.
Note: Creang a show will automacally create a default iteraon.
This acon cannot be undone.
4.1.5 Iteraon Wizard
• Loading an iteraon:
In the lemenu, select the LOAD opon.
Select the iteraon you want to load and
then press the Load buon to load this
iteraon and begin working on your
• Exporng an iteraon to a USB key:
In the le menu, select TRANSFER then
select the EXPORT opon. Select the
iteraon you want to export then plug a
USB ash drive into one of the Verge™
USB connectors. Wait for the device to
appear in the Storage list, then select it and press the Export buon to start exporng this iteraon.
• Imporng an iteraon from a USB key:
In the le menu, select TRANSFER then select the IMPORT opon. Plug a USB ash drive into one of the
Verge™ USB connectors. Wait for the device to appear in the Storage list, then select it to display the
iteraons available. Select the iteraon you want to import then press the Import buon to start imporng
it into the current show (as a new iteraon index).
4.1.5 Iteraon Wizard
The Iteraon Wizard page is the rst step
you should go through once you have
loaded an empty iteraon. It allows you
to setup one device in just a few quick
Wizard Step 1:
In the Device Type eld, select the type
of device you want to control. Select a
quanty for this kind of devices then
adjust each device IP address to match
your network conguraon. Press the
Next buon to connue.
Wizard Step 2:
Select the total number of screens wired
to your devices. Rename each screen
if necessary. If some of the screens
will be used for a blend, adjust their
size accordingly. When ready, press
the Create buon to start creang
automacally the assembly as well as
the related devices, screens, streams,
sources and front panel key bindings
(with predened default values). Once
completed, the Wizard returns to the
rst page and the above area is updated
to reect the latest changes and the
newly created screens.
If your event requires seng up more
devices and screens, use the wizard as
many mes as necessary. Aer using the
wizard, you may have to adjust some
default sengs in the assemblies, screens
or sources: Select the ASSEMBLY tab in
the top bar then select an assembly that
has just been created by the Wizard (it
should be named Assembly #X” where
X is the index of the assembly). In the le
menu, select CONFIGURE then select
the INPUT opon and press the Auto Set
All buon to set up automacally all the
Select the STREAM opon to display the streams automacally created for this assembly. Make sure each
‘Live’ stream matches the correct input plug. Then you can go to the Preset page and start assigning sources
to the screen layers (see the “Operang the Verge” secon).
4.1.6 Assembly conguraon
The Assembly page allows you to manage device assemblies.
• Creang a new assembly:
Select the CREATE opon in the lemenu and then enter the name of the assembly. Select the type of device
that will be handled by this assembly then press the Create buon to create an empty assembly.
• Conguring assembly devices:
In the le menu, select CONFIGURE
then select the DEVICE opon. Select
the assembly for which you want to
congure the devices. To add a new
device into the assembly, select the
communicaon protocol, adjust the LAN
sengs to match the device you are
trying to connect to, and press the Add
The Verge™ will automacally try to
connect to the device. Once the device
is successfully connected, the icon next
to the device will turn green.
To edit exisng device properes, select a device in the list and adjust the desired properes. When done,
press the Apply buon to save your changes. To delete a device, simply select the corresponding item in the
list and press the Remove buon.
4.1.6 Assembly conguraon
• Conguring internal rate:
In the le menu, select the RATE opon
then select the assembly for which you
want to congure the rate. Here you
have to dene the global internal rate
of the devices which will be the rate of
your Program output(s). This rate can be
- Internally from the devices:
Select the Internal opon then
select the desired internal rate
(25Hz, 50 Hz, 60Hz …).
- By choosing to follow one of the
inputs: Select the Follow opon
then in the Reference list, select the input from where the output rate will be copied and adjust the
other follow sengs if necessary.
- By choosing to follow a dedicated framelock input: Select the Framelock opon and adjust the other
framelock sengs if necessary.
4.1.6 Assembly conguraon
• Conguring the device outputs:
In the le menu, select the CONFIGURE /
OUTPUT opon then select the assembly
for which you want to congure the
outputs: Select one of the physical
outputs in the list then adjust the
sengs accordingly (HDCP protecon,
Gamma, signal type…).
Conguring the device monitoring
In the le menu, select the CONFIGURE
/ MONITORING opon then select the
assembly for which you want to congure
the monitoring outputs: Select one of
the physical monitoring outputs in the
list then adjust the sengs accordingly
(Rate, Format, HDCP protecon, Gamma,
signal type…).
Conguring the rate to follow an input will lock the output frame rate to match the selected
source. This is useful to eliminate the strobing eect” which may be visible as an arfact of
the framelocking process. However, be sure that your reference input is a reliable source, as
any disrupons in the reference signal may cause visible glitches on your output, even if the
selected reference input is not currently being displayed.
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